23 MAR. 2022 · Woah! Another season finale!? Seriously, thank you guys for listening and supporting the show. Happy to announce we'll be back with another season in the near future! Can't wait to continue sharing valuable info and coaching business owners :)
In this episode we were lucky to land Austin Sanchez from Drain medics! We discuss how he made his new business profitable, the importance of knowing your price point, taking advantage of the right opportunities, why you should never be satisfied, not letting the "what if" BS hold you back, and much more!
Follow our journeys here:
Cory Jean
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> https://www.instagram.com/realmuchomartinez/?hl=en
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Austin from Drain Medics
- https://www.calldrainmedics.com/
- https://www.instagram.com/calldrainmedics/
- https://www.facebook.com/drainmedicstucson
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