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Education Leadership and Beyond

  • #ELB Podcast with Nick Emanuele, Warwick Valley AP

    2 JUL. 2024 · Meet Nick Emanuele. Nick just completed his 1st year as an administrator at Warwick Valley HS as Associate Principal. Nick is an energetic leader who is growing, leading, and learning. I met him when he was earning his administrative degree at LIU Hudson. He is a graduate of ESU. I look forward to our conversation together LIVE on the https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/elb Podcast at 4:10 pm on Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024. This podcast is sponsored by IXL Personalized Learning. IXL is used by more than 1 million teachers each day. It is also the most widely used online learning and teaching platform for K-12. Learn more here: ixl.com/elb
    Escuchado 35m 21s
  • #ELB Podcast w/ Rich Barton, Carol Dozibrin, and Mile Ellson

    26 JUN. 2024 · 3 authors, 3 leaders, 1 awesome book. Meet Rich Barton, Carol Dozibrin, and Mike Ellson--all Certified Master Athletic Administrators and co-authors of Leadership with Legacy--a collaborative project filled with stories, lessons, and experiences written by Rich, Carol, and Mike as well as with contributions from coaches and athletic directors from around the country. Rich is the Assistant Director of the NIAAA, National Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association. Carol and Mike are the Executive Directors of the State Athletic Directors Associations for New Hampshire and Tennessee, respectively. I look forward to hosting them on the podcast on Tuesday, June 24th, 2024, at 8 pm EST. Join us LIVE on the https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/elb podcast on all socials. You can purchase their book here: https://bit.ly/LeadershipwLegacy This podcast is sponsored by IXL Personalized Learning. IXL is used by more than 1 million teachers each day. It is also the most widely used online learning and teaching platform for K-12. Learn more here: ixl.com/elb
    Escuchado 1h 2m 44s
  • #ELB Podcast with Dr. Jim Van Allan

    21 JUN. 2024 · Want some positive energy? Join me LIVE on Thursday, June 20th, 2024, at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Le5KX-6XifU&t=255s EST as I talk with Dr. Jim Van Allan, President of The Energy Bus for Schools. He is a professor of communications & public speaking and is in schools throughout the year spreading positivity and culture building. He has worked closely with Jon Gordon for 18+ years. As a father of three young children, we certainly will ask Jim about balancing it all while driving the energy bus! Join us LIVE. You can learn more/purchase the book here: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa2hiOV9uYzE1TlluLWhJd1NqVlpsZDBkNlJ3Z3xBQ3Jtc0trQVdHS3ZyYmNabS1LQVJWbk95VkFlQ0FlOEdSUmlwSlJUZlFUb3h3YUJjY2oxUXAtM1JxaGNvVUFWTklRb0tDdV9hVkMzMXNmbHpZU2pabnNrSHJfdlg0amhKa3JmSklCTWZOUkc2OTNTWVdEUFFUcw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fenergybusforschools.com%2F&v=Le5KX-6XifU This podcast is sponsored by IXL Personalized Learning. IXL is used by more than 1 million teachers each day. It is also the most widely used online learning and teaching platform for K-12. Learn more here: ixl.com/elb
    Escuchado 44m 45s
  • #ELB Podcast with Paul Babcock: Teacher, Coach, & Author

    6 JUN. 2024 · I am loving listening on Audible to "The Team" by teacher & coach Paul Babcock. What story of Paul growing up on a farm in Illinois and going to play college baseball. Paul has been a teacher and coach for 29 years and is now an author. He also has done over 1,000,000 push-ups in his life! Excited to talk with Paul LIVE on the podcast on Thursday, June 6th 2024 at 4:15 pm You can purchase The Team here: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbDIxZlBQREV3dzhUZzZnMnROVkhfR0ZkSjdFd3xBQ3Jtc0tuRUpaajVEaGtyNHpEaVlEUTJtN3IzQkhXY2ppTGJvZzdjcjVPMzJRODQ1eHlobnY4ZUlic1NYUmZIRy03NlFNNlAxYXNLVnRqRFlha0tGS1lMU1JMazdCdGhGSVRidWxtcERoamc1VDRPbU1GYmx5Zw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2F3yQdhFD&v=vOqroeccMPA This podcast is sponsored by IXL Personalized Learning. IXL is used by more than 1 million teachers each day. It is also the most widely used online learning and teaching platform for K-12. Learn more here: ixl.com/elb
    Escuchado 39m 56s
  • #ELB Podcast with Danielle Livengood

