Questo album, colorato e colorabile, è prima di tutto una raccolta di storie, raccontate grazie a uno strumento speciale, quei disegnini più o meno bambineschi, accompagnati da parole, che in...
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This colored and to color album is first of all a collection of stories, told through a special tool, those childish drawings, accompanied by words, that many call mind maps. If you are learning Italian, you can use it to improve your way of speaking this so musical language, perhaps by following the steps suggested inside. The book can be flipped, colored and even listened to. In this podcast, you can find the audio related to the mind maps. Enjoy listening!

Questo album, colorato e colorabile, è prima di tutto una raccolta di storie, raccontate grazie a uno strumento speciale, quei disegnini più o meno bambineschi, accompagnati da parole, che in...
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This colored and to color album is first of all a collection of stories, told through a special tool, those childish drawings, accompanied by words, that many call mind maps. If you are learning Italian, you can use it to improve your way of speaking this so musical language, perhaps by following the steps suggested inside. The book can be flipped, colored and even listened to. In this podcast, you can find the audio related to the mind maps. Enjoy listening!
Autor | Antonio Libertino |
Organización | Antonio Libertino |
Categorías | Aprendizaje de idiomas , Libros , Cursos |
Página web | www.spreaker.com |
antonionetflix778@gmail.com |
Copyright 2024 - Spreaker Inc. an iHeartMedia Company