• Exploring Bratislava Castle: A Journey Through History

    17 JUN. 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Exploring Bratislava Castle: A Journey Through History Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/exploring-bratislava-castle-a-journey-through-history/ Story Transcript: Sk: Na vysokom kopci nad mestom, Bratislava hrdě stávala. En: On a high hill above the city, Bratislava stood proudly. Sk: Martin, mladý chlapec s jasnými očami, sa tešil na tento deň. En: Martin, a young boy with bright eyes, was looking forward to this day. Sk: Jeho trieda bola na výlete. En: His class was on a trip. Sk: Cieľ? En: The destination? Sk: Bratislavský hrad. En: Bratislava Castle. Sk: Ráno bol na oblohe modrý oblak a slnko svietilo. En: In the morning, there was a blue cloud in the sky, and the sun was shining. Sk: Deti stáli pred hradom. En: The children stood in front of the castle. Sk: Učiteľka pani Nováková mala veľký úsmev. En: Their teacher, Mrs. Nováková, had a big smile. Sk: Rozprávala o hrade. En: She talked about the castle. Sk: "Tento hrad je starý a veľmi dôležitý," povedala. En: "This castle is old and very important," she said. Sk: Martin si predstavoval rytierov a kráľov, ktorí tu žili. En: Martin imagined knights and kings who lived here. Sk: Vošiel dnu a videl veľké miestnosti s krásnymi obrazmi. En: He entered and saw large rooms with beautiful paintings. Sk: "Pozrite sa na ten obraz kráľa," ukázala pani Nováková. En: "Look at that painting of the king," Mrs. Nováková pointed out. Sk: "To je kráľ Svätopluk. En: "That is King Svätopluk. Sk: Bol veľmi mocný. En: He was very powerful." Sk: "Martin bol fascinovaný. En: Martin was fascinated. Sk: Miloval históriu. En: He loved history. Sk: Prechádzali chodbami a videli staré zbrane a brnenie. En: They walked through corridors and saw old weapons and armor. Sk: "Aké to asi bolo, byť rytierom? En: "What was it like to be a knight?" Sk: " rozmýšľal. En: he wondered. Sk: Potom počúvali o kráľovi Matejovi Korvínovi. En: Then they listened to the story of King Matthias Corvinus. Sk: "Bol múdry a spravodlivý," povedala pani Nováková. En: "He was wise and just," said Mrs. Nováková. Sk: Martin si ho ihneď obľúbil. En: Martin immediately liked him. Sk: Po niekoľkých hodinách prišli na vrchol hradu. En: After a few hours, they reached the top of the castle. Sk: Výhľad na Bratislavu bol nádherný. En: The view of Bratislava was magnificent. Sk: Všetci sa zastavili a obdivovali mesto. En: Everyone stopped and admired the city. Sk: "Bratislava je krásna a hrad je jej koruna," povedala pani Nováková. En: "Bratislava is beautiful, and the castle is its crown," said Mrs. Nováková. Sk: Martin sa usmial. En: Martin smiled. Sk: Bol to koniec výletu. En: The trip was coming to an end. Sk: Classa sa zhromaždila dole pri bráne. En: The class gathered down by the gate. Sk: Pani Nováková mala ešte jednú historku. En: Mrs. Nováková had one more story. Sk: "Pamätajte si deti, tento hrad je srdce našej krajiny. En: "Remember, children, this castle is the heart of our country. Sk: Je to dedictvo, ktoré musíme chrániť. En: It is a heritage we must protect." Sk: " Martin sa pozeral na hrad a cítil hrdosť. En: Martin looked at the castle and felt proud. Sk: Bola to krásna lekcia a nezabudnuteľný deň. En: It was a beautiful lesson and an unforgettable day. Sk: Raz, si sľuboval, že sem opäť príde. En: He promised himself that he would come back here again. Sk: Bol vďačný za tento deň a za svoju krajinu. En: He was grateful for this day and for his country. Sk: Ukryl spomienku do srdca a odišiel domov s úsmevom. En: He tucked the memory away in his heart and went home with a smile. Vocabulary Words: - high hill: vysoký kopec - proudly: hrdě - look forward: tešiť sa - destination: cieľ - blue cloud: modrý oblak - armor: brnenie - knights: rytieri - corridors: chodby - fascinated: fascinovaný - powerful: mocný - wise: múdry - just (fair): spravodlivý - heritage: dedičstvo - admired: obdivovali - magnificent: nádherný - beautiful paintings: krásne obrazy - trip: výlet - gathered: zhromaždila - sun was shining: slnko svietilo - immediately: ihneď - crown: koruna - heart (core): srdce - castle gate: brána hradu - lesson: lekcia - unforgettable: nezabudnuteľný - grateful: vďačný - tucked: ukryl - class: trieda - large rooms: veľké miestnosti - wondered: rozmýšľal
    13m 43s
  • Time Travel Under Bratislava Castle: Friends Uncover a Hidden Lab

