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Mahta Podcast

  • Episode 6: ብኸመይ መንገዲ ዕላማታትካ ትሃርም፣ ብኸመይ መንገዲ ነብስኻ ትቆጻጸር?(Goals and self-control)

    2 AGO. 2020 · ሰላም ዝኸበርኩምን ዝኸበርክንን ክቡራት ተኸታተልቲ ናይዚ መደብ። እምበኣርከስ ሎሚ ብዝተፈለየ ኣገዳሲ ዝበልናዮ መደብ ሒዝና መጺና ኣለና። ኩላትና ከም ሰብ መጠን ዝተፈላለየ ዕላማታት ኣለና ክንበጽሖ እንደሊ፣ ገሌና ብግቡእ ነቲ ዝሓንጸጽናዮም ዕላማታት ንምንታይ ጀሚርናዮ ተረዲእና እቲ ዘድሊ ስራሕን ግዜን ሂብና ዕላማታትና ኣብቲ ዘድሊ ደረጃ ንምብጻሕ ደኺመ እንከይበልና ንሰርሕ ሰባት ኣለና፣ ገሌና ከኣ ዕላማታትና ኣብ ርእስና ቀሪጽና ዝኾነ ስራሕን ግዜን ከየንበርና ብግቡእ ዕላማታትና ኣብቲ ዝድለ ደረጃ ከይነብጽሕ ንጽገም ሰባት ኣለና፣ እምበኣርከስ ኣብዚ 6ይ ክፋል ናይዚ ፖድካስት ብዛዕባ ከመይ ጌርና ዕላማታትና ብግቡእ ኣብቲ ዝድለ ደረጃ ክነብጽሖ እንኽእል ካብ ተሞኩረና ዝተፈላለየ ጠቃሚ እዩ ዝበልናዮ ነጥብታት ኣልዒልና ተዘራሪብና ኣለና፣ ዕላማታትካ ብግቡእ እንክትሃርም እንተደሊካ ብዙሕ ጻዕርን ግዜን ከምኡ ውን ስነ ምግባርን ዝሓትት ነገር እዩ፣ ቀሊል ውን ኣይኮነን ምስዚ ሕጂ ዘለናዮ ግዜ ብቀሊሉ ናብ ዝተፈላለየ ነገር ክንከደሉ እንኽል እቲ ሒዝናዮ ዘለና ዕላማ ኣብቲ ዝድለ ደረጃ ከየብጻሕና። ቀንዲ ነጥብታት ንዕላማና ንምህራም ይሕግዙ እዮም ዝበልናዮም ወይ ዝጠቀስናዮም፣ - ብንጹር ዕላማኻ ምፍላጥ - እቲ ዝግባእ ግዜን ስራሕን ምንባር - ኣብ ዙርያኻ ዘለው ሰባት ምስትውዓል - ክኣልዩካ ዝኽእሉ ሰባት ምንዳይ - ስነ ምግባር ምህላው ብተወሳኺ ኣስዕብ ኣቢልና ብዛዕባ ነብሰ ምቁጽጻር ወይ ውን ነብሰ ምግታእ ካብ ዝተፈላለየ ነገራት ንዕላማና እንከይንሃርም ዝዕንቁጽና ነገራት ተዛሪብና ኣለና። ብዛዕባ ነብሰ ምቁጽጻር ካብ መጽሓፍ ናይ ሳይኮሎጂስት ኪሊ ማክጎነገል "The will power instinct: "how to have self-control, why it matters, what you can do to get more of it? ክልተ ወይ ሰለስተ ነጥብታት ኣልዒልና ተዛሪብና ኣለና ምስቲ ዝነበረና ሕጽረት ናይ ግዜ፣ ብሓፈሻ ግን ባዕልኩም እንክተንብብዎ ኣንቢብኩም ውን እቲ ዘድሊ ሓበሬታ እንክትወስዱ እንላቦ። እዚ ናይ ሎሚ መዛረቢ ኣርእስቲ ካብ ሓንቲ ሓፍትና ዝቀረበትልና ሕቶ መበገሲ ጌርና ወይ ውን ነቲ ዝሓተቶ ሕቶ ንምምላስ ዘዳለናዮ መደብ እዩ፣ እምበኣርከስ በዚ ኣጋጣሚ ነዛ ሓፍትና እቲ ዝግብኣ ምስጋና ክንህባ እንደሊ ነዚ መዛረቢ ኣርእስቲ ብምድላዋ። እምበኣርከስ ሰናይ ናይ ምክትታል ግዜ ይግበረልኩም፣ ዝኾነ ሓሳብ ዘለኩም ኣብ ኮመንት ምሳና ኣካፍልዎ። ካልእ ሳብስክራይብ ዘይገበርና እንተ ኮይና ሳብስክራይብ ብምግባር ሓገዝኩም ከተርእዩና ብትሕትና ንሓትት። ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello beautiful people! Here we are back with a new episode after about 3 months. In this episode, we talked about how we can achieve our goals and control ourselves from the things that hold us back from working towards our goals. There are two kinds of people on this planet, those who set their goals clearly and put enough amount of effort and time to achieve their goals, and those who don't have clear goals and don't work enough. In this episode, we discussed some key points that help us achieve our goals, - Having clear goals and knowing the target you are aiming for - Putting enough time and effort (accountability and commitment) - Checking out the people on your circle - Mentorship - Having discipline Moreover, we discussed how to have self-control by referring a book by psychologist Kelly McGonigal "The willpower instinct: how to have self-control, why it matters, what you can do to get more of it? Due to the limited time we had, we took two or three points from the book and we recommend you read the book by yourself to get more information(the link is below). This episode is based on the conversation I had with my good friend and I would like to thank her for her question and support. We hope you will find it interesting and feel free to share your opinions on this specific topic and please don't forget to show your support by subscribing to all the platforms we have. Thank you! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link for the book "The willpower instinct": https://www.amazon.com/Willpower-Inst...
    Escuchado 36m 44s
  • Episode 5: COVID-19 vaccine test in Africa(ፈተነ ክታበት ናይ ኮሮና ቫይረስ ኣብ ኣፍሪቃ)?

