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End Medical Tyranny with JD Rucker

  • THIS Is What We Need: Idaho Legislators Push to Make Administering All mRNA "Vaccines" Illegal

    19 FEB. 2023 · There's a bill in the Idaho state legislature that is almost exactly what we need more of in America today. If enacted into law, it would make the administering of any mRNA vaccines illegal. The only thing I don't like about the bill is that it makes the act a misdemeanor when I believe it should be a felony.I talked about it for tomorrow's episode of The JD Rucker Show. Here's the story by JD Heyes from https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-02-19-idaho-legislators-introduce-measure-criminalizing-covid-vaccines.html that breaks down the details:Idaho Legislators Introduce Measure Criminalizing COVID Vaccines Throughout the StateThe GOP-controlled Idaho legislature is taking the most radical step yet in regards to pushing back against the administration of increasingly risky, and some say even deadly, COVID-19 vaccines.https://www.ktvb.com/article/news/local/capitol-watch/idaho-lawmakers-introduce-legislation-to-criminalize-those-who-administer-covid-vaccines-legislature/277-2436a514-e7da-4b31-9762-f9be10300075KTVB7, “two Idaho lawmakers have introduced a bill to charge those who administer mRNA vaccines with a misdemeanor.”The House Health & Welfare Committee was presented with HB 154, which was sponsored by Sen. Tammy Nichols, R-Middleton, and Rep. Judy Boyle, R-Midvale, on February 15. The bill prohibits individuals from providing or administering a vaccine that uses messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) technology for use in humans or animals within the state.During her presentation to the committee, Nichols explained that the bill would make it a misdemeanor for anyone to provide or administer mRNA vaccines for use in humans or animals in the state of Idaho. Nichols expressed concern about the speed with which the COVID-19 vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna were developed and the lack of liability, informed consent, or data on mRNA vaccines. However, she later clarified that her remarks were specific to the two COVID-19 vaccines.“I think there is a lot of information that comes out with concerns to blood clots and heart issues,” Nichols noted, per the outlet.During the hearing, Nichols’ statement that the vaccines were fast-tracked was questioned by Rep. Ilana Rubel, D-Boise, even though they clearly were; most vaccines take years to develop but the COVID jabs were rushed into arms in about a year under then-President Donald Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed” program. Rubel said the vaccines allegedly survived testing (which, again, was rushed, https://naturalnews.com/2021-11-08-pfizer-falsified-covid-vaccine-data-trials.html) and then eventually approved by the FDA.Nichols said she finds it “may not have been done like we thought it should’ve been done.”“There are other shots we could utilize that don’t have mRNA in it,” Nichols added.Messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines are a type of vaccine that uses a small piece of genetic material called mRNA to stimulate an immune response in the body. The mRNA provides instructions for cells in the body to produce a protein that is found on the surface of a virus or bacteria, which triggers an immune response. This immune response allows the body to build up immunity to the virus or bacteria without actually causing an infection, according to John Hopkins Medicine. The COVID-19 vaccines developed by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna are examples of mRNA vaccines.In November 2021, the British Medical Journal https://naturalnews.com/2021-11-08-pfizer-falsified-covid-vaccine-data-trials.html with the clinical trials conducted for the COVID-19 vaccine from Pfizer and BioNTech. The report was based on information provided by a whistleblower and corroborated by others involved in the trial.The allegations included falsified data, unblinded patients, inadequately trained vaccinators, and delayed follow-up on adverse events. The whistleblower, a former regional director for Ventavia Research Group, supplied the BMJ with supporting documentation, including audio recordings, emails, and photos.Ventavia was contracted by the pharmaceutical companies to assist with the pivotal phase III trial. The whistleblower claimed that she repeatedly raised concerns about patient safety, data integrity, and poor lab management to superiors. She also reported her concerns to the FDA and was subsequently fired on the same day for being “not a good fit,” which she said was the first time she had been dismissed in her 20-year research career.Among the information provided to the journal by Jackson was a recording of a late September meeting in which she met with two directors of Ventavia to discuss a possible FDA inspection. One executive said to Jackson: “We’re going to get some kind of letter of information at least, when the FDA gets here … I know it.”A senior executive can also be heard in the recording explaining that the company could not quantify the number and types of errors that were being identified. “In my mind, it’s something new every day,” the individual said. “We know that it’s significant.”Sources include:* https://www.ktvb.com/article/news/local/capitol-watch/idaho-lawmakers-introduce-legislation-to-criminalize-those-who-administer-covid-vaccines-legislature/277-2436a514-e7da-4b31-9762-f9be10300075* https://naturalnews.com/2021-11-08-pfizer-falsified-covid-vaccine-data-trials.html* https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-02-19-idaho-legislators-introduce-measure-criminalizing-covid-vaccines.html This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit https://endmedicaltyranny.substack.com?utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=CTA_1
    Escuchado 8m 42s
  • Follow the Science: MIT Brainiac Calls for Immediate End to Covid Jabs

