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Cruel Summer Camp

  • The Way Things Are Now audio

    25 MAY. 2024 · Recorded from our FROMily Fridays live episode. If you'd like to participate in the live chat and see our faces, join Jazzy and Kelly on our YouTube channel every Friday at 5pm EST:  https://youtube.com/@cyborgqueenmedia We'll put the first few episodes of our FROM podcast on here, and then you'll have to look up The FROM Series Podcast. At Colony House, Tabitha and Julie grapple with their new nightmarish reality. Out in the forest, Jim, Boyd and Kristi struggle to treat Ethan's injuries. Tragedy strikes from an unexpected source as a new threat arises. We also discuss the credits a bit in this one!  https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/from https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/fromrecap https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/frompodcast
    Escuchado 58m 40s
  • Escuchado 5m 54s
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    Hostile Witness

    24 OCT. 2023 · Kelly and Pamela discuss the Cruel Summer season 1 finale: Hostile Witness.
    Escuchado 1h 37m 35s
  • A Secret of My Own

    14 OCT. 2023 · Kelly and Pamela Discuss and analyze Cruel Summer Season 1 Episode 9: A Secret of My Own Track: "Forget It" Music provided by https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbVZGb1pLSnhXVkNmLUFfdWxKanRiTGlaeVA1d3xBQ3Jtc0tta21ieE1IelpJUW5LcnlZVmZJeDRVckFIVTZlNXZEMHhDc1JLTlBWTHR4aWs4Z1c2d1NDT1IzbU5MdGlFOEtONkVpS0ViOHREdlBJSlQ3eS1ndFk1OFl4NXdXaEI3VFg0eXFIYUR4dFZBUG9fWnRjRQ&q=https%3A%2F%2FSlip.stream%2F&v=XW76QZiIxNo Free Download/Stream: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa3Q0eEhTakQxSzdRRlVVcExBQlM5UEpzUzJFQXxBQ3Jtc0trTmlNTmJxWWZqZVJGMnVIZEVhM3NYeTNIS2MzLXhuZElpMlM2cTh1a01PSy1OeHZwRXBMV0p2WWV1NVFoTVpBamNmZ3FRRlJ1R2QwMXAxbHFocFVsd1VfVmJtZ1lva0VKbWI4cUtmNTNDeTdZTHNlWQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fget.slip.stream%2FRBRr3y&v=XW76QZiIxNo Track: "Just Got Drunk Bumper" Music provided by https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbU9Ma0E5SkI4WC12azFVWS10NndsSnZQblJ2QXxBQ3Jtc0ttMVctU0lKMmNQdTBOOUo1b3c3cmxVY0doaHZ1MGd6UFI0N2c3MkVrSHgtcDl1WTFGY2t3S04zUUpZbUtueHBlcXNuVGlRXy1ZRWl2Q1VGZGF0MEdDeGhOd0QzVXVCTWxjcUx2N1FsY2cwZEJFY1pnOA&q=https%3A%2F%2FSlip.stream%2F&v=XW76QZiIxNo Free Download/Stream: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbEpING5iRElvZWhJYjg3NnZhMmEtNHp1c2JpUXxBQ3Jtc0tuSHlOMS1uazZndE1Wd3pnc0NTN1YtME1qOFBLTTN5MFNybXljWkF1TGZyWXBFVzMyTzdFc3FNWklzUWE1Q3RUV1pXU0szcWdlOHBvenFaWENGYmVkQkNiU3ZlREVoa1JRT3hucV9aRmlFdm9Fd2F1aw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fget.slip.stream%2FQJEMD1&v=XW76QZiIxNo
    Escuchado 1h 24m 34s
  • Proof

