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Christian Short Stories 4 You

  • PrayerMan

    8 SEP. 2023 · Once upon a time in the bustling city of Hopeville, there lived a young man named John. John was a devout Christian who believed in the power of prayer & had unwavering faith in Jesus. He was known for his kind heart, gentle spirit, and willingness to help those in need. One fateful evening, as John was walking home from his church, he noticed a commotion near an alley. Curiosity piqued, he discovered a group of thugs harassing an elderly woman. Without hesitation, John stepped forward to intervene. "Leave her alone!" he demanded, his voice filled with conviction and authority. The thugs, caught off guard by John's bravery, turned their attention to him. They surrounded him, sneering & taunting him. But John stood firm, undeterred by their threats. He closed his eyes and began to pray silently, seeking guidance and protection from the Lord. Suddenly, a warm, radiant light enveloped John. He felt a surge of strength & fearlessness rush through his veins. As he opened his eyes, he realized that his body had been transformed. He was now adorned in a shining, white suit, and a golden emblem in the shape of a praying hand was emblazoned on his chest. In that moment, he knew he had been chosen by God to become a superhero, a symbol of hope and faith. With newfound confidence & armed with the power of prayer, John leaped into action. He swiftly defeated the thugs, using his extraordinary strength and agility to protect the innocent. Word of his heroic act spread throughout the city, and people began to refer to him as "Prayer Man" — a beacon of hope in times of darkness. As Prayer Man, John dedicated himself to fighting the difficult circumstances that plagued Hopeville. He patrolled the city, rescuing the oppressed, feeding the hungry, & healing the sick. His words of encouragement & prayers brought comfort to the weary, and his unwavering faith in Jesus inspired others to believe that miracles were possible. However, John knew that true power did not lie within his suit or physical abilities. It was his unshakable faith in Jesus that fueled his courage & sustained him in every trial he faced. He spent hours each day in prayer, seeking wisdom, guidance, and strength to continue his mission. Over time, Prayer Man's reputation grew, and he became a symbol of faith & resilience not only in Hopeville but also in neighboring cities. People from all walks of life began to find solace in prayer, & acts of kindness multiplied as the city's faith was rekindled. But as Prayer Man fought against the forces of darkness, he encountered challenges that tested his faith like never before. He faced overwhelming odds, dangerous villains, & personal losses. Yet, through it all, he clung to his unwavering trust in Jesus, knowing that with God, nothing was impossible. Prayer Man's story became an inspiration to countless individuals who were reminded that faith in Jesus could overcome any adversity. His battles were not just physical but also spiritual, reminding everyone that the greatest battles were won on one's knees in prayer. And so, Prayer Man continued his mission, leaving a trail of hope, love, and faith wherever he went. His legacy lived on, not only in the hearts of those he saved but in the countless lives touched by the power of prayer and unwavering faith in Jesus. In the midst of Prayer Man's heroic journey, he encountered a formidable enemy known as the Doubtful Demeanor. The Doubtful Demeanor was a cunning villain who specialized in sowing seeds of doubt & despair among the people of Hopeville. His mere presence caused uncertainty & weakened the faith that Prayer Man fought so hard to inspire. The Doubtful Demeanor had the ability to manipulate minds, whispering discouraging thoughts & filling hearts with disbelief. He would prey on people's insecurities, convincing them that their faith was meaningless and that hope was futile. His dark influence spread like a toxic fog, enveloping the minds of even the strongest believers. Prayer Man realized that defeating the Doubtful Demeanor would require more than physical strength. It would require an unwavering faith and the power of prayer. He knew that he couldn't fight darkness with darkness but had to combat it with the light of truth and love. Prayer Man sought counsel from his fellow believers, pastors, & wise mentors. Together, they devised a plan to counter the Doubtful Demeanor's influence. They organized prayer gatherings throughout the city, inviting everyone to join in lifting their voices to the heavens. On the appointed day, the people of Hopeville gathered in the town square, their hearts united in faith. Prayer Man stood at the center, his white suit gleaming with confidence. He led the crowd in a powerful prayer, invoking the name of Jesus and declaring victory over doubt & despair. As the prayers grew louder & more fervent, the atmosphere began to shift. The Doubtful Demeanor, sensing the strength of the collective faith, appeared before them in a dark, menacing form. He tried to intimidate the crowd, but their prayers drowned out his malevolent whispers. Prayer Man stepped forward, his voice unwavering as he proclaimed the truth. He reminded the people that doubt was not their true identity, but rather faith in Jesus was their strength. He spoke of the countless miracles and victories that had already taken place because of their trust in God. With each word, the Doubtful Demeanor weakened. His form began to flicker, his power fading in the face of unyielding faith. The people of Hopeville, emboldened by Prayer Man's example, started to reject the lies & doubts that had plagued them. They stood tall, their faith restored. In a final act of defiance, the Doubtful Demeanor lunged at Prayer Man, attempting to extinguish the light of faith once and for all. But Prayer Man, empowered by the prayers of the people, raised his hand and called upon the name of Jesus. A brilliant light burst forth, illuminating the darkness. The Doubtful Demeanor shrieked in agony as he dissolved into nothingness, his influence vanishing from the minds of the people. Hopeville was free from his grip, and faith flourished once again. Prayer Man's victory over the Doubtful Demeanor served as a powerful testament to the strength of unwavering faith and the transformative power of prayer. People in the city were reminded that even in the face of doubt and despair, their connection to Jesus could overcome any challenge. From that day forward, the people of Hopeville held firm to their faith, knowing that Prayer Man's example had taught them to trust in the power of prayer and their unwavering faith in Jesus. The defeat of the Doubtful Demeanor ignited a renewed sense of hope and purpose within the hearts of the people. They began to actively combat doubt with faith, fear with love, & despair with unwavering hope. Prayer Man continued his mission, not only as a superhero but also as a mentor & guide to those who sought to strengthen their faith. He organized prayer groups, delivered inspiring sermons, & reached out to those who were struggling, reminding them of the power they possessed through their relationship with Jesus. As the people of Hopeville embraced their identity as children of God, the city flourished. Acts of kindness & compassion became the norm, and the community banded together in times of need. The impact of Prayer Man's unwavering faith rippled through the city, transforming lives & spreading hope like wildfire. But Prayer Man never lost sight of the source of his power. He continued to spend hours in prayer, seeking guidance and wisdom from Jesus. His relationship with the Lord grew deeper, and he discovered new dimensions of faith that he had yet to explore........
    Escuchado 9m 50s
  • Fruitful Animal Kingdom

