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Get to the Pointe

  • Get to the Pointe - Season 2 Episode 12 - Guests Rachel Ponder & Jay Blakey

    16 DIC. 2023 · Check out this month's episode of 'Get to the Pointe!' Join us as guests Rachel Ponder and Jay Blakey give insight into the benefit of the community and how Personal Training and Assisted Stretching can help round out your fitness and activity routine. Book an Assisted Stretch appointment: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa0NvVGJVVXpSTnItTE5WSGEtakVPODRpM1hmd3xBQ3Jtc0trdUZuTm5fd01GVktERUlYc0tGRVB6Y1FESFN0eTk4ZUN4Mno2M0ZFd05iNVlOc1NtX3FQQmMyZ1l0cmxDVHhiQlNKMEtWdXhfUnU1OUF1dm4wa0M2SjR2Y0NjVlJNWFhaWUZWRnlpTW5ZY01WTDYxTQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2FStretchTKP&v=PtmiZNwl6j4 Look into Personal Training: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbmpoSlU3TlhIZHQybXh0c3lDcUNsSlRKSmZkZ3xBQ3Jtc0tsRWRXYnZJSkh5bjVnTVFkSDFtQURzclFzY3FUYXJyYzdtQ2MzclNJN0lNNFpKQmZJdUIycGZtaDBWZm4tSVEycERHZE5mVnhDRi1IdmVaQzdYdFlyeGI0V2tKLWNEV2xlNFhnTkdYMUFTd1hTQXBwRQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2FTKPpersonalTraining&v=PtmiZNwl6j4
    25m 19s
  • Get to the Pointe - Season 2 Episode 11 - Guest Mark Hafner, Keller City Manager

    22 NOV. 2023 · Check out this month's episode of 'Get to the Pointe!' Join us as guest Mark Hafner, City Manager of Keller, gives insight into the goings on behind the scenes as a manager and what keeps him inspired to stay active. Be sure to sign up for Thanksgiving Day fun at the 'Run with the Turkeys': https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbGNzOUdyNjRvdEVObXJEUkI3aFhmTnhJY25qUXxBQ3Jtc0tsVk5tMzlnVHY4cGRHUnFiU0tyeTY0RDBmQ2Y5MkZjOHlnWU8xTUhpX0ctYlY3dy1LRnRDdnlLSExvOUN1UTVLamgwTXlNTl9kNUNfQW94NWxlbWF3TFBLcmxtTVdfX1Z0bkV5QTF4cjlCLW4wOGgzaw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2FTurkeyTrotKeller&v=OIRnwliDSp8
    24m 36s
  • 'Get to the Pointe' with special guest Eric Cook, Regional Director for PC Consulting

    30 OCT. 2023 · We're excited to take you behind the scenes on a special program The Keller Pointe has participated in the past 2 years and shed insight into this fantastic resource for those needing employment and the businesses that work to find a fit for them. Join us as we learn about Goodwill's Summer Earn And Learn (SEAL) program and the services Texas Workforces Solutions provides to help those with different abilities find and sustain employment! We have a few participants who currently work with us and we are honored to part of this process. Find out how to connect locally and continue to help grow this program in your area by visiting the website: https://www.twc.texas.gov/
    17m 55s
  • Get to The Pointe - Guest Ann Flournoy with Keller Public Library

    19 SEP. 2023 · Check out this month's episode of 'Get to the Pointe' Join us as we visit with Ann Flournoy & take an inside peek at all the things Keller Public Library has going on! September is Library Card Sign-up Month! Stop in and find out about their programs. https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbkNrS3dydXBabGxBV2gzY1pWVEoyU19BWTI1QXxBQ3Jtc0tsTmJSOVc5enFid05VYkVkd3BXVUptZDYzUk5tYXctOXpDSTRvNXFIYVZtTDQ0Q1lBTEV0TldxOGVaeDF6X1VIVmVFLWg0MWw5d181RlFsZzAxU1RGOFE2WlZ6QmlpNnRWOU9oYks4MDY4bEpORDJ4Zw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2FKellerPubLibrary&v=0Vfda8o6kvU
    33m 1s
  • Join us with special guest Ellie Breaux, the newly crowned Miss Texas

    1 SEP. 2023 · Join us as guest Miss Texas (formerly Miss Tarrant County and Miss Keller) shares her experience in the world of pageantry as well as the Keller Community. She has a passion for dance and bridging the gap between police and their citizens. Follow her journey on social @missamericatx http://www.patrolstories.com/?fbclid=IwAR37sYs5xE_w_7lqAM7RqA3dn3uHD6rHX_UbHQzsQAMOFLfW1eKq04Vv0TU
    28m 46s
  • Join us with guest Rick Kolster, Executive Coach, Speaker, & Podcaster