    6 ABR. 2020 · ሰላም ከመይ ትኾኑ ክቡራት ተኻታተልቲ ናይዚ ፖድካስት፣ እምበኣርከስ ኣብዚ ክፋል እዚ ብዛዕባ ኣብዚ እዋን ዝዝረበሉ ዘሎ ፈተና ክታበት ናይ ኮሮና ቫይረስ ኣብ ኣህጉርና ኣፍሪቃ እንክፍተን እተዘረበ ዘረባ ካብ ክልተ ዓበይቲ ዶክተራት ናይ ፈረንሳ መበገሲ ብምግባር፣ ብዛዕባ ኣህጉርና ኣፍሪቃ ኣልዒልና ከም ኣፍሪቃውያን መጠን ታሪኽና፣ መንነትና እንታይ ይመስል፣ ከምኡ ውን ጽልዋ ናይ መግዛእቲ፣ ባርነት ከመይ ይመስል ክንዛረብ ኢና። እምበኣርከስ ንስኹም ተዓዘብትና'ከ ኣረኣእያኩም ኣብዚ ኣርእስቲ ከመይ ይመስል ከተካፍሉና ብትሕትና ንሓትት። ሰናይ ናይ ምስማዕ ግዜ። --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey guys! In this 5th episode, we talked about a current headline on the internet about the COVID-19 vaccine test in Africa. On Wednesday the 6th of April, two doctors from France discussed the possibility of testing the vaccination in Africa like the vaccination of HIV aids was done on the prostitute. Many Africans are furious by the doctors' remark and indeed it's heartbreaking. We have talked as well about African history and identity. Please share your opinions on this topic and don't forget to subscribe and share. Stay safe and healthy!
    Escuchado 34m 54s
  • Intro to Mahta podcast (መእተዊ ወይ ውን መላለይ ናብዚ መደብ)

    22 MAR. 2020 · ኣብዚ ሓጻር መእተዊ ክፋል እዚ መደብ እንታይ እዩ፣ ዕላማ ናይዚ መደብ እንታይ ይመስል ከምኡ ውን ኣበይ ክትረክብዎ ትክእሉ ዝገልጽ ክፋል እዩ። ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a short intro for this podcast, we clearly stated the aim of this podcast and where you can find this podcast. Make sure to follow us on all channels. Thank you!
    Escuchado 2m 45s
  • Episode 4: Interracial/Intercultural relationship in Habesha community(ካብ ሃገርካ/ባህልኻ ወጺኻ ዝግበር መውስቦን ተቀባልነቱን)

