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Know Better Do Better

  • 130. Why I'm Not Worried About Book Bans

    25 ABR. 2024 · Like you, I've been petrified by the headlines that race-related books are being banned from schools and libraries across the country. But I have some surprisingly good news. Listen in to learn about the current state of race-related books in libraries.  Related episodes: The Intellectual Rivalry of the Century onhttps://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/108-the-intellectual-rivalry-of-the-century-washington/id1649985239?i=1000644616580 &https://open.spotify.com/episode/4pkoTWcpNjCZ9vyIIEr8BC?si=0hqGif1nQrCRC6zlPeKxyg How Each Kind of Antiracism Fails on https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/103-how-each-kind-of-antiracism-fails-unpacking/id1649985239?i=1000642620287 and https://open.spotify.com/episode/1wNBHB1BNcsVyfKkNpJruf?si=k3xdZS3lQimnCB4JeSEirg To support Marie and get exclusive resources, head tohttps://patreon.com/MarieBeech. To learn more about Marie's DEI services, head tohttps://mariebeecham.com.
  • 129. Why Conservatives (And Liberals) Are Convinced They're Not Racist

    23 ABR. 2024 · Conservatives say that liberals are the real racists. Liberals say that conservatives couldn't be more wrong. Who's right? Who's not? Who's delusional? Who's ready to dive into the heated debate? Related episodes: Should We Embrace Race or Move Past It? on https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/102-should-we-embrace-race-or-move-past-it-its-complicated/id1649985239?i=1000642080274 and https://open.spotify.com/episode/3vsyfoQRZa2jnHnnhFWNvn?si=7inpPveZSbqRaT1oA-UC_Q The Racism The Least Racist People Are Most Guilty Of on https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/124-the-racism-that-the-least-racist-people-are/id1649985239?i=1000651405845 & https://open.spotify.com/episode/0tVoNnF0CZagOIqhDC0UD0?si=yUYVBC9CQJqSF55X5pZCSA Everyone’s Wrong About Implicit Racial Bias on https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/92-everyones-wrong-about-racial-bias-a-thorough/id1649985239?i=1000637543615 and https://open.spotify.com/episode/75sgqEiLEGMOlWmsVEiRbW?si=ozaj_sXwSdWGn_5GpkMSJQ Systemic Racism 101 onhttps://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/82-systemic-racism-101-learn-the-full-definition-how/id1649985239?i=1000628417128 andhttps://open.spotify.com/episode/1FKPhdjqCSMcWWEaqX21Np?si=9HKctS5OQKSQwQSc9yu_Ew To support Marie and get exclusive resources, head tohttps://patreon.com/MarieBeech. To learn more about Marie's DEI services, head to https://mariebeecham.com.
    27m 30s
  • 128. The Basics of CRT— All The Stuff You Need to Know

    18 ABR. 2024 · There's so much confusion surrounding what critical race theory is and what it isn't. Critical race theory is misrepresented by those who oppose it and misunderstood by those who embrace it. In this episode, I clear away that confusion so you can confidently answer the question: What is critical race theory, really? Related episodes: CRT's Most Loved & Hated Teaching on https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/68-crts-most-loved-hated-teaching-what-the-debate-is/id1649985239?i=1000619522181 & https://open.spotify.com/episode/1OjoHzSMIuyPFGRQDAJyZv?si=brVKSqydR1CAaRYR3Vvw3A Critical Race Theory 101 onhttps://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/critical-race-theory-101-the-5-basic-ideas-you-need-to-know/id1649985239?i=1000586280496 &https://open.spotify.com/episode/3RivgCAAJehR42h2DAFsU9?si=EHoQO5W2Qje8VvUP9Q05Nw Critical Race Theory 102 onhttps://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/critical-race-theory-102-three-important-criticisms/id1649985239?i=1000587125426 &https://open.spotify.com/episode/3F6BZJBBFAcf5ozdPAEhBb?si=N9LlNhYVTQa5OhH5MDBsEA Intersectionality in 30 Min on https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/79-all-the-stuff-no-one-ever-taught-you-about/id1649985239?i=1000626061874 & https://open.spotify.com/episode/5BaHpqlwPu0msAO6YSWWUS?si=FmTW4O24RCGtdSw720cazA To support Marie and get exclusive resources, head tohttps://patreon.com/MarieBeech. To learn more about Marie's DEI services, head tohttps://mariebeecham.com.
    20m 22s
  • 127. Q&A - What Counts As Cultural Appropriation? Virtue Signaling? Systemic Racism?