    31 ENE. 2023 · There are few technical institutes in the world that match the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. MIT is the gold standard for science, and Retsef Levi is one of the most respected professors there. That's why it behooves everyone to pay attention to him when he says it's "indisputable" that the Covid-19 "vaccines" are causing harm to young and otherwise healthy people.HIs statistical analysis determined that the risks far outweigh any benefits to the jabs, and that's assuming there are any benefits at all. For an experimental drug to do literally nothing to stop the spread of the disease and, according to some studies, actually aids in the spread, the bar must be set as low as possible for anyone to make any claim to their efficacy.On today's episode of https://jdrucker.com/find/, I dove into the claim by Levi and an article by Debra Heine over at https://amgreatness.com/2023/01/30/mit-professor-calls-for-an-immediate-halt-to-failing-mrna-vaccination-programs/:An MIT expert in analytics and risk management in health systems is calling for the immediate halt of worldwide mRNA vaccination programs due to “mounting and indisputable evidence” that the shots are harming young people.“They should stop because they completely failed to fulfill any of their advertised promises regarding efficacy,” said Retsef Levi, a professor at the MIT Sloan School of Management since 2006. “And more importantly, they should stop because of the mounting and indisputable evidence that they cause an unprecedented level of harm, including the death of young people and children.”In a video posted on Twitter Monday morning, Levi cited numerous studies that show how the mRNA vaccines are causing a significant increase in cases of myocarditis throughout the world.The professor noted that he has decades of experience as an expert in analytics and risk management in health systems.“I have more than 30 years as a practitioner and an academic in using data and analytics to assess and manage risk particularly in the context of health systems, health policies, as well as management of safety and quality of manufacturing of biologic drugs,” he said.Levi explained that he first became concerned about the safety of the mRNA jabs in the summer of 2021 “when it became known that the mRNA vaccines cause myocarditis, inflammation of the heart.”Since myocarditis is known to be hard to diagnose because it is often subclinical with no symptoms, Levi said he was worried that the condition would not be picked up by existing vaccine surveilling systems. So he and his team decided to analyze EMS data in Israel and found that from 2019 to the first half of 2021 there were “very concerning signals.”“We detected an increase of 25 percent in the calls of cardiac arrest diagnosis amid ages 16 to 39 in the first half of 2021—exactly when the vaccination campaign in Israel was launched,”  Levi said."A smaller increase was also detected in the older ages.  Moreover, we also detected a statistically significant temporal correlation between the number of Pfizer vaccine doses administered to these populations and the number of EMS calls with cardiac arrest diagnoses.  Interestingly, we did not see any statistically significant  correlation with the number of COVID-19 infections during this period of time."Levi said he called for the Israeli Ministry of Health to investigate “the underlying causal mechanisms of these observed increase in the cardiac arrest calls,” but unfortunately, no investigation was conducted.It feels like most people are now aware that the jabs are neither safe nor effective, but we cannot assume. It's imperative that we spread the truth far and wide so anyone still thinking about jabbing themselves or their kids can be dissuaded. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit https://endmedicaltyranny.substack.com?utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=CTA_1
    Escuchado 18m 23s
  • Latest Twitter Files Show How Dirty Pfizer and Moderna Played to Keep Factual, Scientifically Proven Truths Hidden

    17 ENE. 2023 · Editor's Commentary: There's one HUGE takeaway amongst the many major bits of information that emerged with the latest Twitter Files drop. Pfizer and Moderna were regularly suppressing anything that ran contrary to their prescribed vaccine narrative to the point that they quashed scientifically proven, fact-based statements by respected doctors and scientists. We've known this to some extent already based on past Twitter Files revelations, but the importance of this particular drop is in the details.Among the various censorship requests they made were some that called on deletion of Tweets that accurately claimed the so-called "vaccines" did not offer protection against contracting Covid-19 and did not prevent infected people from spreading the disease. Those realities were already acknowledged by the World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Food and Drug Administration, as well as the Big Pharma companies themselves. For them to go after those facts so fervently tells us beyond a shadow of a doubt that Big Pharma relies on an ignorant populace. They cared only about shifting the narrative to back their lies. Moreover, they preyed on uninformed people to keep their agenda moving forward which is why suppressing facts was necessary.On one of today's News Clips for The JD Rucker Show, I broke down the hideous implications of this type of censorship. It's bad enough that they were going after critics and those who were spreading debatable information, but for them to demand suppression of verified and widely accepted facts tells us they knew their narrative was false. Here's an article by Tom Parker over at Reclaim The Net that breaks down the details of today's drop...Campaign Funded by Pfizer and Moderna Lobbyists Sent Twitter Weekly Lists of Tweets to CensorSome of the content targeted by the campaign included articles that were "using the news to further prove the CDC is untrustworthy."The Public Good Projects (PGP), a nonprofit that has developed several projects to fight so-called Covid “misinformation,” received $1,275,000 from the Pfizer and Moderna lobbying group, Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO), to create a content moderation campaign that influenced https://reclaimthenet.org/topics/twitter/’s Covid misinformation rules. As part of this campaign, PGP sent Twitter lobbyists and content moderators weekly emails containing lists of tweets to censor.Journalist Lee Fang https://theintercept.com/2023/01/16/twitter-covid-vaccine-pharma/ one of the weekly emails that Twitter received from PGP as part of the latest release of the Twitter Files — collections of internal Twitter communications that have exposed the https://reclaimthenet.org/adam-schiff-twitter-ban-paul-sperry/ https://reclaimthenet.org/fbi-flagged-jokes-and-satirical-accounts-to-twitter-for-censorship/ Twitter had with government agencies and other powerful groups before https://reclaimthenet.org/topics/elon-musk/ took over.The email shows Todd O’Boyle, a senior manager on Twitter’s Public Policy team, sharing “this week’s misinfo report” from PGP. The February 24, 2022 email included a list of top trends the PGP had seen during the week and two attached lists. According to Fang, one of the lists contained tweets the