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No Place Like HOMAHA


    22 FEB. 2024 · Folks we reached the magical time of NCAA Baseball Opening Weekend! Mikey is back and we have a full squad to bring you guys the full run down of opening weekend. From the Camels taking their dominate weekend series win into the week, Wake Forest getting a punch early, to a couple of huge teams starting of unbeaten, we got you guys covered!
    Escuchado 33m 1s

    22 FEB. 2024 · Ladies and gentlemen, today is the day. COLLEGE BASEBALL IS OFFICIALLY BACK!!! Josh and Nick break down the preseason Top 25 and the preseason All American list to give you guys the insight of how our college baseball journey begins! Mikey hates us but he will be back next week! We also break down our early eight for the last teams standing in Omaha this season!
    Escuchado 44m 47s
  • 58 | Former Teammate Turned Hitting Coach : Rob Laughlin

    24 DIC. 2023 · Ladies and gentlemen the interviews continue! Mikey Love and JD sit down with their former teammate and now hitting coach at Central College, Rob Laughlin. With now this being his 7th year of coaching, Laughlin has been across the college coaching circuit. From Montana, to Wisconsin, and now back to Iowa, we dive into the mind of a coach from the NAIA level to now Division III. Sponsors Dubby: use code: CRONYOMEDIA for 10% off! https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbDBSUnJfRnY0OF9sZGVDLWdFanV6VzBrT1Yxd3xBQ3Jtc0trcmZUbjY0aHd3cEVyYkRqNWppM0JzUXFBU1FXNEdZU3RTb3BxcjNwMWRjeXJNejFRbTlJWC1OM0dmb2N3Y0hOUGxaMXZ5UmRZcG5zeW1zTmtWN1hGUm4tcGpsUTZjWUJKcUtJVGZZUUhkbHNlekNFdw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dubby.gg%2Fcollections%2Fall%3F..&v=KIVB1rbeDiY. Shank It Golf : use code CRONYOMEDIA for 15% off! https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbkJGWWZBSVVTb05JaFZqWDNsNGVDWk9JUkRqQXxBQ3Jtc0tuVl95Qks5b3JPTmp4Rjd2SFl5OHItem1VR09BbVNEdlhOQTlhRFl2ZnplczNMbnBiSjJrZzI4XzlDMEVmSVNnMS1wVU5TMEdvczlfa2lVOVJKc1lTZ3QxdENyY0FydjI3Rjc3VTFDX0Y4Z0t2ZXdMYw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fshankitgolf.com%2Fcollections%2Fhats&v=KIVB1rbeDiY
    Escuchado 51m 13s
  • 57 | Jared Jones Sitdown - Cornbelt Coach at The Next Level!

    8 NOV. 2023 · Ladies and gents we are back again! No Place Like Homaha coming at you with another interview this week! Highland Community College head baseball coach, Jared Jones, sits down with Mikey and Josh! Jones a former player in the Cornbelt League, talks about what he is looking for in college recruits! Sponsors Dubby: use code: CRONYOMEDIA for 10% off! https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbUliYUx4Yml5bTc2RGw0eFdRTmRMb28xN1VhUXxBQ3Jtc0ttR2tqc1hZT096V0diX3M4bkcxTzJ6cmpZOW91eUtKeDBLY25CWFlBX0VsdTZLa1ZTcTFtQ2dacERiX3M1YjBxVGNpTmF3bmdKNEtLeE9TVWp2bUhUdGRBQnpoMUZlVDN4Y2Y0dGVBYUM0U3hzZXFSYw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dubby.gg%2Fcollections%2Fall%3F..&v=ijewqE4VUWw. Shank It Golf : use code CRONYOMEDIA for 15% off! https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa0lnRnNWSFY5bnZjLUliVmRTRHp6dkgzdW96QXxBQ3Jtc0ttSkpxYWlmYS1KSEl5ampRLXoySnplSFF2R1N0YWZuNFFNekhjZXBhSTZGeDZhZXZrY0pQTWQxOXY2YW42S2lQWnlZMUJfVXVUcWxYbDExQVdJQjZzcGxYaUpzTmpBM2pkLXZ5eE5qRFkzeEY0WFg1RQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fshankitgolf.com%2Fcollections%2Fhats&v=ijewqE4VUWw
    Escuchado 56m 39s
  • 56 | Burger King Over McDonalds! 2012 Top 10 Kansas High School Recruit Scott Byerley