    20 AGO. 2023 · A Story about the fruit of the Spirit against the manifestation of the flesh .
    Escuchado 10m 40s
  • Lots of Carrots Dramatized

    11 AGO. 2023 · One of Mr Kakoulides classic stories Dramatized with the familiar voice of Daffy Duck as Mr Squirrel .
    Escuchado 2m 55s
  • 55 Christopher Robin's Farewell

    4 JUL. 2023 · One day in the Hundred Acre Wood, Christopher Robin had some bad news to tell Winnie the Pooh and the Gang. That he was moving to a boarding school and he wasn't going to see them again in a very long while. But he didn't know how Winnie the Pooh and the Gang was to take the awful news . So the day came he had to tell them and say goodbye. So he schedule a meeting with the Gang. As he spoke one could tell that he tried to hold his tears from falling but couldn't hold it as they ran down his cheeks like a waterfall or rain. " Winnie I will miss you the most" he said " I am leaving for a long while but I will be back " Winnie Pooh Bear reply in tears and sobbing " " Do You have to leave , why so soon , couldn't you stay for a few more years." " Yes I need to leave but I will be back and I will never forget you " "You will always be with me in my heart and memories " As they hugged and Winnie the Pooh didn't want to let go but he knew he couldn't hold him forever so he let go. All through the Hundred Acre Wood one could hear the crying of every animal in the forest for they all loved Christopher Robin. Owl , Rabbit, Eeyore and the rest of the gang also received a hug from Christopher Robin as they wept and said goodbye. But none wept as strongly as Winnie the Pooh. As they waved goodbye Christopher walked waving his hand and looking back saying "Goodbye but I will be back, I will never forget you ". Every step he took the farther in the distance he could be seen till he couldn't be seen any longer. After he couldn't be seen due to the distance he had went ,everyone went inside to their homes. Winnie the Pooh that night couldn't sleep or eat remembering his friend that was not to be seen in a very long time. Owl spent that night looking at the old photo book of Winnie the Pooh and the Gang with Christopher Robin, remembering the fun time they use to have . Rabbit , Eeyore and Piglet wanted to keep Winnie the Pooh company that night but Winnie didn't want to open the door, so he could cry in peace without being disturbed. So they stood outside speaking to each other of the fun time that use to have when Christopher was there . Each one in the Hundred Acre Wood had Christopher in their hearts for they all loved him. Each felt sad but received a little comfort as they remembered the promise that Christopher made that he would be back . As the days turned into weeks , weeks into months & months into years. While Winnie the Pooh every day would say "would he be back today " And when night came "maybe he will be back tommorow" Owl would look at the pictures of Robin everyday so he wouldn't forget how Robin looked. And the rest of the gang would talk about him constantly to keep the memory alive and always recall the promise which he made " I will be back" . One day after so many years a man in his 30s , with his wife and family could be seen in the Hundred Acre Wood forest building a Cabin. The man had a beard. And he had a axe in his hand As he cut some wood and a hammer it to build a cabin. As they heard the hammering all the animals hid in fear . And wonder "what will be of us now". Rabbit hid in his rabbit hole . As Winnie the Pooh looked at the window to see the man he noticed the man looked familiar but he couldn't figure out who was the man. Till finally the Cabin was finished then he heard him calling his wife and children in doors as he closed the door he looked outside one last time and said " I still remember them , what a surprise it will be when they see me again." In the morning one could hear his rooster crow at 6 am which really bothered Winnie who wanted to sleep till 10. So he opened the door and yelled at the rooster " can you please let me sleep for the Love of Christopher Robin". As he said this the Door Open wide and the man said said "Winnie is that you " Winnie in replied said " And who are you? Get out of my forest, you, your rooster and your brood " " It is me Christopher Robin " At that Winnie the Pooh could not contain the tears from his eyes and ran to embrace him, his long time friend as they hug they wept with joy as they saw each other again " And at that moment all the animals of the forest gather together to see Christopher Robin Again. And calling his wife and children to come out to meet everyone the joy of that forest could be heard from miles away. And just like they waited for Christopher Robbin return so we wait for our Lord Jesus Christ who promised to us "he will return" And when he does, the joy that will be of the gathering of the saints at his presence will be amazing. Philippians 3:20-21 For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body that it may be conformed to His glorious body, according to the working by which He is able even to subdue all things to Himself. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. 2 Thessalonians 2:1 Now, brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, we ask you, John 14:1-3 NKJV 1 “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. 2 In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.
    Escuchado 5m 53s
  • 54 The Sheep that fell in love with Mr Wolf

