10 NOV. 2020 · Within this podcast, the students discuss how Covid-19 and the events of George Floyd's death and Covid-19 have inspired the African American youth to take to the streets and protest. Youth host Marcel discusses how the wake of the many black lives lost in this time; activism has become well known in all aspects of society. The African American youth have been the primary leaders behind many different political awareness activities and activism during this pandemic. Local activism in the Sacramento area and many different organizations have sparked change for our communities. Marcel then goes on to talk about The Black Child Legacy. This local community organization that focuses on supporting people to tackle the social issues troubling our communities. Like, police brutality, gang violence prevention, black mental health awareness, preventing students from going to prison after school, and human trafficking. Marcel mentions the increased rates of anxiety and stress for African Americans. The students talk about the increased rates of activism within the African American youth, which begs the question, How has COVID-19 affected activism, and how have people found ways to advocate for those in need? Lastly, he discusses how the CARES Act could fund housing, schools, and violence prevention. This is extremely important to the black community because of the dissociate effects caused by COVID-19.