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Mike's Mastermind

  • Sorting ABOUT MEs (perceived associations of classification & identity)

    18 MAR. 2024 · It's nice to read a comment from a listener who remembers meeting you at some event long ago past or perhaps was a friend or contact you have not seen in ages.  We all age and mature depending upon how and where you interact with people their impression and memory of you or the circumstances certainly can impact their regard and way that they treat (or talk about) you. In this talk I relate back to someone who knew me in high school who happened to post on my Facebook and we struck up a conversation sharing our life's story and we both found it interesting how our recollections of each other informed the dimension of how our personalities at the time came out.   Since then, it has been many moons, I have appeared in different ways (formats) that have lent itself to nicknames, monikers and avatars that I discuss in terms of the projected persona and how we tend to relate to an image rather than the wizard behind the curtain.  It's a catch-up episode for that old friend who was curious about the adventures and direction my life's path had taken in my IGO world.  It motivated me to start creating an About MEs type recollection (audio form & writing). Hope you find some intrique in it.  I've just launched the https://StudioPodcasts.com website and the actual location will be open next month (April - May 2024) we'll have a Grand Opening Party and festive kick-off time for sure! Other links/sites mentioned:  https://MikesMastermind.com /  https://IGOresearch.com  / https://GrandTourIdeas.com 
    Escuchado 40m 27s
  • The ARF CARE Arena of Exploration

    14 FEB. 2024 · In this episode I attempt to put together (or cross breed) two of my concepts in relationship to each other. The CARES model of Community Action Research Engagement (as) Science and Arena Ratio Fields (ARF) in how they correspond and perhaps relate. There is something to be said about the quality of presence in how we are in observation of phenomenon and what our experience of the moment comes to represent – listen and learn! Thanks, Mike https://MikesMastermind.com
    Escuchado 13m 30s
  • Spatial CARE (possibility of) sorting perceived dynamics

    15 ENE. 2024 · This is an interesting talk (episode) for myself delving into a topic I know nothing about. I say so in part jest, at least from not having studied anything about what spatial thinking scientifically is or what 'geo' graphic conscious affective perspectives are (if they exist) and what those supposed areas of understanding imply so, I have to imagine how they may contribute towards my work. However, from conjecture of a future research perspective I would love to explore and engage in it – just from spurious conjecture of what I guestimate the importance and implications of ‘it’ may be… Following up from the previous (just uploaded episode prior to this one) talk about the CARES model of community engagement in the field of participatory research (and how we ought to be more 'present' aware of our experience within it) – I’m intrigued by different approaches to create dynamics of increased capacity that translate from what I described in earlier talks as https://www.spreaker.com/episode/arena-ratio-fields-arf--54635901 or axials of experience that could be related (maybe) into a geometric framework. Interpreting the observation of a viewing organism; new thinking considers the linguistic coding of the experience as shifts of view in perspective that can be represented quite simply as vector spaces (see my writing on https://productawards.wixsite.com/my-site-9/family-therapy) and alternates that affect perspective (see my https://Bideck.MassTrance.com writing) that thus become consciously led or induced into experiential coordinated systems. That is my wild take on not knowing anything about what I am conjecturing! I approached some of this thinking (perhaps very unconsciously) in my https://WeltSchloss.com writing (world built dwelling experiences) that may in some cultures, have an orientation calqued on human orientation and cognitive alternation within one’s experience (and gain insight into what is sensed, revealed or hinted at interpreting) in recognition of spatial dynamics may potentially offer and the impact effect upon our thinking or orientation of experience itself within spatial contexts. There is much to explore, and it corresponds to the potential opportunity I have to work with (seems to be) a remarkable conscious collective of (human experience and social space) field researchers whom I would love to collaborate with and in a higher dimension open up (even if just for ourselves) this dimension of spacial relationship consideration. Enjoy. Checkout https://productawards.wixsite.com/my-site-9 for an earlier presupposed iterations (; https://www.researchgate.net/publication/312368358_Discourse_space_theory_geometry_brain_and_shifting_viewpoints/citation/download?_tp=eyJjb250ZXh0Ijp7ImZpcnN0UGFnZSI6InB1YmxpY2F0aW9uIiwicGFnZSI6InB1YmxpY2F0aW9uIn19 Copy link
    Escuchado 14m 58s
  • CARES social model of UBE3- MLK 24-A1