    22 MAR. 2020 · ሰላም ከመይ ቀኒኹም ክቡራት ተኸታተልቲ ናይዚ መደብ፣ ኣብ ዘዘለኽሞ ሰላምን ቅሳነትን እንዳተመነና፣ ናይ ሎሚ ዘተ ብዛዕባ ካብ ሃገርካ፣ከባቢካ ወጺኻ ዝግበር መርዓ ወይ ውን ምውሳብ ከመይ ተቀባልነት ኣለዎ ካብ ወለድና ከሙኡ ውን ንሕና መንእሰያት ከመይ ኣረኣእያ ኣለና ዝብል ኣርእስቲ ቀንዲ መዛረቢ ናይዚ ክፋል እዩ ። የሕዋትና ወይ ውን ኣሓትና ካብ ሃገሮም ወይ ውን ከባቢኦም ወጽዮም ምስ ዝዋሰቡ ዘጋጥሞም ብድሆታት ከምኡ ውን ተነጽሎ ካብ ሕብረተሰብና፣ ዝተፈላለየ ብሂላት ዝቀርብ ካብ ሕብረተሰብን ካልእ ሓፈሻዊ ኣረዳድኣና ኣብዚ ኣርእስቲ ናባኹም ነብሎ። ንስኹም'ከ ርእይቶኹም ኣብዚ ቀሪቡ ዘሎ ኣርእስቲ ከመይ ይመስል ከተካፍሉና ብትሕትና ንሓትት። ................................................................................................................................ Hey guys, I hope all of you are safe. In this episode, we have talked about interracial/intercultural relationships in the Habesha community. We discussed, how our community sees interracial/intercultural relationships? and the challenges faced by the people who are in interracial/intercultural relationships and more. What are your opinions on this topic? Please share your opinions. If you haven't subscribed already please show us your support by subscribing to all podcast channels and youtube.
    Escuchado 25m 58s
  • Episode 3: ስርዓተ ትምህርቲ ኣብ ኤርትራ(Eritrean education system)??

    5 MAR. 2020 · ኣብዚ ሳልሳይ ክፋል ናይዚ ፖድካስት፣ ብዛዕባ ስርዓተ ትምህርቲ ናይ ሃገርና ኤርትራ እንታይ ይመስል፣ እንታይ ጸገማት ኣለዎ ምስ ዓለም ለኻዊ ክወዳደር ከሎ ወይ ውን እቲ ቀንዲ ጠንቅታት እንታይ እዩ፣ ኣብ መወዳእታ ከኣ እንታይ ፍታሕ ክኸውን ይኽእል ነቲ ዘሎ ጸገማት ተዛሪበሉ ኣለኹ። ንስኹም'ከ እንታይ ርእይቶ ኣለኩም ካብቶም ስርዓተ ትምህርቲ ሃገርና ጽቡቅ ኣሎ ትብሉ ዲኹም ወይስ ዝኾነ ጸገም ኣለዎ ትብሉ፣ እምበኣርከስ ሓሳብኩም ኣካፍሉና ኣብ ኮመንት ሓፈሻዊ ብዛዕባ እዚ ኣርእስቲ። ........................................................................................................................................ In this episode, I talked about the Eritrean education system and the major challenges our education system faced due to the current situation in our country and I mentioned also some of the possible solutions that I could think of. I have concerns about the curriculum back home and I wonder how many of you guys have the same concerns about this topic. Please share it in the comment section, we want to hear from all of you guys!
    Escuchado 22m 41s
  • Episode 2: ደቂ ኣንስትዮ ብዓይኒ ሕብረተ ሰብና (Women empowerment) ??

    4 MAR. 2020 · ኣብዚ ክፋል እዚ ደቂ ኣንስትዮ ኣብ ብሕብረተ ሰብና ዘለወን ኣረኣእያ፣ ዘጋጥመን ብድሆታት፣ ማዕርነት ኣብዚ ዘለናዮ ክፍለ ዘመን ከመይ ይመስል፣ ማዕርነት ከይህሉ ዝዕንቅጹ ጠንቅታት፣ ኣብ መወዳእታ ከኣ ከመይ ጌርና ነሕዋትና ነተባብዐን ወይ ውን ክብ ነብለን ዝብል መደብ ሒዝናልኩም ቀሪብና ዘለና። ንስኹም ተኸታተልትና ከ እንታይ ርእይቶ ኣለኩም ኣብዚ ኣርእስቲ፣ ኣብዚ 21 ክፍለ ዘመን ከምቲ ዝድለ ማዕርነት ኣሎዶ ከሙኡ ውን ከም ሕብረተ ሰብ መጠን ንደቂ ኣንስትዮ ነተባብዐን ዲና ዘለና ወይ ንሕግዘን ዲና ዘለና ወይስ በንጻሩ ኩላትና ንነብስና ክንሓትት ክንክእል ኣለና፣ እምበኣርከስ ሓሳባትኩም ኣብዚ ኣርእስቲ ከተካፍሉና ከሙኡ ውን ምስ ኣብ ከባቢኩም ዘለዉ ክትዘራረቡ ንምሕጸን። ሰናይ ናይ ምክትታል ግዜ ይግበረልኩም ከሙኡ ውን ዝኾነ ኣርእስቲ ክንዛረበሉ ትደልዩ እንተ ኣሎ ኣካፍሉና። ..................................................................................................................................................... In this episode, we talked about "women empowerment in our community". We all know women are treated differently starting from the old days and still, we haven't achieved full equality between men and women, especially in our community. In this episode we discussed gender inequality, what are the causes of it? What could be a solution? and more. What do you think about this topic? We would love to hear your opinions and discuss with you. Finally, if you have any topics you want us to talk on the next episode please share with us in the comment section.
    Escuchado 40m 17s
  • Episode 1: ሓቢርካ ምስራሕ(team work) ከመይ ይመስል ኣብ ሕብረተ ሰብና?