    16 JUN. 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Time Travel Under Bratislava Castle: Friends Uncover a Hidden Lab Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/time-travel-under-bratislava-castle-friends-uncover-a-hidden-lab/ Story Transcript: Sk: Začalo to jedného slnečného rána. En: It started on a sunny morning. Sk: Jana, Peter a Miroslav sa stretli pred hradom Bratislava. En: Jana, Peter, and Miroslav met in front of Bratislava Castle. Sk: Boli to najlepší priatelia a milovali dobrodružstvá. En: They were best friends and loved adventures. Sk: Tento deň nevedeli, že ich čaká veľké prekvapenie. En: On this day, they didn't know that a big surprise awaited them. Sk: "Počuli ste tu legendu? En: "Have you heard the legend?" Sk: " spýtal sa Peter. En: asked Peter. Sk: "Akú? En: "Which one?" Sk: " odpovedala Jana. En: replied Jana. Sk: "O tajnom laboratóriu pod hradom," vysvetlil Peter. En: "About the secret laboratory under the castle," Peter explained. Sk: Miroslav sa usmial. En: Miroslav smiled. Sk: "To znie skvele. En: "That sounds great. Sk: Poďme to preskúmať! En: Let's explore it!" Sk: "Vstúpili do hradu. En: They entered the castle. Sk: Chodili po chodbách, až kým nenašli starožitnú knihu. En: They wandered through the corridors until they found an ancient book. Sk: Jana ju otvorila. En: Jana opened it. Sk: Boli tam staré mapy a symboly. En: There were old maps and symbols inside. Sk: "Pozrite, tá mapa ukazuje tajný vchod," hovorila Jana so vzrušením. En: "Look, this map shows a secret entrance," Jana said excitedly. Sk: Čoskoro našli tajné dvere za knihovníkom. En: Soon they found a hidden door behind the librarian. Sk: Vstúpili dnu a kráčali tmavým tunelom. En: They went in and walked through a dark tunnel. Sk: Tunel bol dlhý a úzky. En: The tunnel was long and narrow. Sk: Svetlo z baterky osvetľovalo ich cestu. En: The flashlight illuminated their path. Sk: Po niekoľkých minútach prišli k veľkým železným dverám. En: After a few minutes, they reached large iron doors. Sk: Peter ich otvoril s veľkým úsilím a odhalil úžasné miesto. En: Peter opened them with great effort and revealed an astonishing place. Sk: Vnútri bolo moderné laboratórium plné vyspelej technológie. En: Inside, there was a modern laboratory full of advanced technology. Sk: Miroslav obdivoval stroje a obrazovky. En: Miroslav admired the machines and screens. Sk: "Tu sa tu musí experimentovať s časom," povedal Miroslav. En: "They must be experimenting with time here," said Miroslav. Sk: Jana náhle zbadala podivnú fľaštičku. En: Jana suddenly noticed a strange vial. Sk: Bolo na nej napísané: "Do budúcnosti. En: It was labeled: "To the future." Sk: ""Čo to znamená? En: "What does that mean?" Sk: " spýtala sa. En: she asked. Sk: "To znamená, že toto laboratórium je z budúcnosti! En: "It means this laboratory is from the future!" Sk: " oznámil Peter. En: Peter announced. Sk: Zrazu sa ozvalo bzučanie. En: Suddenly, there was a buzzing sound. Sk: V blízkosti sa spustila mašina, a dostali sa do víru svetla. En: A machine nearby activated, and they got caught in a swirl of light. Sk: Zrazu boli inam. En: Abruptly, they were elsewhere. Sk: Objavili sa v Bratislave budúcnosti. En: They appeared in a future Bratislava. Sk: Všetko vyzeralo inak, modernejšie. En: Everything looked different, more modern. Sk: "Wow," povedala Jana, "ako sa vrátime? En: "Wow," said Jana, "how do we get back?" Sk: "Museli nájsť spôsob, ako použiť technológiu z laboratória. En: They had to find a way to use the technology from the laboratory. Sk: Hľadali odpovede a nakoniec našli manuál. En: They searched for answers and eventually found a manual. Sk: Pomocou neho našli spôsob, ako aktivovať spätný transport. En: With it, they discovered how to activate a reverse transport. Sk: Nasledovali pokyny a aktivovali zariadenie. En: They followed the instructions and activated the device. Sk: Znovu sa ocitli v tuneli pod Bratislavským hradom. En: They found themselves back in the tunnel under Bratislava Castle. Sk: Vzdychli si s úľavou. En: They sighed with relief. Sk: "Bolo to úžasné! En: "That was amazing!" Sk: " vykríkol Miroslav. En: exclaimed Miroslav. Sk: "Áno, ale asi by sme to mali nechať tajomstvom," usmiala sa Jana. En: "Yes, but maybe we should keep it a secret," Jana smiled. Sk: Vrátili sa späť na povrch. En: They returned to the surface. Sk: Bratislavský hrad teraz vyzeral normálne. En: Bratislava Castle now looked normal. Sk: Mali veľké dobrodružstvo a zostali navždy priatelia, spojený tajomstvom pod hradom. En: They had a great adventure and remained friends forever, bound by the secret under the castle. Sk: Koniec. En: The End. Vocabulary Words: - sunny: slnečného - adventures: dobrodružstvá - surprise: prekvapenie - legend: legendu - secret: tajnom - laboratory: laboratóriu - corridors: chodbách - ancient: starožitnú - maps: mapy - symbols: symboly - entrance: vchod - hidden: tajné - librarian: knihovníkom - tunnel: tunel - flashlight: baterky - iron: železným - effort: úsilím - astonishing: úžasné - technology: technológie - machines: stroje - experimenting: experimentovať - vial: fľaštičku - labeled: napísané - buzzing: bzučanie - swirl: víru - modern: modernejšie - manual: manuál - activate: aktivovať - reverse: spätný - transport: transport
    15m 56s
  • From Fear to Fortitude: Joseph's Lesson at Bratislava Castle

    15 JUN. 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Slovak: From Fear to Fortitude: Joseph's Lesson at Bratislava Castle Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/from-fear-to-fortitude-josephs-lesson-at-bratislava-castle/ Story Transcript: Sk: Jozef stál pred bránou Bratislavského hradu. En: Joseph stood in front of the gate of Bratislava Castle. Sk: Bol to krásny deň a slnko žiarilo na modrej oblohe. En: It was a beautiful day and the sun was shining in the blue sky. Sk: Učiteľka Márie viedla školský výlet po nádhernej starej budove. En: Maria's teacher was leading a school trip through the magnificent old building. Sk: Deti sa tešili, ale Jozef mal problémy. Zabudol svoju domácu úlohu. En: The children were excited, but Joseph had a problem. He had forgotten his homework. Sk: Prechádzal sa po nádvorí a premýšľal, čo povedať učiteľke. En: He wandered around the courtyard, thinking about what to tell the teacher. Sk: Chcel byť úprimný, ale bál sa, že sa na neho bude hnevať. En: He wanted to be honest but was afraid she would be angry with him. Sk: Prišli do historického sálu so starými obrazmi a tapisériami. En: They entered a historic hall filled with old paintings and tapestries. Sk: Jozef sa cítil stiesnene. Musel nájsť spôsob, ako to vysvetliť. En: Joseph felt uneasy. He had to find a way to explain. Sk: Narazil na malý kút v miestnosti, kde bola stolička a stolík. En: He stumbled upon a small corner in the room with a chair and a table. Sk: Rozhodol sa tam počkať na príležitosť a vymyslieť dobrú výhovorku. En: He decided to wait there for an opportunity and think of a good excuse. Sk: Zrazu zazvonil školský zvon a učiteľka Márie zavolala deti naspäť na nádvorie. En: Suddenly, the school bell rang and Maria's teacher called the children back to the courtyard. Sk: Jozef sa pridal k ostatným deťom a učiteľka sa na neho pozrela. En: Joseph joined the other children, and the teacher looked at him. Sk: „Jozef, kde je tvoja domáca úloha?“ spýtala sa prísne. En: Joseph, where is your homework? she asked sternly. Sk: Jozef cítil, akoby mu srdce chcelo vyskočiť z hrude. Rozmýšľal, ako odpovedať. En: Joseph felt as if his heart was about to jump out of his chest. He thought about how to respond. Sk: „Pani učiteľka,“ začal váhavo, „zabudol som domácu úlohu doma. Ale v noci som sa učil o histórii hradu. Prečítal som veľa kníh a písal poznámky.“ En: Ms. Teacher, he began hesitantly, I forgot my homework at home. But last night I studied the history of the castle. I read many books and took notes. Sk: Učiteľka sa na chvíľu zamyslela a potom sa usmiala. „To je zaujímavé, Jozef. Povedz nám niečo, čo si sa naučil,“ povedala. En: The teacher thought for a moment and then smiled. That's interesting, Joseph. Tell us something you learned, she said. Sk: Jozef ožil. Začal rozprávať o kráľovi, čo kedysi žil v hrade, o bitkách, ktoré sa tu odohrali, a o tajných chodbách pod hradom. En: Joseph brightened up. He started talking about the king who once lived in the castle, the battles that took place there, and the secret passages beneath the castle. Sk: Deti aj učiteľka ho počúvali so záujmom. En: Both the children and the teacher listened with interest. Sk: Keď skončil, učiteľka povedala: „Jozef, v budúcnosti musíš nosiť domácu úlohu, ale dnes si nás všetkých zaujal. Dnes si dostal druhú šancu.“ En: When he finished, the teacher said, Joseph, in the future you must bring your homework, but today you have captivated us all. Today, you get a second chance. Sk: Jozef sa usmial a obrovský balvan spadol z jeho srdca. Nakoniec bol hrdý na to, že prekonal svoj strach a našiel spôsob, ako seba zlepšiť. En: Joseph smiled, and a huge weight lifted from his heart. He was proud in the end that he had overcome his fear and found a way to improve himself. Sk: Uvedomil si, že je vždy dôležité povedať pravdu a byť pripravený, ale aj že znalosti a odvaha môžu pomôcť prekonať ťažké situácie. En: He realized it is always important to tell the truth and be prepared, but also that knowledge and courage can help surmount difficult situations. Sk: A tak skončil deň na Bratislavskom hrade. Deti sa vrátili do školy plní nových vedomostí a spomienok a Jozef sa učil poučenie, ktoré mu ostane na celý život. En: And so the day at Bratislava Castle ended. The children returned to school filled with new knowledge and memories, and Joseph learned a lesson that would stay with him for life. Vocabulary Words: - gate: brána - courtyard: nádvorie - homework: domáca úloha - honest: úprimný - angry: hnevať sa - hall: sála - paintings: obrazy - tapestries: tapisérie - uneasy: stiesnene - stumbled: narazil - opportunity: príležitosť - excuse: výhovorka - sternly: prísne - hesitantly: váhavo - notes: poznámky - battles: bitky - secret passages: tajné chodby - history: história - heart: srdce - proud: hrdý - courage: odvaha - afraid: bál sa - smiled: usmiala - brightened: ožil - captivated: zaujal - overcome: prekonal - surmount: prekonať - knowledge: vedomosti - filled: plní - memories: spomienky
    14m 54s
  • Journey Through Time: VR Adventures at Bratislava Castle