    14 JUN. 2023 · The Sheep that fell in love with Mr Wolf There was once a flock of Sheep which were loved very dearly by their shepherd named Robert. Of these sheep there was one named Linda who wanted a husband but she felt she couldn't find him among the fold. And she was very tired of waiting for the Shepherd to find her one in his time. She waited as the days , weeks and months passed so she decided to take matters into her own hands. She tried to flirt and even ask the other sheep's out but it appeared that there was no one who was either single or her type among the herd. She didn't knew Robert the Shepherd had one for her but he was a Lamb and needed to mature just a little more. But Linda was determine she wanted a husband now and wasn't willing to wait. As night came as all the sheep was sleeping with the Shepherd , Linda escaped from the flock and said if I can't find him among the flock of Sheep I will find him among the wolves and convert him to a sheep. "This is a crazy idea" Linda thought to her self "but I am desperate for love " As the sheep slept, Linda trimmed a number of sheep's hair and put it in a bag . Till she thought she had enough but a little from each sheep so the Shepherd wouldn't take notice. And she went her way to find a husband among the wolves and convert him to a sheep.That night there was a wolf not that far from the sheep, less than half a mile away, that was planning to attack , kill and eat the sheep but couldn't find a way of getting to them without being detected by either the Shepherd or his faithful Bearded Collie which was his shepherd dog watching the Sheep as the Shepherd slept. This Wolf was the leader of the pack which was a little farther off in the cave. As he started thinking and imagining the best way to do his plan. He felt a tapping on his back which made him jump and fait do to fear that he was caught. And it was Linda who once she saw him on the floor started to glue sheep's hair on the poor Mr Wolf . And waking him up with a kiss told him you will be my hubby. Shocked at what he heard and looking at his skin which was covered in sheep's hair he said" am I sheep" " No" she replied " But I will convert you to one for I want a husband and I can't find him among my flock" Suddenly the Wolf got a idea how he was to be among the flock without being detected.But how he was to tell the other wolves without being their prey didn't cross his mind since he was now looking like a sheep. So he told her to accompany him to his cave but Linda wasn't willing till he first met her parents and Shepherd first. Because she thought to herself he will be convert to a sheep but not knowing Mr Wolf was deceiving her with his charm. As he looked at her with his pale yellow eyes, and said " There is enough time for that let's go and meet my parents since I am so happy I found you , you are more sweeter to me than dinner time " He convince her. And having his arm around her shoulder, he gave her a warm embrace. Although he said in his mind " this feels good but eating her will feel even better since I am hungry" " Let her embrace my tummy from the inside When we get in the cave" As the two went in the cave they was jumped upon by the savage hungry wolves as prey. Mr Wolf tried to take his sheep's wool off but couldn't in time but all he could do is yell. So both were eaten alive . As morning began to dawn the Shepherd awoke and brought the new Sheep among the herd a perfect husband for Linda , one who surpass every other sheep in Beauty and physique. But Linda couldn't be found among the flock as the Shepherd called Linda to come. So the moral of the lesson is in your desperateness for a mate don't search for them among the wolves or better said unbelievers for in God's time he will bring you the one you was longing for if you just wait on him. Psalms 27:14 Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the Lord! 2 Corinthians 6:14-15 Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever?
    Escuchado 4m 12s
  • 53 The Eagle , Frog , & Flying Snake

