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M2 THE ROCK - Michael Molthan

  • As The Leader Grows - Ken Joslin with Guest Michael Molthan - M2 THE ROCK

    11 MAY. 2024 · My name is https://www.facebook.com/realkenjoslin?__cft__%5B0%5D=AZXMb5p8gJkOI3GNDyhboESweaESZMFxTgpS8elRnE70qG1ga1q6NnIsyALBb5XE9ZTenD7SkybZUFf21tDy0I8-6_Z3OstHZqo--u2RB6ie24KcEB10vRo3v_Ks-8o-w3zhd_kKU41ImsG8IF6mL7_IeaTxQ-V1BuLQjxpPbYHKOSEjgyJq7XhJxuabRht1f5OywFqN6_QbKoGlwPKz4jlb9LVOO8Sa7wF9RimfbSs8BA&__tn__=-%5DK-R and I help leaders grow by teaching them how to reach their fullest potential. I started my journey serving as a Pastor for some of the largest church plants and programs in the US, but now I have stepped out of ministry and into coaching... Visit: https://www.growstackdrive.com/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR0rmirI7Tcf8ny0s-X6rXIqFzaDl9UK6QaWjDp9t2WnbD2UX8RpkN9yJb8_aem_Ab1uYt99dOqB7iBx1IVleLh7AV0TjRujU51meY3fs79K00tgEM_szsJmqHt_7fze3Dnmc60U6Jn3mawAc0X0eHDa My guest today is https://www.facebook.com/michaelmolthan?__cft__%5B0%5D=AZXMb5p8gJkOI3GNDyhboESweaESZMFxTgpS8elRnE70qG1ga1q6NnIsyALBb5XE9ZTenD7SkybZUFf21tDy0I8-6_Z3OstHZqo--u2RB6ie24KcEB10vRo3v_Ks-8o-w3zhd_kKU41ImsG8IF6mL7_IeaTxQ-V1BuLQjxpPbYHKOSEjgyJq7XhJxuabRht1f5OywFqN6_QbKoGlwPKz4jlb9LVOO8Sa7wF9RimfbSs8BA&__tn__=-%5DK-R - https://www.facebook.com/M2THEROCKSHOW?__cft__%5B0%5D=AZXMb5p8gJkOI3GNDyhboESweaESZMFxTgpS8elRnE70qG1ga1q6NnIsyALBb5XE9ZTenD7SkybZUFf21tDy0I8-6_Z3OstHZqo--u2RB6ie24KcEB10vRo3v_Ks-8o-w3zhd_kKU41ImsG8IF6mL7_IeaTxQ-V1BuLQjxpPbYHKOSEjgyJq7XhJxuabRht1f5OywFqN6_QbKoGlwPKz4jlb9LVOO8Sa7wF9RimfbSs8BA&__tn__=-%5DK-R. Sit back and relax and enjoy this amazing story of redemption and forgiveness. Did you know you can book Michael Molthan known as M2 The Rock? Michael blends storytelling with his personal experiences to inspire and uplift others dealing with depression, spiritual confusion, trauma, sexual abuse, drugs and alcohol abuse, and families dealing with a family member in addiction. M2 The Rock is fighting the war on against our American families and sheds new light on what's happening in our great nation. To Book Michael Molthan visit our website and click “Book M2” https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fm2therock.com%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR3mn_ogu-ByR7o49FTdee92wMjKEr4F1jGUM-KUhOslEJO6h2B0ez03lD4_aem_Ab0HmdOd5365SKzjZQ7SntcWPX6KomnykLdKs43cYWBRW1iqaOs2gysl1y7CN-4Fviz7CfC8R_amOSln3JjiBxV6&h=AT0aJHQQ2VdTQ0zZDnWtiLNa3lR4l83xPcGSR9OknqHQppcqkJOqYT15xvJFnEdcyuG6gxkH2Ucd91f67-Z7W8ypL_6Dm2g3369yxjC-uJawveRctLth-yJgMP5ViP_plLl-XivRXgPUsvfzQ76w&__tn__=-UK-R&c%5B0%5D=AT0L5GAFP0NcS4cPKO_o9-6qPr44eUDWUhMZa4OAXVdYMTKC-FHodJgv1CGstFUi-yQ13R0jIcaizH7F_iUFf_O6mtQJ-GHcYimDH9TNFgTIvZ-23UxTHg5bYVKd4ZGmOZCMAAO5-y4z-vFRZgqf1DUzddfTOCTeGxa6ONa-vteF94tBVcMNzBXqU8XK3UmlTsUBNu9mfRDRml58FWNYB3TTBFcJVGI4xSEQ3vZ-Cjjd80Sl_0t9zl4HNaNobySVC-6DYQ https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/publicspeaking?__eep__=6&__cft__%5B0%5D=AZXMb5p8gJkOI3GNDyhboESweaESZMFxTgpS8elRnE70qG1ga1q6NnIsyALBb5XE9ZTenD7SkybZUFf21tDy0I8-6_Z3OstHZqo--u2RB6ie24KcEB10vRo3v_Ks-8o-w3zhd_kKU41ImsG8IF6mL7_IeaTxQ-V1BuLQjxpPbYHKOSEjgyJq7XhJxuabRht1f5OywFqN6_QbKoGlwPKz4jlb9LVOO8Sa7wF9RimfbSs8BA&__tn__=*NK-R https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/motivation?__eep__=6&__cft__%5B0%5D=AZXMb5p8gJkOI3GNDyhboESweaESZMFxTgpS8elRnE70qG1ga1q6NnIsyALBb5XE9ZTenD7SkybZUFf21tDy0I8-6_Z3OstHZqo--u2RB6ie24KcEB10vRo3v_Ks-8o-w3zhd_kKU41ImsG8IF6mL7_IeaTxQ-V1BuLQjxpPbYHKOSEjgyJq7XhJxuabRht1f5OywFqN6_QbKoGlwPKz4jlb9LVOO8Sa7wF9RimfbSs8BA&__tn__=*NK-R https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/m2therock?__eep__=6&__cft__%5B0%5D=AZXMb5p8gJkOI3GNDyhboESweaESZMFxTgpS8elRnE70qG1ga1q6NnIsyALBb5XE9ZTenD7SkybZUFf21tDy0I8-6_Z3OstHZqo--u2RB6ie24KcEB10vRo3v_Ks-8o-w3zhd_kKU41ImsG8IF6mL7_IeaTxQ-V1BuLQjxpPbYHKOSEjgyJq7XhJxuabRht1f5OywFqN6_QbKoGlwPKz4jlb9LVOO8Sa7wF9RimfbSs8BA&__tn__=*NK-R https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/300miles?__eep__=6&__cft__%5B0%5D=AZXMb5p8gJkOI3GNDyhboESweaESZMFxTgpS8elRnE70qG1ga1q6NnIsyALBb5XE9ZTenD7SkybZUFf21tDy0I8-6_Z3OstHZqo--u2RB6ie24KcEB10vRo3v_Ks-8o-w3zhd_kKU41ImsG8IF6mL7_IeaTxQ-V1BuLQjxpPbYHKOSEjgyJq7XhJxuabRht1f5OywFqN6_QbKoGlwPKz4jlb9LVOO8Sa7wF9RimfbSs8BA&__tn__=*NK-R
    36m 14s
  • i AM SECOND - Michael Molthan - Confessions of a Felon