    15 ENE. 2024 · Honoring MLK day of service (today) mid-month of January 2024 I'm talking about CARES as a model for Community Based Participatory Research and how examining the quality of engagement can determine enlightened understanding of our experiences and improvement (learning) practices. Many ideas are included here and if you are new to https://MikesMastermind.com its a good place to start! Future project endeavors for consideration (that I'd take on) include starting up a Community Studies collective journal and Impact newsletter - just ideas (Gendenkens) I'm playing with for 2024 My take on Community-based participatory research (CBPR) is what I’ve termed as Community Action Research Engagement (CARE) add an "S" for 'science' (ref: Thomas Dolby 80's hit) is what I consider as a highly enriched experiential partnership approach to research that equitably involves, as you would expect, community members, organizational representatives, and researchers in all aspects of the research process in which all of us as partners with ease contribute our unique expertise and share in decision making and project ownership. The aim of CARE as other research approaches share is the goal of increasing knowledge, but alas CARE goes deeper into the discovery and understanding of a given phenomenon that in whole "integrates the knowledge gained with interventions and policy and social change to improve the (lived experience or outcome) health and quality of life of community members.”* All partners must determine if there is an issue and what the action or intervention will be. The iterative process may not happen with community partners unless its explicitly part of the study design and the distinction is by itself a contemplation of the experience engaging in that world and, in the process, holistically considers all possible implications. There are 7 factors I consider vital to CARE: 1. AMIGO = All Mutal Interest & Goal Objectives are identified (all agree on common goals & objectives) Before starting a CARE project, you need to identify the shared goals and interests of the community and the researchers. This AMIGO approach is like most research outcome goals except it exists in a ‘felt’ dimension of owning it. AMIGO helps establish TIES formed within a common vision, it aligns expectations, and defines roles and responsibilities. We can use tools such as community asset mapping, needs assessment, and logic models to identify the strengths, needs, and resources of the community and how they relate to our core research questions. 2. Effective Deliberate Communication Messaging is key to building trust and rapport in the CARES model where I would accel in this role. Imagining my working with this new conscious collective of social (AR) scientists coming together -- 'we' will need to communicate frequently, openly, and respectfully with all community partners. We also need to listen actively, acknowledge different perspectives, and address any concerns or conflicts that may arise. We can use strategies such as regular meetings, newsletters, social media, and feedback mechanisms to facilitate communication and keep everyone informed and engaged. I am well versed in using these methods and many more such as producing automated webinars, getting media coverage, exhibiting at trade shows, event tables, public presentations, press conferences, blogs, podcasts, etc. 3. Respect Diversity, Openness and Cultural Engagement I have long been involved in diverse communities and causes that have different values, beliefs, norms, and practices. I recognize the need to respect and will appreciate the cultural diversity of our community partners and totally avoid imposing limits, assumptions, or biases. We can use methods such as cultural humility, cultural competence, and cultural safety to learn about the culture of the community, adapt research methods and interventions, and ensure that any project is culturally appropriate and respectful. 4. Share Super-Powers and Resources Deep CARE is based on the principle of mutual benefit and reciprocity. This efforts will need to share power and resources with community partners and ensure that they have a meaningful voice and influence in the research process. Let’s also recognize and compensate (acknowledge and reward) the contributions and expertise of the community and provide enriched opportunities for idealized capacity building and empowerment. As an example, we can use approaches like my https://CommunityConversations.com invite to enlist participatory decision making, co-creation, and co-ownership to share power and resources, etc. 5. Disseminate and Apply Results One of the goals of Community Based Participatory Research is to produce knowledge that is useful and actionable for the community. The need to disseminate and apply the results in ways that are accessible, relevant, and respectful to our community partners is what will define CARE as a main distinction in the quality-of-service CRISP can offer to clients. We must involve them in the dissemination and application process and acknowledge their role and impact. We can use formats such as community forums, policy briefs, and action plan parties (app) among other means to disseminate and apply results with CARE. 6. Evaluate and Sustain Relationships CBPR is not a one-time event, but a long-term relationship. To make the distinction of CARE we need to evaluate and sustain the relationships that we will have built with our community partners and ensure that they are mutually beneficial and ongoingly satisfying. We also need to celebrate the achievements, learn from the challenges, and plan for the future of our CARE projects and partnerships. CRISP can use tools such as surveys, interviews, and focus groups to evaluate and sustain relationships in the process. 7. Operationally Sustain Vision and Success My CARE approach is an ongoing sustained enterprise of experiential learning and a developmental process of personal growth and an A-level professional endeavor. What I mean as seen in my role of outreach encompasses a quality of relationships that breeds involvement and consideration for the action research mission (is it written down?) and charter. Part of this exists in ongoing training, facilitation and task-oriented review of our organizational processes and management (manners in which we operate). The goal (for me) is for all of us to be exceptional in our peer reviewed work that is considered top notch. This explaination is adapted from an A.I. LinkedIn article that was formulated which I enhanced (and got contributor points for!:)
    Escuchado 32m 58s
  • XQ Sensuated Ideal Living (in the New Year) (1)