    30 MAY. 2023 · The Eagle , Frog , & Flying Snake Many years ago in a Amazon forest dwelled a snake who biggest desire was to fly above the clouds . He would look at the birds of the sky and say" how I would love to fly like the birds of the sky " One day a frog over heard the snake say" I want to fly " and as he heard him , he continue hopping along. As the months pass that desire didn't left the snake but grew stronger. He was determine to fly. The snake one day climbed up a tree, grab some vines with leaves and tie them to himself then he threw himself off the tree in hope that he would fly but he went straight smack down to the ground . Hurt , ashamed that it didn't work , dizzy and in pain, he slithered away. While all the animals in the forest laughed at the snake. As the frog looked at what happened he couldn't laugh with the other animals but admired the snake persistence in trying to achieve his dream. And he said to himself " I believe he will one day achieve this or die trying but for sure he will not give up. " Some months later the snake became very hungry and was out searching for food . And at the pond was Mr frog sleeping on a lily pad. Before he could wake up he was swallowed whole by Mr snake. As he opened his eyes all he could see was the darkness of night in the belly of the snake. And he yelled "where am I". "In my belly" said Mr snake. At that he recognized the voice to be that of Mr snake. "Let's make a deal , I know how you could fly , but you need to vomit me out " At hearing this Mr snake vomited the frog out of his mouth . And said" you have a deal but you double cross me and back you go " Now the frog had to think fast and wisely because he knew more than ever the Snake was no friend , that one could admire his persistence in not giving up his goal to fly , but a enemy that if he would help him achieve his goal, would later on try to eat him or someone he loved. So the frog told the snake "bite this piece of branch that fell off the tree and follow me." So the snake followed the frog with the piece of branch in his mouth. The snake slithered, the frog hopped till they came to a large mountain. Then the frog said " we now have to climb " So they climb the immense mountain till they reached close to the top where there was a nest of an eagle with eggs ready to be hatched. "Put down the branch and swallow the eggs." The snake replied if I swallow the eggs how will that make me fly ." The frog reply "they are magical eggs and they will make you fly like an eagle." As the snake started to swallowed each egg, the frog heard the eagle approaching and hid in the branch . The Eagle saw from the distance the snake swallowing her eggs and she grabbed the snake in such speed that could only be compared to a flash of light and flew with the snake holding him by her claws . The snake looked down and saw himself flying over the clouds and was amazed that the eggs was magical indeed that it cause him to fly . And as he was filled with joy that finally his dream came true the eagle let go. And the snake fell straight down to ground with a great smack to the floor. Dead at arrival. So the moral of the story is there are times where our dreams or desires might do us more harm than good. So it is good to be happy in the state that you're in than to have what you want and that cause you your doom. Genesis 30:1 Now when Rachel saw that she bore Jacob no children, Rachel envied her sister, and said to Jacob, “Give me children, or else I die!” Genesis 35:16-19 Then they journeyed from Bethel. And when there was but a little distance to go to Ephrath, Rachel labored in childbirth, and she had hard labor. Now it came to pass, when she was in hard labor, that the midwife said to her, “Do not fear; you will have this son also.”And so it was, as her soul was departing (for she died), that she called his name Ben-Oni; but his father called him Benjamin. So Rachel died and was buried on the way to Ephrath (that is, Bethlehem).
    Escuchado 4m 5s
  • 52 The Fox & the Piranhas