    7 MAY. 2024 · Michael Molthan mission is to raise the meaning of “Rock Bottom” by rebuilding the “Spirit, Mind, and Body”. When this is “Out of Order” our life is full of chaos and confusion. Michael Molthan doesn't shy away from talking about his painful past of drug and alcohol addiction. On his talk show called M2 The ROCK, he shares how he went from building luxury homes to being homeless.Michael Molthan finally hit rock bottom. Drugs. Alcohol. And absolute chaos. He accumulated 27 mugshots in four years and was about to enter a place he swore he would never go: prison. Addiction was Michael’s temporary solution to heal from a dark childhood secret. Little did he know that being imprisoned would set him free. Michael is the host of M2 THE ROCK, a podcast and show that dives into the topics of process addiction, alcoholism, drug addiction, parental education/intervention, addiction education, codependency, enabling, 12-Step Programs, religious trauma, sexual abuse and spirituality.Michael Molthan is not trying to influence others. His goal is to help people to see life through “Gods Perspective” NOT “The Worlds”.Michael’s main message is “That We Are All Addicts”. Click Here for a 9 Minute Film by I Am Second: https://youtu.be/efZ7chZUjhs?si=qA5esMGFBiWgl6bt To book Michael Molthan please email m2@m2therock.com
    9m 32s
  • Michael Molthan - 27 Mugshots (LIFE Today)

    23 ABR. 2024 · While Michael was at the height of his career as one of the most sought after luxury home builders in his area, a drug an alcohol addiction took his life down a different path. Twenty-seven arrests and a bout of homelessness later, he emerged as a new man. Listen as Michael shares what made him free, and how he uses his rock bottom experiences to mentor others. Air date April 23, 2024.
    28m 30s

