Year 18, Episode 30

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Year 18, Episode 30
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Original Release Date: Monday 2 December 2024 Description: Dean traveled to D.C. and Virginia. Phil traveled to New Orleans, Mississippi and Memphis. Therefore, this seemed like the perfect week for...
mostra másDescription: Dean traveled to D.C. and Virginia. Phil traveled to New Orleans, Mississippi and Memphis. Therefore, this seemed like the perfect week for a pre-recorded Top Ten show! As this is the 10th year of Netflix original movies, your friends in podcasting spend the entire hour discussing their all-time favorite Netflix films. Ordinarily, Dean and Phil have some overlap between their lists. This time, they have no favorite films in common! Butter the popcorn and keep those Netflix queues handy because your are bound to learn about some movies you didn’t know about, or pay attention to, when they were released!
Autor | The Federation |
Organización | The Federation |
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