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Pilgrim on the 405

  • The Importance of Proper Employee Compensation

    26 AGO. 2022 · Summary:   On this episode of Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way, host Will Crist talked with Alex Freytag, an expert EOS Implementor. Alex is also the author of Profit Works, a book that unravels the complexity of incentive plans in order to increase employee productivity, cultivate an engaged workforce, and maximize company potential. Throughout the episode, Will and Alex discuss his EOS journey and the importance of properly compensating employees.    Shownotes: (1:13) Introduction to Alex (1:43) Alex’s EOS Journey (7:40) The Benefit of Employee Compensation (10:48) How Pressure Impacts Performance (13:19) Human Reactions to Being Rewarded (18:19) We First vs. Me First (21:18) Identifying Effective Incentives (25:48) Incentive Plans with Company-wide Input (30:53) About Profit Works (32:49) Utilizing People as Assets (34:09) Purpose of Profit Works (38:27) Quality Relationships in the Workplace (42:52) Closing Thoughts   Links: Will Crist EOS  Alex Freytag   Quotes: “Well and that really is what we as EOS implementers aim at isn’t it, it’s to really help businesses thrive.” - Will Crist, (5:54)   “So if we talk about employee retention and you talk about attraction and best places to work, the companies that are able to balance those rewards, their workforce is the one that tends to be the most successful from a profitability standpoint and from a growth standpoint.” - Alex Freytag, (8:32)   “The amount of pressure in an organization is directly correlated to performance, and so companies that don’t apply any pressure in the organization, no standards of performance, no expectation, no core values, no measurables, no scorecards, no 10-year target, and so forth, tend to have lower levels of performance than the companies that turn that dial up on those expectations…” - Alex Freytag, (11:47)   “...pick a minimum threshold of profit that the company has to reach before the incentive plan kicks in and then arm your workforce with tools and training and resources to actively find the money to incremental profit dollars over that threshold.” - Alex Freytag, (24:26) Contact Will Crist
    Escuchado 46m 37s
  • Challenges That Law Firms Can Overcome with EOS

    29 JUL. 2022 · Summary:   On this episode of Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way, host Will Crist talked with John Nachezel, an integrator of EOS for Mike Morse Law Firm, who has almost 14 years of experience implementing EOS practices. John was brought into the Mike Morse Law Firm all those years ago to help instill structure and cohesiveness to lay the foundation for scalability. Throughout the episode, Will and John discuss how to help law firms become the best they can be, how to get those law firms partners, and how to help them get what they want from their law firm.    Shownotes: (0:49) Introduction to John Nachezel (3:07) Challenges That Law Firms Can Overcome (4:25) Reconciling Ownership with the EOS System (7:00) Logistics of the Mike Morse Law Firm (10:43) An Integrators Approach vs. A Lawyers (14:20) John Living the EOS Life (20:44) Employees Living the EOS Life (22:55) Advice for Law Firms Wondering about EOS (24:14) Closing Thoughts   Links: Will Crist EOS  John Nachezel   Quotes: “So, if you’re an owner, that’s fantastic and you can sit in the owner’s box and you can have your own meetings and talk about owner’s things, but make no mistake, when you are in the business and you are wearing that hat and sitting in that seat, that you’re not the owner, you’re an employee, and that is completely separate and distinct from the other.” - John Nachezel, (4:50)   “...the only way you will grow is chaotically and then you hit a ceiling. You’ll hit a cap, you’ll burn out…because the chaos can only take you so far. And it’s ‘I don't have time to incorporate the principles that EOS teaches,’ but that’s the way you get time is by incorporating those principles.” - John Nachazel, (22:55)   “...it’s actually a very freeing thing. It’s not a stifling thing to have structure, and that structure and discipline is what allows you to unlock your creativity and allows you to be on offense delivering punches to the opposition…it frees you to be your best” - John Nachazel, (23:48) Contact Will Crist
    Escuchado 26m 31s
  • Helping Every Employee Live the EOS Life with Eric Lindsley of Knight Watch