PGP wanted Twitter to take down and the other list contained tweets that it wanted Twitter to verify.Despite flagging two trends in this weekly misinfo report, the PGP admitted that articles related to the first trend “do not contain misinformation themselves but are using the news to further prove the CDC is untrustworthy.”The PGP also acknowledged that the second trending article it flagged, which described a German health insurance company official suggesting that reports of healthcare visits for vaccine side effects may be severely undercounted, “is difficult to fact check because it does note that this data includes any side effect, not just serious side effects.”Fang said many of the PGP’s emails to Twitter focused on independent news outlet ZeroHedge which was https://reclaimthenet.org/zero-hedge-twitter-suspended/ and https://reclaimthenet.org/zero-hedge-twitter-reinstated/.Fang also noted that this campaign flagged a tweet from senior Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) scientist Stephanie Seneff that questioned vaccine passports on the basis that vaccinated and unvaccinated people have “roughly the same capacity to carry, shed and transmit the virus.”Additionally, Fang shared a screenshot of a BIO tax form that revealed part of the funding ($883,000) it provided to PGP for this campaign.The PGP campaign is called “https://stronger.org/” and, according to Fang, it worked with Twitter to craft the platform’s content moderation rules around Covid misinformation, helped Twitter create content moderation bots, and helped Twitter select which public health accounts got verification.Stronger says its goal is to “stop the spread of misinformation” and its website contains a page that encourages people to flag misinformation to Twitter and other platforms.This page also contains https://stronger.org/resources/how-to-report-accounts.“Paste the link to a post, account, or website below, and the Stronger team will report it to the appropriate platform,” the form states.Previous campaigns from the Public Good Project have involved https://reclaimthenet.org/anti-vaccine-social-media-posts-mass-reporting/.Fang’s revelations are the latest of several examples of those affiliated with Pfizer pushing for the censorship of content that questions or criticizes Covid vaccines.Pfizer board member Scott Gottlieb https://reclaimthenet.org/scott-gottlieb-flagged-alex-berenson-tweet-to-twitter/. A few days after this complaint, Berenson was https://reclaimthenet.org/twitter-bans-alex-berenson-over-covid-tweets/. Twitter also https://reclaimthenet.org/twitter-censorship-natural-immunity-vaccines-pfizer-director/.Meanwhile, Pfizer’s CEO has https://reclaimthenet.org/pfizer-ceo-misleading-vaccine-statements-regulator/Alternative Video Sources:* https://rumble.com/v25wvpm-latest-twitter-files-show-how-dirty-big-pharma-played-to-keep-factual-scien.html* https://www.brighteon.com/dc671a1a-fc68-4d19-931f-222652caf813* https://www.bitchute.com/video/8VzafvcvF1u7/* https://tv.gab.com/channel/jdrucker/view/latest-twitter-files-show-how-dirty-63c5f4d8687209ca8bd96243 This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit https://endmedicaltyranny.substack.com?utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=CTA_1
    Escuchado 11m 13s
  • Public Schools Start Screening Athletes for Heart Problems While Pretending This Is Normal

    12 ENE. 2023 · There's an apparent trend that's forming across America, and for once it's not a negative one. More Americans are rapidly waking up to the reality that the Covid-19 jabs "may" be ineffective and unsafe. For those who regularly read our stories or hear my shows, you've likely been aware of these facts for a long time. But now the "normies" are waking up in droves which is prompting responses from organizations that had previously been firm and confident in their pro-vaxx stances.One such group that's reacting to the shifting sentiment is our broken public education system. They are hearing the concerns of parents who are asking whether their children are safe to play sports after seeing an exponential rise in the number of young and otherwise healthy athletes collapsing and often dying on the field.On today's episode of https://tv.gab.com/channel/jdrucker/view/are-the-masses-finally-waking-up-63bfa41a36de6dbc4f421d1a, I spent a short segment discussing a Facebook post from Everett Public Schools Athletics Department announcing a "Screen Your Teen" event in March. The goal is to "prevent sudden cardiac arrest," which really hasn't been a huge issue until the jabs were rolled out. Before the jabs, there were rare documented cases of young athletes succumbing to heart issues and invariably these were due to preexisting conditions. But as a recent study indicates, the https://discernreport.com/shocking-study-1-percent-of-students-who-received-pfizer-covid-vaccine-had-abnormal-heart-tests/.Here's the https://www.facebook.com/AthleticsEPS/posts/pfbid02ZzfEpZUd9XvcJyS6NM25pjQNgL6p8sDJBDVywVAKftAgq3A1rH1EZD9nQUBgMDiVl they can and should have their children screened:As is always the case, nowhere are the jabs or Covid-19 itself mentioned despite the fact that this and the many other similar public school screenings are being prompted by concerns of parents regarding the vaccines. They're keeping it quiet and trying to address the symptom while avoiding the root cause completely.Here's https://rumble.com/v250mhg-public-schools-start-screening-athletes-for-heart-problems-while-pretending.html. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit https://endmedicaltyranny.substack.com?utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=CTA_1
    Escuchado 7m 45s
  • Rising Pestilences Plus Pharmaceutical Shortages Make Medical Tyranny a Near Certainty in 2023

