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Hellbound with Halos

Hellbound with Halos Podcast
Episodios & Posts

    Our Podcast is comprised of 2 Firefighters from New York (Kev & Sully),a Law Enforcement Analyst from California (Crystal), a LEO from NY (Lauren) and Marine/Model "The Combat Barbie" (Rianna...

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    Our Podcast is comprised of 2 Firefighters from New York (Kev & Sully),a Law Enforcement Analyst from California (Crystal), a LEO from NY (Lauren) and Marine/Model "The Combat Barbie" (Rianna Conner). They originally created the podcast for First Responders and combatting the effects of PTSD through comedy and entertainment. We like to think of the show as sitting around a mid-summer campfire with friends. Being so easily relatable, you can come and listen to other perspectives on varieties of topics and hear opinions from everyday people. We interview celebrities and notable people from time to time, to give our viewers a chance to meet them and hear their stories through us. New episodes are released weekly. Have you ever thought to yourself, 'I'm gonna go to hell for this' and did it anyway? We have, and we know you have too. We are broadcast on iTunes, iHeart Radio, Spotify, Google Play, Castbox, Stitcher, Podbean, Spreaker, YouTube Channel and ALL other Podcast Apps. The Podcast is a production by Girl’s Gone Grunt, LLC, with all rights reserved. Our Podcast is sponsored by K Bar Soap Co. New episodes are released weekly... Business Spotlights are released when available.

    **Episodes 1-11 were from our previous Facebook Live Feed, prior to podcasting**

    Website - www.hwhpodcast.com - Become a member of HellboundNation today and get a FREE decal package, as well as exclusive discounts on merch! And no, we don't use your information like Facebook did. Pinky swear.

    - Subscribe on your favorite podcast app & Follow Us on our Social Media -

    iTunes - http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/hellbound-with...

    Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/0QVtyfx7yVAeDVEWmsd...

    iHeart Radio - https://www.iheart.com/podcast/hellbound-with-hal...

    Facebook - www.facebook.com/hellboundwithhalos

    Instagram - www.instagram.com/hwhpodcast

    Twitter - www.twitter.com/hellbound_halos

    Podcast Sponsor - www.kbarsoapco.com
    "Ditch the Bar, Grab a Grenade"
    100% Organic Homemade Soap, Veteran Owned & Operated
    Code - "hellbound" will get you a great discount!
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