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Adventures in Angular

  • Navigating Technical Hurdles: Exporting Invoices to PDF and Maintaining Rich Text Formatting - AiA 412

    2 MAY. 2024 · Mrina Sugosh is a Keynote Speaker, Advisory Board Member and Technical Storyteller. They delve into the world of web development and all things tech. In today's episode, they have an insightful discussion about the technical complexities of exporting invoices to PDF, the challenges of converting HTML rich text to PDF or Word documents while preserving formatting, and the importance of maintaining compatibility with front-end frameworks like Angular, React, or Vue. They explore the release schedule, customization options, and product updates related to the javascript-based rich text editor, TinyMCE. Join them as they uncover the intricacies of maintaining a rich text editor, the significance of Tiny's products for developers, and the ideal audience for leveraging Tiny's solutions. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just embarking on your coding journey, this episode promises to offer valuable insights into the complex world of web development. https://www.linkedin.com/in/mrinasugosh/overlay/about-this-profile/ Sponsors - https://topenddevs.com/resume - https://topenddevs.com/book-club - https://topenddevs.com/sign_up Social Media - Unvoid LinkedIn @unvoidweb https://www.linkedin.com/company/unvoidweb Instagram @unvoidweb https://www.instagram.com/unvoidweb - Lucas Paganini YouTube @lucaspaganiniweb https://youtube.com/@lucaspaganiniweb LinkedIn @lucaspaganiniweb https://www.linkedin.com/in/lucaspaganiniweb Twitter @lucaspaganini https://twitter.com/LucasPaganini Instagram @lucaspaganini https://www.instagram.com/lucaspaganini - Armen Vardanyan LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/armen-vardanyan-am/ - Charles Wood Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/charlesmaxwood/ - Subrat Mishra LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/subrat-k-mishra/ - Mrina Sugosh LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mrinasugosh/
    33m 29s
  • Mastering Open Source Contributions with Santosh Yadav - AiA 411

    25 ABR. 2024 · Santosh Yadav is a Google Developer Expert for Angular. They delve into the intricacies of contributing to the Angular ecosystem and demystify the challenges associated with open-source projects. They discuss the importance of long-term commitment to open-source contributions, share insights on committing to documentation, and emphasize the significance of understanding Angular's commit structure. The episode also touches upon the upcoming virtual conference, TIL Conf, and provides valuable advice for both new and experienced developers looking to make a meaningful impact in the open-source community. Tune in for an enlightening and engaging discussion on the world of Angular development and open-source contributions. Sponsors - https://topenddevs.com/resume - https://topenddevs.com/book-club - https://topenddevs.com/sign_up Socials - https://www.linkedin.com/in/santoshyadavdev/
    52m 15s
  • Migrating Material: AngularJS -> Angular with Michael Prentice - AiA 410

    18 ABR. 2024 · Michael Prentice is the owner of https://www.devintent.com/and an https://material.angularjs.org/ Lead Maintainer at https://rangle.io/. Sponsors - https://topenddevs.com/resume - https://topenddevs.com/book-club - https://topenddevs.com/sign_up Links - https://github.com/Splaktar - https://twitter.com/splaktar?lang=en - https://www.linkedin.com/in/michaellprentice Picks - Aaron - https://www.rxjs.live/ - Brian  - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCI9syw9doBbaQzZ3b4WT6rA - Brian  - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Umbrella_Academy_(TV_series) - Joe  - https://www.cypress.io/ - Michael - https://angular.lat/ - Michael - https://ng-bolivia.org/ - Michael - https://ng-honduras.org/ - Michael - https://ngspain.com/ - Michael - https://frontendmasters.com/
    53m 42s
  • AngularJS to Angular Migration with Craig Spence - AiA 409

    11 ABR. 2024 · Craig Spence was a developer at https://www.trademe.co.nz/ in New Zealand before he moved to Sweden to join https://www.spotify.com/. Trade Me is New Zealand's biggest website and it is similar to eBay where people buy and sell lots of different items. Craig talks about his experiences migrating Trade Me from https://angularjs.org/ to https://angular.io/ and the challenges they faced. One of the tips Craig has for the audience is when faced with a problem it is better to ask for help from those who have been in similar situations before, rather that attempting to solve it alone. The panel also agrees that developers should stop writing in AngularJS and make the decision to move forward. Craig recently started working at Spotify in Sweden and is dealing with a challenging bug that has lasted for over 13 days. Links - https://www.linkedin.com/in/craig-spence/ - https://twitter.com/phenomnominal - https://www.trademe.co.nz/ - https://www.spotify.com/ - https://angulardenver.com/ Picks - Aaron  - https://www.oneplus.com/7pro - Aaron  - https://www.ng-conf.org/2019/speakers/chloe-condon/ - Alyssa - https://angulardenver.com/ - Shai  - https://github.com/hirezio/jasmine-auto-spies - Craig  - https://frank-turner.com/
    40m 59s
  • Ngrid with Shlomi Assaf - AiA 408