    17 ABR. 2024 · Experience a transformative journey at the Neuro Hero Conference with Dr. Robb Kelly and Adam Jablin as they dive into neuroscience and a 9D Breathwork session. Discover the depths of your mind and body beyond traditional practices, unlocking your full potential and elevating consciousness. Embrace new knowledge and vitality for a brighter future ahead.  https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbGVneHF5SGoyQmVXRUQ3RkZMZUNidmJ4REQtd3xBQ3Jtc0tucmpwWU9KOF9EMlFLX3VlQ21WMm55bEJhNkhBR21FRDRPdGVFNS11ak95ZzF5UlRwQV9UTGVQRHNQNHU2SENVSmRNRHJGSG5GMzRPNlBOMkJXb0MyN0RzU0x2M3d0Tnk2MGlyNnZ4SE1FdVhlSHBkcw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.eventbrite.com%2Fe%2Fthe-neuro-hero-conference-tickets-744318295057%3Faff%3Doddtdtcreator&v=uCMoiz3buHs Welcome to the world of recovery, transformation, and personal growth with M2 the Rock, also known as Michael Molthan. As a prominent and captivating figure in the realm of self-improvement, M2 the Rock brings a unique blend of wisdom and authenticity.What sets Michael Molthan - M2 The Rock's story apart is the realization that there wasn't just one rock bottom; there were many. And from those challenging moments, he emerged stronger and more determined than ever. Today, he leverages his personal experiences and magnetic, relatable personality to inspire others to embark on their own transformative journeys. Michael Molthan - M2 The Rock is proof that even in the darkest of times, one can find a path to fulfillment and purpose, using rock bottom as a steppingstone rather than an endpoint.Michael Molthan's mission is to raise the meaning of “Rock Bottom” for everyone by rebuilding the “Spirit, Mind, and Body”. When this is “Out of Order” our life is full of chaos and confusion.Michael Molthan doesn't shy away from talking about his painful past of trauma, drug, alcohol, and work addiction. On his talk show called, M2 The ROCK, he shares how he went from building luxury homes to being homeless.Michael Molthan finally hit rock bottom. Drugs. Alcohol, and crime. And absolute chaos. He accumulated 27 mugshots in four years and was about to enter a place he swore he would never go: prison. Addiction was Michael’s temporary solution to heal from a dark childhood trauma secret. Little did he know that being imprisoned and reading and writing for inmates that could not set him free.Michael is the host of M2 THE ROCK, a popular podcast and show that dives into the topics of trauma, process addiction, alcoholism, drug addiction, parental education/intervention, addiction education, codependency, enabling, 12-Step Programs, religious trauma, sexual abuse, physical abuse, mental abuse, self-sabotaging, and spirituality.Michael’s main message is simple and profound: “That We Are All Addicts”.Click Here for a 9 Minute Film by I Am Second: https://youtu.be/efZ7chZUjhs?si=qA5esMGFBiWgl6btTo book Michael Molthan please email m2@m2therock.com
    34m 34s
  • Life-Changing Secrets: 12-Step Program Revealed - M2 THE ROCK

    29 MAR. 2024 · In this captivating episode, join our esteemed host, Stacey Chillemi, as she delves into a thought-provoking conversation with the remarkable Michael Molthan. Prepare to be inspired as they explore the transformative potential of the 12-step program and its profound impact on every aspect of our lives – from the spiritual to the mental and physical. Discover how this universally applicable program can break through barriers, ignite personal growth, and open doors to a fulfilling existence. Tune in now and embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Website: www.m2therock.com
    46m 21s

    23 MAR. 2024 · Michael Molthan interviews Kenny Weiss who an advocate for truth, personal responsibility, healing, and forgiveness. As an author, speaker, podcaster, YouTuber, teacher, healer, and coach, Kenny specializes in helping individuals and couples heal their past emotional pain to reclaim their authentic selves. He accomplishes this through his transformative Emotional Authenticity method. Website- https://kennyweiss.net YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5eK9c7LRJoK6NW52nlythw Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/kennyweiss.net Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/kennyweiss.kw/ TikTok- https://www.tiktok.com/@kennyweisskw LinkedIn- https://www.linkedin.com/in/coachkennyweiss/ Welcome to the world of recovery, transformation, and personal growth with M2 the Rock, also known as Michael Molthan. As a prominent and captivating figure in the realm of self-improvement, M2 the Rock brings a unique blend of wisdom and authenticity. What sets Michael Molthan - M2 The Rock's story apart is the realization that there wasn't just one rock bottom; there were many. And from those challenging moments, he emerged stronger and more determined than ever. Today, he leverages his personal experiences and magnetic, relatable personality to inspire others to embark on their own transformative journeys. Michael Molthan - M2 The Rock is proof that even in the darkest of times, one can find a path to fulfillment and purpose, using rock bottom as a steppingstone rather than an endpoint. Michael Molthan's mission is to raise the meaning of “Rock Bottom” for everyone by rebuilding the “Spirit, Mind, and Body”. When this is “Out of Order” our life is full of chaos and confusion. Michael Molthan doesn't shy away from talking about his painful past of trauma, drug, alcohol, and work addiction. On his talk show called, M2 The ROCK, he shares how he went from building luxury homes to being homeless. Michael Molthan finally hit rock bottom. Drugs. Alcohol, and crime. And absolute chaos. He accumulated 27 mugshots in four years and was about to enter a place he swore he would never go: prison. Addiction was Michael’s temporary solution to heal from a dark childhood trauma secret. Little did he know that being imprisoned and reading and writing for inmates that could not set him free. Michael is the host of M2 THE ROCK, a popular podcast and show that dives into the topics of trauma, process addiction, alcoholism, drug addiction, parental education/intervention, addiction education, codependency, enabling, 12-Step Programs, religious trauma, sexual abuse, physical abuse, mental abuse, self-sabotaging, and spirituality. Michael’s main message is simple and profound: “That We Are All Addicts”. Click Here for a 9 Minute Film by I Am Second: https://youtu.be/efZ7chZUjhs?si=qA5esMGFBiWgl6bt To book Michael Molthan please email m2@m2therock.com #hope #addiction #m2therock #motivation #podcast #publicspeaking #motivationalspeaker #trauma #traumahealing #narcissist
    50m 23s

