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clarissatalaga's podcast

  • #10: And the last of us knows he/she has a choice to make

    28 JUN. 2023 · We are the generation of the BEFORE and AFTER I’m sure very few are exemptions to the hypnotizing visuals of Before the use of this product…After using it Before the editing…After editing it… Before this zen seminar…After getting in touch with harmony… We expect to have dramatic effect for our money’s worth. The competition nowadays can’t ignore the CANCEL CULTURE. Our attention span is being monitored by the research and marketing arms of companies. That’s a consideration in producing videos and promotions. Rightly so because you’d be out of touch while in the shed with your nose buried pursuing the evasive blockbuster while the rest has moved on to ten new things to skip on. That’s fast. And early. The scandal that can be created by accidentally watching adult scenes on TV or by being curious reading porno material is something of an ancestral culture. And it truly looks like a losing battle to guard the hearts and minds of the most out of touch natives who previously could truthfully say, THAT’S NOT FAIR. We haven’t heard of it or we don’t know what the Internet is in their untranslatable language. It’s a race to find the pathway or construct one if there isn’t one yet to the heart of the most isolated place on earth where they can be featured in I BET YOU AIN’T SEEN THIS YET! Or this one because it’s going to be some sort of regular reality show. Just you wait, middle earth, we’re coming for you on our next series! Cannibals ‘r u? Been there, seen that, what’s next? And with the exposure comes knowledge and connectivity and that proverbial CHOICES. Do you prefer this brand or this brand? Do you know that you can have what we have? Whereas before, they just accept life as they know it BECAUSE THEY HAVE NO CHOICE. That’s not true anymore, is it? Even the most isolated community KNOWS that EACH ONE HAS FREE WILL.
    Escuchado 33m 2s
  • #9: Before we know it as Intellectual Property Law, there's the commandment on the Scriptures

    24 JUN. 2023 · Who forbade who to change and alter a word of The Scriptures? Here in the Philippines, the smallest unit of the government is the Barangay. Even still, any barangay ordinance that had been made into a barangay law cannot be altered by the Chairman by his lonesome or the citizens. It has to be changed/repealed or recrafted by the body irrespective of who the incumbent officials are. There is a process by the rightful personalities. Morally speaking, in terms of man to man, whose authorship can be changed while remaining under the authorship of another? Who has no moral rights to forbade anyone from altering his/her written works? Our law on IP’s is very precise on this. The whole of Matthew 15 is about the tradition. And on Matthew 15: 15, this conversation was between Peter and the Lord. Peter said, “Explain the parable to us.” 16 And he said, Are ye also even yet without understanding? 17 Perceive ye not, that . “Are you still so dull?” Jesus asked them. ... “Don't you see that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and .. This is the same Peter who wrote in 2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not willing for any to perish, but for all to come to repentance. And understanding of course, this is me. Matthew 16: 8 Aware of their discussion, Jesus asked. “You of little faith, why are you talking among yourselves about having no bread? Do you still not understand? Don’t you remember the five loaves for the five thousand and how many basketfuls you gathered? How is it that you don’t understand that I was not talking to you about bread? You of little faith, that’s a scolding in my understanding. In transfiguration…17: 9 As they were coming down the mountain, Jesus instructed them, “Don’t tell anyone what you have seen, until the Son of Man has been raised from the dead.” The past actions still had some consequences…”To be sure, Elijah comes and will restore things. But I tell you, Elijah has already come, and they did not recognize him, but have done to him everything they wished. In the same way the Son of Man is going to suffer at their hands.” Then the disciples understood that he was talking to them about John the Baptist. Don’t reject Him too often. Or He would take you at your word. What is plain sight to others are shrouded to some. And finally, the emotional honesty in 17: 17 “O unbelieving and perverse generation,” Jesus replied, “how long shall I stay with you? How long shall I put up with you? Bring the boy here to me.” Jesus rebuked the demon, and it came out of the boy, and he was healed from the moment. Then the disciples came to Jesus in private and asked, “Why couldn’t we drive it out?” He replied, “Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed… Beware of “feedback system” 17:14 When they came to the crowd, a man approached Jesus and knelt before Him. Lord, have mercy on my son,” he said. “He is an epileptic and is suffering greatly. He often falls into the fire or into the water. I brought him to your disciples, but they could not heal him.” COULD NOT was it a failure? How long, how long, was an utterance of someone who also wanted to speed things up but could not because of the unfavorable conditions. When I am called perverse, I will be hurt because it’s not flattery or encouragement to how I’m doing things or my progress… “How long shall I stay with you? How long shall I put up with you? Bring the boy here to me.” Later on, Peter, with the benefit of HINDSIGHT was so convincing when he said “The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not willing for any to perish, but for all to come to repentance. And hey, this Monday, it will be officially yours, CLARISSA TALAGA, daughter of her parents and representing herself as one of the parties.
    Escuchado 30m 40s
  • #8: Republic Act No. 8369 or Family Courts Act Law