    31 MAY. 2024 · Meet Danielle Livengood-the Sr. Executive Director of High Schools & Secondary Curriculum of Marion County Public Schools in Florida. Danielle has led there for more than 20 years serving in a variety of roles. Danielle is a twin, was a foster child, and has over-come many obstacles in her life to become the educator she is today. We will discuss her journey, leadership, and her work in breaking the poverty cycle and finding pathways for student success. Join us LIVE on Thursday, May 30th, at 7 pm EST on all socials. This podcast is sponsored by IXL Personalized Learning. IXL is used by more than 1 million teachers each day. It is also the most widely used online learning and teaching platform for K-12. Learn more here: ixl.com/elb
    Escuchado 47m 48s
  • #ELB Podcast with Kerri Bullock (NY)

    22 MAY. 2024 · Meet Kerri Bullock. Kerri is the Assistant Superintendent for Instructional Support Services at BT BOCES in Binghamton, NY. She has grown her team and her leadership over 18 years of education service. She is a mother of two young children, physically active running triathlons, and prepping for the annual leadership academy this July supporting leaders from around the region. Join us for the podcast LIVE at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5-s2LK6rR0&t=255s EST on Wednesday, May 22nd, 2024 on all socials. This podcast is sponsored by IXL Personalized Learning. IXL is used by more than 1 million teachers each day. It is also the most widely used online learning and teaching platform for K-12. Learn more here: ixl.com/elb
    Escuchado 44m 6s
  • #ELB Podcast with Dr. David Franklin

    16 MAY. 2024 · Meet Dr. David Franklin. A lifelong Principal, David has been running The Principal's Desk since 2017. David is an author, keynote speaker, adjunct professor, and more. We will talk about Education Leadership, surviving as a Principal, writing, podcasting, and more. I am looking forward to learning and growing with Dr. Franklin. David's newest book was released in January 2024, Advice from The Principals Desk: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbXhTdkxvc0dSNTNYWWZQcmhkMFptcURHb1hhZ3xBQ3Jtc0trMjhwMlZXQlpQVWxrSGE4OU16d3lvRWNtckYyQzRSd2JGZUQzSmM1dXZ2VXNjWnhGMWM3aG5fODdqMV9nVDAzQ291aWJFbkcwYlhEeUhqUFgtbGZHMUtvZWF0SkRIUG5FVlhDa3pfYzlnLU1aTy1OWQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fprincipalsdesk.org%2Ftpd-publications%2F&v=iT3R91E3pqo Keep surviving & thriving friends. Join us LIVE, May 15th, 2024 at 7 pm EST on all my socials. https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/survivethrive Learn more about David here: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbVNfRFZDcmRBaHprQVNNUDBDQThuNXNIS1Exd3xBQ3Jtc0tsR1lzelBqTDRfMTFXeFJUYWFneGlaaFFtbzFzZFo3OUl4YWZ0U3YyNnVVb0VCWlJzakhXal9JdTZlRkU3eW1rVmxXWGsxN1BWZ054eHZhTF9PQ0tDeElKQjlUOEVsMktYTHRsVkFCUHo4TFBSZUdMTQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fprincipalsdesk.org%2Fabout%2F&v=iT3R91E3pqo This podcast is sponsored by IXL Personalized Learning. IXL is used by more than 1 million teachers each day. It is also the most widely used online learning and teaching platform for K-12. Learn more here: ixl.com/elb
    Escuchado 47m 3s
  • #ELB Podcast: Teacher Appreciation Week

