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LinktoEXPERT Business Showcase & Good Reads Show

  • Meth Toxins Awareness with Guest, Kathi McCarty

    24 JUN. 2024 · Welcome to the LinktoEXPERT Business Showcase on the NEW Streaming Network.com, where we shine a light on important topics impacting our communities. Today, we are privileged to have Kathi McCarty, Founder, Advocate, Speaker, and Educator, joining us as our guest. Kathi brings her passion and expertise to raise awareness about Meth Toxins. Alongside our esteemed hosts, Joanne Weiland and Cece Shatz, we'll delve into the critical aspects of this issue and explore strategies for education and advocacy. Join us as we navigate this enlightening discussion, aiming to empower and inform our viewers about the importance of Meth Toxins Awareness. Contact Joanne Weiland: Tel: (727) 791-7338 Email: jweiland@linktoexpert.com www.LinktoEXPERT.com Contact Cece Shatz: Email: goingsolonetwork@gmail.com www.goingboldmedia.com / www.goingsolomedia.com www.goingsolodirectory.com More about Kathi McCarthy: Kathi is a passionate advocate inspired by Erin Brockovich, and the founder of the Meth Toxins Awareness Alliance. After experiencing a serious health event, Kathi left her position as a career executive in lending and banking to focus on her recovery. She decided to rent her family home as a means to offset her medical costs. What seemed like a sensible solution turned into her worst nightmare when her beautiful home was rented to a meth addict by an irresponsible and unethical property management company. The tenant turned her house into a meth lab, contaminating her home while putting her neighbors and her entire community at risk. Kathi is on a mission to educate people and raise awareness regarding the insidious presence of meth toxicity in our homes and lives. Prevention is the key and that is her purpose.  Connect with Kathi: kathi@methtoxinsalliance.com methtoxinsalliance.com
    Escuchado 47m 35s
  • Creating a Dynamic & Charismatic Presence Online with Laura Doman

    19 MAY. 2024 · Welcome to the LinktoEXPERT Business Showcase on the NEW Streaming Network.com, where we explore the latest strategies for success in the digital world. Today, we're thrilled to welcome Laura Doman, Actor, and Video Communications Coach, as our esteemed guest. Laura brings her expertise in creating dynamic and charismatic online presence. Alongside our insightful hosts, Joanne Weiland and Cece Shatz, we'll dive into the secrets of captivating online communication. Join us as we uncover actionable tips and strategies to help you shine in the digital landscape. Contact Joanne Weiland: Tel: (727) 791-7338 Email: jweiland@linktoexpert.com - www.LinktoEXPERT.com Contact Cece Shatz: Email: goingsolonetwork@gmail.com - www.NEWStreamingNetwork.com and www.GoingSoloNetwork.com www.NEWStreamingNetwork.com. Home of NEW Streaming TV, Going Bold Media, Going Solo Media. and WGSN-DB Going Solo Network Radio, Podcasts, and TV. More about Laura Doman: Laura Doman is an actor and video coach with hundreds of credits in films, TV shows, commercials, corporate industrials, print, and voice over. As a performance coach, she helps entrepreneurs and business professionals become more comfortable and charismatic on camera themselves for videos, online presentations, guest interviews, and panel discussions. She is a public speaker, a co-author of “The Most Amazing Marketing Book Ever," and host of several YouTube video series, including “On Camera Confidence” and “On Camera Tips for Busy Execs.” Connect with Laura: Email: laura@lauradoman.com Website:  https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbENqUnFpUkgyaHJETmJHUU1wUG9tek52Z1pMd3xBQ3Jtc0tsVHFTZEFteDF0N0JPV3dwbHdMRkk0WkZpQ01MUVpjdU1ZMml5TnNkcFZ5ODlucHlyZjBpaVY0VU5JV1c3NTVOR294TGRCcFZGTmxYT24tRThQWktFQnQ5WWZfYmRzUkV0dkpPamZnaHktLWtNOXlZZw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.LauraDoman.com%2F&v=HCWzDozM1tM
    Escuchado 41m 56s
  • Healthy Grief Normalizing & Navigating Loss in a Culture - Toxic Positivity

