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Get Over It! Podcast

  • Sixth Dimension Teaching

    7 DIC. 2023 · Thought leader and international author Patricia Cori shares her new book, https://www.amazon.com/New-Sirian-Revelations-Prophecies-Dimension/dp/1591434742/ref=sr_1_2?crid=2S7DX4RB4XAK7&keywords=patricia+cori&qid=1701971786&sprefix=patricia+cori%2Caps%2C131&sr=8-2 Sixth dimension teaching can help you now. Shares empowering insights and revelations from six-dimensional Sirian Light Emissaries to help us understand the darkness and focus on light for all humanity and the Earth. The current global landscape is marked by several significant developments, such as the ongoing efforts to merge the human mind with artificial intelligence, the disclosure of extraterrestrial life, and the weakening hold of dark forces on our planet and humanity. These events are shaping the world we live in and will undoubtedly significantly impact our future. Are you ready to take your consciousness to the next level? If so, I have some amazing Sirian guidance to help you survive our imminent collective ascension. Let’s awaken en masse and experience a new level of awareness together! In 1996, Patricia Cori had a transformative experience while visiting the Julia Set crop circle in England. During this event, she underwent a galactic out-of-body journey that awakened her to a group of interdimensional light beings known as the Sirian High Council. For over 25 years, she has acted as their scribe, sharing the teachings and insights of these six-dimensional Sirian Light Emissaries to assist humanity as we merge into the fourth dimension and confront our collective karma—this source of much of the dramatic events currently unfolding around the world. In her messages from higher realms, Cori shares new revelations that confirm the truth of past prophecies and offer fresh visions for humanity. Her messages are empowering, urging readers to confront the darkness fearlessly, gain a deeper understanding, and focus on the light that can bring hope and healing to all beings on this planet. The messages also stress the vital role humans play as guardians of the Earth and offer sound guidance on navigating the collective ascension and global awakening that is fast approaching. Drawing on the wisdom of the Sirians, Cori’s messages provide a roadmap for surviving and thriving in the new era of consciousness that is dawning. The discussions by the Sirians provide insight into the current state of affairs and touch upon various pressing issues of our time, such as the integration of the human mind with artificial intelligence, ET disclosure, cloning, the temporal shift, and the weakening of dark forces’ hold on our planet and humanity. We talk about - Explanation of the Sirian High Council - The Blue Sirians - AI, Borgs, and Human2.0 - The electromagnetic grid around planet Earth - How Big Pharma took over the world - Media manipulation over human perception - Mass mind control - Bioengineering and AI - The dumbing down of the population - Time mutation - Parallel lives and worlds In these times of great turmoil, where the battle between positive and negative forces is being waged on all fronts, Cori reminds us to find solace in the knowledge that the Sirian High Council had foreseen and communicated to us that this period of immense upheaval would mark the final stage of our transition from a state of darkness into one of illuminated consciousness and the light of planetary renewal. As we witness the struggles and challenges around us, it is essential to remember that this is part of a more extensive process of transformation and growth, one that we are all a part of and that will ultimately lead to a brighter future for ourselves and our world. For over 25 years, Patricia Cori has channeled a group of discarnate beings known as the Sirian High Council. An internationally acclaimed author and thought leader, she is a frequent guest on radio and TV programs, including CNN and Coast to Coast AM. She and her expert guests discuss thought-provoking topics on her program, Beyond the Matrix, which is available on her YouTube channel. She is the author of more than a dozen books, including The Cosmos of the Soul. She lives in Portugal.http://www.patriciacori.com/
    Escuchado 39m 27s
  • Afterlife Communication

