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AccountableLove Podcast

  • Lean Into Our Relationships For AccountableLove

    3 JUN. 2021 · Lean into our relationships for AccountableLove is a podcast all about leaning in when you're afraid. The LoveSnobs examine five reasons people tend to fear leaning into their relationships. The five ways are heartbreak, death, happiness, commitment, and Love.  We tend to close up when we are most vulnerable when it's time to open up more.   Heartbreak: We are still breathing, but we feel like we are dying. Heartbreak causes us to retreat in our minds and lose track of our hearts. The pain is so intense and actual. We start to question everyone in our life, but they are the people who should be supporting us. The pain is a sign we need to lean in, not close up. The LoveSnobs will give tips and encouragement regarding how to lean into our relationships during heartbreak.  Death:  When someone we Love passes away. Our heart leaves our chest, and we can't comprehend the loss in our minds. Either we are in a state depressive or denial state. Communication is the last thought. Yet, it is the healthiest course of action ( no matter how many people state the opposite.) Lean into your friends, spouse, and family.  Happiness: So many people avoid happiness because they connect it to boredom. We watch many shows where "happy people" are obnoxious. Therefore, when we feel any signs of joy. We default to drama. Our state of happiness isn't the end. It is the beginning. Lean into your satisfaction and try the maintain it over a lifetime.  Commitment: What is the goal in relationships? Is it to remain alone for a lifetime, jumping from one relationship to the next? or is it to find people to build a relationship. Commitment is the goal, not a prison. We have to start seeing calling people our friends and someone our spouse as the destination. Lean into our relationships! Settle down, unpack, and see your future. Love:  Love, the famous want but fear! We are scared to say it for two reasons; fear of pushing someone away or disappointing someone. Guess what? If Love is present, they will reciprocate the faith, and you would disappoint someone you Love (not intentional) So, what's the fear? Nothing! It is all in our heads. I Love you means we are both invested in making things work. Don't run! Walk forward! These five reasons are why The LoveSnobs believe most of us fear leaning in. This podcast gives some reason to lean into our relationships when you are going through heartbreak and death, experiencing happiness, working toward a commitment, and ready to honor Love.  So Lean into the Podcast and Listen, Learn, and Apply! By The LoveSnobs  
    Escuchado 1h 2m 42s
  • Are You An Accountable Parent?

    6 MAY. 2021 · Are You An Accountable Parent? As parents, we decided to have children without their vote. They don't choose to have life, but we expect them to be grateful we gave them life. As parents, we believe our children owe us for given birth to them. When it is the opposite, we owe them for allowing us to be parents.  Our children will ultimately show their gratitude when they become adults themselves when they acknowledge all that we put into their upbringing and are ready to have children themselves. And the cycle continues! Our gratitude will come solely from the adults our children become. How they forge relationships, and they become Accountable Adults and parent themselves. Isn't this the goal?  This podcast asks the question,  Are You An Accountable Parent?  To answer that question,  we must ask and answer six questions: * Do you have support?  Support is an accountable parent's best friend. Suppose we couldn't give ourselves a chance to breathe. We will unintentionally suffocate our children. Love Is A Group Journey and Raise Children Takes A Village! * Do You Acknowledge Your children's Strengths and Weaknesses? Never become blind to your children's strengths or weaknesses. See them in their entirety. Please get to know them fully to support them where they need support and encourage them where all they need is encouragement.  * Making Sure Your Child Has A Voice?  Children should be seen, and they need to be heard. As they develop, we must develop as parents. No more, Do it all for them. It becomes more of giving and take. Allow your children to become part of the process. * Are you and Your Children on the same page? We should encourage everyone to get on the same page. Not just our children but every adult who is in their lives. Our children must be getting the same message from multiply voices. Direction is the key to decision making.! * Do you understand the stage of development? It may be a cliche, but Knowledge is a superpower. Understanding each development benchmark makes you a superhero. They will assist you with making informed decisions when issues arise. Yes, people are different, but we all have similarities, which allows us to predict behavior. Arm yourself! * Are You Mindful of The Parent-Child Dynamic? What is the Parent-Child Dynamic? It is a relationship between a child and parent/s. The Parent-child relationship is an investment into our legacy and the framework of conceiving an accountable adult. It recognizes that we are an us, and we both enhance each other's quality of life.  So, Are You An Accountable Parent? If not, listen to this podcast and start working on becoming one.  Listen, Learn, and Apply! For Session by The LoveSnobs
    Escuchado 52m 22s
  • Let's Be Clear Here With Mahagony B