    19 MAY. 2024 · In this deeply insightful episode of the "LinktoEXPERT Good Reads Author's Corner," hosts Joanne Weiland, CEO of LinktoEXPERT.com, and Cece Shatz, Doyenne of Relationship Building & Founder of NEW Streaming Network, welcome guest Dr. Karen Kramer, a Grief Recovery Expert, Mindset Facilitator, Author, & Speaker, to explore the topic of healthy grief and navigating loss in a culture of toxic positivity. With their combined expertise and compassionate approach, they delve into the nuances of grief and offer valuable insights into embracing and normalizing the grieving process. Through heartfelt conversation and practical advice, they empower viewers to honor their emotions and find healing in the face of loss. Tune in for an enlightening discussion that promises to inspire and uplift those navigating through grief. About Dr. Karen Kramer: "Healing Hearts & Inspiring Minds" Dr. Karen Kramer is a grief recovery expert, retreat center founder, mindset facilitator, speaker, and author. In addition to her private practice and opening of The VillaVision Wellness & Retreat Center, she has an illustrative past. As a faculty member, program manager, and executive coach at the Center for Creative Leadership, Dr. Karen guided leaders from new managers to C-suite executives. She also served as a co-facilitator and program director for Teen Wisdom Inc., certifying teenage girl life coaches. Moreover, Dr. Karen served as the Head Coach for Recalibrate360, pivotal in certifying individuals in the life-altering realms of Neuro-Linguistics Programming (NLP), Time Line Therapy®, and Hypnotherapy. GRIEF IS MORE THAN DEATH AND DYING. IT’S IN EVERYDAY LOSS. Whether you are a Griever or Supporter, Healthy Grief guides you through loss. Discover three keys to unlock your grief journey: Key 1: Avoid the biggest mistakes grievers make that can lead to life-threatening diseases. Key 2: Discover the negative impact of TOXIC positivity on healthy grieving (and what you can do instead). Key 3: Learn the 5 stages to unlocking your unique path to healing even if you have been grieving for decades. Buy Book: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbEFDLVQ0QlhSUXh4d0tfaEV3SFJlcU44WDZQZ3xBQ3Jtc0trZGlYLWJwbi1Gc0s3S01CdUZvWG1qU185ZWhMd3BvSlVKWXUxN0psdVpLUUVpS2EwWERodG4xTFFVNUc0RXplVDZYcFU4bE1vU1lrb2YzWGhfc0ZmVGs5NmJ5NWJRZGRJcTNxR29EZnVRMzVOdGRLbw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fdr-karen-kramer.mykajabi.com%2Fhealthygrief&v=wWA9RJO93dc Contact Dr. Karen Kramer: DrKaren@TheVillaVision.com https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbE9yLXp5dkFKQU14VFNRekFaZHI2cTcxeFNPd3xBQ3Jtc0tsRnFvRWRzYVp2a2JKTndmWmRjd3N3bWJSaTYyY3JfTUxrSTUyVXpSNVZYMnRMMll4NUtHRkdaaUtrcTVYLU9uUDdaeXN1VDVLOVU4TzF0Q3YzakFMOGpwMlVUSy1yME81OURpSmowRC1zeUtxUldxRQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.drkarenkramer.com%2F&v=wWA9RJO93dc https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbkNvUjBXVFVHcFA4MzYyTFpZUnhBYjlGVFo2Z3xBQ3Jtc0tua25lYV9IaEdmZzF4NldobTM5eThOQjVibThNV1R5RHRKcXNXaW5Ca1V4dUFBQThiYk5vTkFGS2ZqQzdIU2VicWlQOFE4WWNxbDdicFVvMXl3SVdTaUJjY1lCRE9XWlpmWHFtTmpVT3d1dGZ0SnZiVQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thevillavision.com%2F&v=wWA9RJO93dc Discover What's Possible - Free Discovery Call Link to Sign-up for Event: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqazN4Nm1LZnIxSThMRk9wY3lUYXdBekdydVhCUXxBQ3Jtc0tsWmpXVHdOZkY4NTU0aTE0WGlCX3kycTdVZkFoQXRvQXFJSGlpcnU5SFVZX3N3ZVg0Wl92Q3IyZ3hpSk1oazBRamFNVWJEbG1zUGs3c1YxcGpoRjJkRHJ0d2FPUXdEUUQzMC0wbE1EQ1JMbFFiN0RlWQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fcalendly.com%2Fthevillavision%2Fdiscover-the-villa&v=wWA9RJO93dc Free Gift Link: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbFMzX0Uwb2RIbGhiRGVoWEpzQlpkTVdjd29EQXxBQ3Jtc0tsZjNzT1o1ZV9iOWJBVC1ua25raHJJQWtwblVLX3RHWDhhNzhyVkpJZF9WYzQ1RTIyMldTMTVYU2VOUDhCWmljT19NVFNfenh0Wi1uMGRaQ1BJeXFLYloybXpJQXNaaVViMy1kWlFicGlEdGJucnVRMA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2FDrKaren-MyFreeGift&v=wWA9RJO93dc
    Escuchado 46m 34s
  • Beyond the Shadows of Procrastination with Author Dennis Louden