    29 NOV. 2023 · Cofounder of Helping Parents Heal Mark Ireland shares afterlife communication in his new book https://www.amazon.com/Persistence-Soul-Visitations-Afterlife-Communication/dp/1644117185/ref=sr_1_1?crid=38AE0KT4KXUX&keywords=mark+ireland&qid=1701282791&sprefix=mark+ireland%2Caps%2C140&sr=8-1. Compelling evidence for afterlife messages backed by scientific research. After the passing of his son, Mark Ireland began a search for messages from the afterlife and discovered remarkable proof of life after death. Interweaving profound personal experience and scientific evidence, Ireland presents a deep dive into psychic-medium phenomena, spirit visitations, afterlife communication, reincarnation, and near-death experiences, pointing to the survival of consciousness. After the unexpected death of his youngest son, Mark Ireland embarked on a search for messages from the afterlife and discovered remarkable evidence of life after death. Delving into the fascinating realm of psychic-medium phenomena, spirit visitations, afterlife communication, synchronicity, reincarnation, and near-death experiences, author Richard Ireland combines personal experiences with compelling scientific evidence to provide readers with a profound exploration of consciousness survival beyond physical death. Drawing from his journey of overcoming resistance towards spiritual practices inherited from his father, the renowned psychic Dr. Richard Ireland, who advised notable figures such as Mae West and the Eisenhower family, Ireland delivers a captivating narrative that sheds light on the intricacies of paranormal occurrences and their implications on our understanding of life and death. As he embarks on his personal journey of healing, he encounters highly regarded individuals who can communicate with those who have crossed over. Through their messages, he receives unexpected and heartwarming communication from his loved ones who have departed. Delving deeper into the subject, he interviews the mediums to understand how they can perceive, receive, and interpret information from the spirits of the deceased. He also sheds light on the issue of fraudulent mediums and provides valuable insights on differentiating between genuine and fake ones. His exploration of the subject reveals the profound impact of the messages delivered by the mediums on the lives of grieving individuals. In his book, Ireland delves into the fascinating world of scientific experiments to provide evidence for the continuation of consciousness beyond death. The author shares his account of conducting a personal test involving a secret message left behind by his deceased sister, Robin. The message was unknown to any living person and remained sealed until the author received messages from various mediums. Ireland exposes the flawed arguments made by skeptics and scrutinizes mediumship from various religious traditions, including factions that seek to vilify the practice. By highlighting the accuracy and sometimes ambiguous nature of spirit communication, the author reveals the immense healing and transformative possibilities that come with believing in the existence of the soul beyond physical death. We talk about - Death bed visions - Near Death Experiences - His famous psychic father - The Houdini Code - Spirit visitations - Communication with this sister, Robin - Certified mediums - How to spot a fraud Mark Ireland is the cofounder of Helping Parents Heal, an organization with more than 24,000 members that assists bereaved parents worldwide. He has participated in mediumship research studies conducted by the University of Arizona and the University of Virginia, and he currently operates a medium certification program. The author of Soul Shift lives in Camas, Washington. http://markirelandauthor.com/
    Escuchado 38m 15s
  • Chronic Illness Relief

    27 NOV. 2023 · Homeopath Jerry M. Kantor shares his new book, https://www.amazon.com/Emotional-Roots-Chronic-Illness-Existential/dp/1644117843/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=. Jerry M. Kantor’s book explores the link between emotions and physical health. It presents diagnostic insight, successful case studies, and specific homeopathic remedies that demonstrate the connection between the Five Elements and Phase Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the five classical miasms of homeopathy. The book also correlates these miasms with core existential quandaries. How to change the subconscious patterns underlying chronic Illness Explains how to use prominent emotional and physical symptoms to determine the core existential stress underlying one’s chronic illness. Introduces five questions linking homeopathy’s five miasms and Traditional Chinese Medicine’s Five Phases.• Presents homeopathic remedies connected to specific existential quandaries and explains their indications through detailed examples from the author’s practice addition to physical ailments, homeopathy offers remedies for existential causes of chronic illness, known as “miasms.” In his book, Jerry M. Kantor sheds light on the crucial connection between emotions and their physical impact on the body. He provides readers with diagnostic insights, case studies, and effective homeopathic remedies that can help mitigate the harmful effects of emotional imbalances. Kantor also draws parallels between the five classical miasms and the Five Elements and Phase Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine.He describes how each inborn foundational emotion serves as a tool designed to solve stress-related problems, but overuse of any one tool can lead to self-sabotaging imbalances.By identifying the default emotional response and accompanying physical symptoms, Kantor explains how one can determine the core existential stress or hereditary pattern underlying a chronic illness. The author then presents homeopathic remedies to alleviate the impact of specific existential quandaries for each of the five classical miasms and their associated physical and emotional conditions. He illustrates his points with detailed examples from his practice. We talk about - The five core existential questions - Existentially induced illness - Inborn toolkit of emotions - Homeopathic remedies and existential stress - Miasma and illness Jerry M. Kantor, L.Ac., CCH, MMHS, is a faculty member of the Ontario College of Homeopathic Medicine and owner of Vital Force Health Care LLC, a Boston-area homeopathy and acupuncture practice. The first acupuncturist to receive an academic appointment at Harvard Medical School’s Department of Anaesthesiology, Kantor is the author of Sane Asylums, Interpreting Chronic Illness, The Toxic Relationship Cure, and Autism Reversal Toolbox. He lives in Dedham, Massachusetts. https://vitalforcehealthcare.com/ https://rightwhalepress.com/
    Escuchado 37m 47s
  • Healing for Adoptees

