Year 18, Episode 32

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Year 18, Episode 32
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Original Release Date: Monday 16 December 2024 Description: Are Dean and Phil filled with the spirit of the holiday season? This week, we will all find out! They certainly are...
mostra másDescription: Are Dean and Phil filled with the spirit of the holiday season? This week, we will all find out! They certainly are immersed in the spirit of the Hollywood Awards Season and they discuss the top ten films according to critics, and delve into the top films and performances according to the Golden Globes. They do deep dive analyses of two films - one current award hopeful, and one all-time classic from a true giant of cinema. Then, in the return of "Celebrity Deaths", a world-famous mentalist, and a big-screen comedy hit-maker get remembered.
Autor | The Federation |
Organización | The Federation |
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