    23 DIC. 2022 · Medical tyranny has been ubiquitous in some form or fashion across the world for nearly three years. It ebbs and flows in severity with 2022 ending on a relatively free note. But the next wave of Pandemic Panic Theater is already in motion and the powers-that-be are adding a new wrinkle to the mix for 2023.Shortages of common drugs ranging from child fever reducing medication to antibiotics are already hitting. It's going to get worse as we get deeper into winter. Some are predicting that by Spring of 2023 we will be in a full-scale pharmaceutical catastrophe as supply chains break down and shortages extend to other medications.This makes sense when we consider the machinations of the globalist elite cabal bent on ushering in The Great Reset. Establishing public-private partnerships that put the power in the hands of unelected corporate officials is one of the keys to their success. There's already an unofficial public-private partnership operating from the shadows in which the CDC and FDA trade talent back and forth with Big Pharma. Today's regulators are tomorrow's Pfizer VPs. Today's Moderna executive directors are on tomorrow's medical boards to determine the safety of new drugs. The relationship between Big Pharma and the government groups tasked with regulating them is downright lecherous.On today's episode of https://rumble.com/v21ybmw-10-machinations-of-the-globalist-elites-we-must-fight-in-2023.html, I listed the coming medical tyranny as one of ten machinations from the globalist elite cabal to expect in 2023. If all we had to deal with was a pharmaceutical shortage, we would be okay in the long run. But the powers-that-be appear to be planning another round of Pandemic Panic Theater. Lockdowns combined with a shortage could devastate the masses, prompting calls for government to do something. That's exactly what they want.Here's a breakdown of what we're already facing with children's medications. Keep in mind this is BEFORE winter and the challenges of diseases that always accompany the cold season. According to Mac Slavo at https://www.shtfplan.com/headline-news/pharmacies-begin-rationing-childrens-cold-medicine-amid-shortages...Pharmacies Begin Rationing Children’s Cold Medicine Amid ShortagesWalgreens and CVS pharmacies have started to limit (ration) the amount of children’s medicine that can be purchased amid an ongoing shortage. A Walgreens spokespersonhttps://thehill.com/homenews/nexstar_media_wire/3781403-shortage-of-childrens-pain-medication-leads-pharmacies-to-limit-sales/Nexstahttps://thehill.com/homenews/nexstar_media_wire/3781403-shortage-of-childrens-pain-medication-leads-pharmacies-to-limit-sales/ that the decision to ration medication was due to “increased demand and various supplier challenges,” and that pediatric fever-reducing products are “seeing constraint across the country.”CVS spokesperson Mary Gattuso said the drugstore chain created the product limit to ensure “equitable access for all our customers.” There is currently a two-product limit on all children’s pain relief products at all CVS Pharmacy locations and cvs.com, Gattuso confirmed. “We’re committed to meeting our customers’ needs and are working with our suppliers to ensure continued access to these items,” Gattuso said.Remember, there are enough COVID shots, ingredients to make them, syringes, and needles to inject every human on this globe four times or more. Yet there’s a shortage of cold and flu medication.* https://www.shtfplan.com/headline-news/there-are-magically-enough-covid-shots-for-everyone-but-not-enough-other-drugsThe ruling class is blaming the shttps://www.shtfplan.com/headline-news/msm-the-tripledemic-is-here and it being cold and flu season, even though this comes around every year.“There are more sick kids at this time of year than we have seen in the past couple years,” said Dr. Shannon Dillon, a pediatrician at Riley Children’s Health in Indianapolis. Drugmaker Johnson & Johnson says it is not experiencing widespread shortages of Children’s Tylenol, but the product may be “less readily available” at some stores. The company said it is running its production lines around the clock.These big pharma companies are making so many COVID shots they have to dispose of them because no one wants them anymore, but can’t be bothered to create over-the-counter medicines that help alleviate symptoms when someone gets sick. And yet, the masters continue to tell the slaves it’s a demand issue, not a supply issue.Former Food and Drug Administration Commissioner https://thehill.com/people/scott-gottlieb/https://www.cbsnews.com/news/scott-gottlieb-face-the-nation-transcript-12-18-2022/CBShttps://www.cbsnews.com/news/scott-gottlieb-face-the-nation-transcript-12-18-2022/ on Sunday that shortages of children’s cold medicine, as well as an ongoing shortage of antibiotic drugs, are the result of unanticipated levels of demand, https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/3780484-gottlieb-drug-shortage-isnt-like-what-we-had-with-baby-formula/.Gottlieb also added that the pharmaceutical industry’s “sophisticated supply chain” should catch up soon. Sure. Because they care so much about people, right?* https://www.shtfplan.com/headline-news/flu-vaccines-dont-work-for-the-same-reason-covid-injections-dont-work* https://www.shtfplan.com/headline-news/america-waiting-to-explode-if-supply-lines-go-down-millions-of-fda-approved-drug-addicts-go-psychoStock Up NowWhile there are still drugs available on the shelves and behind the counter, it behooves us all to stock up on the medications we may need. The good news is that most drugs have long shelf lives as long as they remain sealed, but the better news is that they can retain potency and remain safe long after their "expiration date."According to https://nowrx.com/does-medication-expire/#:~:text=The%20expiration%20date%20on%20a%20bottle%20of%20ibuprofen%20is%20the,after%20the%20labeled%20expiration%20date.:So, how long does medication last after the expiration date? According to research, your medicine is likely still safe and effective years after its expiration date.In fact, one study found that 90% of more than 100 drugs, both prescription and over-the-counter, were perfectly good to use even 15 years after the expiration date.With the Chinese Communist Party controlling 90% of the ingredients used in American pharmaceuticals, it behooves us all to assume that massive shortages are coming. In the vein of hoping for the best but preparing for the worst, we encourage working with our sponsors for antibiotics delivered to your door to store just in case.One does not have to be a "conspiracy theorist" to see the major risks we're facing with pharmaceutical shortages that could lead to advanced medical tyranny. The prudent will be stocking up on any of the medicines and treatments they need today in case the pharmacies are shut down tomorrow.According to an article by Michael Snyder at http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/horrifying-pestilences-are-starting-to-run-wild-all-over-the-globe/, the release of new diseases is already happening...Horrifying Pestilences Are Starting To Run Wild All Over The GlobeHow many millions have to die before people start to realize what is happening?  For years, I https://www.amazon.com/stores/Michael-Snyder/author/B01DUPOJL2 that we would soon enter an era of great pestilences, and now it is here.  Sadly, what we have witnessed over the past few years is just the tip of the iceberg.  At this point we have been perfectly primed for future pandemics because vast numbers of people all over the planet are now running around with compromised immune systems.  