    21 NOV. 2023 · Michelle Madrid, an Emmy-nominated journalist, talks about her new book https://www.amazon.com/Let-Us-Be-Greater-Adoptees/dp/160868847X/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3B1AQX8OEEBNX&keywords=let+us+be+greater&qid=1700589449&sprefix=let+us+be+greater%2Caps%2C148&sr=8-1 Adoption can be a lifeline of support and opportunity for many people, but it also poses challenges and emotional conditions that are often silenced or left unaddressed. These include PTSD, the risk of suicide, and the fear of abandonment. Michelle Madrid, an author, an adoptee empowerment coach, and a foster child, has experienced these challenges firsthand. She has learned that the complex emotions and psychological turmoil of adoption – including feelings of involuntary exile, anger, distrust, confusion, and unworthiness – are best addressed through identification, exploration, and understanding. In her book Let Us Be Greater, Michelle writes with compassion and authenticity, offering adoptees and their families a chance to feel heard, seen, and understood. The book helps them build open, fulfilling, and healthy relationships. Adoption can be a lifeline of support and opportunity for many people, but it also poses challenges and emotional conditions that are often silenced or left unaddressed. She has learned that the complex emotions and psychological turmoil of adoption – including feelings of involuntary exile, anger, distrust, confusion, and unworthiness – are best addressed through identification, exploration, and understanding. In her book Let Us Be Greater, Michelle writes with compassion and authenticity, offering adoptees and their families a chance to feel heard, seen, and understood. The book helps them build open, fulfilling, and healthy relationships. We talk about - A soulful approach to healing as adoptees - Empower healing for not knowing from where you came - The eight pain points where adoptees feel pain - Clearing misconceptions about adoption - Revisiting abortion acceptance - Saying “you were chosen” is a heavy burden - Disenfranchised grief - How adoption is rooted in loss Michelle Madrid is a life coach and guidance mentor passionate about igniting the light within every adoptee. She seeks soulful healing modalities to support clients in feeling a deeper connectedness with themselves and others. .Michelle is a former foster child from the United Kingdom and an international adoptee. She understands the nuances of the adoptee experience. She considers it a great honor to guide adoptees back home to themselves as they embrace a deeper sense of identity and calling. Michelle is a Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute (CCAI) Angels in Adoption Honoree and an inductee to the New Mexico Women’s Hall of Fame. She is a former Emmy-nominated television news journalist and an in-demand high-impact speaker with renowned domestic and international perspectives. She is also the host of the Electricity of You podcast, sharing transformational teachings that nudge listeners to reach their potential. Her illuminating content and coaching offerings can be found at http://themichellemadrid.com/. Michelle is a mother by adoption and birth. She’s an animal lover, a passionate equestrian, and a world traveler who feels at home no matter where she is because she’s found her home within.
    Escuchado 42m 3s
  • Healing Fashion