    4 ABR. 2024 · In this week’s episode of Adventures in Angular the panel interviews Shlomi Assaf, talking about ngrid. After some playful banter about the naming of Ngrid, Shlomi shares the reasons behind building ngrid. The company he was working for at the time need a grid, he tested nggrid but wanted something completely opensource, so he built one. He also explains that nggrid caused some problems in their project which made him want something more customizable.   Shlomi explains how much work is needed on the application and asks listeners to contribute to documentation or other areas of the project. Shai Reznik endorses Shlomi as one of the smartest peoples he knows and tells listeners if they want to learn from someone who knows a lot about angular to step up and join this project.    The panel asks about the challenges Shlomi faced while building this app and what it was like using the CDK. Nggrid has a how company working on it but ngrid has only Shlomi. Shlomi explains that the CDK had a lot of the building blocks need to building blocks to build this application and was the power behind the project. The CDK’s lacks the ability to extend easily which was a challenge. He explains that his biggest frustration while building the application was the drag and drop feature.    Shlomi shares many of the features he built into the application that even though he built it over a three year period he could do it piece by piece because of the way he designed it. He considers the selling points of the application and shares them with the panel. Shlomi compares ngrid to other grid, explaining how templating, creating columns and pagination are all made easier with ngrid. With ngrid there is also virtual scrolling and you can control the width of each column.  Next, the pane considers performance, asking how the grid would handle if you loaded thousand or even tens of thousands of records and data onto the grid. Shlomi explains that unless the cells were extremely complex that ngrid’s performance would not suffer. The panel how ngrid could work with serverside rendering but not with NativeScript. Shlomi explains version support and advises listeners to use Angular 8.   The panel ends the episode by sharing information about next year's ng-conf. Tickets go on sale on October 1, 2019, the best deals go fast so watch out for them. Many of the panel will be there, Brian Love will be giving the Angular Fundamentals Two-Day Workshop. The CFP also opens October 1, 2019, and will close January 1, 2019. Aaron Frost invites anyone who would like to submit to reach out to the veteran panelists to nail down ideas for their conference proposals. He also recommends submitting more than one.  Sponsors - https://topenddevs.com/resume - https://topenddevs.com/book-club - https://topenddevs.com/sign_up Links - https://www.npmjs.com/package/@pebula/ngrid  - https://shlomiassaf.github.io/ngrid/  - https://www.ng-conf.org/speakers/  - https://twitter.com/aaronfrost - https://twitter.com/brian_love?lang=en - https://twitter.com/AlyssaNicoll?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor - https://twitter.com/shai_reznik?lang=en - https://www.facebook.com/adventuresinangular/ - https://twitter.com/angularpodcast Picks - Brian - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBw_r4N2nv72l9IV2hn042A  - Brian - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzrskTiT_ObAk3xBkVxMz5g - Shai  - https://itnext.io/the-magic-of-rxjs-sharing-operators-and-their-differences-3a03d699d255 - Shai - https://www.amazon.com/Let-Me-Off-Top-Musings/dp/0804139571  - Aaron - Connecting with your children - Shlomi - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqSRpkMRyY4
    42m 12s
  • Angular CLI and NX: Managing Libraries and Runtime Translation - AiA 407

    28 MAR. 2024 · Alan Agius is a  Software Engineer at Google. Lucas and Alan dive into the world of Angular development with a focus on internationalization and library management. They unpack the latest features of Angular 17.3, including improvements to Angular CLI, and shed light on the upcoming developments in version 18. They explore the nuances of runtime and build time translations, share insights on integrating NX with Angular projects, and discuss the use of Bazel for building frontend and backends in a single repository. They also highlight a third-party library called Transloco that leverages Angular Internationalization's runtime capabilities. Get ready for a deep dive into Angular and internationalization on this episode of Top End Devs! Sponsors - https://topenddevs.com/resume - https://topenddevs.com/book-club - https://topenddevs.com/sign_up Social Media - Unvoid LinkedIn @unvoidweb https://www.linkedin.com/company/unvoidweb Instagram @unvoidweb https://www.instagram.com/unvoidweb - Lucas Paganini YouTube @lucaspaganiniweb https://youtube.com/@lucaspaganiniweb LinkedIn @lucaspaganiniweb https://www.linkedin.com/in/lucaspaganiniweb Twitter @lucaspaganini https://twitter.com/LucasPaganini Instagram @lucaspaganini https://www.instagram.com/lucaspaganini - Armen Vardanyan LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/armen-vardanyan-am/ - Charles Wood Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/charlesmaxwood/ - Subrat Mishra LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/subrat-k-mishra/ - https://www.linkedin.com/in/alan-agius-98804460/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alan-agius-98804460/
    39m 47s
  • Understanding the Power of Ignite UI with Konstantin Dinev - AiA 406