That means that diseases will now be able to spread even more easily, and this is a trend that we have already started to see all throughout 2022.Strep A is the latest illness to run wild in the western world.  The number of children being admitted to the hospital with Strep A is way above normal in the U.S., and this appears to particularly be true https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-11541887/Strep-crisis-hits-Childrens-hospitals-four-states-report-rise.html…A deadly wave of Strep A infections in children looks set to take off in the US — weeks after the UK was hit by a spate of deaths.At least two children have died in Colorado after suffering the normally-mild illness, and pediatric hospitals in five states — Arizona, Colorado, Texas, Washington and West Virginia — are reporting much higher levels of admissions than usual.At the country’s largest pediatric hospital in Texas, doctors are already handling f
    Escuchado 8m 39s
  • Teen's Covid "Vaccine" Death and Investigation Expose the Massive Flaw in the "Speed of Science"

    26 NOV. 2022 · It took months to analyze Covid-19, develop vaccine candidates, test them, produce them, and start distributing them to the masses. Steps were skipped or curtailed, of course, as Big Pharma companies raced to cash in on billions of dollars worth of jabs.As Pfizer executive Janine Small said to the EU Parliament last month, they were "moving at the speed of science."But after the huge rush to put out products exemplified corporate fiscal "science" at its worst in 2020, the last two years have seen real science grind to a halt. Producing the jabs happened in record time but analyzing the adverse reactions, reporting on studies, revealing the true lack of efficacy, and investigating deaths are moving slower than molasses. This is by design.The perfect example of this is the sad story of Joseph McGinty, a 14-year-old boy who died three weeks after getting his jabs. It has been nearly 15-months since he died and they're just now getting around to launching an investigation into what killed him. What's worse is they're saying the investigation may take years before they have results. If the jabs are as dangerous as many of us believe (hint: they are), the verdict from this medical investigation will only come out after it's way too late for the masses.Below is an article by Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D., from The Defender, that I discussed on today’s episode.Teen’s Death 3 Weeks After Pfizer Vaccine Triggers InvestigationThe death last year of a 14-year-old Irish teen three weeks after he received Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine has sparked a “considerable investigation” that will include requests to Pfizer for safety information, officials involved in an inquest into the teen’s death said this week.The death last year of a 14-year-old Irish teen three weeks after he received Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine has sparked an investigation that could take years, officials involved in an inquest into the teen’s death said this week.As part of the “considerable investigation,” authorities said they will request safety information about the vaccine from Pfizer.Joseph McGinty, a secondary school student from Achill Island, Ireland, received the Pfizer vaccine on Aug. 20, 2021. On Sept. 1, 2021, he was hospitalized overnight at Mayo University Hospital and discharged the following day.On Sept. 8, 2021, McGinty revisited the hospital for review. He died at home on Sept. 13, 2021. Patricia McGinty formally identified her son’s remains on the day of his death but “has very little recollection of the morning in question,” the family’s attorney, Rita Kilroy, told the court.The coroner involved in the case, Pat O’Connor, called McGinty’s death “a matter of significant public concern.”“The circumstances of Joseph McGinty’s death is that COVID vaccination was administered to him [and] that there appears to have been either a reaction or a significant change in his medical circumstances following the administration of the vaccine and that subsequently, unfortunately, Master McGinty died,” O’Connor said in Monday’s hearing.Kilroy told the court this week, “We would perceive there to be a concern for public health and safety and potential for recurrence in two circumstances.”An inquest is a formal investigation conducted by a coroner in order to determine how someone died. The purpose of an inquest is limited to establishing the identity of the deceased individual as well as where, when and how they died.At the request of Kilroy, O’Connor agreed to make a request for legal aid and legal advice for the McGinty family under Section 60 of the Coroners Act, 1962.The inquest into McGinty’s death will resume on Dec. 20.Studies link COVID-19 vaccines, including Pfizer’s, to negative health outcomes — especially among young men — including death. In June 2021, The Defender reported on the death of 13-year-old Jacob Clynick just three days after he received the second dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention declined to investigate Clynick’s death, even though the death was reported to the agency’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).Between Dec. 14, 2020, and Nov. 11, 2022, there have been nine deaths reported to VAERS following COVID-19 vaccines among children ages 6 months to 5 years, 31 deaths reported among children 5 to 12 years old and 133 deaths among teens 12 to 18 years old.Last month, Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo, M.D., Ph.D., recommended against mRNA COVID-19 vaccination of males ages 18 to 39 years given the results of a study that found an 84% increase in the risk of cardiac death among young adult males within 28 days of mRNA COVID-19 vaccination. Since March, Florida has recommended against mRNA COVID-19 vaccination of healthy children and adolescents younger than 18.On Sept. 30, Sweden announced it would no longer recommend COVID-19 vaccination for children ages 12 to 17 and in Denmark, COVID-19 vaccines are not recommended for anyone under 50 years old.This article was originally published by The Defender — Children’s Health Defense’s News & Views Website under Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. Please consider subscribing to The Defender or donating to Children’s Health Defense. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit endmedicaltyranny.substack.com
    Escuchado 11m 7s
  • Here's a Disturbing Theory About the Jabs That Makes Too Much Sense