    20 JUN. 2023 · Risk assessment on account of FORCE MAJEURE does not stop with the printing of the report. On the contrary, another begins with a more serious course of action. The security risks of a place for a certain segment of local population or even to a certain person/family is like a gaping hole inviting a satisfactory resolution. Like how safety insecurity may not endanger everyone but there might be threat to anyone and anything that involves specific personality, the validation process can end with an accurate or inaccurate findings. As a person of interest who had initiated meetings to deal with our own qualification of what FORCE MAJEURE is to a business contract, I can relate to that. The introduction to our real persons and personality will not just depend on me and my emails sent individuals including offices in the State of Florida. Our identification will come from legal cases that will be filed in an open court or a case build up using confidential intelligence reports as basis of policy decisions like transfer of jurisdiction of a judicial proceeding. Should there be a change of jurisdiction, in all likelihood, there had already been an existing profiling of local personalities in Quezon Province who may be a source of danger or imminent threat to foreigner/s or to local oppositions. And from hereon, the whispers about my connectivity or being the target or object of secret activities will find their way to the security/white paper investigations; It is better to not speculate and it is also not good for hard questions to fester in silence building up boogey men sightings when sufficient answers can easily shed light to it. And that's how we leave the speculative world to be PROFILED IN INTELLIGENCE GATHERING prelude to law and order actions
    Escuchado 27m 47s
  • #7: What school summer vacay looks like for us

    18 JUN. 2023 · My dear followers, you’ve all seen me in action. How about we give the focus to how other players will step up the plate because their characters will be laid bare or because no good deed goes unpunished, indeed? It will be a good platform and the discussions will be more inclusive if it will include those whom I will feature in my podcast. Just as I have surprised myself that I have it in me to take up what’s needed to be done to keep to the path of my choosing, let’s see who else will throw the gauntlet and who will throw the hat into the ring. As a response. It will be a different kind of “duel”. Why? Because in my case, I had to rely much on divine intervention given my fish bowl limitations. The odds are fairly equal if who we will see in the ring would be contenders to your hearts and minds whose sources and resources are of standard and conventional means. Like the medium of exchange and the “conventional wisdom” are truly of this world and then we’ll get to see the differences. Yep, let’s compare the similarities and differences with me in it. I will provide the public platforms for the ayes and nays and this corner vs the other corner so we can assess which school of thought and discipline will stand the crucible of fire. Who can provide the following requirements by the Bureau of Internal Revenue RDO 60 (Quezon Province) in order to file the ESTATE TAX if applicable? As the mother of three daughters and representing one of the woman who is also named as CLARISSA M. TALAGA married to JOAQUIN T. GARCIA, Jr. , I take it upon myself to console my family should it turns out we have nothing to inherit from our parents but a GOOD NAME, our CITIZENSHIP, our CIVIL RIGHTS which can be directly applied to our status under the FAMILY CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES and our VALID/DEFENSIBLE LEGAL POSITION should it turn out in the future that our parents have some assets to their name but are still tied up to legal cases (among many pending cases still being reviewed and searched by the Office of the Clerk of both judiciary here in the Province of Quezon) in the present date. Moreover, I can give out the name of an agent representative from the private company with whom my late father had put up a trust fund that had matured already after certain number of years. At the very least I should be made certain of the LEGAL PERSONALITY that I still have at this time so that if another trust fund that I may not know of at this time comes to maturity, my rights as the eldest child with an accurate personal information will be respected.
    Escuchado 18m 35s
  • #6: Not intelligent, no property so I have no IP rights?