    7 OCT. 2023 · Kelly and Pamela discuss Season 1 Episode 8: Proof
    Escuchado 1h 36m 36s
  • Happy Birthday Kate Wallis

    30 SEP. 2023 · Kelly and Pamela discuss Cruel Summer Season 1 Episode 7: Happy Birthday, Kate Wallis. - - Everyone gets a little bit of redemption except for Jamie, - - Rod continues to be a perfect dreamboat, - - and Andrea Anders and Olivia Holt make emotional fools out of us as we can't stop crying when even thinking about their intense confrontation. Join us on Tuesday nights for Cruel Summer Afterparty (through 10/17), and check out our other shows on YouTube and podcast apps: - The Antler Queens (Yellowjackets) - The Daryl Dixon Podcast - A-hole Queens (A Reddit Podcast) - H-Block Queens (A Wentworth Podcast) Track: "Forget It" Music provided by https://slip.stream Free Download / Stream: https://get.slip.stream/RBRr3y Track: "Just Got Drunk Bumper" Music provided by https://Slip.stream Free Download/Stream: https://get.slip.stream/QJEMD1
    Escuchado 2h 33m 31s
  • An Ocean Inside Me

    30 SEP. 2023 · Kelly and Pamela recap and analyze Cruel Summer Season 1, Episode 6: An Ocean Inside Me. Let us know your thoughts on this episode! Track: "Forget It" Music provided by https://slip.stream Free Download / Stream: https://get.slip.stream/RBRr3y
    Escuchado 2h 3m 21s
  • As the Carny Gods Intended

    14 SEP. 2023 · Welcome back, Cruel Summer Campers! In this episode, Pamela and I delve deep into the intricate web of drama woven within Cruel Summer Season 1 Episode 5: As the Carny Gods Intended. We dissect the deplorable parenting skills of Greg, leaving us questioning his ability to fulfill such a critical role in his daughter's life. And what on EARTH does Angela see in him?? Unsettling and dark, we cannot ignore the bone-chilling spectacle of Martin creepily clutching onto Kate's scrunchy. How deep does his obsession with Kate go? Our minds race with possibilities as we delve into the twisted psyche of this enigmatic character. Brace yourself for an exploration of the darkest corners of human nature, as we attempt to unravel his darkness. But Kate's hell on earth doesn't stop there. We shine a light on Jamie's insidious gaslighting. As the story unravels, we are forced to confront the depths of his manipulation, leaving us brokenhearted for Kate and her lack of support. With each revelation, our perception is forever altered, highlighting the psychological prowess of Cruel Summer's storytelling. Join us as we embark on an analytical journey through this chilling episode, leaving no stone unturned in our quest for understanding. Sit back and relax as we unravel the another gripping episode of Cruel Summer. Track: "Forget It" Music provided by https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbk8ybFpNaVhmdFdqaUJDWXowMGRyQ2FONWRGQXxBQ3Jtc0ttaV8tZXJ0VkhTMXF0N0ZVZWJHSDNPZmQydDV2QXJYcTA1VkFGZGhydk5UQ2FUdXlRdm4zSFJCYUtPYUtQNGx6SnRXU1dhRFRJaEJhb3ZtN0RVZWhDcDZhODFRT2lrdU1NQ3M2elNubVJrTk5BOVRXYw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fslip.stream%2F&v=i-OVxPsvRyc Free Download / Stream: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa19CcGlHQTFEZGRKQTgzRDVGYUp0aDQtYTl4Z3xBQ3Jtc0tubmNqU0RPNDZwVldHcXEtR0NkT0xkQlZtc2hzZkhTYVVqdnRLSGdvVzNnU3dpeE0wMDVOLWlZNTV1Wkt1RWx0ZGZQN3ZBMkIyTkd4aGVzUkU2ZnhmbXNpbDZHWGVteElMUlVHbmFGYTNhRm5vTm9wTQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fget.slip.stream%2FRBRr3y&v=i-OVxPsvRyc
    Escuchado 1h 56m 38s
  • You Don't Hunt You Don't Eat