    18 MAY. 2024 · Hello, book enthusiasts, and welcome to the 'LinktoEXPERT Good Reads Show'! We're thrilled to have you join us for an enlightening episode. Today, we step into the realm of personal growth and conquering procrastination with a remarkable author, Dennis Louden. His book, 'Beyond the Shadows of Procrastination,' promises to be a guide for shaping a future of personal growth. Get ready to explore the insights, wisdom, and transformative journey Dennis offers. Let's dive into the pages of 'Beyond the Shadows of Procrastination' on the 'LinktoEXPERT Good Reads Show! Going Bold Everyday! Want to be a Going Bold Guest or Host, contact either Joanne or Cece - contact info below – Contact Joanne Weiland: Tel: (727) 791-7338 Email: jweiland@linktoexpert.com www.LinktoEXPERT.com Contact Cece Shatz: Email: goingsolonetwork@gmail.com www.goingboldmedia.com / www.goingsolomedia.com www.goingsolodirectory.com  More about Dennis: Dr. Louden is passionate about cultivating an optimistic and proactive attitude to empower individuals to achieve personal fulfillment. With a deep understanding of the transformative power of thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, he emphasizes the importance of aligning one's mindset with personal goals as the cornerstone of happiness.  Connect with Dennis - ddlouden2016@gmail.com BUY THE BOOK - https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbTlvcjNLLWJhUk13SVYzQ2lFcUk3Y1pldkVYZ3xBQ3Jtc0trY3IyMWhYNElYNTN2bUMwdk50dmRmTjgtaTNPZWp2c0NuY1p3eWpNTDdzRno2TGx5OWxrNlBOWHRUNWJ4MG1XX1VHZzJLcTIyRDJpUDJDaGtWdzRzVm1ZOU5WOTFzaVc4ellnbW5QUDRFT0VKNU0wUQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2FChanging-Mindsets-Modern-Culture-Shadows%2Fdp%2FB0C8RBJTZL%2F%3F_encoding%3DUTF8%26pd_rd_w%3DIfKjL%26content-id%3Damzn1.sym.35cab78c-35e3-4fc1-aab0-27eaa6c86063%253Aamzn1.symc.e5c80209-769f-4ade-a325-2eaec14b8e0e%26pf_rd_p%3D35cab78c-35e3-4fc1-aab0-27eaa6c86063%26pf_rd_r%3DC0KP1AA0R7MSDQB3B6K6%26pd_rd_wg%3DQyfaS%26pd_rd_r%3D70702760-967b-4b04-bd69-53f054871535%26ref_%3Dpd_gw_ci_mcx_mr_hp_atf_m&v=uVtRFKLQAac
    Escuchado 41m 3s
  • Shepherds Heart with Celeste Solum

