Reading and summarising classic texts. Currently reading Histories by Herodotus c. 440BC

Episodios & Posts
2 FEB. 2021 · Summary of Xenophon's Anabasis or March of the 10,000 - 401BC - Part 1
Cyrus the Younger with 13,000 Greek mercenaries marches against his brother Artaxerxes II into the heart of the Persian Empire.
Tissaphernes, Clearchus, Xenophon, King Darius II
23 MAY. 2020 · An Athenian Politician and Military Commander during the Persian Invasions. Themistocles is famed as one of the chief saviours of Greece from the Persian Empire. In 'The Life of Themistocles' we see how Themistocles became one of the most influential politicians in Athens. His influence in 'The Battle of Marathon' 'The Battle of Artemisium' and 'The Battle of Salamis'. And finally, Themistocles eventual exile from Athens.
- Plutarch's Live of Themistocles
- Herodotus' Histories
- Tom Holland's Persian Fire
- Thucydides' History of the Peloponnesian War
7 MAY. 2020 · The Life of Solon | Summary of Plutarch's The Life of Solon.
Also known as Solon the Lawgiver. One of the Seven Wise Men of Ancient Greece and the man who laid the foundations for Democracy
28 ABR. 2020 · As we continue reading through Herodotus' Histories we have now come to the rise of Cyrus the Great - from birth to king. This story includes the king of the Medes, Astyages and Harpagus his companion.
24 ABR. 2020 · In 'The Story of Achilles' we view in detail the glorious life of Achilles. From the heroes sea nymph mother Thetis and father King Peleus. The events of The Trojan war. The death of Achilles best friend Patroclus. To his eventual death by a shot of an arrow to the heel. Sources include Homers' Iliad and Statius' Achilleid.
20 ABR. 2020 · Read through and discussion of Histories by Herodotus. 440BC
Introduction & Context
Reading and summarising classic texts. Currently reading Histories by Herodotus c. 440BC
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