    16 MAR. 2024 · Trauma and Addition - Dr. Robb Kelly PhD joins https://www.facebook.com/M2THEROCKSHOW?__cft__%5B0%5D=AZXY9LBikwO-MdRVJXUFzrQQTdp_bXwotQhXpka4xeo0MY6T4V2AzgKEYUCH3nD4sTyJlImE5Bc9Slj6LJNCOFG67ckyM64v4bCzA6SDAo8S_KGvegAVw-dr-rsO-lZk4FHtp-vm9LrfwXqSXAaEPjpSgOTgGVVxXNt8myWotmrgLCCvzmFpxDDoW4vHnXd3vNq3NghMmxfD4RT8HyjMHUpc&__tn__=-%5DK-R - https://www.facebook.com/michaelmolthan?__cft__%5B0%5D=AZXY9LBikwO-MdRVJXUFzrQQTdp_bXwotQhXpka4xeo0MY6T4V2AzgKEYUCH3nD4sTyJlImE5Bc9Slj6LJNCOFG67ckyM64v4bCzA6SDAo8S_KGvegAVw-dr-rsO-lZk4FHtp-vm9LrfwXqSXAaEPjpSgOTgGVVxXNt8myWotmrgLCCvzmFpxDDoW4vHnXd3vNq3NghMmxfD4RT8HyjMHUpc&__tn__=-%5DK-R to discuss Trauma, Addiction, The Families, and Solutions. Dr. Robb Kelly, PhD is a sought-after recovery expert who believes in treating the causes of addiction and not the symptoms. DrRobb Kelly has appeared on such shows as The Doctors, Eye Opener, Good Morning Texas, and Kens5 morning news. A frequent contributor to radio and print interviews including The Jim Bohannon show, Miracles in Recovery, USA Today, and participated in McLean Hospital’s (Harvard Medical School) study on the stigma associated with mental illness. Dr. Robb Kelly hosted Sober Celebs show on KLIF radio in Dallas, and currently hosts the Breaking Through Addiction podcast featuring special guest discussing a variety of mental health issues. Dr. Kelly created Let’s Get Back to 98% Recovery DVDs used in prisons and recovery treatment centers throughout the US. He has lectured on addiction and trauma at high-profile universities, national conferences, treatment facilities, public schools, churches, business organizations and hospitals. Dr Kelly is currently the CEO of the Robb Kelly Recovery Group, an addiction and mental illness recovery coaching company he created based on extensive research and behaviour studies that he conducted over the past 20 years. Dr. Kelly shares his personal highs and lows as he struggled and overcame crippling alcoholism in the November 2019 release of the book “Daddy, Daddy Please Stop Drinking”. https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/addictionrecovery?__eep__=6&__cft__%5B0%5D=AZXY9LBikwO-MdRVJXUFzrQQTdp_bXwotQhXpka4xeo0MY6T4V2AzgKEYUCH3nD4sTyJlImE5Bc9Slj6LJNCOFG67ckyM64v4bCzA6SDAo8S_KGvegAVw-dr-rsO-lZk4FHtp-vm9LrfwXqSXAaEPjpSgOTgGVVxXNt8myWotmrgLCCvzmFpxDDoW4vHnXd3vNq3NghMmxfD4RT8HyjMHUpc&__tn__=*NK-R https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/trauma?__eep__=6&__cft__%5B0%5D=AZXY9LBikwO-MdRVJXUFzrQQTdp_bXwotQhXpka4xeo0MY6T4V2AzgKEYUCH3nD4sTyJlImE5Bc9Slj6LJNCOFG67ckyM64v4bCzA6SDAo8S_KGvegAVw-dr-rsO-lZk4FHtp-vm9LrfwXqSXAaEPjpSgOTgGVVxXNt8myWotmrgLCCvzmFpxDDoW4vHnXd3vNq3NghMmxfD4RT8HyjMHUpc&__tn__=*NK-R https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/m2therock?