    27 OCT. 2023 · Well ladies and gentlemen your favorite college baseball trio is officially back! The Homaha boys are ready to bring you guys more interviews and insight on the college baseball scene! Today we have former Creighton Bluejay, Scott Byerley on the show! The 2012 top 10 high school recruit in the state of Kansas sits down to chat about his career at Creighton, as well as how the times have changed in the recruiting world! Use code : CRONYOMEDIA at checkout on Dubby.gg for 10% off and Shankitgolf.com for 15% off
    Escuchado 1h 9m 58s
  • 53 | The Season Ends!!! College World Series Breakdown!!!

    19 JUL. 2023 · Well ladies and gentlemen, the 2023 college baseball season has come to a close. congratulations to the LSU Tigers on an incredible season and a National Championship. Congratulations to the 8 teams that made it to Omaha. It has been one hell of a ride this year and we thank you for joining us in this epic season. Josh and Dr. Love break down the awards of the year as well as some major transfer news. The whole group will be back next episode and break down the draft! Sponsors Dubby: use code: CRONYOMEDIA for 10% off! https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbmsxa1QtZF9Ta2RnS1ctZ210TzBZaE9hTmd3d3xBQ3Jtc0ttV0FLWWpzcGFYMEd5eWs0WU1YUm80d3Y2N1hXc1pUVUZUT3V6NzVtbjUzdUZxNmFCRmtqUWFXSVNvbGdqdENmUGpfdGxtblctYlQwWG1SbGJOcG1wSzVqcnNZcEJXdTlWRVp1dVItOWEtempObEI3SQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dubby.gg%2Fcollections%2Fall%3F..&v=GgWkIN38X3E. Shank It Golf : use code CRONYOMEDIA for 15% off! https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa0gwdGhlOGJLQ2JJdkQ0a2taaU1LdWJYWkFOQXxBQ3Jtc0tsTG1KUjJVdzd4TVVndWJDOFlZQ2FDWVRNV1V6QjlQQWk4VnpFZmZpS0VaNlhJSFBpc3NoOXpyWXFYQnlFa3FueXViOGwtX0ttdlgyUHFBbmRxNmM4Y0xTN2pacWxlaW85ZEJ3bUx1MnhZR1VRV1Q5SQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fshankitgolf.com%2Fcollections%2Fhats&v=GgWkIN38X3E
    Escuchado 34m 44s
  • 52 | AND THEN THERE WERE TWO!! Championship is set!!!

    23 JUN. 2023 · 64 Teams have dwindled down to 2. The Mens College World Series has run it's course, and now only two teams remain!! Wake Forest fought hard all season, but they could not overcome the curse of the number one overall seed as they fall to LSU. Tommy Tanks walked off the super hard fought Wake Forest game with an absolute pimpshot to send the tigers waltzing into the final. The only thing in their way? The Elite offensive team that is the Florida Gators. Who will remain? The boys of Homaha will give you their predictions! TUNE IN!!!!
    Escuchado 37m 15s
  • 51 | THE ROAD HATH BEEN PAVED!!! Only 8 Teams Remain!

    16 JUN. 2023 · Folks we are ready.... IT IS TIME FOR THE COLLEGE WORLD SERIES! We started with 64 and only 8 remain as the College World Series kicks off this Friday! We have one 4 seed in the tournament for the first time since 2012! We give our predictions for the first round and who will win it all! Let's enjoy the greatest show on dirt! Sponsors Dubby: use code: CRONYOMEDIA for 10% off! https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbkZjeWFBd2picmJ2SmlEdDQtbE9MVEpkQkFXZ3xBQ3Jtc0trSy1lWDJ2XzlvT0NQTmw5eXhVVV9IbEYzNC1PR2haOXNsSE9qdzduS0NWZ0NGNHJQd0FGME1pMWdRSFNrWWRPMkRaaTJ0VjNHV0lhd2lOOXZRekZUblcwVFp2UlhqMC04WWVXMk9UQW5vemdVZXdSWQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dubby.gg%2Fcollections%2Fall%3F..&v=C2juuaoVYp0. Shank It Golf : use code CRONYOMEDIA for 15% off! https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa2dMMDZqZS1FLTFDQTBpNFN3ZEFqb0FWRkxTZ3xBQ3Jtc0tsUWJjMlpsSTNtQW1hMTdZVmNGU04tNGoxa2JQX3BqLVktRVNKSkt3VTB6OHB0UHZXT0VlazFoWjV4dXRwUHNVbjd3VTBRVmxpRWoyY3E3SG5aTk9iejUzUEJqUVNHSExRQkdnNWVMemtsOExCSDFVYw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fshankitgolf.com%2Fcollections%2Fhats&v=C2juuaoVYp0
    Escuchado 28m 12s

