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Heroes Wanted

  • Add Value Attitude | Gerard "Nico" Cerameau

    15 JUN. 2022 · My guest in this episode, Nico was born and raised in Port Au Prince, Haiti. Nico left Haiti in 2006 after dropping out of 2.5 years of Med School via an asylum petition. After testing life in the states, Nico joined the US Air Force in Sept 2008. His main goals were citizenship, travel, and education. Nico has been assigned to Ohio, Florida, South Korea, and New Mexico, and going back to Florida in the summer of 2022. During his tenure in the service, he’s obtained an AAS in Food and Nutritional, and another AAS in Education and Training Management. Nico also managed to gather a few more credentials like Certified Fitness Coach with the International Sports Science Association (ISSA), and Certified Manager with the Institute of Certified Professional Manager (ICPM). Other training in Instructional System Design, Curriculum Development, and lastly in 2020 Certified Life Coach recognized by the International Coaching Federation (ICF). Nico was first introduced to personal development in 2015 when he was recruited to be in the direct sales industry. After attending one major event, things have changed and shifted a lot. He really saw where he was lacking and was ready to learn more and be more in order to serve more. Married in 2017 and divorced in 2019, Nico fell into a black hole. After spending 6 months living in a dark space, he reconnected with the world by choosing to live his gift. And his gift is to inspire and empower other men into becoming a Man of Substance otherwise known as Man of Value. Nico loves weightlifting, reading, listening to podcasts, enjoying hoping for here and there, and definitely values time with friends and family." WEB: https://www.WinWithNico.com/freereport FB: https://www.facebook.com/winwithnicolson Heroes Wanted: heroeswanted.us/coaching
    Escuchado 1h 24m 9s
  • Are You Holding Yourself Back?

    8 JUN. 2022 · Are others "cheating" or are you limiting yourself? There seem to be many instances today of people playing soccer with their hands or playing by a different set of rules. When we encounter a situation where we feel this way we have a few options. 1. Pout and go sit in the bleachers. 2. Nobly stick to our guns and your rules and play harder. 3. Evaluate why you are playing by your set of rules. You may be lined up on the football field rather than the soccer pitch and limiting yourself while pointing at others not only makes you look foolish but makes it almost impossible to win. Free strategy call heroeswanted.com/coaching
    Escuchado 6m 42s
  • EV ReRun | Return to the Fight | Scott Smith

    31 MAY. 2022 · In this episode, we go way back to episode 34 of the Ever Vigilant podcast to a conversation I had with a man who has become a friend, Scott Smith. He says his calling is to see Christian men properly restored to God's expectations. Men of action. Healed, restored, and ready to Disciple the next generation. I hope that you are challenged and encouraged by our conversation. Find Scott here. https://banishedfromeden.com/ Heroes Wanted https://www.heroeswanted.us/coaching
    Escuchado 52m 10s
  • Finding Your Path to Living | Ben Killoy

    24 MAY. 2022 · My guest is Ben Killoy is a Marine Veteran, speaker, and a coach focusing on helping dads rebuild confidence on the other side of generational trauma. Ben transitioned out of the Marines and was spending a great deal of time running on the typical path in life, college, getting a job, start a family, all towards American Dream. In 2014 he dropped out of the College of Engineering and left with a big question, what next? From this point, he reconnected with a love of leadership, and a desire to become a better husband and dad. He launched his first podcast Military Veteran Dad In 2019 and now his second podcast The Business of Fatherhood in 2021. He is currently a stay-at-home dad and coach spending quality time with his family while still working hard and helping others. Ben now helps other dads come home, by redefining the parameters for living and creating a legacy of change. benkilloy.com Heroes Wanted heroeswanted.us/coaching
    Escuchado 39m 42s
  • What to Expect in Season Two

    17 MAY. 2022 · After starting out season two of Heroes Wanted with a powerful episode. This episode will set the expectations for season two, much will be the same with a few changes and a new opportunity if you are ready. Same Weekly episodes focused on helping men level up as husbands, fathers, and leaders. This will include the occasional great guest, and solo episodes with yours truly. Changes The solo episodes will be much shorter finishing out at 10-15 min. and I will be bringing back many of the interviews and favorites from the Ever Vigilant podcast archives. These changes are to give me the opportunity to get back some time, for myself and for my friends and family. I am enjoying my time in one on one strategy calls and coaching calls and I prefer using my time in this way. I also have other projects that I want to invest in, including a new podcast on the horizon with a co-host. I have wanted to do a podcast with a co-host for a long time now and I believe that this combo will be a winner. Stay tuned as we leak info on this new project. I also have a new group coaching option that I am weighing interest in, give this episode a listen and if you are interested email me directly at jprim@heroeswanted.us
    Escuchado 22m 39s
  • Out of the Ashes | Myles Francis