__eep__=6&__cft__%5B0%5D=AZXY9LBikwO-MdRVJXUFzrQQTdp_bXwotQhXpka4xeo0MY6T4V2AzgKEYUCH3nD4sTyJlImE5Bc9Slj6LJNCOFG67ckyM64v4bCzA6SDAo8S_KGvegAVw-dr-rsO-lZk4FHtp-vm9LrfwXqSXAaEPjpSgOTgGVVxXNt8myWotmrgLCCvzmFpxDDoW4vHnXd3vNq3NghMmxfD4RT8HyjMHUpc&__tn__=*NK-R https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/addiction?__eep__=6&__cft__%5B0%5D=AZXY9LBikwO-MdRVJXUFzrQQTdp_bXwotQhXpka4xeo0MY6T4V2AzgKEYUCH3nD4sTyJlImE5Bc9Slj6LJNCOFG67ckyM64v4bCzA6SDAo8S_KGvegAVw-dr-rsO-lZk4FHtp-vm9LrfwXqSXAaEPjpSgOTgGVVxXNt8myWotmrgLCCvzmFpxDDoW4vHnXd3vNq3NghMmxfD4RT8HyjMHUpc&__tn__=*NK-R https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/mentalhealthcare?__eep__=6&__cft__%5B0%5D=AZXY9LBikwO-MdRVJXUFzrQQTdp_bXwotQhXpka4xeo0MY6T4V2AzgKEYUCH3nD4sTyJlImE5Bc9Slj6LJNCOFG67ckyM64v4bCzA6SDAo8S_KGvegAVw-dr-rsO-lZk4FHtp-vm9LrfwXqSXAaEPjpSgOTgGVVxXNt8myWotmrgLCCvzmFpxDDoW4vHnXd3vNq3NghMmxfD4RT8HyjMHUpc&__tn__=*NK-R https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/trauma?__eep__=6&__cft__%5B0%5D=AZXY9LBikwO-MdRVJXUFzrQQTdp_bXwotQhXpka4xeo0MY6T4V2AzgKEYUCH3nD4sTyJlImE5Bc9Slj6LJNCOFG67ckyM64v4bCzA6SDAo8S_KGvegAVw-dr-rsO-lZk4FHtp-vm9LrfwXqSXAaEPjpSgOTgGVVxXNt8myWotmrgLCCvzmFpxDDoW4vHnXd3vNq3NghMmxfD4RT8HyjMHUpc&__tn__=*NK-R Visit https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.robbkelly.com%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR1ybX_-9bNw0zYwJBYFI_e0ynlFJT3c1DdJuyO8I64f2wrUaqNBFOwEla8&h=AT3Q36tzrtbW7vOyHti7xqn9H8ntXottg2Oq0zMnAp7WpwpVf-9TwDYtlqC1Tv-BkItDZiyzAj53Mgd2l30sQN2wBSuNpFc_50h6CHBwQnMilwsfvEVmGGjf_8XQ7at7cb3yk2zB5uBb0E0BH5SF&__tn__=-UK-R&c%5B0%5D=AT3xbPNgA1-DpwIpXKuBfN-yNH7qLuN3kHLHrCHXqgO5myvpEtDVln7wAPgID1g5ZRJxcGnShd7EbaDg6IojaRXPGC5Tqbr6xqfq1xghKlErZYvTeT5N0BGxQvUWrhmL54vDg2kfBMcsysHTvdw5LQ8eN3fo0rMg0Ndko08pEnVOWMiPaw7KxyEglkiO0LDqqew-OTbC_Ospv16dmk7aKshl8y8DGK3A7bhT2MsAgYu7yQ and https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.m2therock.com%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR1m7ltK-Z4tQEf-VCfQ5njyNLH97LTNBfiMl02TaYaPDtDdy3HMMwilQFo&h=AT2JaIABdYdG7QwR5TQ8MqE8uO2Kc_26JGDDed-3ixh9Le-xRNIWIKH4wM13l4WKmc-FOudD9grZS6uuzF3IFPdW95iaDkrxYObv6QA-v17uW7RpoNg2J31pVQI8_4CCpu9FBmDDzVbaCsPfrf2s&__tn__=-UK-R&c%5B0%5D=AT3xbPNgA1-DpwIpXKuBfN-yNH7qLuN3kHLHrCHXqgO5myvpEtDVln7wAPgID1g5ZRJxcGnShd7EbaDg6IojaRXPGC5Tqbr6xqfq1xghKlErZYvTeT5N0BGxQvUWrhmL54vDg2kfBMcsysHTvdw5LQ8eN3fo0rMg0Ndko08pEnVOWMiPaw7KxyEglkiO0LDqqew-OTbC_Ospv16dmk7aKshl8y8DGK3A7bhT2MsAgYu7yQ
    48m 14s
  • From Addiction to Redemption - Michael Molthan's Story