    18 MAY. 2024 · Shepherds Heart with Celeste Solum and Hosts, Cece Shatz, Doyenne of Relationship Building & Pres of Going Solo Network & Joanne Weiland, Chief Connection Officer and Founder of the Collaboration Cloud Community: www.LinktoEXPERT.com Going Bold Everyday! Want to be a Going Bold Guest or Host, contact either Joanne or Cece - contact info below – Contact Joanne Weiland: Tel: (727) 791-7338 Email: jweiland@linktoexpert.com www.LinktoEXPERT.com  Contact Cece Shatz: Email: goingsolonetwork@gmail.com www.goingboldmedia.com / www.goingsolomedia.com www.goingsolodirectory.com More about Celeste Solum... Celeste Solum is an investigator, researcher, author, and broadcaster. Her background includes photojournalism, environmental medicine, government, military, and organic farming. Celeste is a strong Christian who was called at an early age stepping out in the manner of a few chosen biblical women onto the spiritual and global stage. She was born for such a time as this. Celeste chronicles the space and earth conditions that trigger the rise and fall of modern & ancient civilizations, calendars, and volatile economies. Her niche and coverage include the spiritual, current events, government, military, and medicine. Cycles are converging, all pointing to a cataclysmic period between 2020 to 2050 in what many scientists believe is an Extinction Level Event (ELE). FREE GIFT: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbEtiQjduUzFyR1N5ODR1WlR5U2Y4Zy03MDBmd3xBQ3Jtc0tuX1ZybUJ0YTFOTlZyVlZPMUY5b2xUM0puV3VNbWZNN3d0RTg1U0FXN01SclI5SXdQM3FBb3U5VWZOZUljSzl2bllMTFlZc1VEWVBqY3ZUZkQzNTBfdXlSU28zN0g3ZWZmNkR3N2pZWlJveVByYk5oZw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fshepherdsheart.life%2Fproducts%2Ffree-pathos-spiritual-toolkit%3F_pos%3D1%26_sid%3D459f1f45f%26_ss%3Dr&v=eRycs9twJcg CONNECT: Email: celeste@celestialreport.com Website: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbjJkQkR6Umlsd3ExZmUzTnZfUUU5NlBNdENOQXxBQ3Jtc0tuWk9ueWFDalVEVnFxMDRBNTE2dkpJc3BmV0Z1OTZBWWEwOXk3Z1VwZXpGMzh0dHJZQlNfZWdkb3NzZTh2R0JzNkFhYTZRQ21PbXZyZWRhM01rTnc5RzEtYzI1bVdIdVNKVDU5SjFEVHIwSVBja2NoZw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fcelestialreport.com%2F&v=eRycs9twJcg
    Escuchado 44m 30s
  • Business Life to the Life You Love with Guest Ron Laker

    17 MAY. 2024 · Business Life to the Life You Love with Guest Ron Laker, Strategic Consultant. Joanne Weilain, CEO of LinktoEXPERT.com, and Cece Shatz Doyenne of Relationship Building of the New Streaming Network.com Going Bold Everyday! Want to be a Going Bold Guest or Host, contact either Joanne or Cece - contact info below – Contact Joanne Weiland: Tel: (727) 791-7338 Email: jweiland@linktoexpert.com www.LinktoEXPERT.com Contact Cece Shatz: Email: goingsolonetwork@gmail.com www.goingboldmedia.com / www.goingsolomedia.com www.goingsolodirectory.com More about Ron Laker... Ron Laker is a natural entrepreneur, mentor, strategist and visionary. He has extensive commercial, marketing and executive level experience in business at the large corporate level and actively involved in start-ups in real estate, restaurants, technology and digital media. He coaches and consults Entrepreneurs and mid size companies with growth and media strategies. After a 32 year career Ron headed in a new direction founding Next Century Studios that produced SME web tv shows. Including everydaySUCCESS.tv of which he hosted. He is a Hall of Fame athlete and former college basketball player at Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH. Ron was an active board member of the CEO Council of Tampa Bay, along with several other companies. Ron is an accomplished artist and speaker who draws inspiration for his work from his extensive travels, living his 7-3-2 lifestyle, sharing experiences and lessons learned from his many travels. Ron's mission statement is that he will whole-heartedly and enthusiastically use his talents to help people help themselves realize the dreams in their lives. His mission is to inspire, motivate and educate. Contact Ron: 813-230-8676 Email: ronlaker@mac.om
    Escuchado 41m 55s
  • Sacred Wisdom Teachings of Sarah Goddess of Peace with Lea Chapin