    15 ABR. 2021 · Let's be clear here with Mahagony B. The LoveSnobs are joined again by Mahagony B. of Mo' Art Entertainment. If you watched all four seasons of The AccountableLove Podcast, you know Mahagony because she appeared every season. So, it only fits she be the first guest on season four, "Let's Be Clear Here!" The LoveSnobs ask Mahagony on the podcast to discuss the importance of "being clear" in our relationships. They also discuss how that clarity starts with matching Core Values. They discuss parenting, friendships, and partnerships. Mahagony expresses the joys and disappointments in building these relationships. Mahagony's Relationships First, Mahagony shares her connection with her two adult daughters and how both daughters take different paths to build their core values. She was a young parent and wanted her children to have a strong foundation. While creating that foundation, she played the bad guy. She endured her children, calling her closed-minded, rigid, and unfair. As Adults, they now see the method to her madness. Next, The LoveSnobs and Mahagony discuss building friendships. She recently challenged herself to complete a week of silence. During her silence, she realized how much her friend depended on her voice. She also noticed how angry they got when she was at their beck and called, causing her to rethink her approach to picking friends. Last, They broached the topic of romantic partnerships. Mahagony stated she was stuck between meeting women who share her sense of humor or her core values. They never had both. She also discusses today's dating scene, being a hopeful romantic, and never losing hope in finding a romantic partner. Lets be clear here with Mahagony B isn't just one woman's relationship journey. It is one woman using her journey to encourage more people to build Accountable Relationships, hopefully. Join The Discussion Listen, Learn, and Apply By The LoveSnobs
    Escuchado 1h 3m 46s
  • We Expect People To Lie In Our Relationships

    8 ABR. 2021 · "We Expect People To Lie In Our Relationships!" The Lovesnobs (Aziz & Jerri) never make any statements without explaining. This Podcast will provide that explanation. Take a step back. How many people do we see justifying why they lie or are being lied to or avoiding relationships altogether because people lie? Too many!  We decided to discuss this topic because it's time to repair our expectations. People do lie, but the person you are starting relationships with has not lied to you. We shouldn't enter any connections creating the standard so low. Yes, high expectations mean the fall is more significant. Yet, we must believe we deserve the best.  The LoveSnobs always start at the top and work never to fall. We encourage everyone to join us. Accountable Relationships are all about peaks and spending a lifetime preventing the valleys. In this podcast, The LoveSnobs will answer four questions.  * Why Do We Expect Lies * Why Do We Accept Lies * Is Lying to Tool and our Intentions The Problem * How Can We Have More Honest Relationships Answering these four questions will help people be more mindful while encouraging our listens to be a part of genuine relationships.  So, enjoy the podcast, "We Expect People To Lie In Our Relationships!" Listen, Learn, and Apply Join The Discussion   By The LoveSnobs
    Escuchado 46m 54s
  • What Are Accountable Relationships?

    1 ABR. 2021 · What are Accountable Relationships? The LoveSnobs dedicated an entire podcast to explain what it means to be in accountable relationships. We enter relationships for stability. The change we want in our relationships is a lack of change. We like friends and spouses who are dependable. People we can close our eyes around and believe will put our connection in the best place to succeed. Accountable Relationships provide that certainty. How can we go wrong when we have people who are in their relationships to give their best?  In this podcast, The LoveSnobs examine five aspects of being in Accountable relationships.   * Define Your Core: The LoveSnobs ask people to identify at least four core values they will never change regardless of the company they keep.   * Meet people Who share Your Core Values: Once you identify your four core values. Meet people who share those core values to build the foundations of your relationships. * Do you have Common Goals: Discuss whether you have a common destination. We understand we may disagree on how to get there but are we trying to settle down in the same place.  *  Establish a Commitment: Once you define your core values, meet people who share those core values, and Discuss common goals. It is time to build the commitment. Establish a life plan together. Define what it means to be your friend or spouse. Plan for the future and start creating the future everyone agreed to develop. * Start Building the Life yall Agreed to Build: As mentioned in the previous bulletin point, start building toward the agreed-upon destination. Establish roles, organize the plan, and start acting on making it a reality.  Remember being in Accountable Relationships is surround by purpose. Purpose gives our lives meaning and allows us to be a part of something greater than ourselves. So, What Are Accountable Relationships? Listen to this podcast, and it will answer that question.  Join The Discussion. Listen, Learn, and Apply! by The LoveSnobs
    Escuchado 55m 41s
  • Identifying Who Has A Superiority Complex In Our Relationships