    1 ENE. 2023 · In a forest named Friendly Village dwelt an old rabbit whose name was Mikey full of wisdom and knowledge. And in the same town moved a fox next door named Andy who was planning to change the course of the town since he love to eat other animals and rabbits was his favorite kind of meat. On coming to the town the villagers made him sign an Oath. Some of the strict commands of the city was the following: 1) Only Eat fruits and vegetables 2) Greet everyone with a smile 3) Always help those in need 4) And let love be your law Next to the forest was a pond full of piranhas. Which the wise rabbit established there for anyone who sought to do the town harm. But was kept a secret from those who where new in the town till finally they could prove themselves that worthy to stay in the town. On Andy's first day in the town he was greeted by all the rabbits , mice , squirrels and moles . Andy said in his mind there is food. And I'm not just speaking about the veggies and fruits. And his mouth water with saliva as he greeted those of the town. Hi my name is Andy he said. And replying the mayor of the Town said we welcome you to our village and we hope to be your friend. Andy reply yes I really love to make new friends and tommorow I want to make a stew for the town. On hearing this and seeing the way Andy looked at the other animals with a desire to eat them more than greet them Mikey warn the mayor when everyone left to their home. The mayor reply your house is the closest to Andy's so if he will do us harm you will be the first he will try. That night a person broke into Mikey's house. And kidnapped Mikey and it was Andy. As Mikey was taken and put in a pan. Mikey said you don't want to fry me. Why not make me a stew instead. There is a pond next to our village which water is very refreshing. And there are some very delicious fishes which you might want to try to grab just in case eating me won't make you full. Andy said I will just eat you and tommorow before the Sun is out I will move . I don't tend to do the whole town harm. In matter a fact I want to quit. I hate eating meat but I need to do so to survive. As Mikey looked into his eyes, and saw Andy the fox in tears. He said I could help you , untie me and let's be friends. Andy untied Mikey and they talked for hours even to the morning dawn. And they found they could be friends. So Andy said I am about to move but before I go, I might go to that pond and take some of those fishes you told me about. Since Mikey was tired and at the moment did not hear him so well, they gave each other a hug and said farewell. And each went to his own way. While laying in bed Mikey realized his new friend was about to be harmed. And running to the pond when Andy was about to dive he pushed him out of the way but as he did fell prey to the piranhas . Completely moved at the heroic act of Mikey, Andy started to cry for loosing his best friend. After that Andy could never eat meat again. And next to the Pond was put a sign Here died my friend a rabbit who love me so much he gave his life for me a fox . As the mayor and the Town folks saw the fox weeping for the rabbit. They were all moved also in tears and each made the fox thier friend . Now In that village dwells foxes and other animals with no fear because the law of that city is love. As the rabbit loved the fox and gave his life for the fox to survive so did Jesus gave his life so we could live forever in his kingdom. John 15:13 SOMB No one has a love greater than this, that he lays down his life for his friends.
    Escuchado 3m 56s
  • 51 The Gossiping of Winnie the Pooh

