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2022/03 Mar-Apr Sha'aban 1443H Sohbah

  • Look to the Puppeteer

    31 MAR. 2022 · Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem As we commemorate the 10th passing anniversary of our Beloved Naqshbandi Caliph of Southeast Asia, Tuanku Shaykh Raja Ashman Shahق, on the 30th of March, we celebrate his sheer tenacity for this Way and love for Allah Almighty. Shaykh Raja Ashmanق had the special gift of “seeing” Allah ﷻ in every situation and everyone. Though a royal prince and son to the late 34th Sultan of Perak, he emanated humility and never treated anyone differently. There was no caste-system in his heart and for that, he is known today by those who follow him, as Sultanul Qulub, the Sultan of Hearts. He worked selflessly to lay the foundations of the Naqshbandi Way and exhibited a heart that was only for Allahﷻ. “The Sultan (i.e. the Muslim ruler) is the shadow of Allah on earth, so whoever honours him (the Sultan), Allah will honor him, and whoever despises him, Allah will despise him.”- Hadeeth Ku Ashق, as he was fondly known, saw everyone as an extension of The Creator. Like a master puppeteer pulling on every puppet string, he radiated this teaching to his mureeds in Nusantara. This is the reality one must strive to achieve. As the puppets dance about and tell stories, so too are people attached to the Will of their Lord, who wrote their entire life story, from beginning to end. Our beloved Qutub of Nusantara showed us that Allah ﷻ loves unity and is One. Seeing Oneness in the Will of Allah ﷻ and not the will of creation, in any given situation, is to attain true peace and complete Taqwa, piety and fear of God. Wondrous is the affair of the believer for there is good for him in every matter and this is not the case with anyone except the believer. If he is happy, then he thanks Allah and thus there is good for him, and if he is harmed, then he shows patience and thus there is good for him. Hadith Sahih Muslim 2999 Hence, a believer has all to gain and nothing to lose in being patient in adversity and foremost in thankfulness to every Divine Favour. He is quick to forgive and to value, as his vision only sees The Puppet Master, Allah ﷻ , through any means of difficulty and goodness. For a sincere mureed, as Shaykh Rajaق was to Mawlana Shaykh Nazimق, the key to progress in attaining Taqwa is to follow whole-heartedly, the teachings of your Murshid, the one who holds the key to your heart. May we reach to see Allah’s Will in every situation, leave our egoistic will, and be raised with our beloved Mashaikhق in Safety, to attain the Love of Allah Almighty with theirق guidance.
    Escuchado 50m 49s
  • A Synopsis of Mawlana’s UK Sohbahs

    24 MAR. 2022 · Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem A brief compilation of 9 synopsises of Mawlana'sق Sohbahs given on hisق recent visit to the Britain. Light of Islam [link: https://t.me/NaqshbandiSingapore/1682] Islam is advice, to be with Allahﷻ, Allahﷻ is pleased with those with Himﷻ. In this Age of Ignorance, most follow shaitan, who promises poverty (if you give charity) and promotes obscenity. The misguided followers of Iblis find faults with pious people and even Sahabah; we must disagree with such evil ones and not be with them, lest we become like them and incur Allah'sﷻ Wrath. Allah is our Shelter [link: https://t.me/NaqshbandiSingapore/1683] Story of how Sayyidina Ibrahim took shelter with Allah ﷻ and was saved from Namrud's blazing fire. And how Namrud took shelter in his army and bunker, and suffered a crushing and humiliating defeat by an army of mosquitoes. Sayyidina Lot Alayhi Salam, when afraid, was advised to a shelter with Ruknin Shadeed, a strong shelter, which is Allahﷻ. Imitate Hisﷺ good behaviour [link: https://t.me/NaqshbandiSingapore/1684] Mawlanaق says that many people forget all the good done, just when they taste one badness from a person. This is one of the main reasons for divorce. Overlook people’s faults like our Prophet ﷺ used to do, and make excuses for them instead. Tariqah is Safety in Dunia and Akherat [link: https://t.me/NaqshbandiSingapore/1685] Once a good person dies, Angels move his physical body to Makkah, Madina or Shams. And if an evil one dies, his body is moved out of these Holy Lands very quickly. Mawlanaق shared a story from Ottoman times when a Munafiq's grave was moved to a Christian cemetery, whilst a secretly converted Christian was moved to a Muslim grave. The Everlasting Miracle of the Quran [link: https://t.me/NaqshbandiSingapore/1686] Everyone must read the Quran, do even a few pages a day, or simply open the Quran for barokah if you cannot read. Do not be tricked by shaitan to think it is hard to learn to read the Quran. Allah will make it easy, that is the miracle of the Quran, you can learn it in less than 3 months, and even as fast as a week. Allah only orders goodness [https://t.me/NaqshbandiSingapore/1687] So follow without question and no not try to change the laws to suit our desires. Obey Allah ﷻ, Rasulullah ﷺ and those in authority (as long as they do not incite you to disobey Allah ﷻ and his Rasul ﷺ) Don't cheat or be cheated [https://t.me/NaqshbandiSingapore/1691] We are surrounded by wolves who wish to cheat us of our dunia, and Akherat. Open your eyes and be careful. Consult and seek guidance. A Maqam until Qiyamat [https://t.me/NaqshbandiSingapore/1692] We can connect to Divine stations through the Maqams of pious people. Rabitah [https://t.me/NaqshbandiSingapore/1696] Rabitah means connection. Be connected 5 to 10 seconds daily, with your Sheikh. Keep his love and the need for his support and firm handhold in your heart. Do not force the matter and try to feel or see a connection. No need for that, as the door opens from within, not from our end. The intention to be connected is enough to be of support to you. Remember, although our aim in the top step, we need to climb the lower steps to get there. Hence the need for Rabitah. A sincere mureed must grasp onto the handhold of his Mursheed. The firm, guiding handhold that will lead one to upkeep every step, breath, thought and action into a course towards servanthood to Allah Most High. Be diligently taking some time, to read hisق daily Sohbahs, for your benefit, InSha’Allah. Remember, our Way is 'The Live-connection' to the Divine through Sohbah. "Tariqatunna Sohbah wa Khairu fil Jam'iyah", "Our Way is Association and there is Goodness in the Gatherings." May we be raised with our Shaykhق in Safety and reach to attain the Love of Allah Almighty with hisق guidance.
    Escuchado 52m 58s
  • Life is A Preparation for Death