    17 MAY. 2024 · Sacred Wisdom: Teachings of Sarah Goddess of Peace with Lea Chapin, Author, Reverend, Spiritual Medium, and Psychotherapist. Join Hosts, Cece Shatz, Doyenne of Relationship Building & Pres of Going Solo Network & Joanne Weiland, Chief Connection Officer and Founder of the Collaboration Cloud Community: www.LinktoEXPERT.com Going Bold Everyday! Want to be a Going Bold Guest or Host, contact either Joanne or Cece - contact info below – Contact Joanne Weiland: Tel: (727) 791-7338 Email: jweiland@linktoexpert.com www.LinktoEXPERT.com Contact Cece Shatz: Email: goingsolonetwork@gmail.com www.goingboldmedia.com / www.goingsolomedia.com www.goingsolodirectory.com More about Lea Chapin... Lea Chapin, MS; Ed. Lea has a Master's Degree in Counselor Education and a Bachelor of Science in Psychology, with over 40 years combined experience as a psychotherapist, spiritual counselor/teacher, motivational speaker, author, licensed massage therapist, healing energy practitioner and an associate pastor. Rev. Lea is the owner of Celestial Connections, offering Spiritual Counseling, Spiritual Healing, Intuitive Guidance & Channeled Messages from the Ascended Masters & The Angelic Realm. Her non-denominational ministry focuses on uplifting all those in spiritual need regardless of faith. Her traveling ministry includes teaching and counseling those in the U.S. and around the globe. Buy the Book:  https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa2JxYk9VMVhOcDF2UTNCTHB3dWFWQTQya0EwZ3xBQ3Jtc0tuTmctWm5CeDQwU0dGUG5GWjloZTRiT2kyZXgzd3JWZG1NeFE4WGFQd3BfS1hIMFdPZThoZzkwb3A1XzJxcTN4TXBEajAycFFyMFd2clRoWVYtcGlRa2t2UDJZQ0ZLNVVPckZQNThvV2thQlkySXhxdw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fleachapin.com%2Fshop%2F&v=W4_GzjP4fl4 Email: leachapin@gmail.com Website: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqblZlTEp0aTFvRGRtSXR6djRMekNaS1BPZzVFUXxBQ3Jtc0tuZElDSFFvZkN1Tm5jMEFhYWMyMDJGS0NJQkJLdXJzSkVFZThvOU9iQlFPVjZwSWRFOGZzQXF5QUh0Mk5DZGluTGpXMmNzcmFESzVLVjNmQ25jaFVDc2htZXRGRzBZOTFLam9UMjdVRG91ODZLX0gzMA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fleachapin.com%2F&v=W4_GzjP4fl4
    Escuchado 43m 16s
  • Conversation - Collaboration Is NOT a One Way Street

    16 MAY. 2024 · Have you ever felt that conversation and collaboration is a one-way street? Joanne Weilain, CEO of LinktoEXPERT.com, and Cece Shatz Doyenne of Relationship Building of the New Streaming Network.com discuss practical tips on how to make sure both parties benefit from the relationships they are building and collaboratively grow together! Going Bold Everyday! Want to be a Going Bold Guest or Host, contact either Joanne or Cece - contact info below –  Contact Joanne Weiland: Tel: (727) 791-7338 Email: jweiland@linktoexpert.com www.LinktoEXPERT.com  Contact Cece Shatz: Email: goingsolonetwork@gmail.com www.goingboldmedia.com / www.goingsolomedia.com www.goingsolodirectory.com
    Escuchado 43m 24s
  • AI is a Force for Good with LeAnn Lyon, CJO, Joy Minder Marketing