    16 ABR. 2024 · In this episode, I'm answering questions I've received from all of you! We cover a bunch of important topics: How do I really focus on combatting systemic racism? Am I guilty of cultural appropriation without even realizing it? I know we should engage in tough disagreements, but where do we draw the line? Listen up and learn a whole lot. Related episodes: What Actually Counts As Cultural Appropriation? on https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/54-what-actually-counts-as-cultural-appropriation/id1649985239?i=1000613507550 & https://open.spotify.com/episode/14tX8WQanTLk8NX1GxczpP?si=fGe6RraNT3yqTq4Vm0QhBA Systemic Racism 101 onhttps://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/82-systemic-racism-101-learn-the-full-definition-how/id1649985239?i=1000628417128 andhttps://open.spotify.com/episode/1FKPhdjqCSMcWWEaqX21Np?si=9HKctS5OQKSQwQSc9yu_Ew Exposing the Lies That Make Us Fragile onhttps://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/exposing-the-lies-that-make-us-fragile-and-the/id1649985239?i=1000613214644 &https://open.spotify.com/episode/54shtoxI0YfDLcRyXEncMM?si=OF3FLMPVTWWF3W3ohN9Cww To support Marie and get exclusive resources, head tohttps://patreon.com/MarieBeech. To learn more about Marie's DEI services, head tohttps://mariebeecham.com.
    24m 9s
  • 126. Tone Policing 101: Learn the Full Definition, How It’s Often Misused, & Why It’s Controversial

    11 ABR. 2024 · What actually counts as tone policing? You might not really know - it's a terribly misunderstood concept. That's why we need to set the record straight. In this episode, you'll learn what tone policing is, what it isn't, why it matters, and why it's so controversial.  Related episodes: Tone Policing onhttps://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/tone-policing-problematic-prejudice-or-reasonable-request/id1649985239?i=1000587930277 &https://open.spotify.com/episode/0UeC6SSF9Nq1QNVUkhxoh2?si=CohO0EaKRBuzJ64RpDTWkQ Microaggressions in 15 Minutes on https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/84-microaggressions-in-15-min-unpacking-the-confusion/id1649985239?i=1000630808594 and https://open.spotify.com/episode/2KjYa0wqHVRzbikf1nUl07?si=miaX0GhGS3WEFjwvYC1JBQ To support Marie and get exclusive resources, head tohttps://patreon.com/MarieBeech. To learn more about Marie's DEI services, head tohttps://mariebeecham.com.
    33m 3s
  • 125. White Privilege 101: The Term's Origin & Real Meaning [Fast Facts]

    9 ABR. 2024 · In this quick episode, you'll learn about the surprising origins of the term white privilege, how even the most well-meaning people get it wrong, and how we should describe privilege to skeptics.  Related episodes: White People, You Need to Ditch White Guilt on https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/122-white-people-you-need-to-ditch-white-guilt/id1649985239?i=1000650712514 & https://open.spotify.com/episode/4w5RxWJ7zzfVSShGsZduGd?si=AaSOWL68QuOlejcKuroDnQ We're Getting Privilege All Wrong on https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/were-getting-privilege-all-wrong/id1649985239?i=1000585767778 &https://open.spotify.com/episode/1m4LPUwRo8yh1QifS9Djv6?si=GuL2bvVxTYGnqV3Jz9edkw To support Marie and get exclusive resources, head tohttps://patreon.com/MarieBeech. To learn more about Marie's DEI services, head tohttps://mariebeecham.com.
    10m 18s
  • 124. The Racism That The Least Racist People Are Most Guilty Of [NEW]

    4 ABR. 2024 · The group of people most passionate about racism are as guilty as anyone. On the whole, progressives are heading down a wayward path— generalizing, stereotyping, discriminating— and don't even know it. We need to unpack how "antiracism" can get really racist so you can know how to avoid the major missteps.  Related episodes: 46. The Racism the Least-Prejudiced People Are Most Guilty Of on https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/46-the-racism-that-the-least-prejudiced-people-are/id1649985239?i=1000609791148 & https://open.spotify.com/episode/1CFrG1PjfgR1c0KziEDEr3?si=h3kQQhJ_ReO2FXl8NvnuXg 48. Pt. 2 - The Racism the Least-Prejudiced People Are Most Guilty Of on https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/48-part-2-the-racism-that-the-least-prejudiced-people/id1649985239?i=1000610850951 & https://open.spotify.com/episode/16VReMAI8enxRUsqjNRI8I?si=uI4-VSvsR1OY_wZz5UYLLg Should We Embrace Race or Move Past It? on https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/102-should-we-embrace-race-or-move-past-it-its-complicated/id1649985239?i=1000642080274 and https://open.spotify.com/episode/3vsyfoQRZa2jnHnnhFWNvn?si=7inpPveZSbqRaT1oA-UC_Q To support Marie and get exclusive resources, head tohttps://patreon.com/MarieBeech. To learn more about Marie's DEI services, head tohttps://mariebeecham.com.
    25m 52s
  • 123. Is Identity Politics Really a Thing? It's Complicated.

