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Holy Donors

  • Encore: The Capitalist (John Raskob) | Breaking the Mold

    22 SEP. 2023 · For those of you who are just joining us for our Holy Donors podcast, we share an encore of the show's second season featuring John Raskob. --- What do GM, the Empire State Building, DuPont Chemical Company, Al Smith, and the DNC have in common? A single man named John Raskob. Born in Lockport, New York in 1879, to a hard-working family, he demonstrated levels of drive, moxie and gumption that most didn’t understand. He had a drive that just wanted to “do.” This drive would take him thousands of miles from home, doubling his family’s income, all the way back to New York making deals he wasn’t, strictly speaking, allowed to make for Pierre DuPont in the early 1900s. How does he go from a small town boy to shaping the business world of the United States, standing on his faith as he goes? “Go ahead and do things. The bigger the better.” – John Raskob --- Recommended reading: "Everybody Ought to be Rich" by David Farber. Specials thanks to David Farber and Kerry Robinson for contributing to the season. --- Holy Donors is brought to you by Petrus Development (petrusdevelopment.com) in cooperation with RED-C Catholic Radio (redcradio.org). For more about Holy Donors please visit our website at holydonors.com or find us @HolyDonors on Instagram and Facebook. Holy Donors: Bringing you inspiring stories of radical generosity that have changed the world.
    Escuchado 39m 23s
  • S15 E6: Coach High Low | Season 15 Wrap Party (Vince Lombardi)

    28 JUL. 2023 · We’re glad you’re here for our Vince Lombardi wrap party! In typical wrap party fashion, our hosts share their takeaways from the season. In this case, they also note how they really enjoyed discussing a relatively well-known individual after many seasons of learning about obscure Catholic philanthropists. Andrew, Thaddeus, Matt, and Rhen have a thoughtful discussion about their many takeaways from this season. As they’ve discussed repeatedly, Vince Lombardi was a man of contradictions. He loved football, and he was devoted to his players. Yet, it was his love of the game that caused Vince to be an absent husband. Vince was a devout Catholic who attended daily mass, and yet, his children questioned his love for them. Our hosts ask hard questions. How much of Vince’s flaws can be attributed to the social norms of his time, and how much do we blame him for his shortcomings? How do we invest in the gifts God has given us without sacrificing our spiritual and familial responsibilities? If you have answers to these questions, or if you have anything to share about this season, leave us a comment on our Instagram (@holydonors) or email us at mailto:podcast@petrusdevelopment.com. We’d love to hear from you! --- Recommended reading: "When Pride Still Mattered: A Life of Vince Lombardi" by David Maraniss --- Holy Donors is brought to you by Petrus Development (http://petrusdevelopment.com/) in cooperation with RED-C Catholic Radio (http://redcradio.org/). For more about Holy Donors please visit our website athttp://holydonors.com/ or find us @HolyDonors on Instagram and Facebook. Holy Donors: Bringing you inspiring stories of radical generosity that have changed the world.
    Escuchado 26m 50s
  • S15 E5: Coach High Low | Was He a Holy Donor? (Vince Lombardi)

    21 JUL. 2023 · Once the team finishes telling Vince’s story, they have a spirited discussion about whether or not Vince Lombardi, a man of many contradictions, can join the ranks of their holy donors. Our hosts each take a turn judging Vince on his faithfulness, humility, and radical generosity. Vince was not a wealthy man with lots of money to give, and the team is split as to whether or not Vince’s investment in his players counts as radical generosity. The debate ends in a 2-2 tie. Given the split, we look to our listeners to break the tie. Do you think Vince Lobmardi was a holy donor? Drop us a line on Instagram (@holydonors) or by emailing us at https://petrusdevelopment.com. We’d love to hear from you! --- Recommended reading: "When Pride Still Mattered: A Life of Vince Lombardi" by David Maraniss --- Holy Donors is brought to you by Petrus Development (http://petrusdevelopment.com/) in cooperation with RED-C Catholic Radio (http://redcradio.org/). For more about Holy Donors please visit our website athttp://holydonors.com/ or find us @HolyDonors on Instagram and Facebook. Holy Donors: Bringing you inspiring stories of radical generosity that have changed the world.
    Escuchado 18m 21s
  • S15 E4: Coach High Low | Final Years (Vince Lombardi)

    14 JUL. 2023 · It all comes down to this! In this episode, our hosts discuss the end of Vince Lombardi’s life, and they prepare to reflect on whether or not Vince merits the title of holy donor. We discussed Vince’s retirement at the end of the last episode, and we start this episode with Andrew highlighting the reasons Vince chose to retire when his team was on top. The stress of perfection finally became too much, and Vince retired to ease his mental and physical pain. After a while, he questioned his decision to retire, and he returned to coach the Washington Redskins for a year before ultimately succumbing to cancer in 1970. The episode closes as our hosts reflect on Vince’s life and legacy. Vince was certainly a man of contradictions on and off the football field. Yet, the most pressing question remains - was Vince Lombardi a holy donor? What do you think? Join us next week to find out what our hosts decided! --- Recommended reading: "When Pride Still Mattered: A Life of Vince Lombardi" by David Maraniss --- Holy Donors is brought to you by Petrus Development (http://petrusdevelopment.com/) in cooperation with RED-C Catholic Radio (http://redcradio.org/). For more about Holy Donors please visit our website athttp://holydonors.com/ or find us @HolyDonors on Instagram and Facebook. Holy Donors: Bringing you inspiring stories of radical generosity that have changed the world.
    Escuchado 26m 44s
  • S15 E3: Coach High Low | Titletown (Vince Lombardi)

