6 SEP. 2024 · Thursday Sept 5th - EP 2 OF HIDDEN IN DARK CORNERS Join DurDanah and Bro Fred as we continue the conversation . . . Humanity, Spirituality, Privacy, Integrity and TOXICITY . . . in regard to Stalking and being a "victim" of Gangstalking and the tageting individuals. This is a journey of understanding, asking questions, expressing concern. Hopefully, this will help someone that may find them selves in situation that begs this level of understanding . . . looking for someone, somewhere to express their truth. Come and join us in the conversation. HIDDEN IN DARK CORNERS began as a journal of introspection . . . and a journey into understanding what I was experiencing as I moved throughout my life. Moving about the country, I never thought I would encounter something so dark and unnerving . . . individuals who embody narscissim - sociopathic behavior at its worst. How to navigate, learn, live and most importantly - protect my authentic self. ====================================================================================== KROWNKNOWLEDGE RADIO is all about the "INNER "G" - opening the KROWN, expanding your GOD KNOWLEDGE, becoming the "G" you were truly meant to be. NOW IS THE TIME! PUT YOUR KROWN ON!!!!