    2 ABR. 2024 · If you've got questions about "identity politics," well, I do too. In this episode, I'm spilling all of my honest thoughts because here's some serious baggage we need to unpack.  Related episodes: Intersectionality in 30 Min on https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/79-all-the-stuff-no-one-ever-taught-you-about/id1649985239?i=1000626061874 & https://open.spotify.com/episode/5BaHpqlwPu0msAO6YSWWUS?si=FmTW4O24RCGtdSw720cazA The All-Important Debate: Individual Vs. Group Identity onhttps://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/78-the-all-important-debate-beneath-the-debate/id1649985239?i=1000625244106 &https://open.spotify.com/episode/3zKTDhs3IZaWkq5ChJlK1D?si=apwEDqdeSyW2l0hfijAncQ To support Marie and get exclusive resources, head tohttps://patreon.com/MarieBeech. To learn more about Marie's DEI services, head tohttps://mariebeecham.com.
    19m 34s
  • 122. White People, You Need to Ditch White Guilt

    28 MAR. 2024 · You're tired of it. I'm tired of it. Good-for-nothing white guilt has got to go.  Related episodes: On Intersectionality, Breaking Down Collective vs Indiviudual Identity  https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/79-all-the-stuff-no-one-ever-taught-you-about/id1649985239?i=1000626061874 & https://open.spotify.com/episode/5BaHpqlwPu0msAO6YSWWUS?si=FmTW4O24RCGtdSw720cazA Debunking Implicit Racial Bias on https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/92-everyones-wrong-about-racial-bias-a-thorough/id1649985239?i=1000637543615 and https://open.spotify.com/episode/75sgqEiLEGMOlWmsVEiRbW?si=ozaj_sXwSdWGn_5GpkMSJQ To support Marie and get exclusive resources, head tohttps://patreon.com/MarieBeech. To learn more about Marie's DEI services, head to https://mariebeecham.com.
    31m 16s
  • 121. Are Safe Spaces Present Day Segregation?

    26 MAR. 2024 · Recently, more and more schools and companies have been in hot water for trying to create "safe spaces." The issue? In certain cases, these DEI developments are considered legal discrimination. Learn why this is & what to make of all of this. Related episodes: What Makes Safe Spaces Controversial on https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/why-i-hate-safe-spaces-and-why-i-love-them-too/id1649985239?i=1000606582555 & https://open.spotify.com/episode/3oAPBPZJA5TGG0B1xI6lLN?si=QADawup-RRStAGAjp1xFzA Exposing the Lies That Make Us Fragile onhttps://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/exposing-the-lies-that-make-us-fragile-and-the/id1649985239?i=1000613214644 &https://open.spotify.com/episode/54shtoxI0YfDLcRyXEncMM?si=OF3FLMPVTWWF3W3ohN9Cww To support Marie and get exclusive resources, head tohttps://patreon.com/MarieBeech. To learn more about Marie's DEI services, head tohttps://mariebeecham.com. Sources: The Washington Post, A group demanded a space for students of color. Now they say they’re being called racists. (Phillips, 2017) The Atlantic, The Fine Line Between Safe Space and Segregation (DeRuy, 2016); The New York Post, Segregating kids by race — even as a class exercise — will only fuel endless racial conflict (Tobin, 2021); EdWeek, Safe Space or Segregation? Affinity Groups for Teachers, Students of Color (Pendharkar, 2022).
    39m 15s

Know Better Do Better (formerly The Changemaker) makes it easy for you to get informed and stay informed. It's hosted by Marie Beecham, a writer and speaker who has shared...

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Know Better Do Better (formerly The Changemaker) makes it easy for you to get informed and stay informed.

It's hosted by Marie Beecham, a writer and speaker who has shared her fresh take on antiracism with millions. Her unique point of view will draw you in and send you off better equipped and inspired to make a difference.

Interesting, insightful episodes on racial equity every Tuesday and Thursday.
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