    6 MAR. 2024 · Overcoming Trauma and Addiction: Unveiling The Path To Recovery. Here is a snippet of https://www.facebook.com/M2THEROCKSHOW?__cft__%5B0%5D=AZXWYseuPZMYi8JEK7yG_bAGCdVsc7vH22yl76VirB2GuRmWZe0loLnohMbPaMudnabLQEs1a7BWLDtyjuasn4nNIk2JctT0F5eK9-k3S9ZiM9SzI0cXmdlpovT989VvR5CFJi4W0V3fyaFBS51UcZK2ezwFEY-jeF2yPBcUcij6Q52wDRjEykZdGR8CTItYDMc&__tn__=-%5DK-R’s interview on The Advisor with Stacey Chillemi. “WE ARE ALL ADDICTS” Michael Molthan mission is to raise the meaning of “Rock Bottom” by rebuilding the “Spirit, Mind, and Body”. When this is “Out of Order” our life is full of chaos and confusion. Michael Molthan doesn't shy away from talking about his painful past trauma, drug, and alcohol addiction. On his talk show called M2 The ROCK, he shares how he went from building luxury homes to being homeless. Michael Molthan finally hit rock bottom. Drugs. Alcohol. And absolute chaos. He accumulated 27 mugshots in four years and was about to enter a place he swore he would never go: prison. Addiction was Michael’s temporary solution to heal from a dark childhood secret. Little did he know that being imprisoned would set him free. Michael is a prolific speaker, author and the host of M2 THE ROCK, a podcast and show that dives into the topics of: · What Is Addiction? · Consulting Services “To Corporate America” Human Resource Directors · Mental Health · Alcoholism · Drug Addiction · Gambling Addiction · Gaming Addiction · Shopping Addiction · Pornography Addiction · Work Addiction · Family Education · Intervention · Addiction Education · Codependency · 12-Step Programs · Religious Trauma · Sexual Abuse · Spirituality · Treatment Centers Michael’s main message is “That We Are All Addicts”. To book Michael Molthan please email: m2@m2therock.com or Call: 817-647-6939 or visit our website at https://m2therock.com/ https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/newshow?__eep__=6&__cft__%5B0%5D=AZXWYseuPZMYi8JEK7yG_bAGCdVsc7vH22yl76VirB2GuRmWZe0loLnohMbPaMudnabLQEs1a7BWLDtyjuasn4nNIk2JctT0F5eK9-k3S9ZiM9SzI0cXmdlpovT989VvR5CFJi4W0V3fyaFBS51UcZK2ezwFEY-jeF2yPBcUcij6Q52wDRjEykZdGR8CTItYDMc&__tn__=*NK-R https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/publicspeaking?__eep__=6&__cft__%5B0%5D=AZXWYseuPZMYi8JEK7yG_bAGCdVsc7vH22yl76VirB2GuRmWZe0loLnohMbPaMudnabLQEs1a7BWLDtyjuasn4nNIk2JctT0F5eK9-k3S9ZiM9SzI0cXmdlpovT989VvR5CFJi4W0V3fyaFBS51UcZK2ezwFEY-jeF2yPBcUcij6Q52wDRjEykZdGR8CTItYDMc&__tn__=*NK-R https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/m2therock?__eep__=6&__cft__%5B0%5D=AZXWYseuPZMYi8JEK7yG_bAGCdVsc7vH22yl76VirB2GuRmWZe0loLnohMbPaMudnabLQEs1a7BWLDtyjuasn4nNIk2JctT0F5eK9-k3S9ZiM9SzI0cXmdlpovT989VvR5CFJi4W0V3fyaFBS51UcZK2ezwFEY-jeF2yPBcUcij6Q52wDRjEykZdGR8CTItYDMc&__tn__=*NK-R https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/addiction?__eep__=6&__cft__%5B0%5D=AZXWYseuPZMYi8JEK7yG_bAGCdVsc7vH22yl76VirB2GuRmWZe0loLnohMbPaMudnabLQEs1a7BWLDtyjuasn4nNIk2JctT0F5eK9-k3S9ZiM9SzI0cXmdlpovT989VvR5CFJi4W0V3fyaFBS51UcZK2ezwFEY-jeF2yPBcUcij6Q52wDRjEykZdGR8CTItYDMc&__tn__=*NK-R https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/addictionrecovery?__eep__=6&__cft__%5B0%5D=AZXWYseuPZMYi8JEK7yG_bAGCdVsc7vH22yl76VirB2GuRmWZe0loLnohMbPaMudnabLQEs1a7BWLDtyjuasn4nNIk2JctT0F5eK9-k3S9ZiM9SzI0cXmdlpovT989VvR5CFJi4W0V3fyaFBS51UcZK2ezwFEY-jeF2yPBcUcij6Q52wDRjEykZdGR8CTItYDMc&__tn__=*NK-R https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/relapse?__eep__=6&__cft__%5B0%5D=AZXWYseuPZMYi8JEK7yG_bAGCdVsc7vH22yl76VirB2GuRmWZe0loLnohMbPaMudnabLQEs1a7BWLDtyjuasn4nNIk2JctT0F5eK9-k3S9ZiM9SzI0cXmdlpovT989VvR5CFJi4W0V3fyaFBS51UcZK2ezwFEY-jeF2yPBcUcij6Q52wDRjEykZdGR8CTItYDMc&__tn__=*NK-R https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/trauma?__eep__=6&__cft__%5B0%5D=AZXWYseuPZMYi8JEK7yG_bAGCdVsc7vH22yl76VirB2GuRmWZe0loLnohMbPaMudnabLQEs1a7BWLDtyjuasn4nNIk2JctT0F5eK9-k3S9ZiM9SzI0cXmdlpovT989VvR5CFJi4W0V3fyaFBS51UcZK2ezwFEY-jeF2yPBcUcij6Q52wDRjEykZdGR8CTItYDMc&__tn__=*NK-R https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/mentalhealth?__eep__=6&__cft__%5B0%5D=AZXWYseuPZMYi8JEK7yG_bAGCdVsc7vH22yl76VirB2GuRmWZe0loLnohMbPaMudnabLQEs1a7BWLDtyjuasn4nNIk2JctT0F5eK9-k3S9ZiM9SzI0cXmdlpovT989VvR5CFJi4W0V3fyaFBS51UcZK2ezwFEY-jeF2yPBcUcij6Q52wDRjEykZdGR8CTItYDMc&__tn__=*NK-R
    41m 12s
  • HOPE FOR PRISONERS with M2 The ROCK - Michael Molthan