    14 JUN. 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Journey Through Time: VR Adventures at Bratislava Castle Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/journey-through-time-vr-adventures-at-bratislava-castle/ Story Transcript: Sk: Jana a Marek boli nadšení. En: Jana and Marek were thrilled. Sk: Stáli pred vstupom do Bratislavského hradu. En: They stood at the entrance of Bratislava Castle. Sk: Bol krásny letný deň a oni sa tešili na nové dobrodružstvo. En: It was a beautiful summer day, and they were excited about a new adventure. Sk: Hrad bol starobylý a mystický. En: The castle was ancient and mystical. Sk: Tento deň bolo však zvláštne. En: However, this day was special. Sk: V hrade sa konal špeciálny technologický podujatie. En: There was a special technological event happening in the castle. Sk: „Jana, si pripravená na niečo úžasné? En: "Jana, are you ready for something amazing?" Sk: “ spýtal sa Marek s úsmevom. En: Marek asked with a smile. Sk: „Áno, Marek! En: "Yes, Marek! Sk: Poďme dovnútra,“ odpovedala Jana a chytila ho za ruku. En: Let's go inside," Jana replied, taking his hand. Sk: Keď vstúpili, videli veľké obrazovky a moderné technológie. En: As they entered, they saw large screens and modern technology. Sk: Bolo zrejmé, že je to veľmi dôležité podujatie. En: It was clear that this was a very important event. Sk: Bola tam veľká hala plná ľudí. En: There was a large hall full of people. Sk: V strede haly bola veľká miestnosť s virtuálnymi okuliarmi a senzorami. En: In the middle of the hall was a big room with virtual reality glasses and sensors. Sk: Počasie bolo krásne a slnečné, takže sklenené stropy púšťali dovnútra veľa svetla. En: The weather was beautiful and sunny, so the glass ceilings allowed a lot of light to come in. Sk: Svietilo na moderné vybavenie, ktoré vyzeralo futuristicky a vzbudzovalo veľký záujem. En: It shone on the modern equipment, which looked futuristic and sparked great interest. Sk: „Pozri, Marek! En: "Look, Marek! Sk: Tam je prehliadka virtuálnej reality,“ povedala Jana nadšene. En: There's a virtual reality exhibit there," Jana said excitedly. Sk: „Pozrieme sa na históriu Slovenska? En: "Shall we check out the history of Slovakia?" Sk: “Marek prikývol. En: Marek nodded. Sk: „Áno, je to úžasná príležitosť. En: "Yes, this is an amazing opportunity. Sk: Poďme to skúsiť. En: Let's try it." Sk: “Vzali si virtuálne okuliary a nasadili ich na hlavu. En: They took the virtual glasses and put them on. Sk: Svet okolo nich zmizol a oni sa ocitli v dávnych časoch Slovenska. En: The world around them disappeared, and they found themselves in ancient times in Slovakia. Sk: Stáli na poli blízko potoka, počuli zvuky prírody a videli staré hrady a dedinky. En: They stood in a field near a stream, heard the sounds of nature, and saw old castles and villages. Sk: Prišla k nim starodávna princezná a vysvetlila im históriu okolitých miest. En: An ancient princess approached them and explained the history of the surrounding areas. Sk: „Toto je úžasné! En: "This is amazing! Sk: Je to ako živé,“ zvolal Marek. En: It's like it's alive," exclaimed Marek. Sk: „Je to ako by sme boli naozaj tam. En: "It's like we're really there." Sk: “Jana sa smiala. En: Jana laughed. Sk: „Áno, Marek. En: "Yes, Marek. Sk: Je to naozaj úžasné. En: It's really amazing. Sk: Môžeme sa dotýkať predmetov a vidieť všetko v 3D. En: We can touch objects and see everything in 3D." Sk: “Prechádzali rôznymi miestnosťami a zažívali rôzne epochy slovenskej histórie. En: They walked through different rooms and experienced various eras of Slovak history. Sk: Videli bitky, oslavy i každodenný život ľudí. En: They saw battles, celebrations, and everyday life of people. Sk: Všetko bolo tak realistické, že mali pocit, že sú naozaj súčasťou dejín. En: Everything was so realistic that they felt like they were truly part of history. Sk: Keď skončili prehliadku, Jana sa obrátila k Marekovi a povedala, „Bola to nezabudnuteľná skúsenosť. En: When they finished the tour, Jana turned to Marek and said, "It was an unforgettable experience. Sk: Som rada, že sme to zažili spolu. En: I'm glad we experienced it together." Sk: “Marek prikývol. En: Marek nodded. Sk: „Áno, Jana. En: "Yes, Jana. Sk: Táto technológia nám umožnila cestovať časom a pochopiť našu históriu lepšie. En: This technology allowed us to travel through time and better understand our history. Sk: Je to naozaj vzácne. En: It's truly precious." Sk: “Vyšli z hradu a ešte dlho sa rozprávali o tom, čo videli a cítili. En: They left the castle and kept talking about what they had seen and felt for a long time. Sk: Toto dobrodružstvo im ukázalo, akú hodnotu má minulosť a ako môže technológia obohatiť naše vnímanie sveta. En: This adventure showed them the value of the past and how technology can enrich our perception of the world. Sk: Bola to lekcia, ktorú si obaja odniesli so sebou. En: It was a lesson they both carried with them. Sk: Na konci dňa sa spolu prechádzali ulicami Bratislavy. En: At the end of the day, they walked through the streets of Bratislava together. Sk: Mali pocit, že sú šťastní a bohatší o nové poznatky. En: They felt happy and richer with new knowledge. Sk: Technológia im otvorila oči a umožnila im zažiť niečo výnimočné. En: Technology had opened their eyes and allowed them to experience something extraordinary. Sk: A tak sa ich deň na Bratislavskom hrade skončil, ale spomienky zostali navždy. En: And so their day at Bratislava Castle ended, but the memories remained forever. Vocabulary Words: - thrilled: nadšení - ancient: starobylý - mystical: mystický - special: zvláštne - technological: technologické - entrance: vstup - adventure: dobrodružstvo - screens: obrazovky - modern: moderné - important: dôležité - exhibit: prehliadka - virtual reality: virtuálna realita - sensors: senzory - glass ceilings: sklenené stropy - futuristic: futuristicky - interest: záujem - field: pole - stream: potok - nature: prírody - realistic: realistické - eras: epochy - battles: bitky - celebrations: oslavy - everyday life: každodenný život - unforgettable: nezabudnuteľná - precious: vzácne - perception: vnímanie - lesson: lekcia - knowledge: poznatky - extraordinary: výnimočné
    17m 42s
  • Souvenirs from the Heart: A Day at Bratislava Castle