    28 OCT. 2022 · There have been plenty of conspiracy theories about Covid-19, the "vaccines," and the roles being played by various organization such as the Chinese Communist Party, World Economic Forum, World Health Organization, and our own government. I've echoed many of them in the recent past. Most of them point back to depopulation and remnant control used against the whole world, but what if this really does come down to the United States itself?During an interview I did with "Man in America" Seth Holehouse yesterday, we spent the better part of a segment discussing the jabs and a theory he'd been working on recently along with a few others. Basically, he believes it's possible that the real bioweapons being used against us are the jabs that are being injected into over 200 million Americans.We are seeing plenty of adverse reactions to them, especially among young and otherwise healthy men. IF the Chinese Communist Party used their puppets in Big Pharma to develop and distribute a bioweapon that targeted military-aged men, then everything that's playing out around us would make more sense. This would explain why a Beijing-controlled Biden-Harris regime would be pushing so hard to get every man, woman, and child in the nation jabbed. It would explain why obvious concerns about the jabs are being widely ignored, even suppressed. And it would explain why the mandates seem to be focused mostly on military, healthcare workers, and first responders.Above is a clip from yesterday's show. Here is a partial transcript of Holehouse's theory:Seth Holehouse: "So, it's interesting because I just finished an interview with a guy named Jeff Nyquist, who in my opinion is one of the smartest people on understanding communism. I mean, he's written multiple books on communism and he's been studying it for probably 40 years, and he's actually talked to a lot of the defectors and people who've left the KGB, people who've left the CCP and then have revealed the long term plans. And so I focus on a lot of the content that I do on really pulling back the mask of who's behind all of this."And, you know, of course you've got the Klaus Schwabs and the, you know, the Rothschilds and you know, there's all kind of people you can kind of dive into. But my research consistently leads me back to China and more specifically to the CCP. And if you look at the CCP, look at their history, even from the very beginning, you know, Mao's 100-Year Marathon, there's always been a goal for them to replace the United States, to bring down the United States. We have... you know, America has always played the role of being the country that stands up against communism globally, so we keep it in check. Of course you can think that, 'okay, the communist countries would want nothing more than for America to fall.'"Well, that's been one of China's goals for the longest time, and even two of their generals wrote a book called "Unrestricted Warfare" which detailed the specific ways that they were basically... that they have been at war with America for decades. I mean, they have been absolutely doing everything possible to cripple America and bring us to where we are right now."If you look at, you know, Xi Jinping's hand puppet Joe Biden sitting in the office, look at Hunter's ties to China. And so now if you look back at the vaccine or the jab, right, it's not even called a vaccine, and you look at the fact that, you know, look, a year ago you had people like Dr. Sherri Tenpenny... these doctors coming out saying, 'Look, this is gonna harm people year and a half ago with spike proteins, and this is causing problems.'"We're now having people like Edward Dowd, Naomi Wolf coming out and saying, 'Look, this is causing a lot of deaths.' But what's interesting though is that we're seeing a lot of deaths in the unlikely population. You would think that something like a bad, you know, kind of poisonous shot would be really targeting the people with weak immune systems, the elderly, et cetera."But actually what we're seeing is healthy young men falling over playing sports, healthy young men having heart attacks, healthy young men just dying, waking up or not waking up. They're being found, you know, dead in the morning. Why is that? And so, now, this is a little bit of a hypothesis I'm gonna lay out here, but when you stack it all together, it really makes sense."So I'm gonna read to you into your audience a paragraph from a leaked speech that happened in the early 2000s that was given by a Chinese general. His name was General Chi Haotian, and he, it was the for the Defense Minister in China. So, let me just read this one paragraph, and I apologize for looking off the camera, but he says... The whole speech is really about how to bring America to its knees. It's about how to conquer America. So he says this keep, keep in mind, this is 20 years ago, he says:Conventional weapons such as fighters, cannons, missiles, and battleships won't do. Neither will highly destructive weapons such as nuclear weapons. We are not as foolish as to want to parish together with America by using nuclear weapons. Despite the fact that we have been exclaiming that we will have the Taiwan issue resolved at whatever cost. Only by using non-destructive weapons that can kill many people, will we be able to reserve America for ourselves. There has been rapid development of modern biological technology and new bio weapons have been invented one after another. Of course, we have not been idle. In the past years we have seized the opportunity to master weapons of this kind. We are capable of achieving our purpose of cleaning up America."That was 20 years ago. In this speech, he talks about specific biological weapons that can target specific races. Now, if you look at this, this was also around the time that China started taking on a lot of the manufacturing of our pharmaceuticals, okay. A lot of the, you know, medicine that we get, a large portion of the ingredients are made in China."A lot of the patents and actual kind of intellectual property for the vaccines that we're using tie back the CCP in China. So if you look back in history and during the Gulf War there, the troops, there's about... it was roughly half a million troops were given a vaccine for anthrax. Fast forward to by the time those men were about 50 years old, nearly half of them were dead or maimed from that vaccine. Like, it was a major, major mistake. Now, if a Chinese general was watching that, they would say that right there is a weapon of war, okay. And fast forward to this speech about 20 years ago of them saying that biological weapons would be the most effective way of taking down America."Now, what's an important understanding is that China is struggling