    3 AGO. 2023 · Join us as guest Rick Kolster, Executive Coach, Speaker, & Podcaster, talks about how to find and define your future. What does it take to change your life & how do you see yourself in 10 years? Listen as Rick shares insights to create a more active, effective life of health, joy, & influence. Check out his podcasts at https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbW1Nc01tWnhJTVFnMXd1anhXQk5WYlZ6Nm1NZ3xBQ3Jtc0tuMzJ2R2lzcXVMMXBzRDBiNmt4T2JSOGJoRGhEaWhvNFdHZ29PSmJLNUlCalBxeGM4UFBPc0JKY0VJOVFtcjluOHV5NWcxVnJCTFI2RmxhX3MyWkVSU2t6UDNMWElUZzRxUkdUdXFJVU1keFl0SDhUdw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fthebaldtruthpodcast.com%2F&v=QLwfYalF7SY
    35m 12s
  • "Get to the Pointe' episode with Keller Parks and Rec

    30 JUN. 2023 · Join us for a sneak peek of our upcoming episode with 2 of the Keller Parks Board Members! Find out the most asked questions from the community.
    5m 12s
  • 'Get to the Pointe' Season 2, Episode 5 - Guests Elysa Ellis from GCS mom's club & Sarah Crilley

    25 MAY. 2023 · In this episode, we explore the community needs and various aspects of parenting in the Keller & local DFW metroplex. What are the best ways to connect and find friends in this season of Mommyhood? Find out now! What are you 'weighting' for? Let's get to The Pointe!
    21m 21s
  • Get to the Pointe - Season 2 - Episode 4 - Guests Lori Cerami & Carlee Duncan

    28 ABR. 2023 · In this special episode, we speak with https://www.facebook.com/lb.cerami?__cft__%5B0%5D=AZWO6Bl5rwf2w39J34-mtSBDgAf9T7UMbHTFCpDet-9ei4h-k-p_yC66rJawDBZwD1ZzGeeBXt-cGUThpf6RoqzKroTIxjvH-ECYIkHSK-8dUMjyyJh6gB5TDjMAmTM7IN-ni8OYTpr-EaeZWGvtlr9fKVYMumCMneLA81cyB7eesy-PfhQ9McBmJGdxkzwQ9po&__tn__=-%5DK-R, the founder of Swim4Elise Foundation, as well as Carlee Duncan, Aquatics Specialist at The Keller Pointe. Find out more on water safety practices, how to support the cause (Run4elise) which funds scholarships for kids to learn life-saving skills, and learn the importance of having a 'Water Watcher' at all times. To support this cause, sign up at https://www.swim4elise.com/run4elise/?fbclid=IwAR1_4UIbmLB7GyJ01JThtnFGoS0W5WqbpsZJ6CAu_8IZdk5i7PAuU5Db8IA and participate in a 1-mile or 5k (onsite in Southlake or Virtually).
    30m 15s
  • Season 2 Episode 3: 'Get to the Pointe' Special 'Fit City Challenge' Mayors edition

    4 ABR. 2023 · Join us as we explore all things 'Fit City Challenge!' In 2022 the Mayors of Keller and Southlake came together to create an activity-centric challenge for individuals to enjoy being more physically and mentally active as a community! In its 2nd year, Mayors Mizani (Keller) and Huffman (Southlake) welcome a third city to the fun. Colleyville's Mayor, Bobby Lindamood, joins the other mayors on this episode to see which city will indeed be the most active. The event Kicks off on at Bear Creek Greenbelt ParkRun April 1st (FREE) and ends the weekend of Run4Elise (use code FitCity2023 for $5 off) closing out on May 14th. Feel free to join this year's fun for rights to this much-coveted trophy, and additionally the fun prizes that will be given out weekly, including the grand prize (the top individual per city) of Theragun Prime. This event is tallied based on average points gained per city via participants earning various levels of points for specific activities. Those who work on mental wellness (reading, meditation, etc.) simply log them as YOGA in the app. You can sync your device or enter manually. Download the GoJoe app (via Apple or Google Play) and join your city (Keller's code is Keller65947) then find the 'Fit City Challenge'. It will start keeping track on April 1st, but feel free to get familiarized prior. Let's gooooo https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/teamkeller and let's make this community the most active, fun, and awesome.
    31m 12s

Welcome to “Get to the Pointe,” a show highlighting the importance of recreation and community, brought to you by The Keller Pointe. Join us each episode and be inspired as...

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Welcome to “Get to the Pointe,” a show highlighting the importance of recreation and community, brought to you by The Keller Pointe. Join us each episode and be inspired as we bring you conversations with community leaders who share their experiences, and explore the role that recreation plays in sustaining wellbeing and success.
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