    1 ENE. 2024 · XQ is a life quotient I made up that incorporates self-mastery of both mental attunement (IQ) and emotional Intelligence (EQ) //////////////// XQ relates to self-realization and the eXpression of happiness and success in life, therefore XQ matters just as much as EQ or IQ. Theoretically, it would be possible to express oneself more honestly and consciously with XQ mastery. Expressing UBE3 (Ultra-Being an Excellent Example of Enlightenment) is the XQ experience and exploration into how you can boost your inner true-self intelligence, thereby enabling you to be genuine in your lifestyle choices, relationships, and goals. ////////////////// At the start of this XQ New (Year) Series we will explore the dimensions of: - What is X intelligence or experience of Ultra Being as XQ? - Why is XQ realization of conscious intelligence so important? - Experience of UBE3 Presence: Skills to maximize your XQ - Ideal Self-Realization, key skill set #1: ME=Moment Management - Key skill 2: IGOism and "I" awareness - Key skill 3: Social awareness - Key skill 4: Relationship Engagement We will explore what XQ is, why it's essential & how it is also an intelligence quotient like IQ or EQ. /// Expression of Higher Self (UBE3) intelligence (otherwise quantified as my X quotient or XQ) is the ultimate ability to be present in a capacity that allows attention to be fully available, empty of manipulation, societal programming or exterior circumstance of being distracted or controlled. This X factor is an intelligent detached use of presence "ness" or "ultra-being" in the moment that allows full eXpression in its proper fitting context, and manage your own eXperience in whole-brained, holistic positive ways to communicate fully and effectively, it increases your ability to present and empathize with others, overcome challenges and defuse conflict. XQ is a higher-form of intelligence that integrates with IQ & EQ to help you build stronger ties in relationships, success at school or work, and XQ to achieve personal goals. It can also help you to connect with your feelings, turn intention into reality, and make better informed decisions about what matters most to you. We can integrate ideas and define XQ by four attributes: - ME=Management – Ability to control impulsive feelings and behaviors, manage your emotions in healthy ways, take initiative, follow through on commitments, and adapt to changing circumstances and attitude adjustment thereby making 'smarter' decisions. - IGOism & I-awareness – You recognize your own projections whether it be BIDECK inspired or emotions felt your interpretations affect your thoughts, word use and behavior. XQ helps you know your strengths and weaknesses, and have inner knowingness & self-confidence. - Social awareness – You have empathy. You can understand the emotions, needs, and concerns of other people, pick up on emotional cues, feel comfortable socially, and recognize the power dynamics in a group or organization. - Relationship Engagement with the World (http://WeltSchloss.com) – You know how to develop and maintain eXcellent relationships, communicate clearly, inspire and influence others, work well in a team, lead ideals and manage conflict. To listen to the https://www.mikeratner.com/podcast/episode/78b36ef8/introducing-the-igos-xq-expression-quotient-my-latest-brilliant-idea-indulge-me-lolon the day I came up with the concept https://www.mikeratner.com/podcast/episode/78b36ef8/introducing-the-igos-xq-expression-quotient-my-latest-brilliant-idea-indulge-me-lol Stay tuned to https://MikesMastermind.com podcast for further episode developments. (; Thnx -- Mike
    Escuchado 9m 46s
  • XQ as YOU (UBE3 Realized)