    15 NOV. 2023 · Healing Fashion is boutique Fashion designer Taylor Bryant’s love for color and texture. He aims to create clothing that looks cool and beautiful and feels great to wear. His energy in his work is geared towards healing, with the ultimate goal of making his clients feel amazing in the clothes he designs for them. Many of Taylor’s clients are creatives, and he often creates unique healing fashion pieces for them. Taylor’s goal is to empower people to tell their own healing stories through the clothes he makes. Taylor is not only an artist but also creates fine art. His work explores love, connections, human relationships, and identity. Currently, his art is focused on self-healing and reclaiming one’s identity. Often, his work is narrative-based, telling stories of individuals’ journeys toward understanding and self-empowerment. His art is like snapshots of personalities during journeys. He often incorporates elements from dreams, fantasy, and spirituality to communicate different https://moniquechapman.com/the_art_of_-healing_with_crystals/ as we travel through emotions. Taylor is particularly interested in exploring the perspectives of people of color and black Americans as they relate to his identity and self-love. His goal is to generate work that people from many walks of life can connect with, and a desired by-product of his art is to generate insight, conversation, fun, and the concept of being free. Hand-Painted Jeans. Used with permission. Girl on I Ching Hexagram We talk about - Wearable arts - Intuitive Art - Color Therapy - Mental healing and fashion therapy - Frequency and vibrations of clothes and colors - Change your clothes – change your energy Taylor is here to bring your unique vision to life with his custom pieces. He’s committed to understanding your preferences and using his intuition to create a piece that reflects the feeling you want. With Taylor’s reasonable prices, you can experience the joy of owning a truly one-of-a-kind creation. Taylor Bryant is a highly accomplished multidisciplinary creative hailing from Dallas, Texas, and is now based in Southern California. With extensive training in traditional printmaking and book-making techniques, he has honed his craft to perfection. Taylor holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the renowned University of Texas at Austin and has worked with some of the most prestigious studios in the industry. His impressive portfolio boasts numerous group exhibits and highly successful solo shows, making him one of the most sought-after artists of our time.http://www.taytaypierre.com/
    Escuchado 30m 53s
  • Feng Shui for Abundance and Wealth

    4 NOV. 2023 · Interior designer Julie Ann Segal shares her new book https://www.amazon.com/Change-Your-Space-Life-Elevate/dp/0738774774/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3KS11Q3QHTW9T&keywords=julie+ann+segal&qid=1699121837&sprefix=julie+ann+segal%2Caps%2C142&sr=8-1 Transform your home or workplace into a comforting space that reflects your true self and bolsters your aspirations. Julie Ann Segal, with over thirty years of experience in interior design, provides practical counsel and real-life examples to help you revamp your surroundings with care and intention. The author fuses spirituality, energy work, aesthetics, and personal connections, giving detailed guidance on choices for each room and overarching concepts, such as the relationship between your dreams and decor. This book demystifies Feng Shui, illuminates new opportunities in life’s transitions, and empowers you to design a brighter future. We talk about - The principles of feng shui - How Clutter Blocks Your Creation - The importance of organized space - How to balance elements in your space - Colors that create money - The importance of setting your intention for the space - Why water fountains are important - Biophilic Design - Feng shui after divorce - The three secrets of reinforcement when making an adjustment Julie Ann Segal, Interior Designer and President of Metro Interiors is renowned for her deep commitment to providing clients with state-of-the-art design. Always on the cutting edge, Julie Ann’s dynamic approach is to utilize all resources within reach.Eclectic to classic, modern to traditional – there is nothing she and her team will not do to create that “wow factor” that has exceeded clients’ expectations for over three decades. A Certified Feng Shui consultant, Julie Ann infuses elements of this ancient art into all design endeavors, revealing environments rich in comfort, beauty, balance, and harmony.For over 30 years, Julie Ann has enjoyed taking the stress out of making design changes. With her “Fun” Shui approach, she makes the design process simple and loveable. Listening to each client’s needs, she’s inspired in a unique way to choose colors, materials, fabrics, and art to create a new space. Trustworthy and dedicated, Julie Ann values relationships formed with clients and designs homes and businesses of their dreams. Julie Ann is a graduate of Northern Illinois University with a BFA specializing in Interior Design. She has been working as a professional designer since 1987 and started Metro Interiors in 1992. In 2003 she became certified by the Wind & Water School of Feng Shui. She’s a member of the International Feng Shui Guild and the Feng Shui Institute of the Midwest. In addition, Julie Ann has served on the Advisory Board for Century College’s Interior Design program and has guided numerous new designers to secure internships and find their career direction in Interior Design. Julie Ann is a nationally highlighted public speaker. She’s spoken for Best Buy, Kitchen Aid, at the Richfield, MN store’s new appliance display grand opening, on HGTV’s show “Room for Change,” and was also featured several times as the guest designer, displaying her own work. Julie Ann is the proud mother of four grown children and resides in the Minneapolis area. In her leisure time, she is a dedicated runner, practices yoga, and delights in travel adventures. Always passionate about art, she’s recently expanded her fine art interests and talents to oil painting. She also appreciates music.http://www.metrointeriors.com/
    Escuchado 40m 6s
  • Become A Psychic Medium