    22 MAR. 2024 · Konstantin Dinaev is the director of product development and a major contributor to Ignite UI. They explore the differences between Ignite UI and Material UI, focusing on Ignite UI's suitability for data-heavy applications and diverse, complex components. From its open-source nature to its dual licensing model for commercial usage, they explore the key features and extensive range of components available in the Ignite UI library. Tune in as they delve into accessibility, internationalization, and the challenges of creating a comprehensive component library while maintaining backward compatibility and code splitting. This episode is packed with insights and expertise, so let's jump in and explore the world of Ignite UI! Sponsors - https://topenddevs.com/resume - https://topenddevs.com/book-club - https://topenddevs.com/sign_up Social Media - Unvoid LinkedIn @unvoidweb https://www.linkedin.com/company/unvoidweb Instagram @unvoidweb https://www.instagram.com/unvoidweb - Lucas Paganini YouTube @lucaspaganiniweb https://youtube.com/@lucaspaganiniweb LinkedIn @lucaspaganiniweb https://www.linkedin.com/in/lucaspaganiniweb Twitter @lucaspaganini https://twitter.com/LucasPaganini Instagram @lucaspaganini https://www.instagram.com/lucaspaganini - Armen Vardanyan LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/armen-vardanyan-am/ - Charles Wood Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/charlesmaxwood/ - Subrat Mishra LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/subrat-k-mishra/ - Konstantin Dinev LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/konstantin-dinev-aa3aa32b/
    39m 45s
  • Revolutionizing Angular Development with Rxfx - AIA 405

    22 FEB. 2024 · Dean Radcliffe is a senior software engineer at Optum. Armen and Lucas take a deep dive into the intricacies of reactivity and RxJS. Our special guest, Dean, introduces us to the RxFX library and its potential to simplify observable and effect handling. Join them as they explore the complexities of managing loading states and effects in app development, and gain insight into the challenges of concurrency and cancellation. Sponsors - https://topenddevs.com/resume - https://topenddevs.com/book-club - https://topenddevs.com/sign_up Links - https://github.com/deanrad/rxfx Social Media - Unvoid - LinkedIn @unvoidweb https://www.linkedin.com/company/unvoidweb - Instagram @unvoidweb https://www.instagram.com/unvoidweb - Lucas Paganini - YouTube @lucaspaganiniweb https://youtube.com/@lucaspaganiniweb - LinkedIn @lucaspaganiniweb https://www.linkedin.com/in/lucaspaganiniweb - Twitter @lucaspaganini https://twitter.com/LucasPaganini - Instagram @lucaspaganini https://www.instagram.com/lucaspaganini - Armen Vardanyan - LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/armen-vardanyan-am/ - Charles Wood - Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/charlesmaxwood/ - Subrat Mishra - LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/subrat-k-mishra/ - Dean Radcliffe GitHub @deanrad https://github.com/deanrad - Twitter @@DeanDevDad https://twitter.com/DeanDevDad Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy
    50m 7s
  • Finding a Job with Charles Max Wood - AIA 404

    8 FEB. 2024 · In this episode of Adventures in Angular, Charles does a solo episode talking about entrepreneurship and the topic/course on “How to Get a Job.” This is an informative episode for those looking for a job as a developer and how to prepare your resume for your career search. Charles covers the core pieces of the course and specific areas of tailoring your credentials for the job you want to acquire.Sponsors - https://topenddevs.com/resume  - https://raygun.com/ - https://topenddevs.com/sign_up Links - http://devchat.tv/get-a-coder-job-full-accessfull-access - https://www.wework.com/ - https://fearlesssalarynegotiation.com/ Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy
    43m 16s
  • Building A Component Library with Thomas Pink & Fabian Friedl - AiA 403

    25 ENE. 2024 · Thomas Pink and Fabian Friedl from Dynatrace join Adventures in Angular to discuss the highs and lows of building an in-house design system with Angular and the exciting move from keeping it internal to open sourcing and letting the world loose upon it. Sponsors - https://topenddevs.com/resume - https://topenddevs.com/book-club - https://topenddevs.com/sign_up Links - https://barista.dynatrace.com/guidelines/accessibility#text-alternatives Picks - Alyssa - https://www.twitch.tv/codeitlive - Fabian - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPFVLLxhEI4 - Thomas - https://www.youtube.com/c/SebastianLague/ - Thomas- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ-W1KE9EYfdxhL6S4twUNw - Chris - whipped cream Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy
    50m 4s

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