to feed its own population. They have destroyed their farmland, they've polluted it. They're dealing with, you know, grand solar minimum. They're dealing with, floods, droughts. It's terrible."They cannot feed their population. They're at a crisis. They've been talking about in this speech 20 years the importance of taking... basically colonizing America for our farmland and many things, but specifically for our farmland. But they don't want to go drop a bunch of nukes because then, well, they've poisoned our farmlands."They've talked about biological weapons. So if you fast forward to this, what kind of biological weapon could they use? Well, they couldn't necessarily develop a say, you know, Covid for instance, because that could also target, you know, wipe out their population. So say they wanted to release a hemorrhagic fever in America, well, maybe it spreads back to their population as well, right?"Because the... especially these things mutate, even if they develop it specifically for the Western race, which is why they're buying all our Planned Parenthood, you know, baby parts, so they can use them for biological weapons research. That would still be a struggle. So, if the CCP wanted to use a biological weapon to take down America, the best thing that could possibly work to achieve that was if the American people all got a vaccine that they had some control over, right?"And so then if you look at that, and if you look at, okay, Joe Biden, why is Joe Biden mandating the military to get the vaccine? Wouldn't it make perfect sense for China to be controlling Joe Biden to then force our own military to get this vaccine, to then force children? You know, China has extreme levels of control over the UN, over the CDC."Why would the CDC vote unanimously to add the Covid vaccine to the childhood immunization schedule for schools? So all of this to me, points to the fact that this could potentially be their plan. A lot of people say, 'Oh, well, did they intentionally release Covid?' Was Covid supposed to wipe out... because in this speech he talks about how they need to take out 100 to 200 million Americans."Like literally it just, I can send you, you can read it. He openly says, 'We need to basically wipe out between 100 and 200 million Americans to make America right for colonization.' Again, if they were gonna use Covid, you say, Oh, well it didn't work because you know, we know it mutated and it got weaker and weaker. But what they did do successfully is that they used Covid as a massive psyop?"It's an interesting and terrifying theory. Considering that adverse reactions to the jabs sometimes happen quickly but usually seem to be happening months or even years after injection, Holehouse's theory aligns perfectly. They would need time to get the jabs into as many people as possible before everyone started noticing their effects. While some of us, particularly those who read my articles or watch my shows, have known the jabs are too risky from the beginning, the masses have completely ignored it.If this theory is true, then it might already be too late for America. Then again, it may be that the negative effects from the jabs are cumulative, in which case it behooves us to awaken as
    Escuchado 18m 20s
  • Within Mere Months, Moderna’s Covid “Vaccine” Efficacy Turns Into AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE

    15 OCT. 2022 · Article by Ethan Huff over at Natural News. Podcast by me.New research conducted by Moderna in partnership with the Kaiser Permanente health care group reveals that the company’s messenger RNA-based (mRNA) Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” cause the immune system to turn against itself in just a few months.Also known as negative efficacy, the phenomenon involves progressive immune degradation in a manner similar to AIDS and other autoimmune diseases. In essence, the “fully vaccinated” become walking immune time bombs that Moderna claims require additional injection intervention.It appears that the only reason Moderna even piloted this new damning study is to market new and additional shots to “fix” the problem created by the first round of shots. (Related: Moderna’s entire existence is nothing more than a stock market pump-and-dump scam.)After 150 days, the company says, its first mRNA injections remain above 50 percent “effective” against BA.1, a so-called “sub-variant” of the Omicron, or Moronic in anagram, variant. The first two shots and initial booster are not, however, effective against any of the other variants or subvariants, the company claims.The primary double-dose and booster regimen produces negative efficacy against the “currently dominant BA.5” subvariant after just a few months, the company claims. The same is true for BA.2, BA.4, and BA.1.12.1, though at varying intervals.“Negative effectiveness means that a vaccinated person is more likely to contract COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus, than an unvaccinated person,” one report explains.Getting triple-jabbed increases risk of covid infection, Moderna admitsAll in all, getting the first three “doses” of Moderna’s mRNA offerings for the Fauci Flu is a really great way to destroy your natural immune system, the company now admits.It is that third booster, the company insists, that causes immune resistance to turn negative, leaving a person prone to infection with “covid.” Negative efficacy could also “be due to differential risk behaviors among vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals when protection from antibodies becomes minimal,” the company says.Hung Fu Tseng, a Kaiser researcher in Southern California, refused to provide any comment or explanation for these claims. All he would say is that the manuscript produced by his employer “is under review by a journal.”“I can’t comment on your questions now,” he told The Epoch Times in an email. “I can, however, answer your question[s] when it is accepted.”The paper was published ahead of peer review completion in medRxiv, a pre-print server that captures pre-print studies such as this one preview and evaluation.Similar research out of Sweden also confirmed that covid injections, not just from Moderna but also from the other companies involved in Operation Warp Speed, do, in fact, give people vaccine-induced AIDS (VAIDS), which is basically what this all is.“Somewhat implausibly, we even observed a negative VE against Omicron infection from week 14, indicating that vaccinated individuals experienced a higher risk of infection than those unvaccinated,” those researchers wrote in their pre-print paper.