Cris Cohen interviews professional musicians to get the stories behind every beat, chord, and lyric.

Episodios & Posts
6 FEB. 2025 · I interviewed Kyle Pfeiffer of Blacklite District. We discussed:
- Their album You Can Do Better
- How they have adapted their tours to make things easier for their fans
- How getting sober has influenced his music and his lyric writing
- Being influenced by Black Sabbath but sounding very different from them
- And more
Blacklite District website: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbFprSlp2aDFCMVdVOV9TVTZZNlM5LUdXXzdwQXxBQ3Jtc0tsN0MyMTRsakFGX29MM1FJWmI0V2YwMDM2SUdtaVl0UVJ3c1pMeEVRRkNtS3pQS2g1RWNGd2lvemtCVmtlUnBoTnFUQXNqZHpuemZaaS1LY2Q0RnFXUkJNVXNldjdLWk83LXU5MTY2aDh0eURDMVBMcw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fblacklitedistrict.net%2F&v=4ZKTRKub4t8
14 ENE. 2025 · I spoke with Kesly Karter. We discussed:
- The new album by Kelsy Karter and The Heroines, Love Made Me Do It.
- How the opening track, which sets the tone for the whole album, almost wasn't on the album at all.
- Being influenced by Quentin Tarantino.
- "I was in a Metaphorical mosh pit fighting for my place as a woman in rock music."
- The first instrument this rocker learned to play was the flute.
- And more.
19 NOV. 2024 · I interviewed rock singer / violinist Ginny Luke. We discussed:
- Her new album, Devil At My Heels
- Approaching the violin as another voice
- "I like being a bad bitch on stage."
- Covering Deep Purple's "Burn" with guitarist Nili Brosh
- And more
11 NOV. 2024 · I interviewed new artist Slaw. We discussed:
- His debut album "Here I Come"
- The art of telling full stories in songs
- How he was influenced by everything from Motown to Bluegrass
- Learning to release your soul into your music
- And more
22 OCT. 2024 · What Kim Wilson of clients The Fabulous Thunderbirds said about Billy Gibbons of ZZ Top joining the Tbirds on their new song “Payback Time”.
20 SEP. 2024 · Part 2 of my interview with Matt Scannell of Vertical Horizon. You can find Part 1 at https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa09DZjhSTl8xMkFMZU8wTzNLWVg2dElqLVctd3xBQ3Jtc0ttTlB1R28xZXFUN2FGcUpMaFFDSEp2SzE5VjRzTDRSMG5NQWRjY3hlQzFlNEJjWkx5ZTd1cXZrRVhZdXRNdHIyd3Z0WlJPOUQ0ZktCTk5wcjhuY01rdVNWUDdxT21fYjVmelhJUXJOamdDbHRHbl9fYw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fblog.bandstofans.net%2Fp%2Fmatt-scannell-of-vertical-horizon&v=M-QN2--vk3U
Highlights from this conversation: - "There was a way that (Seinfeld) described the art of stand-up comedy that... I felt there were through lines to what we do." - "The tone that we want to set when we start a show is that we're in this together." - "The feeling I get when I walk on stage with Richard (Marx) is what I would imagine the other players on the Chicago Bulls felt like when they walked on the court with Michael Jordan." - We delve into the his lyric "Listen and wait for the echoes of angels that won't return". - "Go listen to 'Subdivisions' from the Signals record (Rush)… and maybe (first) read the lyrics. It's astoundingly great."
22 AGO. 2024 · Join us for an in-depth interview with Lawrence Gowan of Styx as he shares insights on the band's iconic live performances, the story behind his spinning keyboard mishap, the creative process of song vignettes on albums like 'Crash of the Crown,' advice for his brother upon joining the band, and much more.
2 AGO. 2024 · I interviewed Laura Arias and Andrew Stern of the band 3 Pairs of Boots. We discussed: Being artists that do no fit neatly into a box or category / Their new album, Boot Scootin' (To be released 9/27/24) / Their songs "Dark Sun Rising" and "My American Boy" / How the work of classical composers have influenced their country - rock - Americana creations / The similarities between creating a great dish in the kitchen and creating a great song in the studio / And more
Bands To Fans
I help professional musicians tell their stories.
Social media, eBooks, interviews, editing, co-writing
12 JUL. 2024 · I interviewed Barrett Smith and Graham Sharp of Steep Canyon Rangers. We discussed: Their album Morning Shift / The song "Ghost of Glasgow" / Their very collaborative songwriting and song recording process / The influence new member Aaron Burdett has had on the band / The instrumental "Old Stone House / Handlebars / Chimney Rock” / The dark, intense song “Second In Line (Junior)” / And more
Bands To Fans:
- Website: https://www.bandstofans.com/
- Blog: https://blog.bandstofans.net/
- Download our e-books: https://www.bandstofans.com/ebooks.html
21 JUN. 2024 · I interviewed Peter Holsapple of The dB's. We discussed:
- The re-release of their influential debut album, Stands For deciBels.
- How he has changed as a musician since the album was first released and how he is the same.
- "Without The dB's I could not have gotten as far in this business we call music."
- How growing up in Winston-Salem, NC influenced him as a rock musician.
- The interesting guitar solo he did on the track “Judy”.
- And more.
Cris Cohen interviews professional musicians to get the stories behind every beat, chord, and lyric.
Autor | Cris Cohen |
Organización | Cris Cohen |
Categorías | Música |
Página web | www.bandstofans.com |
cris@bandstofans.com |
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