    15 JUL. 2022 · Summary In this episode of Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way, host Will Crist is joined by Eric Lindsley, CEO of Knight Watch, a business that helps make buildings more secure, comfortable, and energy efficient. Eric and Knight Watch have been an EOS company for quite some time now, and he is known to his friends as an EOS Purist because of his commitment to living the EOS Life. Throughout the episode, Will and Eric discuss Knight Watch’s EOS journey, why every employee needs to live the EOS Life, trusting your team to make the right decisions, and much more!   Thanks for tuning in!   Show Notes (0:50) Introducing Eric Lindsley and Knight Watch (2:59) Knight Watch’s EOS Journey (9:22) Why Everyone in the Company Needs the EOS Life (16:58) Does the Great Resignation Affect EOS Companies? (22:44) Creating Consistency (24:36) The Decision Card (27:48) Trusting Your Team (30:48) Closing Thoughts   Links Will Crist EOS  Eric Lindsley Knight Watch     Quotes “About a year and a half [into EOS], I was working about five days a week, maybe even four. But you know, a very easy to maintain schedule. The stress level in the company came way down. The happiness level was good—I look forward to going in, especially for my weekly EOS meeting…”  Eric Lindsley, (5:50)   “This last quarter…[we did] more in book sales per quarter than we did the entire year of 2018.”  Eric Lindsley, (7:21)   “It can’t just be myself or the leadership team, but throughout the company, there has to be space. And that’s the nice thing about EOS and the EOS Life is it gives you space.” Eric Lindsley, (11:42)   “The nice thing that happens though, is when you lose people that don’t have your values, it opens up space for the right person to come in.” Eric Lindsley, (17:51) “The more I involve myself with things that are really not for me to be involved in, all I’m doing is communicating…[that] I don’t trust you to make that decision. If you have to get involved in every process, what you’re saying is, ‘I don’t trust you.’” Eric Lindsley, (28:53) Contact Will Crist
    Escuchado 34m 22s
  • EOS Turns Clients into Life-Long Friends

    1 JUL. 2022 · Summary: On this episode of Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way, host Will Crist sat down with Ed Callahan, one of the early adopters of EOS who has been with the program for more than thirteen years. Ed even helped Will himself become involved in EOS. Though he has now earned emeritus status, Ed’s life has been and continues to be impacted by his time helping others live their best EOS life. Throughout the episode, Will and Ed discussed life before EOS, clients and their unique stories, and advice to all implementers.   Thanks for tuning in!    Show Notes: (0:39) Introduction (1:15) Life before EOS (11:10) Client Stories (20:30) EOS Life (39:48) Advice to All Implementers   Links: Will Crist Ed Callahan EOS   Quotes: “I think that's a message to anybody listening…The clients you work with will become friends for life.” Ed Callahan, (16:46)   “EOS and its tools got [my clients] through this really difficult time at the front end and they swear by it.” Ed Callahan, (20:07)   “...EOS life has really been extraordinarily beneficial to me. You know, I'm an empty nester for a long time. Now I've got five grandchildren. So traveling to see those kids, traveling with my wife—it’s what we love to do.” Ed Callahan, (25:32)   “...Then and now, people rarely blink once they understand the value when they hear your fee.” Ed Callahan, (29:11) Contact Will Crist
    Escuchado 42m 9s
  • Entrepreneur Roundtable

    24 JUN. 2022 · Summary:  On this roundtable discussion episode of Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way, host Will Crist sat down with a panel of guests, from entrepreneurs to college students, to discuss important topics in the world of entrepreneurship. Varying from a few months to a few years, these guests used their personal experiences to discuss important topics such as delegation, conflicts, the future of entrepreneurship, and much more.    Thanks for tuning in!   Show Notes: (1:38) Introductions (15:51) The Importance of Delegating (29:11) Why Do Conflicts Arise? (32:48) Everyone Has to Be on the Same Page (38:53) Questions From the Students   Links: Will Crist Bob Doustdar Farshid Mahdavipour Slava Khristich James Cliame EOS   Quotes: “...This grip that the business has on the leadership can often be the largest obstacle to growth.” Will Crist, (16:17)   “As soon as I start delegating, actually business at that point started to pick up” Slava Khristich, (20:40)   “I try to figure out the ‘why’ of all my customers, what's driving them, and then try to figure out the best goals for them to reach their ‘why.’” James Cliame, (26:22)   “You don't create a position for people, you create positions, then fill up with the people.” Slava Khristich, (34:08) Contact Will Crist
    Escuchado 54m 49s
  • Working Smarter, Not Harder with the EOS Life

    10 JUN. 2022 ·   Summary: On this episode of Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way, host Will Crist sat down with Jim Coyle, an expert EOS Implementer. Jim has hosted about 700 EOS sessions to earn his title and is genuinely passionate about the work that he does with businesses. Jim truly believes in working smarter instead of harder, and he personally embodies the EOS Life in order to inspire and help others to do the same. Throughout the episode, Will and Jim discussed what life is like as an EOS Implementer and the impact of the EOS Life on clients.    Thanks for tuning in!    Show Notes: (1:00) Experience Transitioning to EOS Life (4:29) Vacation Time (6:11) Delegating Helps Others Shine (11:26) Life as an EOS Expert (14:23) Taking EOS Life Seriously (17:01) EOS Life for All (18:34) Creating Context for the EOS Life (25:11) Impact on Clients   Links: Will Crist Jim Coyle EOS   Quotes: “I think one of the reasons I became a coach within the community is because…I didn't want people to struggle at the same level I did. Maybe I could help them to have less of that…but as I got through that struggle, I started to see that, wow, I was really bringing some beauty into the world, making a big impact.” Jim Coyle, (2:35)   “...There was a whole system that we had to set up and so it took a little bit of work, but it was well worth it for sure.” Jim Coyle, (5:27)   “....I think that a lot of times we, as entrepreneurs, set up a culture [where] we are the center of the universe that is the business. And that ultimately can cause a lot of problems for the business because everything then has to go through you because that's what you designed. I don't think that entrepreneurs realize they designed it that way, and then they whine about it...I do see that they cause their own pain.” Jim Coyle, (5:39)   “When people bring their full self to a company, [that] is when you get the full value from the individual.” Jim Coyle, (22:55) “...I think that when we are the same person in all aspects of our lives…that's when we can really bring real value and love…to the world. I think that when we're putting energy into creating other personas, that doesn't work, and I do think the EOS Life helps with that.“ Jim Coyle, (23:07) Contact Will Crist
    Escuchado 32m 3s
  • How EOS Companies Deal With Supply Chain Logistics