    8 SEP. 2023 · Things are heating up on this week's chilling episode of the Freeform show Cruel Summer, and your Cruel Summer Camp Counselors are breaking down all the juicy details and cryptic morsels from Season 1 Episode 4 - "You Don't Hunt, You Don't Eat." Kate is standing up for herself and making sure she lets those around her know how they've let her down. As she continues to struggle with her memories from her time in the basement, this is her only method of taking control. Just how dark are Martin's plans for Kate? Who is Annabelle? And the most intriguing question of all, Did Kate and Mallory ever get their Dunk-a-roos?? Join your camp counselors as we go moment-by-moment to unravel the twisted mysteries at the dark heart of Skylin, Texas. We'll analyze each subtle hint, debate the most scandalous theories, and spotlight all the disturbing complexities you might have missed. This episode really took Cruel Summer to the next level, so make sure you're around our virtual campfire to hear us discuss the season's most compelling installment yet. With our signature blend of thoughtful discussion, snarky humor, and obsessive attention to detail, this is one campfire chat you won't want to miss! So grab your marshmallow skewers and huddle close for the chilling, revealing recap you need to survive Season 1 Episode 4 of Cruel Summer. Let's unpack the schemes, lies, and secrets together at Cruel Summer Camp! Track: "Forget It" Music provided by https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbEJQU3FtUEc5WXFHaGFjOGVFNllSRllkNlpPUXxBQ3Jtc0tuVVlKQV9YR2htb3NzeVY4eGVHYWl4TElSS2puUWpHc29KcllqSE1VbXRiRzZJcnpGMm1tTXd2ZDlBcExMX3hJNlBiX0hxX3lTOHEzMlZTbkdDVHY5cEJCLVF2Znk4dVBkYzVnRGJqNlJDWTZ2a2dWSQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fslip.stream%2F&v=bybOOArX9Tk Free Download / Stream: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbEJ5c2hYNkxZMHBnN0R5UmxhOWIxdUVubnVWUXxBQ3Jtc0trd1UzTXhxVjk4X1lsNW1RbGhZMDZxeEpjNHNwek4zdkx2aHc3NlNlbEhZUURYMUtRQWdyVFEzTUJvS1B0amd6LUNZREplMmlYakgzdi1HT3dnUUtpbXJicjJRU195enVfX2dUejlQd0s4V0lrTWJ3WQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fget.slip.stream%2FRBRr3y&v=bybOOArX9Tk Cruel Summer stars Chiara Aurelia, Olivia Holt, Blake Lee, Ashlei Sharpe Chestnut and many other exceptionally talented cast members.
    Escuchado 2h 7m 29s
  • Off With a Bang

    3 SEP. 2023 · In this Cruel Summer episode recap, we're discussing season 1 Episode 3: Off With a Bang. In this episode of the Freeform show Cruel Summer, tensions escalate as Kate Wallis decides to share her story, potentially tarnishing Jeanette Turner's reputation. In a surprising turn of events, Jeanette decides to sue Kate for defamation, preparing us for a courtroom showdown. But just when things couldn't get any crazier, Jeanette finds herself on the receiving end of Kate's rage when she pulls up next to her at a stop light. In 1993, Mallory is furious with Jeanette for accidentally flushing her mom's bag of joints down the toilet. However, amidst all the drama, a sweet twist unfolds as Vince and Ben, who appear to be up to something shady, are actually revealed to be a secretly dating couple, sneaking off to dance together. We're not crying; you are. This episode gave us a rollercoaster of emotions and jaw-dropping revelations. Tune in to hear all of our thoughts and analysis on it! Track: "Forget It" Music provided by https://slip.stream Free Download / Stream: https://get.slip.stream/RBRr3y Cruel Summer stars Chiara Aurelia, Olivia Holt, Blake Lee, and many other exceptionally talented cast members.
    Escuchado 1h 39m 30s

Welcome to Cruel Summer Camp!, the latest offering from The Antler Queens/Cyborg TV podcast network! If you're a fan of the Freeform TV show, then this is the podcast for...

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Welcome to Cruel Summer Camp!, the latest offering from The Antler Queens/Cyborg TV podcast network!

If you're a fan of the Freeform TV show, then this is the podcast for you. Join Kelly and Pamela each week as we dive into the latest episode of Cruel Summer and discuss the twists, turns, and drama that keep us on the edge of our seats. We will recap all the major plot point and speculate about what could happen next in this exciting and unpredictable show. Whether you're watching Cruel Summer for the first time or you've been around since the beginning, our podcast is the perfect place to stay up-to-date and engaged with this thrilling series. Don't miss out on the fun. Subscribe so you never miss an episode!
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