    23 OCT. 2023 · Barbara Bandel discusses her new book My Most Memorable Psychic Readings and Personal Stories” – a collection of my most unforgettable experiences with psychic readings and some personal stories. She describes in detail her out-of-body experience during an operation where she met deceased relatives of the nurse holding her hand. She had to pass on their messages to her.She talks about the proof of life after death and evidence of reincarnation. About the countless signals of the Universe and heaven and how to recognize them. She shares beautiful stories about signs from beloved pets.She explains what happens when we die and why we choose to be born again. Her memorable and intriguing stories about what happened during many psychic readings will stay with you for a long time. We talk about - Learn how to listen to what your soul wants to share with you. - How do you know your passion and soul mission in this lifetime? - What does it mean to be a psychic empath or a compassionate person (HSP)? - Are you emotionally intelligent? - Do you have low or high awareness? - What is Karma? - Healing body, mind, and soul meditations. - How do you recognize signs from spirit guides, the Universe, and deceased loved ones? - Learn about your cocoon and what you can do in it. This cocoon travels with you eternally. It is an extension of your soul. - Learn how to create your reality and build a life that reflects your soul. - Learn about the power of inspiration. - Her spirit guides explain why they are with you and how you can contact them. They give psychic exercises and tools to help you increase your psychic development, supernatural power, and sixth sense. How do you communicate with your own spirit guides and guardian angels? Establish deeper contact with your Soul group, Higher Self, Future self, Spirit guides, and Oversoul. At age seven, Barbara was shocked to learn that not everyone saw, felt, and heard things the way she did. She embraced her sixth sense, using her gift to help people.The cooperation with her spirit guides is based on mutual trust, love, and respect.In this book, she shares her most memorable psychic medium readings – the challenging ones, personal stories, and many unexplainable events she had during her life.Her guides share their knowledge, exercises, and meditations to help you expand and deepen your awareness. They explain why you are here on Earth and how to build deeper contact with your Soul Group, Higher Self, Future Self, and Oversoul.Barbara gives readings worldwide. http://barbarathemedium.com/Follow her on Instagram: http://bbpsychicmedium/
    Escuchado 44m 43s
  • Magic of the Orphic Hymns