    17 JUN. 2023 · We may have something in common, English is our second language. I truly am thankful for this podcast. I have tuned in countless times to the dissection of legal cases wherein excerpts from tweets, videos or audios in the public domain have become a marked evidence, ruled by the bench. Other stipulations will matter which may not even be appreciated in the current date of publication or upload but in the coming days. Like who could have foreseen that we will be educated in our local language (mostly Tagalog) about the fine prints of the Intellectual Property law? The heading or title of the law tends to overwhelm and intimidate the uninitiated. Baka para sa matatalino lang yan, hindi naman pang-intellectual ang trabaho ko or pinagkikitaan ko. Ang yabang ko naman kung aalamin ko pa kung ano ang IP Code of the Philippines. At saka, pangkaraniwan lang ako na tao, wala akong “property” kaya hindi ko na dapat inaalam kung ano ang sinasabi ng batas na yan. Super pretentious ko na, niyayabangan ko na ang kapamilya at kaibigan ko, kapitbahay at boss ko kung babasahin ko pa ang sinasabi ng batas na yan. Whoever will say that even secretly cannot be more wrong. Two ordinary words that don’t even inspire awe because we use them everyday: EAT and BULAGA! The sum total is bigger than each word used separately. My goodness, WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT YOU CAN APPLY COPYRIGHT TO THE WORD EAT. Kumain ka na ba? Did you EAT already? Baby, lookie here…BULAGA! And take note, pwede nga palang ipamana yan. The rights of the successor/heirs and trustees will depend on the outcome of each day before reaching that moment. What is the symbol of your daily grind? Masipag ka ba sa ginagawa mo kaya naglagay ko ang pagkakakilanlan para balikan ka ng parukyano mo at mga customer mo? Paano kung pareho kayo ng iniisip ng kakumpetensya mo sa simbolong sumikat dahil sa pagsisikap ninyong dalawa? Hindi lang ikaw ang nagpakahirap para sa pangalang yan. Sino sa inyo ang nagpasikat sa pangalang yan or Sino ang may-ari ng pangalang yan? On the other end of the spectrum, there is the Non-Disclosure Agreement or waiver (NDA) as an enforceable legal document in settlement of disputes. The non-disclosure agreement is for the protection of the parties. Surviving the future may hinge on that piece of paper because we can only speculate at best but the future will remain unpredictable to you and I.
    Escuchado 19m 8s
  • episode 5: ONE MOMENT IN TIME is not ALL THE TIME

    13 JUN. 2023 · I could be at the mercy of creditors and unknown hostile forces who are financially powerful and whose long range influences can catch me in my most vulnerable state: a known problematic woman without proof of personal economic assets past and present. In my case, the assets that I claim to have are in the form of real property, personal property and intellectual property, cash in bank, goodwill, bankable profession that can be contracted, credit rating, working knowledge on local business cycles, certified identification, all in need of respective document. Without said documents, where will my good faith be based on if my entitlement to the PRESUMPTIONS OF THE LAW (innocence and regularity) are challenged in court? I might as well have been selling and promising nonexistent marketable commodity. And without them, another person or party will be enjoying the privileges of my hard earned work, status and earnings. In turn, I will be so vulnerable to unscrupulous operatives, just to be able to pay my dues and debts and to continue to financially support my needs to live, a would-be manual laborer. I thought I could produce easily the proof of said economic assets that in process of acquiring them, I was able to come to my own CORE COMPETENCE in terms of business experience. And this experience is where my consultancy services can be offered credibly to paying clients. I can ask for trust and confidence on the basis of some sort of “reputation” but anyone who knows as a matter of personal knowledge that I cannot produce the more concrete proof of being me, can thus tarnish my reputation while in the process of seeking recognition and protection from HUMAN TRAFFICKING ATTEMPTS. Where does the personal knowledge of having my person caught up, (ONE MOMENT IN TIME according to Whitney Houston’s song) without the official recognition in terms of credentials and financial assets come from? Only the real party of interest can have that USABLE AND ADVANTAGEOUS INFORMATION as a matter of personal knowledge. Our spoken words and actions can reveal the secret knowledge we’re operating from. Going back to forms of asset in my resume/financial statement which fall under either real property, personal property and intellectual property, e.g. cash in bank, goodwill, bankable profession that can be contracted, credit rating, working knowledge on local business cycles, certified identification, all in need of respective document…I cannot claim them unless the concrete proof is under CLARISSA M. TALAGA GARCIA’s (full/derivative) name. This is a very important qualifier for me. And I have not forgotten this important qualifier AT ANY POINT IN TIME.
    Escuchado 20m 55s
  • episode 4: When was the last time your parent spoke for you?

