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European Portuguese with karolinti

  • How to enroll for the official Portuguese exam?

    29 ENE. 2024 · I'm Karolinti and in this podcast you will receive step by step explanation (it sounds like New Kids on the Block's song "Step by Step" :) how to enroll for the official Portuguese language exam. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOST YOUR PORTUGUESE WITH THESE MATERIALS https://karolinti.com/group-courses-online/ CAPLE WEBSITE: https://www.caple.letras.ulisboa.pt BECOME MY PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/karolinti SUPPORT THE CHANNEL WITH A DONATION: http://karolinti.com/donate/ WEBSITE: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbk5ObmV2T2ltRUxZems2NFFhVHBSbUlfN3QyQXxBQ3Jtc0ttVjJybkpuVHJzUzVwakpnOTQxdDF0ZXp0WldMU1ptZ3ZVWE5RVTBHOURkaGxzNVRWSzVManRPQlpYcFByMFc0VzJ1Y1BlbjI4UjVFdTdJdkpmcHpxU2RSdGx0SGZiWDB5NjM5R3R1THE0Xy05Q0xyQQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fkarolinti.com%2F&v=aS2kNBtmhMo EMAIL: karolinti@yahoo.co.uk MENTIONED EPISODES: - CIPLE EXAM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbboEtOeDw4&t=0s - DIPLE EXAM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9NpQWK4Otk&t=0s SOCIAL MEDIA: - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/karolinti.karolinti/ - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/karolinti.karolinti MUSIC: Positive Fuse - French Fuse - YouTube's audio library PHOTOS AND CLIPS: Live the Journey - Sights from Setubal, Portugal (4K)
    5m 57s
  • Os horários. Getting info from different timetables in European Portuguese📅🕰⏰

    15 NOV. 2022 · In this episode you will learn how to get time info from different timetables in European Portuguese. You will get to know as well these regular verbs: 1. partir and chegar 2. começar and acabar 3. abrir and fechar Enjoy my episode! 😀
    5m 55s
  • A que horas...? At what time do you eat your meals? Speaking in European Portuguese

    3 NOV. 2022 · At what time do you eat your meals? In this episode you will learn how to ask and answer to the questions such as at what time do you eat breakfast, lunch and dinner? in European Portuguese. This lesson will also help you to prepare to CIPLE exam (Certificado Inicial de Português Língua Estrangeira), which is a mandatory for foreign individuals who want to obtain Portuguese citizenship.
    2m 52s
  • Que horas são? Telling the time in European Portuguese //+ Practise!

    18 OCT. 2022 · I'm Karolinti and in this episode you will learn how to ask and tell the time in European Portuguese. At the end of it, you will find practise, so stay tuned! This lesson will also help you to prepare to CIPLE exam (Certificado Inicial de Português Língua Estrangeira), which is a mandatory for foreign individuals who want to obtain Portuguese citizenship.
    6m 3s
  • How do I find accommodation in Portugal?

    13 OCT. 2022 · I'm Karolinti and this is another episode about Portugal and Portuguese language. Today, I share with you my 3 ways of finding accomodation in Portugal.
    6m 31s
  • Preposition POR in European Portuguese

    6 OCT. 2022 · I'm Karolinti and this is European Portuguese lesson for beginners. In this episode you will learn preposition POR.
    5m 20s
  • Q&A. Listening exercise for beginners in European Portuguese

    29 SEP. 2022 · Get to know me better! I answer to your frequent questions in Portuguese. This episode is a good listening exercise for beginners in European Portuguese.
    3m 15s
  • Regular verbs with -IR ending. European Portuguese grammar lesson for beginners

    22 SEP. 2022 · Learn conjugation of regular verbs with ir ending in present tense - Presente do Indicativo. This is European Portuguese grammar lesson for beginners.
    5m 38s
  • European Portuguese listening practise for beginners. My day off in the country

    14 SEP. 2022 · Practise your listening skills! Listen how I spend my day off in the country. I'm Karolinti and this is European Portuguese. This is lesson lesson 67 dedicated to beginners.
    6m 8s
  • As jóias. European Portuguese quick vocabulary lesson

    8 SEP. 2022 · I'm Karolinti and this is European Portuguese lesson for beginners. In this episode you will learn basic vocabulary of different jewellery in Portuguese. This is lesson lesson 66 dedicated to beginners. This lesson will also help you to prepare to CIPLE exam (Certificado Inicial de Português Língua Estrangeira), which is a mandatory for foreign individuals who want to obtain Portuguese citizenship.
    3m 36s
These are european portuguese lessons.

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