    11 JUN. 2023 · Well folks we are 1 step closer to Omaha! Super Regional play starts today! 16 teams left, only 8 teams can move on! We break down our Super Regional picks to see who will continue to on their Road To Omaha. Who's teams will move on and bring us some June magic. We are ready for the Greatest Show On Dirt! Sponsors Dubby: use code: CRONYOMEDIA for 10% off! https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbGZYWV9IaEVVelVNOGd6LTI4S0x3RF9fU2tMQXxBQ3Jtc0tsWnFNYzhqazBTU243TjJQeXQ1eWhhNm5CeFdGWThZVVBzYmFJTVkxRlAxSVVBVlljWHpQVlp4NjAydS1Qc0M1WDEtVGx6SHZNWlBmSTYtclhaRHNtMUtoWFVUbUwwRTFWR0pvWFpfeUdkSkZ2aGluZw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dubby.gg%2Fcollections%2Fall%3F..&v=_IqBL-r2bFo. Shank It Golf : use code CRONYOMEDIA for 15% off! https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbExvWkpWa181dENQTUhBaWEwZEVZU0xFSklnUXxBQ3Jtc0tsbWxmcXNxbWRDb3lWNDFrS1ViXzk0SVQ1RnZnVzdtam96ZzRSRXVFemZLY1prN1pfbEl4dXhtbXlaZEFmYU53ZGxYX2JYSnJVSlZMYUthX0pfdWNaZlc1Z2s3SnBjU2NmYlBkbENXRGZ2LXMtUm9iVQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fshankitgolf.com%2Fcollections%2Fhats&v=_IqBL-r2bFo
    Escuchado 30m 16s

    1 JUN. 2023 · Folks WE ARE IN THE REGIONALS! The boys and you lucky fans have been waiting months for this time to come. The Road to Omaha Kicks off Friday, and we have the coverage for you! Your Homaha boys had their picks for the final 8 in Omaha and let's see how many are in Regionals! Sponsors Dubby: use code: CRONYOMEDIA for 10% off! https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbVBfMmowQ21lSUdnbUpLdmFDeWxZQ3lST1V1Z3xBQ3Jtc0ttZFNyU0hoNEhtZVBiVVM2NEt4QWtJRXdjNmdtMGh4cDZfVks0bEJoWkUybTBrdDhKNDhXN2RYMDlOeHBsYVp0YktqMTBhTndWa0xpZW1nYTFpVDlFVHpoSmRSRnJzeUhUUkRKQnhZSlB3Uloza09XZw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dubby.gg%2Fcollections%2Fall%3F..&v=Bme46_adau4. Shank It Golf : use code CRONYOMEDIA for 15% off! https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbTFSZUw4c3pfTmViTm9ueHpnRlBsc0RpYXpFUXxBQ3Jtc0ttZU1nc2hQYmpYSUx6Z2dQQWh5RzRra2F4NGFHbkt0TnZUQUtiNG9aTFZoRDVoZC1yZmZHT0VRR2hSRGVyelhOaDRkYzVOdzRaTXhQdlF4TWh4MFZCcHUwcnNacXMyR2tWSlVhS1J3RFBidWtfc1dhNA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fshankitgolf.com%2Fcollections%2Fhats&v=Bme46_adau4
    Escuchado 41m 18s
Josh Wonder, Nick Henrichs, and Mikey Love chop it up and compare perspectives about NCAA Baseball.
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