    12 JUN. 2023 · Is it a redundancy in stating the obvious or a necessary premise to establish the context? That I speak, stand and communicate with persons of authority as someone’s daughter, sister, mother, cousin, niece, friend, etc…Does an extraordinary turn of even justifies veering away from the ordinary and the usual? It depends right? Please listen in to some parents’ eldest child, to some daughters’ mother, to a would be friend, to a used to be contract party and that would be me. Please take a listen to my FB live broadcast on the 30th of November 2020. The quarantine regulations were easing at this time. Here in the Philippines the toughest part of the uncertainties caused by this unknown virus were on the 2nd to 3rd quarter of that year 2020. Our only source of information and updates came from online connectivity. I continue to hang on to the lost car purchased on my birthday October 22, 2018 which was Hyudai Accent for its sentimental value also. It doubled the pain of having been told, THAT CAR IS NOT YOURS. IT’S OURS! So we backtrack to how it came to be. The activities and strategies to push for the interest of CLARISSA TALAGA CONSULTANCY SERVICES, the music releases of CLARISSE T., the podcast of CLARISSE T. do not come free and is in in fact time consuming and expensive in my current circumstance. So to counter the gains of activities I do regularly and as part of my business and to contain my progress, the motivation and intent should be there.
    Escuchado 31m 35s
  • episode no 3: Still underestimating the writers and artists of our time? Take a listen...

    8 JUN. 2023 · Who are the people who populate arts and culture? The term CONSUMERS are not the exclusive use for shampoo brands, for rice and bread, for gadgets in the market. The policy makers, the executive department, the middle management, they are also consumers of the intangibles. I am a consumer of someone’s works existing today. If they exist today and they have overcome the test of time, the people who wrote or came up with these ideas, thoughts and findings are long dead. And those people are feeders in the same way as our farmers are. Good thing that our Intellectual Property Laws are in existence so we don’t have to preserve their works on grand architecture, murals, scribing and arches and sculptures which can take time. The pace of today’s life would be dizzying to them. In simple words, what worked then and why, the farmers absorbed in combating the pests and unfavorable weather for maximum harvest will not have the time to such things. You know who does? Who have the time and the motivation and the capability to preserve the legacy from the past in continuation and probably add some improvement? We do. The cultural warfare, the vehicle and the tools to wage it, they are as much important as the industry that put literal food on the table. I am a writer. I am a music artist. I also get to appreciate the works of painter artists through their canvass. Even the futuristic portrayals, the abstracts will give clues as to the timeline of history when they were conceived. And that’s why my US visa application is Type P and/or Type O. By the way, the exceptions for the visa interview would be the renewals and I heard 14 years old. Since I do not fit those descriptions, the actual words I have to say are important.
    Escuchado 27m 18s
  • Loving my name because...

    5 JUN. 2023 · Do you think I hate my name? Are you kidding? I'm tickled by my real legal name, if you must know. Thrilled that someone like me can have a "tokayo" namesake who is grand, who is peymuz, who is admirable and all the things I don't seem to be. And why not? Given the number of likes and share from my uploads, even in our small neighborhood, no one will award me with anything most or best that feels good. So to have a namesake who seems to be the complete opposite of me, her family and relatives must be soooo proud of her. Liking and sharing her posts and listening to her plans and whatever she had done in the past to achieve such accomplishments. Instead I have to contend with the "me" who has been told You don't have a lawyer, you don't even have the money to pay for your debts!" I bet the commedable and admirable other Clarissa will not get to hear those everyday and regular You are this and You are that...or You are not this and You are not that kind of identifications. Oh, well...life...there's also that performing and working and living for the audience of One.
    Escuchado 26m 50s
  • The Miranda Rights of CLARISSA T.

    4 JUN. 2023 · The wording used when a person is read the Miranda Warning, also known as being 'Mirandized,' is clear and direct: “You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. My almost 40 minutes of narrative is especially counter intuitive to the Miranda rights. Or is it? But then you will have to listen to it first. The question HOW DID YOU KNOW is not just a localized question here in Lucena City. By this time, it has a doubled edged question in various jurisdictions. First off, my heartfelt condolences to the loss of LaRosa family with the passing of Pastor Ralph who will be utterly missed. From this average height of a doctrinal teacher came a giant of a vision that I'm especially grateful for. As a technical writer coming from literary, romance/fiction writing, I've learned of the hazards of the transition and the meticulous use of words or lacking thereof. That the reaction can be an unprecedented, unintended consequences unleashed by random and impulsive good intentioned permissions. Not in a good way. We have our individual 20/20 vision from year 2000 to year 2020 that can only be credited to the inspiration of Pastor Ralph. The discipline, the zest he was known for to share it thru the generosity of his supporters from the US for Lucena City church that my daughters and I were a part of, thank you and goodnight Pastor, rest in peace, you so earned it!
    Escuchado 39m 45s
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