A podcast that helps leaders grow and get better.

Episodios & Posts
15 SEP. 2021 · Do you ever wonder if you have influence with others? Maybe the better question is HOW are you influencing others? In this podcast we explore the important leadership principle of leading by example and how by our example we influence other the most.
27 ENE. 2021 · At Next Level Leading we are all about helping leaders grow and get better. In this eposoide we discuss the importance of leaders being committed and prioritizing the importance of learning as it relates to growing themselves and those they lead. The best place to start is with a heart of humility and we examine the principle and example Jesus gives us in terms of being humble enough in our leadership that we have a posture to learn, grow, and get better.
14 ENE. 2021 · In this fouth and final edition of our series on leadership principles we look at the importance of integrity in leadership. By definition integrity means to be whole or undivided. Taking this a step further, in leadership it means to have a single-hearted devotion to your purpose in God. We look at four things we can do to buid and enhance our integrity so we can be leaders worth following.
5 ENE. 2021 · In part three of our four part series on leadership principles we take a deeper dive into what excellence looks like and the importance it has for leaders. We are given an example of leadership excellence through the life and ministry of Jesus. With this as our standard, how do we leader rise to the call of excellence in our own leadership? Listen to learn more.
5 NOV. 2020 · As we continue in our four-part series discussing principles of leadership, in this episode, we highlight the importance of Being Prepared. We see how commitment and preparation are closely aligned with one another.
Preparation is the tangible expression of commitment. If you aren't prepared before you make a commitment chances are you won't make it. If you aren't prepared after you make a commitment you probably won't keep it. Our level of preparation often determine the depth and quality of our commitment.
It's always better to be prepared for an opportunity that doesn't happen than to be unprepared for one that does. We'll spend time unpacking a little deeper this principle by seeing how scripture highlights the importance of being prepared in Matthew 25 and Luke 14.
22 OCT. 2020 · In this podcast we explore the important principle of commitment. We unpack why committment is so critical in being a successful leader. Looking at Matthew 16:24 - 25 we see the standard Jesus lays out for anyone who wants to be a disciple of His and how this standard has contemporary implication for serving as leaders in the context of student ministry.
Understanding when a leader make a commitment to something, they move from being involved to invested. Being invested means making a willing sacrifice, taking responsibility for your purpose, and following-through on your commitment. Being invested shows we are committed. The awesome thing about commitment, it frees us from the bondage of self, selfishness, and being self-centered.
So what are you willing to commit to? How can you improve your committment level as a leaders and ultimate increase your influence?
1 OCT. 2020 · The Next Level Leading Podcast exists to help leaders grow and get better. In this introduction podcast, we are given the brief leadership journey of the host and founder of Next Level Leading while also sharing the expectations of the future podcasts for listeners as well.
A podcast that helps leaders grow and get better.
Autor | Sean McInnes |
Organización | Sean McInnes |
Categorías | Sin fines de lucro |
Página web | www.nextlevelleading.com |
sean@nextlevelleading.com |
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