    13 JUN. 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Souvenirs from the Heart: A Day at Bratislava Castle Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/souvenirs-from-the-heart-a-day-at-bratislava-castle/ Story Transcript: Sk: Martin stál pred hradom v Bratislave. En: Martin stood in front of the castle in Bratislava. Sk: Bol to krásny slnečný deň. En: It was a beautiful sunny day. Sk: Husto zelené stromy obklopovali staré múry. En: Thick green trees surrounded the old walls. Sk: Martin sa chcel pozrieť na všetko. En: Martin wanted to see everything. Sk: Viditeľná bola história, ktorú má hrad v sebe. En: The history that the castle held was visible. Sk: Chcel kúpiť niečo pekné pre rodinu. En: He wanted to buy something nice for his family. Sk: Mal rád suveníry. En: He liked souvenirs. Sk: Vo vnútri hradu našiel veľa obchodíkov. En: Inside the castle, he found many small shops. Sk: Boli tam keramické hrnčeky, magnetky a krásne malované obrázky. En: There were ceramic mugs, magnets, and beautifully painted pictures. Sk: V obchode pracovala milá pani. En: A kind lady worked in the shop. Sk: Spýtala sa Martina, čo hľadá. En: She asked Martin what he was looking for. Sk: Odpovedal, že hľadá darčeky pre svoju rodinu. En: He replied that he was looking for gifts for his family. Sk: Martin sa rozhodol kúpiť keramický hrnček pre svoju mamu. En: Martin decided to buy a ceramic mug for his mother. Sk: Hrnček bol biely s modrými kvetmi. En: The mug was white with blue flowers. Sk: Bol krásny a jemný, rovnako ako jeho mama. En: It was beautiful and delicate, just like his mother. Sk: Potom videl drevenú figúrku rytiera. En: Then he saw a wooden figurine of a knight. Sk: Hneď vedel, že to je perfektné pre jeho otca. En: He immediately knew it was perfect for his father. Sk: Rytieri sú jeho obľúbení hrdinovia. En: Knights are his favorite heroes. Sk: Pre svoju sestru našiel krásnu náramok. En: For his sister, he found a beautiful bracelet. Sk: Bol farebný a leskný. En: It was colorful and shiny. Sk: Vedel, že jej sa bude páčiť. En: He knew she would like it. Sk: Rozhodnúť sa nebolo ťažké. En: Deciding was not difficult. Sk: Všetky tieto veci boli presne to, čo si predstavoval. En: All these items were exactly what he had imagined. Sk: Martin kúpil všetky darčeky a spokojný vyšiel z obchodu. En: Martin bought all the gifts and happily left the shop. Sk: Cítil sa dobre, že našiel niečo pre každého člena rodiny. En: He felt good that he had found something for each member of his family. Sk: Chcel im urobiť radosť. En: He wanted to make them happy. Sk: Po nákupe suvenírov si ešte raz prešiel hrad. En: After buying the souvenirs, he walked through the castle once more. Sk: Pozrel si staré obrazy a nádherné miestnosti. En: He looked at the old paintings and the magnificent rooms. Sk: Každý kútik hradu mal svoju špeciálnu atmosféru. En: Every corner of the castle had its special atmosphere. Sk: Martin pocítil nadšenie z histórie a krásy hradu. En: Martin felt excited by the history and beauty of the castle. Sk: Ďalšie z jeho zážitkov bolo, že mohol kúpiť také pekné suveníry. En: Another highlight of his experience was being able to buy such lovely souvenirs. Sk: Keď sa vrátil domov, celá rodina sa zhromaždila, aby videla, čo im Martin priniesol. En: When he returned home, the whole family gathered to see what Martin had brought them. Sk: Mama sa potešila keramickému hrnčeku a hneď si ho postavila na poličku. En: His mother was delighted with the ceramic mug and immediately placed it on the shelf. Sk: Otec bol nadšený dreveným rytierom a sestra si okamžite nasadila nový náramok. En: His father was thrilled with the wooden knight, and his sister instantly put on her new bracelet. Sk: Všetci boli veľmi vďační a šťastní. En: Everyone was very grateful and happy. Sk: Martin vedel, že jeho darčeky urobili veľkú radosť. En: Martin knew that his gifts had brought great joy. Sk: Bol spokojný, že čas strávený hľadaním suvenírov sa oplatil. En: He was satisfied that the time spent looking for souvenirs was worth it. Sk: Hrad v Bratislave a suveníry z neho budú mať navždy zvláštne miesto v ich srdciach. En: The castle in Bratislava and the souvenirs from it would always have a special place in their hearts. Sk: Príbeh sa tak pekne uzavrel. En: The story ended beautifully. Sk: Martin mal nezabudnuteľný deň plný radosti a rodina dostala krásne spomienky na hrad a na Martina. En: Martin had an unforgettable day full of joy, and his family received wonderful memories of the castle and of Martin. Vocabulary Words: - castle: hrad - souvenirs: suveníry - ceramic: keramický - magnets: magnetky - figurine: figúrka - knight: rytier - bracelet: náramok - painting: obraz - magnificent: nádherný - highlight: zážitok - delicate: jemný - heroes: hrdinovia - gathered: zhromaždila - grateful: vďačný - history: história - thrilled: nadšený - colorful: farebný - shiny: leskný - immediately: okamžite - surrounded: obklopovali - decided: rozhodol - wonderful: krásny - excited: nadšenie - beautiful: krásny - satisfied: spokojný - atmosphere: atmosféra - ceramic mug: keramický hrnček - wooden: drevený - special place: zvláštne miesto - memories: spomienky
    15m 17s
  • Discovering Slovakia: A Souvenir Adventure at Bratislava Castle

