Year 18, Episode 33

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Year 18, Episode 33
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Original Release Date: Monday 23 December 2024 Description: Because of Dean's peculiar living conditions at present, because of Phil's adventures this week in the nation's capital, and because of a...
mostra másDescription: Because of Dean's peculiar living conditions at present, because of Phil's adventures this week in the nation's capital, and because of a message from a loyal listener (about plein air painting, about microphones, about Bing Crosby, about the body horror comedy/thriller The Substance), this week's show will be full of fascinating, inspiring and hilarious conversation. The show will also include one of the saddest "Celebrity Deaths" Dean and Phil have ever discussed AND one of the most mind-blowing biographies of any celebrity they have ever remembered.
Autor | The Federation |
Organización | The Federation |
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