    2 NOV. 2022 · One day in the Hundred Acre Wood, All the animals was getting ready for a surprise birthday party for Winnie the Pooh. There was Piglet, Eeyore, Rabbit, Kanga, Roo, Owl, and Christopher Robin all wrapping presents and preparing the forest for later on that day to surprise Pooh bear with the Biggest Birthday party the forest ever had. But how they was to keep Winnie the Pooh in his home which was in a tree. Owl had a good idea let's call Winnie the Pooh and tell him there is a great big Wolf in the forest. Tell him that it is unsafe to go out then we could tell him, we let him know when it is safe to be outside. At that piglet gave a phone call to Winnie the Pooh telling him don't leave the house there is a wolf out there. At that moment Winnie the Pooh was looking out the window and he saw Eeyore and concluded Eeyore is really a wolf in donkey clothing. So grabbing the phone Winnie the Pooh starts making phone calls calling Christopher Robin he tells him did you know there's a wolf in the forest and I know who he is , it is Eeyore. I need to let you go and warn the others. Calling Owl he tells him did you know there is a wolf in donkey clothing and his name is Eeyore. At that Owl started laughing and tells Winnie the Pooh, no he is not but don't go outside the wolf might still be out there. And hanging up Winnie the Pooh concluded that Owl was also a wolf but in owl clothing. Now calling Piglet he said" Eeyore and Owl are really wolves in disguises. The forest is not safe anymore." Before Piglet could say a other word Winnie the Pooh said I need to warn Rabbit , Kanga, Roo and Christopher Robin of the dangers we are in. And at that he hung up the phone and started pacing back and forth. And the phone cord snapped. So as Piglet , Owl , and the gang tried to call Pooh by phone there was no answer. And Pooh looking out the window and seeing all the animals in the Hundred Acre Wood outside with Christopher Robin telling him to go open the door for it is safe. Pooh concluded there were all wolves in disguises. And crying went to his room slamming the door suddenly the Bible fell from the shelf. And opening to James 1:19" So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; " and reading this he said maybe they're not wolves in disguises but something else I need to go out and see. But let me not go without at least a weapon. So putting a frying pan under his shirt he opened the door and heard everyone yell "happy birthday Winnie the Pooh" at the joy of hearing happy birthday which he had forgotten it was his birthday he jumped up and down and the pan fell and hit his toe. But it didn't break his toe but nevertheless he was in pain. After a yell with a tear he began to hug everyone in the forest and thanking them for remembering it was his special day. He then apologize to Eeyore and Owl for thinking and telling piglet they where wolves.
    Escuchado 2m 55s
  • 50 Envying that Destroys

    28 OCT. 2022 · In a large apartment complex which had many rats and the tenants who could bare no more but began giving complaints to the landlord to get something done there dwell Tommy the rat. He was a envious rat Who saw himself as unfortunate but had many things to be thankful for. He lived in a rat hole that contain many good things to eat. Instead of looking at the things he could be thankful for, he would pay attention to what others had. One day he heard Jimmy the elder rat who always had his left hand in his pocket say you see that cheese on top of that piece of wood , with the metal on the side of the cheese. It is mine it takes special skills to get that cheese. Tommy the rat , on hearing this started complaining within himself why, does Jimmy always get the good cheese especially the one on top of the wood and we're stuck getting the cheese that's in the refrigerator or on top of the shelf. Tommy's mother Said" Tommy don't be envious of Jimmy, for he cares for our safety that cheese to get is very dangerous." "Nonsense, That's what Jimmy says Because he only wants the good cheese for himself while we're stuck getting the leftovers I can't imagine how that cheese tastes like It looks nice and moldy, it could even be the best cheese in the world" said Tommy. Tommy continue and said "maybe that cheese gives special wisdom and Jimmy wants all that wisdom for himself , That is why he is the leader of the group." " Or just maybe he has special powers in his left hand which he received from eating that cheese that is why he doesn't show us his left hand" That night while all the rats were sleeping Tommy decided not to wake up in the time the other rats woke up to eat but earlier than them to get that cheese which he could smell the moldiness from afar. Oh that cheese was looking so desirable. And Tommy said that cheese will belong to no longer Jimmy but to me." As Tommy was getting closer to the cheese , imagining to himself it's finally mine as he took his bite. He saw the cheese wasn't as tasty as he imagine it would be but before he could give his opinion on the matter the trap got him and killed him by breaking his neck with the metal pieces on the side of the cheese. When all the rats awoke they saw Tommy dead with the metal piece on his broken neck. At seeing this Jimmy finally showed his left hand to all the rats which one can notice it was missing three of his fingers and he said I lost these fingers not knowing the dangers this cheese on top of this wood would bring. Now you see why I told you all along that cheese on top of the wood should be always mine for I don't want you to go through What I've gone through and the death which Tommy just went through." Now let this be a lesson to you all. From there on no rat ever question why Jimmy always got the cheese on top of the wood or why Jimmy would keep his left hand in his pocket for now they knew. So the moral of the story is don't be envious of the cheese on the trap that belongs to a other mouse because it might be not as good as you imagine or even might be your destruction. Job 5:2 For wrath kills a foolish man, And envy slays a simple one. Proverbs 14:30 A sound heart is life to the body, But envy is rottenness to the bones. Now I ask you these questions is being envious worth your time? And What good can it bring you ?
    Escuchado 3m 12s
  • 49 Winnie the Pooh's Unforgiving Heart