    1 ENE. 2024 · In August of 2022 on https://MikesMastermind.com I came up with the idea of XQ (the bastard child of IQ and EQ) lol. The XQ concept would be a consciousness expression quotent determining our ability to express oneself within attained (theoretically) higher-states of "I" awareness and one's capacity towards UBE3 "Ultra-Beingness" lived fully. You are the XQ of Ultra-Being! An interesting consideration contemplated upon in this episode for the New YOU Year (;
    Escuchado 7m 59s
  • Tide & Sail 1

    1 ENE. 2024 · Tide & Sail brings "felt" dynamics within the https://WeltSchloss.comto delight. This particular talk goes into the far reaches of the disclosure philosophy and how we experience a life-world phenomenology You can find more at https://GrandTourIdeas.com and in other episodes of https://MikesMastermind.com podcast Thanks for tuning in!
    Escuchado 15m 4s
  • Allusion of IGO

    1 ENE. 2024 · In this last talk of 2023, Michael gives a deeper explanation of IGO for the first time as an acronym and further discets how the human mind projects its sense of self into allusions that it believes is reality and something it has to deal with.
    Escuchado 17m 52s
  • Waking Up from MT (1)

    16 NOV. 2023 · There is an assumption that society at large is asleep, intentionally dulled and disattracted that has affected all walks of life. I term it the MASS TRANCE in my talks. In this episode I explain what the MT is and how we can best potentially wake-up from it. It's not what most think... More at https://MikesMastermind.com and https://GrandTourIdeas.com
    Escuchado 21m
  • Comprehension of Fine Tuning

    5 NOV. 2023 · Fine Tuning Your Attention and Level of Conscious Awareness Means What? Tune-In!!!!!!!!! fine-tunehttps://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/verb https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/fine-tune?pronunciation&lang=en_us&dir=f&file=fine_t02 fine-tuned; fine-tuning; fine-tunes https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/fine-tune https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/transitive1 a: to adjust precisely so as to bring to the highest level of performance or effectivenessfine-tune a TV set fine-tune the format b: to improve through minor alteration or revisionfine-tune the temperature of the room 2 : to stabilize (an economy) by small-scale fiscal and monetary manipulations
    Escuchado 33m 58s

https://MikeRatner.com shares a blend of esoteric wisdom and contemplative insights that challenge the status quo in search of new breakthroughs toward better living. Mike founded NonSex.org and is noted for...

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Mike Ratner shares a blend of esoteric wisdom and contemplative insights that challenge the status quo in search of new breakthroughs toward better living. Mike founded NonSex.org and is noted for his social issues research using Community Conversations and his LovingConversations.com (future) project among other ventures.

Mike's Mastermind is a raw unedited Contemporary Philosophy Podcast defining "Ultra-Being" among a Grand Tour of Ideas that focuses on conceptual language and lived subjective experiences.

Check out the podcast!
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