    12 JUN. 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Discovering Slovakia: A Souvenir Adventure at Bratislava Castle Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/discovering-slovakia-a-souvenir-adventure-at-bratislava-castle/ Story Transcript: Sk: Bola krásna letná sobota. En: It was a beautiful summer Saturday. Sk: Z trónu na vrchole Bratislavského hradu sa otvárala nádherná panoráma na hlavné mesto Slovenska. En: From the throne at the top of Bratislava Castle, a stunning panorama of Slovakia’s capital city spread out. Sk: Vyhodiť Jana si vybrala tento deň na návštevu hradu. En: Jana chose this day to visit the castle. Sk: Milovala históriu a kultúru Slovenska. En: She loved Slovakia’s history and culture. Sk: Ale dnes mala konkrétny cieľ - kúpiť tradičné slovenské suveníry. En: But today she had a specific goal – to buy traditional Slovak souvenirs. Sk: Jana kráčala cez nádvorie hradu. En: Jana walked through the castle courtyard. Sk: Mnoho turistov sa tam prechádzalo. Fotili sa, obdivovali staré budovy, užívali si slnečné lúče. En: Many tourists were strolling there, taking photos, admiring the old buildings, and enjoying the sunshine. Sk: Všade bolo počuť smiech a rozhovory. En: Laughter and conversations filled the air. Sk: Jana si všimla malý obchodík so suvenírmi. En: Jana noticed a small souvenir shop. Sk: Po jeho názvu "Slovenské Dary" bolo jasné, že vnútri nájde niečo výnimočné. En: With the name "Slovak Gifts," it was clear she would find something special inside. Sk: Vošla do obchodu a pocítila vôňu dreva a kože. En: She entered the shop and smelled the aroma of wood and leather. Sk: Predavačka, staršia pani s milým úsmevom, ju privítala. En: The saleswoman, an elderly lady with a kind smile, greeted her. Sk: Jana si prezerala krásne vyrezávané drevené figúrky, farebné výšivky a keramické nádoby. En: Jana browsed through beautifully carved wooden figures, colorful embroidery, and ceramic vessels. Sk: "Pomôžem vám s niečím?" opýtala sa predavačka. En: "Can I help you with anything?" the saleswoman asked. Sk: Jana znervóznela. En: Jana grew nervous. Sk: Chcela nájsť niečo špeciálne pre svojich rodičov a priateľov. En: She wanted to find something special for her parents and friends. Sk: Po chvíli rozmýšľania povedala, "Hľadám niečo tradičné. Chcem ukázať našu krásnu slovenskú kultúru." En: After a moment of thought, she said, "I’m looking for something traditional. I want to showcase our beautiful Slovak culture." Sk: Pani sa usmiala a ukázala na poličku s drevenými výrobkami. En: The lady smiled and pointed to a shelf with wooden products. Sk: "Toto sú valašky, tradičné slovenské sekery. Tento črpák je ručne vyrezávaný a veľmi cenný. Tieto fujary sú veľmi populárne medzi turistami." En: "These are valaškas, traditional Slovak axes. This črpák is hand-carved and very valuable. These flutes are very popular among tourists." Sk: Jana sa usmiala. En: Jana smiled. Sk: "Ďakujem. Kúpim tieto tri veci." En: "Thank you. I’ll take these three things." Sk: Vybrala si krásne zdobenú valašku pre otca, črpák pre matku a fujaru pre priateľa. En: She chose a beautifully decorated valaška for her father, a črpák for her mother, and a flute for her friend. Sk: Zatiaľ čo predavačka balila veci, Jana sa poobzerala okolo a neuveriteľne si všimla kúsok krásnej čipky, vyšívanej s láskou. En: While the saleswoman packed the items, Jana looked around and was amazed to see a piece of beautiful lace, lovingly embroidered. Sk: "Pridajte aj tento kúsok čipky, prosím," povedala s úsmevom. En: "Please add this piece of lace as well," she said with a smile. Sk: Keď vyšla z obchodu, cítila sa spokojne. En: As she left the shop, she felt content. Sk: Mala darčeky, ktoré dokonale vystihli krásu a bohatstvo slovenských tradícií. En: She had gifts that perfectly captured the beauty and richness of Slovak traditions. Sk: Pomaly sa vybrala naspäť cez nádvorie hradu a užívala si výhľad na mesto. En: She slowly made her way back through the castle courtyard, enjoying the view of the city. Sk: V hlave jej už vznikali myšlienky na ďalší výlet. En: Thoughts of another trip were already forming in her mind. Sk: Možno na Oravský hrad alebo do Tatier? En: Maybe to Orava Castle or the Tatras? Sk: Jana si uvedomila, že hoci svet je veľký a je tam veľa miest, ktoré chce navštíviť, Slovensko bude vždy jej domovom. En: Jana realized that although the world is big and there are many places she wants to visit, Slovakia will always be her home. Sk: A tento deň na Bratislavskom hrade jej to ešte raz potvrdil. En: And this day at Bratislava Castle confirmed it once more. Sk: Slnko sa začalo schovávať za obzorom a Jana pomaly kráčala domov. En: The sun began to set behind the horizon, and Jana slowly walked home. Sk: Tešila sa na chvíľu, keď bude rozdávať svoje darčeky a rozprávať o krásnom dni plnom tradícií a histórie. En: She looked forward to the moment when she would give out her gifts and talk about the beautiful day full of traditions and history. Sk: Takéto dni robia život výnimočným, pomyslela si Jana a odišla s úsmevom na tvári. En: Days like this make life special, Jana thought as she left with a smile on her face. Vocabulary Words: - panorama: panoráma - courtyard: nádvorie - strolling: prechádzalo - admiring: obdivovali - conversations: rozhovory - souvenir: suvenírmi - shopkeeper: predavačka - elderly: staršia - embroidery: výšivky - vessels: nádoby - nervous: znervóznela - showcase: ukázať - shelf: polička - carved: vyrezávané - valuable: cenný - flutes: fujary - decorated: zdobenú - lace: čipky - embroidered: vyšívanej - content: spokojne - captured: vystihli - enjoying: užívala - trip: výlet - realized: uvedomila - set: schovávať - horizon: obzorom - forward: tešila - giving out: rozdávať - beautiful: krásnom - special: výnimočným
    16m 26s
  • Secrets Beneath Bratislava: Marek’s Historic Discovery

