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From Beer to the Bible

  • The Power of Faith and the Role of Spirituality in Overcoming Addiction

    26 DIC. 2023 · In this enlightening interview on From Beer to the Bible, Ronda Kimball delves into the importance of trust, belief, and knowledge in God, and how these elements can align to help individuals conquer their personal demons. She also emphasizes the significance of community support and the transformative power of prayer. This discussion is a must-listen for anyone seeking spiritual guidance in their journey towards healing and self-improvement.
    31m 7s
  • An Incredible Journey From Adversity to Faith

    19 DIC. 2023 · Today on From Beer to the Bible, Gene McGuire shares his tumultuous past. He opens up about his struggles in prison and his eventual transformation through faith. Today's podcast is a testament to Gene's resilience and his inspiring story of redemption and hope. Tune in to witness a powerful narrative of perseverance and the transformative power of faith. Visit our website: https://www.FromBeertotheBible.com
    31m 37s
  • Marriage, Family, and Recovery

    28 NOV. 2023 · In this candid conversation, Luke Powell shares his personal struggle with alcohol and drug addiction, the impact it had on his relationships, and his eventual path to sobriety. He talks about the false sense of control he felt over his addiction and the devastating consequences it had on his life. Luke's story serves as a stark reminder of the destructive power of addiction and the importance of seeking help. From Beer to the Bible: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbXdQNTdaRHlUOXJZNUN4MHBwSHRsVmkyTUpmZ3xBQ3Jtc0trZzZRUXY1ZUNialdCemFXNWoxUWEwdUFZZjEwSE1WZndxRXRjVjhuWjU2MjNyUWxQWjdYbGdOQWtKRUhzMW9wSWpPUzBHWWtkZUNzWTI2Y0hMVjBWc0ctbUVubXk1RVlUWENqT2hBTWxhV0pNWkUxdw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.FromBeertotheBible.com%2F&v=ha0ed7Oqqwo
    31m 4s
  • The Often-Overlooked Connection Between Spiritual Activity and Mental Well-Being

    21 NOV. 2023 · On this new episode of From Beer to the Bible, Sarah Oliveira McDonald, Ervin Lee, and Ronda Kimball discuss the often-overlooked connection between spiritual activity and mental well-being. Ronda and Sarah emphasize the importance of recognizing and acknowledging the presence of the Holy Spirit in one's life, and how it can bring about transformative changes. Also, they share their insights on spiritual warfare, the role of the church, and the power of faith in overcoming personal struggles. Learn more about Ronda: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbVdoekMxdi1wYXBROWlsS2FfUWloMnZxOUtxd3xBQ3Jtc0ttci1aTWJMSElManhXcnJwTGR5OWRPaXJFbGZtMTg1VXUzc2lYTFpseWNwMkRIUjV1UU1CQ3pOUks1S2VWWmJINnZuRFNlbHBlZ3dTbzJMaU9ncnZRVWFldTRKWVdueGRCODM4RWNfTmZ3MGFsZHJwcw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rondakimballlpc.com%2F&v=NC6j4_WyCSs From Beer to the Bible: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbkpHVk94X2l3OUMxSW1NamdGbDRtdmZBbVlnQXxBQ3Jtc0tsenpab3R1dlYtU1FwUHBBVzBXWmZpNkM1Y2lFVEpFRWFMT2NtZEhQbTFWRjdnWmRNc2NfeC03OFFabnFkTTB0X3JFSWtGVHlnQ3E5d1RTT0JpS1dKNzJGQW93d01kWl9ST0F2N0dDTUViSzRRaEVpSQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.FromBeertotheBible.com%2F&v=NC6j4_WyCSs
    30m 58s
  • The Power of Resilience

    13 NOV. 2023 · On this new episode of From Beer to the Bible, Arthur Sotero, a recovering addict, shares his personal battles with substance abuse. Arthur's testimony provides a raw and insightful look into the struggles of addiction, the impact of an absent father, and the transformative power of faith and community support in his journey towards recovery. From Beer to the Bible: https://www.FromBeertotheBible.com
  • Women Gone Drunk

    6 NOV. 2023 · A new episode of https://www.frombeertothebible.com/ Host Ervin Lee Guest Pam Morrison The growing issue of alcoholism among women. In this interview, Pam discusses the societal pressures and cultural changes that have led to an increase in substance abuse. She also highlights the role of social media and the importance of mental health in this alarming trend. Watch as Pam Morrison shares her insights and proposes faith-based solutions to this pressing problem.
    30m 54s
  • Our True Identity

    31 OCT. 2023 · On this new episode of From Beer to the Bible, Ervin Lee and Melody Chandler are in studio in Dallas. From Beer to the Bible: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbndVRUxwOVpXZDg3VGhRLXdfa3YzNjEzWXZpUXxBQ3Jtc0tuM0I5elprRm1ZMkNRRjRhaEFHYUZxajV5NzhFcXVLLVVGOGF6R1Y0Rlg2U3U3cHRiQnBiT3lYdlI5Sko0aHhEZ01BRDRjeUxnQnJxdWVRaFJzUFhKd1FWSmI4OUNsSWprcWNQSkpqaVo2RUtQUGJZYw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.FromBeertotheBible.com%2F&v=ktZFYXbAtW4
    18m 27s
  • The Transformative Journey of a Young Man Named Ryan

    23 OCT. 2023 · In this deeply moving interview on a new episode of From Beer to the Bible, Ryan G. shares his tumultuous experiences, from dealing with family discord and parental absence to battling personal demons and finding faith. Despite the hardships, Ryan's resilience shines through, offering a powerful testament to the human spirit and the potential for redemption. Tune in to witness a compelling conversation about struggle, faith, and personal growth. From Beer to the Bible: https://www.FromBeertotheBible.com
    27m 35s
  • From Addiction to Redemption Through Christ

    16 OCT. 2023 · The powerful journey of Pastor Ben Ward from Gateway Church is our topic today on a new episode of From Beer to the Bible hosted by Ervin Lee. From Beer to the Bible: https://www.FromBeertotheBible.com
    38m 15s
  • Obedience is Better Than Sacrifice | From Beer to the Bible

    10 OCT. 2023 · Cary and Kathy Hise are guests today on From Beer to the Bible. From Beer to the Bible: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqazdCTFRpWDZ6bnVRcmZsdGhhMTAwWVV2TzhFd3xBQ3Jtc0tuS0J4dlk0VEs1OE9udVROelN5ekJwT0Q4dl9sZGpDVDExNEVrbUQ4OEJnWl9qclRsYjFoMGozYW9GRGRON3hQNWdxeTduSUl6ODZSb25jQlBMXzRiYURoQXVDTEh4ZEw3elpWSjhxTFM5VEpBbVV0dw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.FromBeertotheBible.com%2F&v=lQdayUUQuHM
    32m 52s

From Beer to the Bible is a program dedicated to giving hope to those going through the self-inflicted suffering of addiction as well as their loved ones, and most importantly...

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From Beer to the Bible is a program dedicated to giving hope to those going through the self-inflicted suffering of addiction as well as their loved ones, and most importantly to lead people back home to Jesus Christ.
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