12 ENE. 2022 · In episode six of Hidden Talent, host Erin Trafford guides us as we address the most important part of the hiring process: Establishing trust. For small business owners, bringing a person onto a team is about the right fit and is the ultimate display of trust. For the Veteran community entering civilian careers, trust is connected to their understanding of ‘team.’ Small-medium sized business owners Janine Harris and Sarah Dunkley share how trust is crucial in daily decision making and how they start to build it with candidates, starting in the interview room. Chris Stoyles, a Veteran of the Canadian Armed Forces elaborates on the importance of trust in the team. Challenge Factory president, Lisa Taylor focuses on how career management, feedback, and performance reviews can increase retention and employee loyalty. Highlights of the episode: Why trust is the foundation for a successful hiring and working relationship between employer and Veteran and the key to identifying your common goal Trusting the individual versus trusting the team How quick thinking and acting fast- a skill set often developed in the military- is ideal for the civilian, small business workplace Why Veteran employees want to ace performance evaluation and how having an avenue for delivering feedback can benefit the Veteran and employer
You’re invited to enroll in the MasterClass for Veteran Hiring for employer tested ways to tap into the Hidden Talent pool of Canada’s Veterans. Find out more and sign up by visiting - centreforcareerinnovation.ca/courses/Hiring-Veterans-MasterClass. Get your free copy of the Canadian Guide to Hiring Veterans. It is designed to help organizations that have limited human resources and recruitment capacity build strong, resilient teams that include Veterans who are skilled and ready to fill labour or skills shortages. Reach out to the team at Challenge Factory with your thoughts, ideas and feedback - especially if you are a small business or a military Veteran. Hidden Talent, a Challenge Factory podcast, is grateful for the support of Veterans Affairs Canada, through the Veteran and Family Well-Being Fund. This podcast is produced by Story Studio Network.