    11 JUN. 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Secrets Beneath Bratislava: Marek’s Historic Discovery Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/secrets-beneath-bratislava-mareks-historic-discovery/ Story Transcript: Sk: Na vrchole dňa, slnko svietilo nad Bratislavským hradom. En: At the peak of the day, the sun shone over Bratislava Castle. Sk: Marek sa prechádzal po starodávnych chodbách. En: Marek wandered through the ancient corridors. Sk: Miloval históriu a obdivoval majestátnosť hradu. En: He loved history and admired the grandeur of the castle. Sk: Nespočetné príbehy sa šepkali v týchto múroch. En: Countless stories whispered within these walls. Sk: Tento deň však mal byť výnimočný. En: Yet, this day was destined to be special. Sk: Marek zrazu zakopol o kameň, ktorý vyčnieval zo zeme. En: Suddenly, Marek stumbled over a stone that protruded from the ground. Sk: Všimol si, že podlaha je nerovnomerná. En: He noticed that the floor was uneven. Sk: Kameň bol voľný. En: The stone was loose. Sk: Opatrne ho vytiahol. En: Carefully, he pulled it out. Sk: Pod kameňom bola stará drevená poklop. En: Under the stone was an old wooden hatch. Sk: Srdce mu búšilo vzrušením. En: His heart pounded with excitement. Sk: Otvoril poklop a uvidel schody vedúce dolu. En: He opened the hatch and saw stairs leading down. Sk: "Môže to byť tajná miestnosť!" pomyslel si Marek a pustil sa dolu schodmi. En: "This could be a secret room!" Marek thought and descended the stairs. Sk: Na konci schodov bola veľká kamenná komnata. En: At the bottom was a large stone chamber. Sk: Steny boli pokryté starými mapami a rezbami. En: The walls were covered with old maps and carvings. Sk: V strede miestnosti stál veľký drevený stôl plný rôznych artefaktov. En: In the center of the room stood a large wooden table full of various artifacts. Sk: Burkol si. En: He caught his breath. Sk: "Čo to asi všetko znamená?" Marek si spomenul na svoje hodiny dejepisu. En: "What could all this mean?" Marek recalled his history lessons. Sk: Rozpoznal niektoré symboly. En: He recognized some of the symbols. Sk: Boli to znaky kráľovskej rodiny, ktorú už dávno považovali za stratenú. En: They were signs of the royal family, long thought to be lost. Sk: Uvedomil si, že našiel dôkaz o tajnej kráľovskej línii. En: He realized he had found evidence of a secret royal lineage. Sk: Zrazu Marek uvidel starý pergamen. En: Suddenly, Marek saw an old parchment. Sk: Bol na ňom rodostrom s menami kráľovskej dynastie. En: On it was a family tree with the names of the royal dynasty. Sk: Na samom konci bolo meno a dátum neznámeho dediča. En: At the very end was the name and date of an unknown heir. Sk: Všetko nasvedčovalo tomu, že kráľovská línia pokračovala tajne. En: Everything indicated that the royal line continued in secret. Sk: Marek sa celý chvel. En: Marek trembled all over. Sk: Vrátil sa s pergamenom na povrch a oslovil odborníkov z múzea. En: He returned to the surface with the parchment and contacted specialists from the museum. Sk: Spoločne plánovali ďalšiu výpravu do tajnej miestnosti. En: Together, they planned a further expedition into the secret room. Sk: Celé mesto Bratislava začalo vrieť nadšením z objavu. En: The entire city of Bratislava buzzed with excitement over the discovery. Sk: Výskum priniesol nové kapitolky do slovenskej histórie. En: The research brought new chapters into Slovak history. Sk: Marek bol hrdý na svoj objav. En: Marek was proud of his discovery. Sk: Tajomstvo ukryté pod hradom navždy zmenilo jeho život. En: The secret hidden beneath the castle forever changed his life. Sk: Výprava do neznámeho ho obohatila a priniesla nové poznanie. En: The venture into the unknown enriched him and brought new knowledge. Sk: A starodávne múry hradu teraz šeptali ďalší vzrušujúci príbeh. En: And the ancient walls of the castle now whispered yet another thrilling story. Sk: Tak skončil deň, keď Marek odhalil tajomnú minulosť nášho hradu. En: Thus ended the day when Marek revealed the mysterious past of our castle. Sk: Tajomstvo bolo odkryté a hrdina našej histórie bol znova oslávený. En: The secret was uncovered and the hero of our history was celebrated once more. Vocabulary Words: - peak: vrchol - shone: svietilo - ancient: starodávnych - corridors: chodbách - admired: obdivoval - grandeur: majestátnosť - countless: nespočetné - whispered: šepkali - destined: mal byť - stumbled: zakopol - protruded: vyčnieval - uneven: nerovnomerná - loose: voľný - hatch: poklop - excitement: vzrušením - descended: pustil sa dolu - chamber: komnata - carvings: rezbami - various: rôznych - artifacts: artefaktov - recognized: rozpoznal - symbols: symboly - royal: kráľovskej - parchment: pergamen - dynasty: dynastie - heir: dediča - indicated: nasvedčovalo - lineage: línia - trembled: chvel - specialists: odborníkov
    14m 24s
  • Mystery of the Tatras: Discovery of the Ancient Artifact