    2 MAR. 2024 · Welcome to https://www.facebook.com/HopeForPrisoners?__cft__%5B0%5D=AZW_XNEVy4O0Wc8PSTNk5zrohrLM9jcYgaiPL1m6OVtcZSmyiUAL32rgITbn3cr8rxOPWAVNOwr7wi36P0Uj2cme4MDjpun8aLuGwg0CLk8JotH4QBiF9nd9iXsKPr9JFB5pkjTajjrFv8XVrug2UXlAUgx0CL3Cndt_LPKdgIYcUTXNk7vmkQ3hKrPykxOHnMT76dtWIOeBaa1CXrdM6ktG&__tn__=-%5DK-R Tuesday Night Huddle Up! Our guest tonight is https://www.facebook.com/michaelmolthan?__cft__%5B0%5D=AZW_XNEVy4O0Wc8PSTNk5zrohrLM9jcYgaiPL1m6OVtcZSmyiUAL32rgITbn3cr8rxOPWAVNOwr7wi36P0Uj2cme4MDjpun8aLuGwg0CLk8JotH4QBiF9nd9iXsKPr9JFB5pkjTajjrFv8XVrug2UXlAUgx0CL3Cndt_LPKdgIYcUTXNk7vmkQ3hKrPykxOHnMT76dtWIOeBaa1CXrdM6ktG&__tn__=-%5DK-R aka https://www.facebook.com/M2THEROCKSHOW?__cft__%5B0%5D=AZW_XNEVy4O0Wc8PSTNk5zrohrLM9jcYgaiPL1m6OVtcZSmyiUAL32rgITbn3cr8rxOPWAVNOwr7wi36P0Uj2cme4MDjpun8aLuGwg0CLk8JotH4QBiF9nd9iXsKPr9JFB5pkjTajjrFv8XVrug2UXlAUgx0CL3Cndt_LPKdgIYcUTXNk7vmkQ3hKrPykxOHnMT76dtWIOeBaa1CXrdM6ktG&__tn__=-%5DK-R. Hope for Prisoners assists with reentry by providing the formerly incarcerated long-term support and services as they work to reclaim their lives, families and standing in the community. We give them hope. Hope changes lives. Founder Jon Ponder found himself returning to his community after spending time in prison and experienced firsthand the same challenges most face when they are released. He realized there was a lack of long-term support and guidance for those who learned from their mistakes and had a genuine desire to change the direction of their lives. From his personal experience and his passion to help those facing the same challenges he overcame, HOPE for Prisoners was born. The success of our clients is the result of their long-term commitment and relationship with their mentors. What makes Hope for Prisoners different from other organizations is its partnership with local law enforcement. This helps clients to understand the role of law enforcement in the community. This understanding helps clients overcome their fear of police and build respect for law enforcement. LEARN MORE or GIVE at: http://www.hopeforprisoners.org/?fbclid=IwAR2BVTaYqgEXHbIXktmSoMPAIBj_ilKPn6bibUfVFMOsX-8uf7PmPMu77vs TO BOOK https://www.facebook.com/M2THEROCKSHOW?__cft__%5B0%5D=AZW_XNEVy4O0Wc8PSTNk5zrohrLM9jcYgaiPL1m6OVtcZSmyiUAL32rgITbn3cr8rxOPWAVNOwr7wi36P0Uj2cme4MDjpun8aLuGwg0CLk8JotH4QBiF9nd9iXsKPr9JFB5pkjTajjrFv8XVrug2UXlAUgx0CL3Cndt_LPKdgIYcUTXNk7vmkQ3hKrPykxOHnMT76dtWIOeBaa1CXrdM6ktG&__tn__=-%5DK-R email us at m2@m2therock.com or visit our website at https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.m2therock.com%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR25lEvEY0_D4AEtg7xQ21o4lfnb1PFvNQ67h2WWHFFQkOfrZtJu-CegVVc&h=AT2nf4pjbj1OlX-PYJEcTwz8QEipuRvoB4U862Dp1H8T943WvEIijEltW50HcDWiWsL_ffxulJo6-MTob7JKUpP3GGf7-jH9ToI4_YyQC8Zto6azAguhwQCCfDd1OR2k23KQe-5UdPNFtlaz-S1v&__tn__=-UK-R&c%5B0%5D=AT3hMoxXGbYdDTmsS3tp1ZPvIRSozPLpGPD7prKJwp1AlVLJpU1dkUFLmJE9xomEy_sfjyasFFSQruJA4jE0MpQ3b8_X57DRtLsBQxOUC7k8LouqvTSOj62vaLJ9Vz86o04gZb5aYlSBXl9RVary9wMvlZqq1LWs_g9vVk5bhIEg9M35CFcIkQAWRmL_HaUl4lemx5FLVFZrWx5htVSK8v73JboR_mcIhsDzuRdywaPpEw
    1h 3m 44s