    10 MAY. 2024 · Hi friends. It is teacher appreciation week. a big shout and THANK YOU TO ALL TEACHERS OUT THERE! On this episode of the podcast, I will dive into 3 great stories from HATS: Heartfelt Acts for Teachers, Students, and Staff regarding teachers and the amazing impact they can have on schools, kids, and the community. I'll also explain the acronym S.E.E. Come join me LIVE on all socials https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/elb?__eep__=6&__cft__%5B0%5D=AZWQCnUzVZdCbV_IIh-ml-ARjzgtfAKWbrlDwpNNW6EWwCssLS4Cn3Sqj0ScHqFF1sx3H4zw-JcVLs0R5Urv1Yu61B6nk9jbYTVbuYzwsy2rkX1xQ_Gz0OHNV9D46-gQW61BlP-Rg7yCUTCrYQeVgJtdNe2SGrM0rR1FcUgBnwPF5g&__tn__=*NK-R. This podcast is sponsored by IXL Personalized Learning. IXL is used by more than 1 million teachers each day. It is also the most widely used online learning and teaching platform for K-12. Learn more here: http://ixl.com/elb?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR2ASqBzH1f2ZSaMXglUWBHdDWDz8AJHYk4xGRXK276bKpzogq-gJ0hWjSk_aem_AZXcATmXNlYdW2yKTDHqIk2x2JbONsBCz_Lw5hQmE6_WDl5VqaXMHr2SyjHR_8maALZwLCZp3hNM7FgajurdGgt6
    Escuchado 17m 29s
  • #ELB Podcast w/ Dr. Dan Myers

    10 MAY. 2024 · It is not every day you get to interview a University President! Meet Dr. Dan Myers, the 15th President of Misericordia University in Dallas, PA. Dr. Myers has led previously at American, Marquette, and Notre Dame Universities and joined Misericordia in 2021. He is a published author and is an expert in the study of collective behavior and social movements. Join us LIVE for the conversation on Monday, April 29th, 2024 at 3:15 pm EST. You can read his full bio here: https://www.misericordia.edu/about/office-of-the-president?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR2ASVpZxJsJtqZCBg-Unhs0NQmoQtGr_ExfZQ-oVTwDoh2fyTOoU9pc-d8_aem_AZUqOWF6offA_7Chg5MQHMT2ViQIKeHHl1_dWTl1jBImRI86GPjM0zCnRJIr4CWfC1vKbDr5Xw11or_WEr06ogtiYou can follow Dr. Myers here: Follow President Myers on Twitter: @PresDanMyersMUOn TikTok @PresDanMyersMUand Instagram @PresDanMyersMUThis podcast is sponsored by The upcoming Dads, Leaders, and Father Figures' Leadership Summit being held in Binghamton, NY on Monday, July 29th, 2024. Join us! Learn more here: https://bit.ly/DadsLeadersInfoDoc?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR2QW5-mP0MVrkhPE4UE8vAL7DpdfHsADB5w8Le7QTcSNAi6U7S07fxMYPE_aem_AZWCD5zYaPqJd25a34Ll_YYq9g4D2CRIguRRy41kB4oqefLwKPm6w45A5RNkr_W7Y2qDOW49nF9rf6Gzz1YR3pDZ Register here: https://bit.ly/DadsSummitRegistration?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR3SAGnrLe4KfkrG71gccI3WttIq0-uRiupjZYMvn4iYlxhKyl9iqpB0MhQ_aem_AZX-pMnNrwAXjx4pwDTyN22x9NVwdn7ix7G4oinH1UHujcLaY32ayQpIzG1ii2aD7qUgghqw0d5djjCbuqZIFxzchttps://dadsleadersandfatherfigures.com/dads-leaders-summit/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR1P1CqaJOvGjhlTWWUbK6UzVRn8FFoyOxDiSbHZK3g85zH6oznP1S9TU-g_aem_AZXcqrFDPDVdwjberkR70wz2OLNJNVKhsrNM-Y6x1oQt9ZZAlIdMcy8GYZX7PDgbQZurSBoTrY5F7Mt9-ANye_Jm
    Escuchado 53m 42s
  • #ELB Podcast with teacher & Coach Tom Walls

    26 ABR. 2024 · Meet Tom Walls: Teacher, Coach, Blogger, Speaker. Tom has been a lifelong Teacher & Coach now working in Winnipeg, Canada. Tom has a deep passion for football and the spirit and psychology of football. He believes in small actions creating big impacts in school, on the team, an din the classroom. Join us LIVE at 7 pm EST on Thursday, April 25th, 2024. You can follow him on X @TomWalls6263 and Insta @tom.walls.104. This podcast is sponsored by IXL Personalized Learning. IXL is used by more than 1 million teachers each day. It is also the most widely used online learning and teaching platform for K-12. Learn more here: ixl.com/elb
    Escuchado 48m 8s
Education Leadership, & Beyond; Surviving and Thriving
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