    18 OCT. 2022 · One day In The Hundred Acre Wood , Winnie the Pooh was storing honey of great amount at his home. He manage to store a hundred jars of Honey. And said" this honey will be good for the whole winter, so I won't have to leave outside in the cold for food. As Winnie the Pooh was about to go to bed a knock was heard. At the sound of the knock Winnie the Pooh was very disturbed, he was very sleepy and he had to see who it was at the door , so he opened the door and there was Piglet, who said "can I please stay tonight at your home because there's a terrible storm coming and I don't want to be at home alone." At that Pooh said " you may stay but there isn't enough food for you" "It is Okay I be leaving in the morning" replied Piglet, So Winnie the Pooh prepared the sofa for Piglet his friend while he slept like a bear on his bed. In the middle of the night Piglet stomach started making sounds , he was hungry and he said "Winnie must have some kind of food around here" and opening the cabinets which was locked with a combination which Piglet guess right away and was right. The Number was 1234 ( Knowing Winnie only knows how to count to four) and he saw a hundred Jars full of honey. At that Piglet said "I don't think he would mind if I just take one jar of honey it's just one jar compared to the whole bunch of jars that are here, he might not even notice. " As Piglet took one of the many jars then opening the jar of honey . Dipping his index finger suddenly before his finger went to his mouth , Winnie smelled the honey from across the hall , waking up angry from his sleep ran towards Piglet and grabbing him from his T-shirt threw him outside the door in the middle of the storm , then slamming the door , went back to sleep grumbling " you let a friend stay the night and they rob you blind." In the snow , Piglet stood shocked that his best friend wasn't just selfish but unforgiving aswell. As Winnie the Pooh slept his conscious started bothering him " you need to forgive your best friend , you left him outside in the cold snow hungry , while you are warm with food." At hearing his conscious Winnie the Pooh covered his ears and close his eyes tightly. But images of his friend hungry and cold started appearing in his mind. But again Winnie refuse to listen to his conscious, and tried to excuse what he had done with the words " I take him in then all my food would be gone." Piglet tried walking home , but the wind and the snow was too much. All he could do is hold to a branch and stay in one place and pray that God would change Pooh's heart. As the snow started to cover piglet to his waist. Pooh was still fighting his conscious and hitting his head with one hand while beating his chest with the other to try to knock some sense to his conscious. As he was doing this , he bumped the bookshelf and a book fell open to the ground, it was the Bible , Winnie looked at where it was open to read what it had to say. His eyes fell straight to Matthew 6:14 which read: “For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. At reading this Pooh said I want to be forgiven but I don't want to forgive. And I don't want to give. Maybe I should forgive, he is my friend after all and maybe I could write on a paper what what he eats, then charge him later with taxes and add some inflation. And running to the door , as he opens the door sees Piglet almost frozen to death. With the snow covering to his neck. At that Pooh carries him to his bed and places many warm sheets on him. And crying because of his anger and selfishness he almost lost his friend. Grabbing a jar of honey started feeding him. And finally seeing Piglet moving but shaking because he was still cold started praising God. And in the middle of the excitement forgot to charge him for the honey . So that night Winnie the Pooh slept on the sofa while he gave his bed to his best friend who he forgave and was no longer greedy towards him ever again.
    Escuchado 4m 3s

In this podcast you will find Christian short Stories which was written by Harris Kakoulides. Each of these stories has a moral lesson to them and is one you would...

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In this podcast you will find Christian short Stories which was written by Harris Kakoulides. Each of these stories has a moral lesson to them and is one you would want to hear again and again.
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