    10 JUN. 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Mystery of the Tatras: Discovery of the Ancient Artifact Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/mystery-of-the-tatras-discovery-of-the-ancient-artifact/ Story Transcript: Sk: Hlasy vetra sa ozývali v lesoch Tatier. En: The voices of the wind echoed through the forests of the Tatras. Sk: Jana, Marek a Tomáš sa chystali na cestu do hôr. En: Jana, Marek, and Tomáš were preparing for a journey into the mountains. Sk: Dedina pod Tatrami bola pokojná. En: The village beneath the Tatras was peaceful. Sk: Ale jedného dňa sa tam stalo niečo zvláštne. En: But one day, something peculiar happened there. Sk: Jana našla v lese zvláštny kovový predmet. En: Jana found a strange metallic object in the forest. Sk: Bol starý a žiarivý. En: It was old and radiant. Sk: Marek a Tomáš prišli hneď, keď im o tom povedala. En: Marek and Tomáš came immediately when she told them about it. Sk: "To je neuveriteľné," povedal Marek. En: "This is incredible," said Marek. Sk: "Čo to môže byť?" En: "What could it be?" Sk: "Vyzerá to ako artefakt," povedal Tomáš. En: "It looks like an artifact," said Tomáš. Sk: "Možno je starodávny." En: "Maybe it’s ancient." Sk: Po chvíli si uvedomili, že artefakt vysiela signál. En: After a while, they realized that the artifact was emitting a signal. Sk: Signál bol slabý, ale neustály. En: The signal was weak but continuous. Sk: "Musíme ho sledovať," povedala Jana. En: "We have to follow it," said Jana. Sk: "Možno nás to niekam zavedie." En: "Maybe it will lead us somewhere." Sk: Šli hlbšie do lesa. En: They went deeper into the forest. Sk: Cesta bola ťažká, ale signál ich viedol. En: The path was challenging, but the signal guided them. Sk: Prešli cez potoky a skaly. En: They crossed streams and rocks. Sk: Po niekoľkých hodinách našli skrytý vchod do hory. En: After several hours, they found a hidden entrance to the mountain. Sk: "To je ono!" zvolal Marek. En: "This is it!" exclaimed Marek. Sk: "Tu musí byť niečo dôležité." En: "There must be something important here." Sk: Vstúpili do temného tunelu. En: They entered the dark tunnel. Sk: Svetlo z artefaktu im osvetľovalo cestu. En: The light from the artifact illuminated their path. Sk: Tunel bol dlhý a kľukatý. En: The tunnel was long and winding. Sk: Nakoniec sa dostali do veľkej miestnosti. Plná starých strojov a technológií. En: Eventually, they reached a large room, filled with old machines and technology. Sk: "Nikdy som nevidela nič také," povedala Jana s úžasom. En: "I’ve never seen anything like this," said Jana in amazement. Sk: "Musíme to ukázať dedinčanom," povedal Tomáš. En: "We have to show this to the villagers," said Tomáš. Sk: "Táto technológia môže zmeniť naše životy." En: "This technology could change our lives." Sk: Rýchlo sa vrátili do dediny a všetko vysvetlili ostatným. En: They quickly returned to the village and explained everything to the others. Sk: Dedinčania boli prekvapení a nadšení. En: The villagers were astonished and excited. Sk: Spolu začali skúmať stroje a prípadné využitie starodávnej technológie. En: Together, they began to study the machines and possible uses of the ancient technology. Sk: Objavili veci, ktoré im uľahčili prácu a život. En: They discovered things that made their work and lives easier. Sk: "Toto je iba začiatok," povedala Jana. En: "This is just the beginning," said Jana. Sk: "Pre našu budúcnosť to bude veľký krok." En: "This will be a big step for our future." Sk: Na konci sa stali Tatry nielen krásnym miestom prírody, ale aj skrytým pokladom technológie a pokroku. En: In the end, the Tatras became not only a beautiful place of nature but also a hidden treasure of technology and progress. Sk: Dedinčania vďaka tomu nikdy nezabudli na deň, keď našli zázračný artefakt a začali novú kapitolu svojich životov. En: The villagers never forgot the day they found the miraculous artifact and began a new chapter in their lives. Vocabulary Words: - voices: hlasy - echoed: ozývali - peculiar: zvláštne - metallic: kovový - radiant: žiarivý - artifact: artefakt - ancient: starodávny - emitting: vysiela - continuous: neustály - guided: viedol - challenging: ťažká - streams: potoky - hidden: skrytý - entrance: vchod - illuminated: osvetľovalo - winding: kľukatý - astonished: prekvapení - amazed: úžasom - discover: objavili - explained: vysvetlili - treasure: poklad - progress: pokrok - miraculous: zázračný - chapter: kapitola - forest: les - village: dedina - peaceful: pokojná - journey: cestu - machines: stroje - technology: technológie
    13m 51s
  • Bratislava Castle's Lost Secrets: An Exploration Adventure

    9 JUN. 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Bratislava Castle's Lost Secrets: An Exploration Adventure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/bratislava-castles-lost-secrets-an-exploration-adventure/ Story Transcript: Sk: Príbehom začínal jeden tmavý večer, keď búrka zapúčala celé mesto. En: The story began on a dark evening when a storm was raging across the whole city. Sk: Jana, Marek a Zuzana stáli pred bránami Bratislavského hradu. En: Jana, Marek, and Zuzana were standing before the gates of Bratislava Castle. Sk: Hľadali dobrodružstvo a tajomstvo. En: They were looking for adventure and mystery. Sk: Hrad bol starý a majestátny. En: The castle was old and majestic. Sk: Búrlivý vietor fúkal a sprevádzal ich vo vnútri hradu. En: The fierce wind blew, accompanying them inside the castle. Sk: Po chvíli prechádzania tmavými chodbami zbadali maličký vchod skrytý pod kobercom. En: After a while of walking through the dark corridors, they spotted a tiny entrance hidden under a carpet. Sk: Zuzana sa priblížila a odtiahla koberec. En: Zuzana approached and pulled the carpet away. Sk: "Pozrite sa! En: "Look!" Sk: " - zvolala. En: she exclaimed. Sk: Vchod viedol dolu schodmi. En: The entrance led down a set of stairs. Sk: Schody boli úzke a kľukaté. En: The stairs were narrow and winding. Sk: Marek držal lampu. En: Marek held a lamp. Sk: Opatrne kráčali dolu, až sa ocitli v tajomnej miestnosti. En: They carefully walked down until they found themselves in a mysterious room. Sk: V tej miestnosti boli staré portréty, knihy a jeden veľký truhlica. En: In that room were old portraits, books, and a large chest. Sk: "Toto musí byť stovky rokov staré," povedala Jana. En: "This must be hundreds of years old," said Jana. Sk: Napätie vzrástlo, keď Marek otvoril truhlicu. En: The tension heightened as Marek opened the chest. Sk: Žiadne zlato, žiadne kulovaló dyamóny. En: No gold, no dazzling diamonds. Sk: Našli starý rukopis a zvláštne kľúče. En: They found an old manuscript and strange keys. Sk: Hneď ich zaujalo písmo, ktoré opisovalo príbeh o stratenom čase. En: The writing immediately caught their attention, describing a story about lost time. Sk: "Kde to máme," zašepkala Zuzana, "táto miestnosť musí byť opustená storočia. En: "Where are we," whispered Zuzana, "this room must have been abandoned for centuries." Sk: " Zobrali rukopis na svetlo a čítali:"Kľúče sú most do minulosti. En: They took the manuscript to the light and read: "The keys are a bridge to the past. Sk: Dvere sa otvoríte len s pravým kľúčom. En: The door will open only with the right key." Sk: "Marek, s rukopisom v ruke, uvidel na stene staré dvere. En: Marek, holding the manuscript, saw an old door on the wall. Sk: "Poďme to vyskúšať," navrhol. En: "Let's try it," he suggested. Sk: Jeden po druhom skúšali kľúče, až narazili na ten správny. En: One by one they tried the keys, until they found the right one. Sk: Dvere sa pomaly otvárali. En: The door slowly opened. Sk: Za nimi bola ešte jedna miestnosť s množstvom starých staromaestských artefaktov. En: Behind it was another room filled with many ancient artifacts. Sk: Objavili tajomstvá, ktoré boli pochované po celé stáročia. En: They discovered secrets that had been buried for centuries. Sk: Boli to príbehy z doby dávno minulá, archívy rodu, o ktorom nikto netušil. En: These were stories from a bygone era, archives of a lineage no one knew about. Sk: Týmto sa dobrodružstvo neskončilo. En: Their adventure wasn’t over. Sk: Jana, Marek a Zuzana uvažovali, čo urobia so svojim objavom. En: Jana, Marek, and Zuzana pondered what to do with their discovery. Sk: Rozhodli sa informovať historikov. En: They decided to inform the historians. Sk: Bratislavský hrad sa stal ešte vzácnejší pre svoje nové tajomstvo. En: Bratislava Castle became even more valuable for its newfound secret. Sk: Po búrke hrdinská trojica odkráčala domov. En: After the storm, the heroic trio walked home. Sk: Futbalové svetlá odrážali ich úspech. En: The football lights reflected their success. Sk: Vrátili sa s vedomím, že odkryli nepoznané. En: They returned with the knowledge that they had uncovered the unknown. Sk: Jedného dňa to povie devyček navštevujúci hrad. En: One day, they would tell their story to the children visiting the castle. Sk: A tak skončil ich príbeh, tajomstvo zostane živé navždy. En: And so ended their story, the mystery remaining alive forever. Vocabulary Words: - storm: búrka - raging: zapúčala - adventure: dobrodružstvo - mystery: tajomstvo - majestic: majestátny - fierce: búrlivý - corridors: chodby - spotted: zbadali - tiny: maličký - entrance: vchod - narrow: úzke - winding: kľukaté - lamp: lampu - carefully: opatrne - portraits: portréty - chest: truhlica - manuscript: rukopis - gold: zlato - dazzling: kulovaló - diamonds: dyamóny - tension: napätie - abandoned: opustená - key: kľúč - bridge: most - ancient: staromaestských - artifacts: artefaktov - secrets: tajomstvá - archives: archívy - lineage: rodu - heroic: hrdinská
    14m 56s
  • Maria's Emotional Reunion: Finding Family in the Majestic Tatras

