2 NOV. 2021 · We unravel the journey of what pressure in your 20's mean. This is a time to realize what you don't want to do. The only pressure you should tolerate is a healthy amount formed by yourself not from folks around you. These people ( we take pressure from) probably don't even pursue what you do...so why bother? Learn to categorize your life and lower the magnitude at which the pressure level is at. JUST BREATHE MI GENTE! Sabrina and Melissa get it! We really do! We are living it. We are constantly thinking, " If not now...when?" When it comes to all aspects of life like acting, career, artistry , business, school, family, culture, and love. We take on so much self- accountability because we are aware and know how to consciously value what we have, want to maintain it, and balance it all while keeping a smile on our lil latina faces. Our issue isn't knowing how to value;rather, how to not give so much effort to where we have no energy left for ourselves. If people, your job, your family, etc don't like you for who you are now (because you occasionally have to say no)...then it's time to no longer make that title a huge pressure in your life. Once again, " If not now...when". That phrase will always surf on top our waves of thoughts living in our minds. It is because people with a growth mentality only think as such;however, if your "now" is not focused, clear, or healthy... you will never see a "when". Hear us speak raw fact and try to find a solution!