    7 JUL. 2023 · And, we’re back! Our hosts reconvene to continue their discussion on Vince Lombardi’s career as a football coach. We left off last week with Vince taking over as the head coach of the Green Bay Packers. Vince arrived in Green Bay to coach a terrible football team, and he felt tremendous pressure to be successful. In good news, Vince certainly found professional success in Green Bay. By placing an emphasis on discipline, passion, and training, Vince turned the Packers into a championship team. Vince’s professional success, however, came at a cost. Vince prioritized football over family, and he was an absent husband and father. Marie and the children struggled to feel Vince’s love given his inattentive and argumentative nature. Vince, however, remained devout to his Catholic faith throughout his coaching career, attending daily mass and praying the rosary regularly. Vince befriended priests and nuns, and often invited them to be with him at football games and at after parties at his home. After coaching the Packers for a decade, Vince retired. He created a championship football team by demanding discipline and excellence from his players, and he retired when his team was still on top. Why did Vince retire at the height of his success? Join us next week to find out! --- Recommended reading: "When Pride Still Mattered: A Life of Vince Lombardi" by David Maraniss --- Holy Donors is brought to you by Petrus Development (http://petrusdevelopment.com/) in cooperation with RED-C Catholic Radio (http://redcradio.org/). For more about Holy Donors please visit our website athttp://holydonors.com/ or find us @HolyDonors on Instagram and Facebook. Holy Donors: Bringing you inspiring stories of radical generosity that have changed the world.
    Escuchado 34m 56s
  • S15 E2: Coach High-Low | Climbing the Ladder (Vince Lombardi)

    30 JUN. 2023 · Join us as we return to our discussion about our latest potential holy donor, Vince Lombardi. After college, Vince bounced around a little bit before kicking off his coaching career as assistant football coach at St. Cecilia, a Catholic high school in New Jersey. Our hosts discuss Vince’s early days as a football (and basketball!) coach and explore how his family’s values and his Jesuit education influence his coaching style at St. Cecilia, and later at Fordham and West Point. In this episode, we also learn a lot about Vince’s marriage to his wife, Marie. The pair married in 1940, and the early years of their marriage were filled with the tragedy of pregnancy loss, followed by Marie’s depression and drinking. Vince and Maria eventually had two children, yet their homelife was not ideal. Vince was largely an absent father, spending most of his time coaching football, and Marie turned to alcohol for comfort. In 1954, Vince got his chance to move past high school and college football to become assistant coach for a pro football team, the New York Giants. The transition was tough as professional players had much less patience for Vince’s aggressive approach to coaching. With help, Vince adapted and learned to connect with his new team. After 5 years in New York, Vince accepted a head coaching position with the Green Bay Packers. At this point, Green Bay is not a good team, and Vince is under pressure to turn them around. Will he be successful in creating a winning team in Green Bay? Listen next week to find out! --- Recommended reading: "When Pride Still Mattered: A Life of Vince Lombardi" by David Maraniss --- Holy Donors is brought to you by Petrus Development (http://petrusdevelopment.com/) in cooperation with RED-C Catholic Radio (http://redcradio.org/). For more about Holy Donors please visit our website athttp://holydonors.com/ or find us @HolyDonors on Instagram and Facebook. Holy Donors: Bringing you inspiring stories of radical generosity that have changed the world.
    Escuchado 26m 1s
  • S15 E1: Coach High-Low (Vince Lombardi) | Winning is a Habit

    23 JUN. 2023 · Welcome back! We’re glad you’re here for Holy Donors Season 15 featuring Vince Lombardi. Unlike our most recent holy donors, Vince Lombardi is a well-known sportsman. While Vince is most famous for his football legacy and motivational quotes, his devout Catholicism is less well-known. Our hosts spend this season exploring his football, his faith, and his philanthropic legacy. Born in 1913, Vince grew up in Brooklyn in a large Italian Catholic family. As a child, Vince loved football and Catholicism. Early in life, Vince felt called to the priesthood, but he discerned otherwise in high school, and soon after, his football career took off. Vince moved from a pre-seminary school to a high school with a football team, and he was recruited to Fordham University to study under the Jesuits and to play football. At Fordham, Vince learned the four pillars of the Jesuit practice of faith: duty, obedience, responsibility, and exercise of free will. Vince thrived on discipline and teamwork, and he found success on and off the football field. Where does Vince’s football career lead after his college days? Join us next week to find out! --- Recommended reading: "When Pride Still Mattered: A Life of Vince Lombardi" by David Maraniss --- Holy Donors is brought to you by Petrus Development (http://petrusdevelopment.com/) in cooperation with RED-C Catholic Radio (http://redcradio.org/). For more about Holy Donors please visit our website athttp://holydonors.com/ or find us @HolyDonors on Instagram and Facebook. Holy Donors: Bringing you inspiring stories of radical generosity that have changed the world.
    Escuchado 29m 52s
  • S14 E6: The Bread Lady | Season 14 Wrap Party (Margaret Haughery)