    2 MAR. 2024 · Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/linktoexpert-business-showcase-good-reads-show--5963091/support. AI is a Force for Good with LeAnn Lyon, CJO, Joy Minder Marketing with Hosts, Cece Shatz, Doyenne of Relationship Building & Pres of Going Solo Network & Joanne Weiland, Chief Connection Officer and Founder of the Collaboration Cloud Community: www.LinktoEXPERT.com Going Bold Everyday! Want to be a Going Bold Guest or Host, contact either Joanne or Cece - contact info below – Contact Joanne Weiland: Tel: (727) 791-7338 Email: jweiland@linktoexpert.com www.LinktoEXPERT.com Contact Cece Shatz: Email: goingsolonetwork@gmail.com www.goingboldmedia.com / www.goingsolomedia.com www.goingsolodirectory.com More about LeAnn Lyon... LeAnn Lyonthe Chief Joy Officer of Joy-Minder, LLC. Her titles include Teacher, Entrepreneur, Executive Team member of Win Win Women, Director Consultant, Tony Robbins Crew member, and Toast Masters President. She is a Black Belt and John Maxwell Certified Speaker. Contact Info: Email: leann@joy-minder.com Website: http://joyminder.com
    Escuchado 44m 59s
  • Foods & Supplements That Protect You From Radiation

    2 MAR. 2024 · Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/linktoexpert-business-showcase-good-reads-show--5963091/support. Foods & Supplements That Protect You From Radiation with Guest, Celeste Solum, Founder of Celestial Report and ShepherdsHeart.life. Join Hosts, Cece Shatz, Doyenne of Relationship Building & Pres of Going Solo Network & Joanne Weiland, Chief Connection Officer and Founder of the Collaboration Cloud Community: www.LinktoEXPERT.com Going Bold Everyday! Want to be a Going Bold Guest or Host, contact either Joanne or Cece - contact info below – Contact Joanne Weiland: Tel: (727) 791-7338 Email: jweiland@linktoexpert.com www.LinktoEXPERT.com Contact Cece Shatz: Email: goingsolonetwork@gmail.com www.goingboldmedia.com / www.goingsolomedia.com www.goingsolodirectory.com More about Celeste Solum... Celeste Solum is an investigator, researcher, author, and broadcaster. Her background includes photojournalism, environmental medicine, government, military, and organic farming. Celeste is a strong Christian who was called at an early age stepping out in the manner of a few chosen biblical women onto the spiritual and global stage. She was born for such a time as this. Celeste chronicles the space and earth conditions that trigger the rise and fall of modern & ancient civilizations, calendars, and volatile economies. Her niche and coverage include the spiritual, current events, government, military, and medicine. Cycles are converging, all pointing to a cataclysmic period between 2020 to 2050 in what many scientists believe is an Extinction Level Event (ELE). FREE GIFT: https://shepherdsheart.life/products/free-pathos-spiritual-toolkit?_pos=1&_sid=459f1f45f&_ss=r BOOK Electromagnetic Radiation Protection Solutions - BUY https://www.amazon.com/Electromagentic-Radiation-Protection-Solutions-Protective/dp/1650061684/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3SIYRQ85Q86G2&keywords=celeste+solum+books&qid=1701879713&sprefix=celeste+solum+books%2Caps%2C120&sr=8-1&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.17d9e15d-4e43-4581-b373-0e5c1a776d5d CONNECT: Email: celeste@celestialreport.com Website: https://celestialreport.com
    Escuchado 43m 50s

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Connecting the EXPERTS and Authors worldwide sharing their personal journeys, tips, and much need-to-know info that will help you in your business and life. - LinktoEXPERT Business Showcase Bringing together...

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Connecting the EXPERTS and Authors worldwide sharing their personal journeys, tips, and much need-to-know info that will help you in your business and life. - LinktoEXPERT Business Showcase
Bringing together such writing talent to Going BOLD listeners - enjoy connecting with our authors as they share their journey as to WHY they wrote their book, understanding the message behind the pages and simply having FUN getting to know the person behind the informative pages. LinktoEXPERT Goodreads Author's Corner

Want to be a Guest, or have a show of our own, let us know!

Contact Joanne Weiland:.. Tel: (727) 791-7338 • Toll Free: (888) 791-7338 • Fax: (727) 791-8187 Email: jweiland@linktoexpert.com www.LinktoEXPERT.com

Contact Cece Shatz: Tel: (727) 248-0171 - Email: goingsolonetwork@gmail.com www.goingboldmedia.com / www.goingsolomedia.com www.goingsolodirectory.com

www.NEWStreamingNetwork.com. home of www.GoingBoldMedia.com, www.GoingSoloMedia.com and WGSN-DB Going Solo Network Radio, Podcasts and TV.
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