    8 JUN. 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Maria's Emotional Reunion: Finding Family in the Majestic Tatras Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/marias-emotional-reunion-finding-family-in-the-majestic-tatras/ Story Transcript: Sk: Mária stála na vrchole kopca v Tatrách. En: Maria stood at the top of a hill in the Tatras. Sk: Pred ňou sa rozprestieral nádherný výhľad – lesy, rieky a vzdialené horské štíty. En: Before her spread a magnificent view – forests, rivers, and distant mountain peaks. Sk: Bolo to miesto, kde jej rodina chodievala kempovať, keď boli deti. En: It was a place where her family used to camp when they were children. Sk: Teraz, po mnohých rokoch, bola späť. En: Now, after many years, she was back. Sk: Keď Mária opustila Slovensko, jej rodina sa rozdelila. En: When Maria left Slovakia, her family split apart. Sk: Ona išla do ďalekej krajiny. En: She went to a far-off country. Sk: Bez telefónov a internetu nebolo ľahké udržiavať kontakt. En: Without phones and the internet, it wasn't easy to keep in touch. Sk: Časom sa stratil aj posledný list. En: Over time, even the last letter was lost. Sk: Roky prešli. En: Years passed. Sk: Napokon dostala list od svojho brata. En: Finally, she received a letter from her brother. Sk: Písal, že sa celá rodina konečne znovu stretne v Tatrách. En: He wrote that the whole family was finally going to reunite in the Tatras. Sk: Miesto, ktoré všetci milovali od detstva. En: A place they all loved since childhood. Sk: Mária bola šťastná a nadšená. En: Maria was happy and excited. Sk: Chcela ich všetkých vidieť a objímať. En: She wanted to see and hug them all. Sk: Na ceste hore kopcom sa zastavila pri starom strome. En: On the way up the hill, she stopped by an old tree. Sk: Jej otec tam vždy sadával a hral na gitare. En: Her father used to sit there and play the guitar. Sk: Jej srdce sa naplnilo radosťou, keď začula vzdialené hlasy a smiech. En: Her heart filled with joy when she heard distant voices and laughter. Sk: Podišla bližšie. En: She walked closer. Sk: Tam stáli. En: There they stood. Sk: Jej brat Jozef prvý uvidel svoju sestru. En: Her brother Joseph was the first to see his sister. Sk: Zamával jej a rozbehol sa k nej. En: He waved at her and ran toward her. Sk: „Mária! En: "Maria!" Sk: “ zvolal. En: he exclaimed. Sk: „Si tu! En: "You're here!" Sk: “Mária sa rozbehla, srdce jej búchalo. En: Maria started running, her heart pounding. Sk: Objali sa. En: They embraced. Sk: Jej matka a otec prišli k nim, obaja plakali. En: Her mother and father came over, both crying. Sk: „Chýbala si nám,“ povedala jej matka. En: "We missed you," her mother said. Sk: „Aj vy mne,“ odpovedala Mária so slzami v očiach. En: "I missed you too," Maria replied with tears in her eyes. Sk: Slnko pomaly zapadalo. En: The sun was slowly setting. Sk: Všetci si sadli okolo ohňa. En: They all sat around the fire. Sk: Otec opäť vytiahol gitaru a začal hrať staré piesne. En: Her father once again took out his guitar and started playing old songs. Sk: Spievali a smiali sa. En: They sang and laughed. Sk: Mária spomínala na detstvo. En: Maria reminisced about her childhood. Sk: V tme noci Mária cítila, ako ju obklopuje teplo rodiny. En: In the darkness of the night, Maria felt enveloped by the warmth of her family. Sk: Vedela, že tu vždy bude jej domov. En: She knew this would always be her home. Sk: Boli spolu, a to bolo jediné, na čom záležalo. En: They were together, and that was all that mattered. Sk: A tak Mária našla to, čo stratila pred mnohými rokmi. En: And so, Maria found what she had lost many years ago. Sk: Lásku rodiny a radosť z prítomnosti blízkych. En: The love of her family and the joy of being with her loved ones. Sk: Tam, v náruči Tatier, našli všetci svoje miesto. En: There, in the embrace of the Tatras, they all found their place. Sk: Spolu. En: Together. Vocabulary Words: - magnificent: nádherný - hill: kopec - distant: vzdialené - reunite: znovu stretnúť - excited: nadšená - embraced: objali - pounding: búchalo - remisce: spomínala - enveloped: obklopuje - childhood: detstvo - spread: rozprestieral - forests: lesy - peaks: štíty - camp: kempovať - far-off: ďalekej - finally: napokon - joy: radosť - voices: hlasy - guitar: gitara - crying: plakali - sing: spievali - fire: oheň - letter: list - hug: objímať - finally: konečne - love: lásku - place: miesto - together: spolu - lost: stratila
    13m 49s

Are you ready to supercharge your Slovak listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition...

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Are you ready to supercharge your Slovak listening comprehension?

Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Slovak, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Slovak and English.

This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Bratislava, Košice, or High Tatras? Maybe you want to speak Slovak with your grandparents from Banská Bystrica?

Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in Slovakia, the heartland where the Slovak language is primarily spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Slovak listening comprehension.

Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Zlepšte svoje počúvacie schopnosti s našimi slovenskými príbehmi ešte dnes!
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