    13 OCT. 2023 · Ronnie Pontiac discusses his new book, https://www.amazon.com/Magic-Orphic-Hymns-Translation-Modern/dp/1644117207/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1YYPPY9MKPNSU&keywords=the+magic+of+the+orphic+hymns&qid=1697220191&sprefix=the+magic+of+the+orphic+hymns%2Caps%2C163&sr=8-1 Tamra Lucid and Ronnie Pontiac present new literary translations of the Orphic Hymns that reveal their power to attune the reader to the sacred presence of the Orphic Mysteries and the higher order of nature. These translations restore important esoteric details and correspondences about the being or deity to which each hymn is addressed, offering a deeper understanding of these ancient texts. The famous philosopher Marsilio Ficino once wrote that the Orphic Hymns were the most powerful form of magic. These hymns were not just poems but were used for meditation, rituals, and ceremonies. Each hymn was dedicated to a specific deity or virtue, like Athena, Zeus, Love, Justice, or Equality. However, the original hymns were written formulaically, which made them difficult to translate. Tamra Lucid and Ronnie Pontiac have brought back the magical essence of the mystery cults of the past through their new versions of the teletai. They have included important hidden details and correspondences about the being or deity to which each hymn is addressed. They have also added a new version of a lost hymn called “Number” and messages that were inscribed on golden leaves meant to be passports for the dead. These reinventions preserve the original magical intent and mysticism of the teletai. Furthermore, the authors reveal the power of each hymn to attune the reader to the sacred presence of the Orphic Mysteries and the higher order of nature. They also demonstrate how the Orphic Hymns are a book of hours or a calendar of life, covering every event, from birth to death, and guiding us through every experience of human existence as necessary and holy. We talk about - The true mission of our souls - Who was Orpheus - The counter-culture of the Orphic Hymns - The Roman Empress Black Julia - Marsilio Ficino - Black Athena - Sator – half goat, half human - The Underworld - True Gods do not sacrifice animals Tamra Lucid, a documentary film producer, including the Emmy-nominated End of the Line: The Women of Standing Rock, is the author of Making the Ordinary Extraordinary: My Seven Years in Occult Los Angeles with Manly Palmer Hall. She and Ronnie are founding members of the experimental rock band Lucid Nation. Ronnie Pontiac worked as Manly P. Hall’s research assistant, screener, and designated substitute lecturer for seven years. Author of American Metaphysical Religion, he wrote the biographical introduction to Letters to the Sage. He’s written for several esoteric journals and has produced award-winning documentaries.
    Escuchado 36m 17s
  • Living Through Your Divine Lens

    4 OCT. 2023 · Best-selling author Sue Frederick talks about living your best life in her book https://www.amazon.com/Through-Divine-Lens-Practices-Quiet-ebook/dp/B0BHTNN52J/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1TJHOJQ1B3DZW&keywords=through+a+divine+lens&qid=1696444963&sprefix=through+a+divine+lens%2Caps%2C134&sr=8-1. Discover the power of the Divine Lens and learn how to manifest your greatest aspirations into existence. This transformational tool can create miracles, allowing you to turn your most cherished dreams into tangible realities. With the Divine Lens, you can unlock your potential to achieve the impossible and create a life beyond your wildest imagination. Let this tool guide you as you embark on self-discovery and personal growth. Every day, we have an inner battle between two parts of ourselves: our ego and our soul. When we view the world through our ego lens, life can seem tragic, random, meaningless, and painful. From our soul’s perspective, we find divine order and soul agreements in every event. Sue Frederick offers guidance on how to connect with your soul and view life from a spiritual perspective. She provides practical exercises and tools to help you tap into your personal power. According to Frederick, everyone has a unique soul purpose to fulfill in this life and to make a positive impact on others. However, we sometimes encounter obstacles that cause us to lose sight of our soul’s true wisdom and allow our ego to take control, leading to self-doubt and insecurity. Nevertheless, Frederick reminds us that every challenge is an opportunity to awaken and transform our victim mentality into a realization that our soul is here for a greater purpose. This podcast and book offer spiritual practices to connect with your soul’s wisdom, transform negative energy into positive love, and release negative emotions such as grief, anger, sadness, anxiety, and self-doubt. The author shares stories of clients who have successfully rediscovered their soul’s perspective, even after experiencing great loss. By using intuition, affirmations, and personal pain as fuel, readers can fearlessly navigate life’s challenges and reach their true potential. Additionally, the author provides practical steps to shift into a divine perspective during difficult moments, resulting in immediate benefits. We talk about - Spiritual Crisis - How anger and jealousy affect our daily lives - Seeing death as a transformation - How to have flawless intuition - Returning to our sacred self - Catholic Dogma - Aramaic Bible - Nothing is as it seems; everything is backward - The Ego is the destruction of self-confidence. - Living with gratitude and an open heart Sue Frederick is a spiritual coach, lifelong intuitive, master numerologist, certified Soul Regression therapist, and an ordained Unity Minister. Her work has been featured in the New York Times, on CNN.com, and in Real Simple, Yoga Journal, Natural Health, and Complete Woman magazines. The author of I See Your Dream Job, I See Your Soul Mate, and Bridges to Heaven, she lives in Scottsdale, Arizona, with her husband and three Bengal kitties.http://www.suefrederick.com/
    Escuchado 47m 24s
  • Imagination Becomes Reality