“This may relate to harvesting bias in this analysis of the first event of a common outcome (as infection with Omicron is getting close to ubiquitous in many areas now). More unvaccinated individuals had already been infected, leaving a larger pool of vaccinated individuals susceptible to their first infection later by Omicron.”“As a result, a higher risk among vaccinated individuals might be observed for a limited time period.”We fully expect Moderna to use these revelations as justification for the release of more, and more, and more mRNA injections to cover up the tracks of the previous ones. Those who took the initial series of mRNA injections will likely have to continue getting injected for the rest of their lives, all for the mere chance of maybe not dying early.Interested in keeping up with the latest news about covid injections? You can do so by checking out ChemicalViolence.com.Improve your immune system whether you’ve been vaxxed or not with Z-Stack and Z-Dtox.Sources for this article include:* TheEpochTimes.com* NaturalNews.com* NATURAL NEWS This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit endmedicaltyranny.substack.com
    Escuchado 8m 33s
  • Israel Lied, People Died: The Untold Story of the Holy Land’s Covid “Vaccine” Deception

    8 SEP. 2022 · Editor's Note: The article below by Ethan Huff at Natural News was the basis for today's episode of End Medical Tyranny. It's available on Substack but we're also trying to build up our Apple Podcast channel... at least until they define us.Newly leaked video footage reveals that the government of Israel knew full well that Pfizer’s messenger RNA (mRNA) Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” was killing people, but lied about it to save face and keep the injection crusade going for as long as possible.The corporate-controlled media all but completely ignored the story, save for GB News in the United Kingdom, which covered the story on “Neil Oliver Live” – you can watch the segment below.“We have obtained a recording of a video call which seems to suggest that some side effects caused by that vaccine are not rare, mild, or short-term but serious and long-lasting,” Oliver stated during the segment while introducing Yaffa Shir-Raz, a journalist and health reporter, and Prof. Retsef Levy, an expert in health systems from MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology).The goal of the Israeli Ministry of Health (MoH), these latter two revealed, was to concoct a way to avoid reporting the truth while also avoiding being sued for lying about what it knew. (Related: Last fall, Israeli officials tried to force residents to take at least four covid injections: two primary shots and two “boosters.”)“We’ll have to think medical-legal – how to present our findings to avoid lawsuits,” a research team commissioned by the Israeli MoH said. “Why? Because of quite a few side effects we said, ‘Okay, it exists and reports exist, but still get vaccinated.'”Shir-Raz tweeted an entire thread about the subject, the first part of which – video included – is available below:Steve Kirsch says anyone not calling for “heads to roll” is complicit in the fraudSteve Kirsch reported on the story as well, indicating that there “is no way to put a positive spin on this,” no matter how many tricks the Israeli government tries to pull.“Anyone in power who is not calling for an investigation and heads to roll is just as corrupt as the people who engaged in the original cover-up of the safety report,” he added.“This story is the ‘smoking gun’ we’ve been waiting for: an official government agency was caught on tape as having received a damaging report from scientists and then deliberately lied to the public about it.”Kirsch’s article is a good one and contains a bullet-point summary that is worth a read.In a nutshell: Israel’s top health authority knew that the Pfizer injection it was forcing on its people was harming people – and is still harming people. And yet, at the same time, it not only covered it all up but actively tried to scheme up ways to keep it a secret for as long as possible.“They also established causality: the side effects were caused by the vaccine,” reports Exposé News about what the Israeli MoH effectively did. “This is something no one else had been able to establish before.”“The Israeli authorities deliberately covered up the safety issues and hid it from the world issuing a false report essentially saying ‘there is nothing new to see here folks, move along.'”The fact that the corporate-controlled media is completely silent on this bombshell only serves as further indictment that a lot of powerful entities are in on the scam, which is why they are trying to keep it a secret.The latest news about the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) plandemic and “vaccine” hoax can be found at Genocide.news.Sources for this article include:Expose-News.comNaturalNews.comSteveKirsch.substack.comNATURAL NEWS
    Escuchado 17m 14s
  • Biden-Harris Regime's Covid Team Invokes God as a Reason to Get Covid and Flu Jabs Yearly

    6 SEP. 2022 · The Biden-Harris regime does not respect our religious freedoms, especially if you’re a Christian. This is nothing new. But now they’re going so far as to invoke God when trying to make their pitch for us to get jabbed as many times as possible for whatever diseases they deem worthy.Watch White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator Ashish Jha go there:If that wasn’t bad enough, here’s Anthony Fauci telling us to expect yearly Covid boosters just like he pushes the flu shots:I, for one, will not be getting any needles stuck in my arm nor the arms of my family. God gave us two arms because He created us in His image. The powers-that-be are getting very desperate in their attempts to gaslight us into getting jabbed.On today’s episode of End Medical Tyranny, I explained that it’s not just that he said it. It’s HOW he said. It was so nonchalant. It rolled off his blasphemous tongue like he was making conversation at a spirit cooking dinner event.These people are evil. They know they’re evil. And they’re starting to let everyone know they’re evil because they don’t fear repercussions from the indoctrinated masses.
    Escuchado 17m 50s

It's crystal clear that everywhere across the globe, including the United States, the globalists are using medical tyranny to achieve their goals and enslave the people. We must act now...

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It's crystal clear that everywhere across the globe, including the United States, the globalists are using medical tyranny to achieve their goals and enslave the people. We must act now to reverse the trend before it's too late.
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