    11 MAY. 2022 · Welcome to Season Two of Heroes Wanted, we are going to start this season out with a BANG. Myles was not only a multiple-time guest on Ever Vigilant but I am proud to call this man a friend. Some have wondered what happened to the Snake Doctor, and he is ready to tell his tale. We start out talking about his business and first aid like we have many times before, but that is just the beginning of this epic podcast episode. Myles goes deep and shares the trials and tribulations of the last two years, but this is not a story of defeat. It is a story of a man rising from the ashes a better, stronger man, driven by his faith and a resounding purpose. This is a story of hope for all, a testimony of God's faithfulness in the midst of the storm. Whether you are in the middle of a storm or you see one on the horizon this is an episode that you do not want to miss. Archangel Dynamics & Myles https://archangeldynamics.com/ @archangeldynamics @callsign_snakedoctor Heroes Wanted https://www.heroeswanted.us/coaching
    Escuchado 1h 58m 8s
  • NFTs, Blockchain, and Crypto, Oh My | Kyle Sponable

    4 ABR. 2022 · In this episode Kyle Sponable from www.consortia.network joins me to talk about NFTs, Crypto, and Blockchain. I am always curious and I want to have an understanding of this world as it evolves before my eyes. Kyle does an excellent job of breaking down these incredible technologies in an easy-to-understand way. Web. www.consortia.network FB. www.facebook.com/kyle.sponable
    Escuchado 42m 38s
  • Fighting Chaos

    28 MAR. 2022 · Fighting Chaos I posted the show notes from the previous episode of Heroes Wanted on Instagram last week. I received a great reply from my friend Mark Booher over @TheBarritus. Mark has been a guest on several of my podcast episodes and is a wealth of information. Quote- “I also think facing chaos is intimidating because it’s unknown - without the form we’re accustomed to. But it’s from chaos that order is formed. And if you look at the myths and legends of old, creating order from chaos is often a violent and bloody one - metaphorically speaking.” -Mark Booher This post got me thinking about chaos, a consistent and persistent adversary of man since the beginning of time. The reality that we must accept is that life is chaos, the chaos is never going away. We must find a way to adapt and overcome the chaos, if only in our day to day lives and in the lives of those that we influence each day. Merriam-Webster – Definition of chaos 1 : a state of utter confusion the blackout caused chaos throughout the city b : a confused mass or mixture a chaos of television antennas I don’t know that I could come up with a term to better describe the world that we are living in today. But unlike many, I don’t believe that it is out of the ordinary. I don’t even believe that we are necessarily living in extraordinary times. I believe that it has always been this way. The difference perhaps is that have more information, maybe too much information, and as has often happened throughout history we have lost faith in those that we need to trust in order to believe that there is order. Merriam-Webster – Definition of order to put in order : arrange The books are ordered alphabetically by author. As men, it has been our defining purpose to serve through bringing order. Our attempts at bringing order are epic. Everything from time to calendars to hieroglyphics is a search for order. Some have resulted in great benefits for all (water filtration, capitalism) others have led to the death of millions (communism). This need for order drives each of us as individuals in our personal lives, our families, and our communities. It is this drive for order that is often used to manipulate us as I talked about in my episode from Feb. 20 titled Following The Script, go give it a listen. The script we follow is not inherently bad but is used to bring order to your family, your culture, your community, etc. I want to key in on two ways to fight the chaos. Because if you do not engage at least in these two ways. The chaos will chew you up and spit you out. The chaos or the way in which you deal with it will overcome you and destroy you. #1. Find the beauty in the midst of the chaos. It is always there but rarely easy to find. In my book OPEN: Six Life Changing Principles I delve into a very personal story of some ministry work we did in the Guatemala city dump. Of all of the places that I have traveled and met people, this was beyond compare as the worst place I have ever been. The hopelessness hung in the air along with the stench of rotten trash, human excrement, and filth. The total pits of life are not far from here, within spitting distance. The only thing that could have made this place worse was war. As a lower-middle-class American trying to gain some sort of mental grasp on what I was seeing let alone experiencing was a challenge. The chaos was everywhere. As I searched for something to hold on to, I noticed the children. In the midst of this hell, there were children smiling and laughing. These malnourished, dirty, bare-footed children were happy. This was their world, they knew nothing different, and like all kids, they enjoyed the puppet show, balloons, candy, and attention we shared. Without finding the beauty in the chaos, you can and will at some point be overwhelmed. Without finding the beauty, a reason, a hope, you will not be able to fully focus or engage in life or your tasks at your best or in a worthy manner. Find the beauty, your wife, your family, a song, a poem, quote, or verse, find the why. #2. You don’t now, and never will have total control. In order to maintain a sort of at least healthy respect for this fact we as humans have devised ways to live within this chaos. Routine: to give order to our life and the lives of our family. Tradition: to give order to a larger group of people, a culture, community, or country. Like most things that involve humans, these can get out of order themselves and lead to their very own chaos. The antithesis of a routine of order is a routine of sedation and sabotage. In an effort to bring order, a sense of control to our lives we can cause great destruction. Just as I mentioned earlier the endeavor to bring order can be extremely destructive to yourselves and those in the vicinity. Things like micro-managing seem to bring order but don’t. Aggressiveness, yelling, and bullying bring a sense of control but ultimately birth even more chaos and you sabotage your very own good intentions. If you are not intentional in how you bring order by routine you will take the path of sedation. You will sedate yourself with alcohol, porn, video games, politics, sports, food, entertainment, living vicariously through for children. You will find a way to hide from the chaos rather than confront the chaos head-on. For far too many of our fellow-men this has led to suicide. Husbands and fathers finding a permanent solution for the temporary chaos that seems to have taken control. You must build a routine that challenges you on a daily basis and keeps you alert to the dangers of sedation, self-sabotage, and suicide. I recorded an episode on my morning routine a while back, I also have a training video available for a quick daily journal system. These things are a part of a routine to give me some control of the chaos in my own life. Man has had tradition since the beginning of time. From the solstices to harvest, to the celebration of the seasons. Once again these traditions can become destructive, like the sacrificing of babies in many cultures. The power of these traditions can be felt as we call this phenomenon the Christmas spirit at Christmas time. Once again, build these traditions that you and your family participate in with intent. Do your traditions build unity? Do they bring joy? Is there excitement in anticipation of them? Build your own weekly, monthly, and yearly family traditions. Make them unique, these differences will create a distinction between you and others. For bonus points, have a family meeting and solicit suggestions, and vote on things to do. Your influence through your routine, like my daily note writing and through your family tradition brings order to the chaos. web - Heroeswanted.us/coaching email - jprim@heroeswated.us
    Escuchado 36m 12s
  • Man in the Mirror