    15 SEP. 2023 · Marlene Seven Bremner shares in her new book, https://www.amazon.com/Hermetic-Marriage-Art-Alchemy-Imagination/dp/1644112906/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1694793375&sr=8-1 Marlene Seven Bremner, an artist, discusses the potential of alchemy in unlocking genuine creativity and achieving self-awareness, also known as gnosis. Her insights provide guidance on how to utilize alchemical energies to enhance intuition, gain deeper insights, and express oneself more imaginatively. Furthermore, she explores the complex and symbolic realm of alchemical art. In her book, Bremner explores the relationship between Surrealism and alchemy while delving into the complex and symbolic art of alchemy. Both Surrealism and alchemy aim to unleash the imagination and blur the lines between reality and dreams, ultimately bridging the gap between the conscious and unconscious mind. Bremner further explains how the three principles (salt, sulfur, and mercury), the four elements, and the seven planets interconnect within the self to facilitate creative alchemy. She offers practical techniques from Hermetic and alchemical practices to help individuals unlock their creative expression, overcome energetic blocks, and tap into their full potential. Additionally, she discusses the timing of creative operations in regards to the zodiac and planets. The author explains how the stages of alchemical transmutation relate to the creative process. Through this process, the initiate can understand the connection between consciousness and matter, which is the fundamental concept of alchemy. By creating, one can transform spiritual energies through matter and achieve greater self-awareness and enlightenment. We talk about - The power of the imagination - True knowledge and the creative process - Worrying gives energy to what you do not want - The powerful Elemental meditation - How to get to Gnosis - The four stages of the “Great Work” Marlene Seven Bremner is a self-taught oil painter, writer, and teacher who has spent more than 20 years exploring esoteric and spiritual traditions, including Hermeticism, alchemy, surrealism, symbolism, tarot, psychology, magic, astrology, shamanism, and mythology. The author of Hermetic Philosophy and Creative Alchemy, she developed her career as an artist in the Pacific Northwest and now spends her time painting and writing in the New Mexico desert. https://moniquechapman.com/creative-alchemy/
    Escuchado 42m 30s

Get Over It! A Spiritual Podcast Get Over It! Podcast ~ Consciousness Transformed is crafted to educate and inspire listeners to gradually enhance and transform their lives. The program presents...

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Get Over It! A Spiritual Podcast
Get Over It! Podcast ~ Consciousness Transformed is crafted to educate and inspire listeners to gradually enhance and transform their lives. The program presents bestselling authors from around the world every week, covering topics such as personal growth, intuition, the paranormal, the occult, metaphysics, and more.
Energy healer Monique Chapman interviews leading authors in spirituality, personal growth, the occult, paranormal, health, and healing of the mind, body, and soul. As a result, each professional shares information for thriving in today’s fast-paced, overstressed, ever-changing world. Above all, Monique Chapman has interviewed over 2500 guests during her broadcasting tenure. Many big named professionals have stopped by to chat with her.

Monique Chapman started broadcasting in 2002 as a recurring guest on In The Company of Angels, KNRY Monterrey, Ca. Consequently, she created Walking with Spirit, which aired on Healthylife.net. After that, she produced and hosted Walking with Spirit and The Monique Chapman Show on The Achieve Radio Network. Subsequently, Monique also spent a brief stint on Blog Talk Radio. Most importantly, since 2017, she has given voice to the personal and spiritual development movement with Get Over It! a Spiritual Podcast ~ Consciousness Transformation, worldwide syndication.

Monique Chapman is an internationally renowned Intuitive Consultant and personal development expert. Voted the 53rd most accurate psychic globally (Maximilien De Lafayette), Monique Chapman brings over three decades of experience counseling individuals and businesses with accurate intuitive insight.

Monique Chapman is the author of two books. She's been featured on CBS, MTV, FOX, national radio shows, regional publications, two documentaries, and featured presenter a The Omega Institute, California regional Healing Arts Expos, San Francisco's New Living Expo, and contributed to Good Morning America.
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