    25 MAR. 2021 · " Identifying who has a superiority complex in our relationships."  In this podcast, The LoveSnobs explains, "What it means to have a Superiority Complex in our relationships?" We illustrate why it is crucial to it as a problem. As well as determine if you, your spouse, or friends suffer from this infliction. We give examples from our lives, movies, life, etc. Each example will provide our listeners further clarity on the topic. As a result, they will start reflecting on themselves as well as their relationships. One example, The LoveSnobs reference is the movie "Something Borrowed." We illustrate how movies paint the antagonist as the outgoing, go-getter who gets what they want—in contrast, painting the protagonist as the silent, introverted pushover who hopes to have the courage to go after what they want in life. We ask our listeners/viewers, Who indeed has a Superiority Complex? The other points, The LoveSnobs, discuss are: * The damaging effect of a superiority complex on our relationships * Why it's essential to lead with principle over emotions * how not walking away is one of the biggest problems * and more So enjoy the podcast "Identifying who has a superiority complex in our relationships." and Listen, Learn, and Apply. By The LoveSnobs
    Escuchado 44m 52s
  • Welcome To Season Four Of The AccountableLove Podcast

    18 MAR. 2021 · Welcome to season four of The AccountableLove Podcast. Season three was all about "Being The Adult In The Room" and holding people accountable in their relationships. The theme of season four will be " Let's Be Clear Here." The LoveSnobs chose the title "Let's Be Clear Here" because our relationships would be chaotic without clarity. In season 4, we will challenge people to explain what they bring and receive from their relationships. Asking our guests to give us four core values they take everywhere they go. In Our Sessions, The LoveSnobs ask all their builders to identify their core values. Listening to podcasts will give the listeners insight into our sessions. Throughout season four, the LoveSnobs will also break down various topics: What are Accountable relationships, the importance of leaning into our relationships, and How Superiority Complexes Effect Relationships, to name a few. Giving further clarity to relationship topics people may have a hard time putting into words. In this particular discussion, The LoveSnobs welcome all our listeners back to season 4 of the AccountableLove Podcast. They also give them a taste of what's to come by clarifying the importance of transparency in relationships. So Join The Discussion and Listen, Learn, and Apply. The LoveSnobs    
    Escuchado 24m 26s
  • Explícito

    Christine with The LoveSnobs

    1 OCT. 2020 · Christine Joins the LoveSnobs to discuss being the adult in the room. As it's customary for every first-time guest, The LoveSnobs asked Christine, "What does AccountableLove mean to you?" Once she answered the question, which starts every deeper discussion. Christine opened up about present, past, pandemic relationships. She discussed having her heartbreak, feeling alone while social distancing, reevaluating friendship, and most of all, still embracing the joy in life. Christine is on the west coast and The Lovesnobs on the east. So we would like to thank her for getting up early to discuss accountable relationships.  Listen to "Christine Joins The LoveSnobs," and you will explore pieces of yourself in the process. Join The Discussion, have your own discussions, and see why Christine mentions eating dirty socks.
    Escuchado 56m 2s
  • Searching For Reasons To Stay

    24 SEP. 2020 · The LoveSnobs are at it again. This time they discuss why people are searching for reasons to stay in unhealthy relationships. We all have been there. Justifying "why to stay" when all the arrows point at all the reasons "we should leave." Well, the LoveSnobs challenge you to have better reasons for staying if you do not want to leave. We can't continue to stay in toxic relationships and call it "Love." Let's be honest with ourselves; it isn't Love. It's I, started building here, and I don't want to start over again. Think about it like this; if you are building while someone is tearing down, what have you built. Are you getting anywhere? The bricks are not amounting to a home. It remains a vacant lot full of bricks. Why are we searching for reasons to stay? When we can build with people who are building too.  Check out the AccountableLove Podcast as The LoveSnobs explain further. Join The Discussion.
    Escuchado 46m 9s
  • Standards Should Apply To All Our Relationships

    3 SEP. 2020 · Standards Should Apply To All Our Relationships; this is the topic The LoveSnobs discuss in their recent podcast. The word "standards" scares so many people away. People equate standards with rigid, close-minded, and intolerable. To some degree, this is true. Our principles should be non-negotiable. The LoveSnobs say, "Standards are the foundation of who we are." They are our identity. Without them, "Who The Hell Are You." What is the importance of setting your standards and never going below the bar? It allows our relationships to have the structure to maintain Accountable Relationships. They strengthen the bond and preserve respect.  Standards should apply to all our relationships. Whether it be our friends, spouses, children, or ourselves, let's keep our identity intact. Enjoy this discussion and take your relationships seriously. Join The Discussion
    Escuchado 54m 34s

The LoveSnobs are two friends that were tired of people saying they wanted accountable relationships but lacked a road map to acquire them. So, The AccountableLove Podcast does just that....

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The LoveSnobs are two friends that were tired of people saying they wanted accountable relationships but lacked a road map to acquire them. So, The AccountableLove Podcast does just that. It gives people a road map by defining terms, discussing building strong principles, and inviting everyday people to discuss building equal and healthier relationships. The LoveSnobs believe Love Is A Group Journey, so let's start your journey toward healthier, supportive, Loving Relationships.

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