    9 JUN. 2023 · That’s a wrap! In this episode, our hosts close out their season on Margaret Haughery. Last week, they voted to include Margaret in their list of holy donors, and this week, our hosts talk about their takeaways from the season. Andrew, Matt, and Thaddeus use several adjectives to describe Margaret: determined, fearless, entrepreneurial, and saintly, among others. They also further discuss Margaret’s relationship to slavery and if and how that negates her holiness in any way. Andrew introduces next season by sharing the beginning of one of our next philanthropist’s well-known quotes: “Show me a good loser, and I’ll show you a loser.” Can you guess who’s coming next? Join us in a few weeks for Season 16, featuring Vince Lombardi --- Recommended reading: "Margaret, Friend of Orphans" by Mary Lou Widmer --- Holy Donors is brought to you by Petrus Development (http://petrusdevelopment.com/) in cooperation with RED-C Catholic Radio (http://redcradio.org/). For more about Holy Donors please visit our website athttp://holydonors.com/ or find us @HolyDonors on Instagram and Facebook. Holy Donors: Bringing you inspiring stories of radical generosity that have changed the world.
    Escuchado 17m 46s
  • S14 E5: The Bread Lady | Legacy (Margaret Haughery)

    2 JUN. 2023 · We’re glad you’re back! We return to our story about Margaret Haughery, and our hosts spend this episode discussing Margaret’s philanthropic legacy and making their determination as to if Margaret will be added to their list of holy donors. Margaret’s charitable legacy is extensive. She helped found many orphanages, she gave away a substantial portion of her personal wealth, and much, much more. Though none of the orphanages Margaret helped to found exist today, thousands and thousands of children were fed and housed in those buildings. Without Margaret’s passion for service, the lives of those children would have been even more challenging. Our hosts share their verdict about Margaret’s merit as a holy donor, and we invite you to judge Margaret’s humility, faithfulness, and radical generosity for yourself. Would you call Margaret Haughery a holy donor? --- Recommended reading: "Margaret, Friend of Orphans" by Mary Lou Widmer --- Holy Donors is brought to you by Petrus Development (http://petrusdevelopment.com/) in cooperation with RED-C Catholic Radio (http://redcradio.org/). For more about Holy Donors please visit our website athttp://holydonors.com/ or find us @HolyDonors on Instagram and Facebook. Holy Donors: Bringing you inspiring stories of radical generosity that have changed the world.
    Escuchado 14m 27s
  • S14 E4: The Bread Lady | Barricaded City (Margaret Haughery)

    26 MAY. 2023 · Welcome back to episode 4 of our season featuring Margaret Haughery! When we ended the last episode, the Civil War was just beginning, and New Orleans was on the cusp of falling to Union command. Despite supply shortages, Margaret persists in running her bakery and ministering to the orphans, the poor and the hungry throughout the war. Margaret boldly served people on both sides of the fight. Even after the war ended, life in New Orleans was not easy. The war forced more families into poverty and created more widows and orphans who needed care. Margaret continued in her ministry of feeding the hungry until she passed away in 1882. Crowds of mourners showed up for Margaret’s funeral as a testament to the love and generosity she poured on New Orleans. The episode ends with Margaret’s death, and our next episode will discuss Margaret’s philanthropic legacy. Our hosts, in a burst of fun in this episode, challenge themselves to make comparisons between Margaret’s life and the lives of our many holy donors from seasons prior. Let's see if they get them all! --- Recommended reading: "Margaret, Friend of Orphans" by Mary Lou Widmer --- Holy Donors is brought to you by Petrus Development (http://petrusdevelopment.com/) in cooperation with RED-C Catholic Radio (http://redcradio.org/). For more about Holy Donors please visit our website athttp://holydonors.com/ or find us @HolyDonors on Instagram and Facebook. Holy Donors: Bringing you inspiring stories of radical generosity that have changed the world.
    Escuchado 22m 25s

Sharing inspiring stories of radical generosity that have changed the world! The Holy Donors podcast examines Catholic philanthropists through the lens of their time in history. We ask the questions:...

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Sharing inspiring stories of radical generosity that have changed the world!

The Holy Donors podcast examines Catholic philanthropists through the lens of their time in history. We ask the questions: Were they faithful? Were they humble? Were they radically generous?

You will learn about some inspiring givers you had never heard of, some famous figures that you didn't know were Catholic, and even some well known Catholic figures that may or may not have been what they seemed.

Were they faithful, humble, and generous? Were they holy donors?

#fundraising #donors #radicalgenerosity

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