    17 MAR. 2022 · Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem A man once asked the Prophetﷺ, "O Messenger of Allah, among which deeds are most beloved to Allah?" Heﷺ said, “That you die while your tongue is moist with the remembrance of Allah.” Sahih Ibn Ḥibbān 818 As we enliven the Holy Night of Nisfu Sha’aban, where our fate for the coming year is duly decreed and sealed, wise ones take special care to supplicate fervently seeking repentance from Allahﷻ, asking to be in the list of goodness, with long life, to prepare for an inevitable end to earthly existence, death. GrandShaykh Abdullah Faiz Ad-Daghestaniق said that, in life, one should not merely ask to be saved from the torments of Hell, it is an incomplete supplication. One must ask, “O Allah grant me Your Love, the Love of those who love you, and the right actions that will lead me to Your Love.” [Insert dua picture here] You praying for safety from Jahannam is not enough, you must pray for the love of Saintly Ones who have attained Allah’sﷻ Love and can Guide you to perform the deeds that will help you to also attain Hisﷻ Love, Mercy and Shelter. This life is but only a preparation for death. A short time, to gear up for an everlasting eternal journey ahead. All the sufferings coming through life, heartache and difficulties must turn the sincere seeker into a fountain of Love, as such one knows that tests and trials are means to attain a ‘Golden Heart’, Qalbun Saleem, free of every rancour and malice, cleansed to perfection, to become a vessel worthy only for The Almighty Most Divine. For this, a sincere mureed must grasp onto the handhold of his Mursheed. The firm, guiding handhold that will lead one to upkeep every step, breath, thought and action into a course towards servanthood to Allah Most High. Every prophet was sent to divert the love of dunya towards love for akhirah. Similarly, the inheritors of Prophetﷺ steer their mureeds to focus and prepare for a good everlasting Hereafter and not chase after a temporary life to be in eternal suffering. May we be wise ones, busy preparing for our inevitable death, to be raised with our Guideق in Safety and reach to attain the Love of Allah Almighty with hisق guidance.
    Escuchado 40m 32s
  • Sins Begin with Love For Dunya

    10 MAR. 2022 · Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem A man came to the Prophetﷺ and said, "O Messenger of Allah, guide me to such an action which, if I do Allah will love me and the people will also love me." Heﷺ said, "Have no desire for this world, Allah will love you; and have no desire for what people possess, and the people will love you." Sunan Ibn Majah, Hadith Hasan Mawlana Shaykh Nazimق said, “You pray, but in your heart is jealousy. You pray, and in your heart is love for this life. You pray, and in your heart is selfishness. Sixty bad qualities can be in your heart. If only one of them stays, it is sufficient to destroy your faith.” The root to all sin is the love for worldly life. Shaykh Bahauddin Adilق said in his recent Sohbah that the human eye is equally weighted to all the riches of this world. Everything within its scope of vision, is desirable and it wants to take possession, more and more, for as long as it is fixated upon this life, will it collect from it. Only at death, when earth has covered the human eye, will it begin to truly see the foolish chasing of an illusion. Holy Prophetﷺ said, “Whoever loves his worldly life will suffer in his Hereafter, and whoever loves his Hereafter will suffer in his worldly life. Thus, prefer what is everlasting over what does not last.” Sahih Ibn Ḥibbān 709 Every prophet was sent to divert the love of dunya towards love for akhirah. Hence, those in their graves are still looking at this worldly life, but only in regret, wishing to be returned to do more in charity and good deeds. For this, Mawlanaق is reminding hisق mureeds to shift their focus towards the everlasting Hereafter and not chase after a temporary life, only to be in eternal suffering. The ‘awakening’ and awareness of the gaze of our Guideق being upon us is in reality, the gaze of RasulAllahﷺ upon hisﷺ Ummah and ultimately, the Gaze of Allah Almighty upon Hisﷻ creation. Seeing with the eye of Truth will cause any believer to develop genuine fear for Allahﷻ. The All Seeing Eyes of Allahﷻ upon Hisﷻ servants must be enough to make a sincere one tremble in fear, to act or even think, in any way that may cause Hisﷻ displeasure. May Allahﷻ cause us to focus our vision on the everlasting life with Himﷻ, and may we be amongst those purified from sins, with the Guidance of our Shaykh.
    Escuchado 51m 45s
  • The War on Faith