    21 MAR. 2022 · "Talk is cheap", I clearly remember my uncle telling me. I was in my early teens and didn't quite understand the significance of his statement. I reflect on this thought regularly and attempt to weigh what I say against it. In this crazy world, action is the remedy. Talking creates noise Noise creates chaos Chaos creates fear The only remedy is action. Every that you complain you indite yourself. I want to touch on two issues that prevent action. (1. You are surprised Good people, those that don't make a habit of lying, cheating, stealing, hurting others are surprised or shocked by the behavior of those that do. When the "Golden Rule" is the standard for your life, it is difficult to understand and deal with those that don't abide by what you feel are the rules of the game. This often leaves those that behave badly in power or in positions of influence. Some of these people are intentional of their "bending" of the rules and enjoy not being hampered by the rules, while others less intentional but the results are often the same. Good people asking why?, rather than asking the correct questions which is How do we fix this? (2. You are comfortable Comfort keeps good people from taking risks and assuming responsibilities. Just as comfort and distractions kept David away from leading his men in battle, and ultimately led to an affair and a murder. We created to be mission minded and serve a purpose greater than ourselves. Caught up in comfort and distractions we lose sight of what is worth fighting for. Is comfort and diversion greater than your family, church, or community? The "Proof is in the Putting" as they say, take a look around you. What you value, is what you serve. What do your actions say? No one is coming to save you, if there is chaos, or issues in your life. Take a stand and lead. You are who you are and where you are for a reason, to serve a purpose greater than you. Find it and jump in. I am asking you to join the fight, in your church, school board, city council, go where the fight is and shine light in the darkness and lead. The remedy is action, your action. Web - https://www.heroeswanted.us/coaching Free Guide - https://www.heroeswanted.us/quickbook Everything else - https://sleek.bio/heroeswanted
    Escuchado 35m 14s
  • Hero Theory | Moses

    13 MAR. 2022 · Once again, I dive into Hero Theory this time looking at Moses the man who lead the Hebrews out of the land of Egypt. The theory is that there are three giants that must be overcome in order to truly be a hero. Fear, lies, and the expectations of others keep you from rising up and serving a purpose bigger than you. You are not granted hero status by your pay scale, office location, uniform or something that you did long ago, hero status is earned each day as you subdue these giants and rise up to serve that greater purpose. Fear- Pharaoh Lies- Someone else should go, insecurities about speaking, they won't believe me Expectations of Others- The Hebrews were not happy with the results of Moses's meeting with Pharaoh, which resulted in an even worse working conditions for the slaves Moses defeated these three giants and the hero rose to the occasion. Eventually fleeing Egypt with the Hebrew people. I firmly believe that overcoming his fears, the lies, and the expectations of others and the up and down prolonged dispute with Pharaoh prepared Moses for the 40 years in the wilderness to come. Be certain in the fact that the battles that you are facing today, are preparation for the battles of tomorrow. Web- sleekbio.com/heroeswanted Instagram- @preparedefendlead Facebook- www.facebook.com/joemprim/ Group- www.facebook.com/groups/heroeswanted1
    Escuchado 47m 26s

Abandon Average & Uncover the Hero Within. I equip fathers to abandon average and find discipline, confidence, and purpose by uncovering the hero within. Don't forget to subscribe and share...

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Abandon Average & Uncover the Hero Within.

I equip fathers to abandon average and find discipline, confidence, and purpose by uncovering the hero within.

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