    25 FEB. 2024 · ✨ All good things must come to an end! ✨ It’s been such a memorable time celebrating I Am Second Day with you. To wrap our BIG day, Jon Seidl catches up with Michael Molthan. We released Michael’s film, “Confessions of a Felon,” in June of 2022, and it’s still one of our most-viewed films in the last two years! It resonates with people of all ages and backgrounds who are interested in the message of FREEDOM that Michael found. Now the host of M2 THE ROCK SHOW podcast, find out what the Lord has been doing in his life and all of the exciting new projects coming down the pike. And don’t forget to TAKE ACTION today before it’s too late! 1️⃣ Share a White Chair Film, like Michael’s 2️⃣ Tell your story to someone 3️⃣ Continue the mission by giving to I Am Second In fact, a gift of as little as $10 can impact the lives of 1,000 people or more. Every film, every blog post, every event requires money, and we are completely donor-supported as a non-profit organization. And get this: A generous donor has stepped up to match the amount of gifts made by first-time donors on I Am Second Day. In the end, we are greater when we partner together – aligned in the mission of telling incredible stories that make Jesus known. https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/iamsecond https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/iamsecondday https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/livesecond https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb_6WeiuYeQJFGZ0-tu0hiQ
    9m 34s

The mission of M2 The Rock is to transform the manner in which society treats addiction and mental health disorders by raising the meaning of “rock bottom.” M2 The Rock...

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The mission of M2 The Rock is to transform the manner in which society treats addiction and mental health disorders by raising the meaning of “rock bottom.” M2 The Rock Services offers a wide range of support for both addicts and their families with specialized counselors to help aid in the recovery of addicts, alcoholics, and those suffering with mental health issues.


Whether grappling with substance addiction or battling everyday distractions, every individual faces the internal struggle between seeking comfort and pursuing personal growth. M2 the Rock is dedicated to inspiring individuals to break free from life-shattering addictions and everyday obstacles, empowering them to embrace their true potential and live their best lives. Through donations, we can provide scholarships to addicts for counseling and intensive outpatient programs.


Behind closed doors, families agonize over the well-being of their loved ones caught in the grip of addiction. These family members endure a similar sense of isolation and helplessness that is often overlooked by the addiction community. M2 the Rock recognizes the importance of providing resources and support to these family members, enabling them to find their own path to recovery and create a peaceful existence alongside their loved one's journey. “Everyone has their chosen book, everyone has their chosen god, but everyone has a family and you don’t get to choose those.” Supporting families through donations allows them to receive scholarships to counseling services.

To book Michael Molthan please email m2@m2therock.com or visit our website at www.m2therock.com M2 The Rock
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