    4 MAR. 2020 · ኣብዚ ክፋል እዚ ብዛዕባ ሓቢርካ ምስራሕ ኣብ ሕብረተ ሰብና ከመይ ይመስል፣ ናይ ሓቢርካ ምስራሕ ባህሊ ወይ ልምዲ ኣለና'ዶ፣ እንታይ እዪ ጸገማት፣ ረብሓታት ናይ ሓቢርካ ምስራሕ እንታይ እዪ ዝብሉ ሕቶታት ኣብዚ ቀዳማይ ክፋል ናይዚ መደብ ሒዝናልኩም መጺና ኣለና። ብዝያዳ ከኣ ንስኩም ተዓዘብትና እንታይ ሓሳባት ኣለኩም ወይ ውን ናይ ሓቢርካ ምስራሕ ልምዲ ኣለና'ዶ ኣብ ሕብረተሰብና ምሳና ኣብ ኮመንት ከተካፍልዎ ወይ ውን ክንዛረበሉ ንምሕጸን። እምበኣርከስ ሰናይ ምክትታል ይግበረልኩም ከሙኡ ውን ዝኮነ ኣርእስቲ ክንዛረበሉ ትደልዩ እንተ ኣሎ ኣካፍሉና። ................................................................................................................................................. In this episode, we talked about the importance of "working together" as a team. We raised some questions to address the lack of working together in habesha community, advantages, and disadvantages of working as a team. We believe that if we humans in general and the habesha community in particular work together then we can achieve more and grow as a community. We want to hear from you guys, what do you think about this topic?
    Escuchado 20m 30s

ሰላም እንቃዕ ብደሓን መጻኩም ናብዚ መደብ፣ እምበኣርከስ ኣብዚ መደብ ብዛዕባ ዝተፈላለየ ኣርእስቲ ንሕብረተ ሰብና ወይ ውን ናዓና ንመንእሰያት መዛረቢ ክኾኑ ይኽእሉ እዮም ዝባልናዮም ከም በዓል ባህሊ፣ ካብ ባህሊ ዘጋጥሞ ብድሆታት፣...

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ሰላም እንቃዕ ብደሓን መጻኩም ናብዚ መደብ፣ እምበኣርከስ ኣብዚ መደብ ብዛዕባ ዝተፈላለየ ኣርእስቲ ንሕብረተ ሰብና ወይ ውን ናዓና ንመንእሰያት መዛረቢ ክኾኑ ይኽእሉ እዮም ዝባልናዮም ከም በዓል ባህሊ፣ ካብ ባህሊ ዘጋጥሞ ብድሆታት፣ ናይ ትምህርቲ ምዕባለ ከመይ ይመስል ምስ ዓለም ከተረኣእዮ ኮለኻ፣ ቴክኖሎጂ ኣብ ሃበሻ፣ ታሪኽና ከምኡ ውን መንነትና እንታይ እዩ፣ ኮታስ ብሓፈሻ ዝተፈላለየ ኣርእስቲ ሒዝናልኩም ክንቀርብ ኢና። እዚ መደብ እዚ ኣብ ዩቱዩብ ውን ክትረክብዎ ትክእሉ ኢኩም ብ "mahta podcast" ዝብል ስም። ኣብ መወዳእታ ሓሳባትኩም ካብ ምክፋል ኣይትቆጦቡ ከምኡ ውን ሰናይ ናይ ምክትታል መደብ።
This podcast is mainly focused on habesha communities culture, education, technology and more. We talk about different topics within the community like culture barriers, new developments in science and technology, history and more.
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