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Anchoring Our Stars

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AnchorSTEM scholars from the University of San Diego succeeding as STEM students in college. Welcome to the Anchoring Our Stars podcast, coming to you from the current AnchorSTEM cohort here...

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AnchorSTEM scholars from the University of San Diego succeeding as STEM students in college.
Welcome to the Anchoring Our Stars podcast, coming to you from the current AnchorSTEM cohort here at USD, experiencing college with the support of our AnchorSTEM faculty and mentors. Join us as we navigate the uncharted waters of college life, guiding you through the do's and don'ts for the best undergraduate experience possible! With that being said, sharing is caring and we want to share everything we have learned so far while navigating college. We are walking so you can run.
Tune in weekly as we continue to give you the real run down of college life, that most people don’t say or show. Anchoring Our Stars is brought to you by the University of San Diego’sJacobs Institute for Innovation in Education, The National Science Foundation, andSchoolCAST, a Cloudcast Media program to empower the voices of youngstudents around the world.
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