7 NOV. 2024 · The Secret That's Holding You Back with Vincent Genna Known as the “Visionary of Our Times,” Vincent Genna is an internationally acclaimed Psychic Therapist, Medium, Spiritual Master, and Author. His dynamic and inspiring radio and television interviews, podcasts, keynote presentations, workshops, classes, and private sessions have transformed thousands of lives worldwide. His teachings blend new and deep-thought-provoking insights with science and ancient wisdom that universally resonate within the soul’s knowing. As a spiritual leader and visionary, Vincent raises consciousness by imparting what others have yet to explore and demonstrate. Vincent offers his 40 years of spiritual, metaphysical, and psychological insights in his first book, The Secret That's Holding You Back. Vincent has spoken at notable organizations such as the Edgar Cayce’s Association for Research Enlightenment, the Institute of Noetic Sciences, The Shift Network, Afterlife Research and Education Inc, and the International Association of Near-Death Studies. Media appearances include Impaulsive with Logan Paul, Sex with Emily, The Jason Ellis Show, Jenny McCarthy, Megan McCain Radio, Unity Radio, Hay House Radio, Coast to Coast AM, Gaia TV, Home and Family, World news Tonight, Good Morning America, and other major national ABC, CBS, and NBC television shows. To learn more visit: vincentgenna.com ********************************************** For more information about BITEradio products and services visit: http://www.biteradio.me/index.html To view the photography of Robert at: http://rpsharpe.com/