    3 MAR. 2022 · Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem The Messenger of Allahﷺ said, “You will most certainly follow the ways of those who came before you, arm’s length by arm’s length, forearm’s length by forearm’s length, hand span by hand span, until even if they entered a hole of a mastigure (lizard) you will enter it too.” They (the Companions) said: “O Messenger of Allah, (do you mean) the Jews and the Christians?” Heﷺ said: “Who else?” Sunan Ibn Majah 3994 Today, mankind living in the worst period in history, the Second Period of Ignorance, has gone astray from God-Consciousness. In the hadith quoted above, Prophetﷺ said that this act of leaving the righteous ways and following evil ways, will be inevitable. Today, as we bear witness, it has come to be and therefore, in consequence, the punishment of Allah Most High, will also most inevitably arrive for this Ummah. The current unfolding of worldwide events is no less than a preordainment of Allah Almighty and should not come as a surprise to believers. The war that is rising amidst the so-called ‘highly civilised’ superpowers of the world might seem political, but in reality, the war waged is one solely on Faith. A war to lead all of mankind to destruction, at their very own hands. This war began when Iblils alayhi laqnat refused to bow to Sayyidina Adam Alayhi Salam, bowed to his ego and abandoned the Lord’s Will. From then on, satan vowed to take all the children of Adam Alayhi Salam with him into the pits of Divine Wrath for eternity. Insidiously and carefully planned, the enemy has relentlessly infiltrated and disassembled the major components of a faithful life. The polarisation of the faithful community began with the wrecking of roles in family units and propagating deviant teachings to reject any love and reverence for Holy Prophetﷺ with Wahabbism and Salafism. Hence, Mawlanaق said, believers, especially so mureeds in this Way, who seek to earn True Faith and a ‘golden-shining-heart’, Qalbun Saleem, must work to prepare themselves for the diabolical times prophesied by the Prophetﷺ. Those who have faith and have the purified intentions to be in Safety with Sahibul Zaman, Sayyidina Mahdi Alayhi Salam, must continue working, tirelessly, to establish and strengthen their heart connection with a Spiritual Guide. This training of the heart will ultimately lead one to be in true connection with Allahﷻ and only those in Divine Connection will be saved in the journey ahead, Insha’Allah. May Allahﷻ cause us to reach to the beautiful days of Paradise on Earth with Sayyidina Mahdi Alayhi Salam, and may we be amongst the prepared ones, with the Guidance of our Shaykh. . . There will be a series of Sohbah’s in the following weeks to elaborate more on the teachings and guidance Mawlana Shaykh Nazimق and Mawlana Shaykh Mehmetق have provided for us, in preparation for the difficulties ahead. So, do take time to listen to them for your benefit, InSha’Allah.
    Escuchado 1h 9m 36s

Audhu billahi min ash-shaitan ir-rajeem 🌹Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Raheem🌹 Prophet Sayyidina Muhammad (s) said in a sahih hadith, “ad-deenu naseeha” – “Religion is advice.” Religion is not a lecture for a...

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Audhu billahi min ash-shaitan ir-rajeem
🌹Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Raheem🌹

Prophet Sayyidina Muhammad (s) said in a sahih hadith, “ad-deenu naseeha” – “Religion is advice.” Religion is not a lecture for a scholar to give and go. It is advice, and advice doesn’t come except through experience. Advice cannot be theoretical.

Sayyidina Shah Naqshaband said, “tariqatuna as-suhbah wal-khayru fil-jam`iyya” – “Our tariqat is association, it is keeping company, sohbah, association, and the best of the gathering is in coming together.” Or it can be said, “Our way is guidance, and the best is in association.” Without association, without advice, there is no way to benefit.

🌹 KINDLY NOTE: The recordings in this podcast are initiated and personally documented by student attendees of Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Adil Ar Rabbani, the 41st Leader of the Nasqhbandi Aliyyah Sufi Order, in Singapore.
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