    3 JUN. 2022 · Summary:   On this episode of Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way, host Will Crist talked with Mike Ryan, a managing partner of The M. Ryan Group, which has 25 plus years of experience serving Fortune 500 middle market businesses by helping them create results through supply chain and operations optimization. Mike truly enjoys helping businesses figure out how to unfreeze their cash that is stuck in a proverbial “iceberg of inventory.” Throughout the episode, Will and Mike discuss how to crush the inventory iceberg, how to harvest cash from their inventory, and supply chain logistics.   Shownotes: (1:21) Introduction to Mike Ryan (2:28) Lead Times in Supply Chain (5:38) How EOS Companies Deal With Supply Chain Logistics (10:13) EOS Mentality and Delegation (14:01) Living the EOS Life (20:14) Issues with Inventory (22:14) Just in Time Movement (28:49) Bringing Companies Back to the United States (30:52) Closing Thoughts   Links: Will Crist Mike Ryan The M. Ryan Group   Quotes: “It’s figuring out how do we look a little bit further down the road to understand what we have and what we don’t have so we can proactively plan around it.” - Mike Ryan, (2:19)   “If a business is running on EOS, they’ve got a process, they’ve got people, and most importantly, their accountability is defined…the results are going to be not as favorable and not as sustainable as a business that has people, process, and technology running in a framework like EOS.” - Mike Ryan, (5:54)   “...what I find so exciting is when people get clear about what their ten-year target, three-year picture, or one-year plan is. When they get clear about that…they can begin to compartmentalize the journey that they have rather than trying to do it all at once or carrying all that imagination.” - Mike Ryan, (11:38)   “When the predictability and repeatability goes out of the supply chain, the ability to do ‘just in time’ goes away with it.” - Mike Ryan, (23:27)   Contact Will Crist
    Escuchado 33m 7s
  • Helping People Reach Their Full Potential through EOS

    27 MAY. 2022 · Summary: On this episode of Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way, host Will Crist talked with Julie Markee, a life-long entrepreneur with 25 years of experience helping businesses improve effectiveness. Julie started her business about 11 years ago helping companies streamline processes and increase profitability. However, over time, she realized her true passion was helping people achieve their full potential. That’s when she discovered EOS and realized it was a great way to utilize her engineering background and help owners get more out of their business. Throughout the episode, Will and Julie discussed her journey and some of her client’s journeys.   Show Notes: (0:39) Introducing Julie Markee and Her EOS Life (5:42) How the EOS Life Impacts Julie’s Clients (9:24) Sharing the EOS Life with Every Employee (17:16) Core Values (24:27) Julie’s EOS Practice (26:03) Connect with Julie and Closing Thoughts   Links: Will Crist EOS Julie Markee    Quotes: “It’s just going to take off when we really start to talk about what it means to live a very fulfilling life in a way where we are using our unique abilities…we’re just fired up and excited to make our contribution to society.” Julie Markee, (8:44)   “...one of the things that makes an EOS company work so well is because the goal is a hundred percent of the right people, people who live with those core values most of the time.” Will Crist, (15:27) Contact Will Crist
    Escuchado 28m 51s
  • Building Community with EOS

    20 MAY. 2022 · Summary: On this episode of Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way, host Will Crist talked with Nathen Fox, a certified EOS implementer. Before hearing about the EOS Life, Nathen was a fractional executive who worked with anywhere from three to five companies at a time. He worked 60-hour weeks and was not being compensated correctly for the amount of work he was doing. Although he liked his job, Nathen realized something had to change and he soon began to embrace the EOS Life and help others do the same. Throughout the episode, Will and Nathen discussed how EOS has affected Nathen, his clients, and the people around them.   Thanks for tuning in!   Shownotes: (0:53) Introducing Nathen Fox  (1:14) How EOS Life Affects Nathen as an Implementer (8:46) EOS Life and Clients (18:49) Helping and Encouraging the EOS Life (21:28) What’s in It for Me? (38:11) Closing Thoughts   Links: Will Crist EOS Nathen Fox   Quotes: “...Do things that…fill your energy, bring you energy, bring you joy. And you know, when you're done, you should have more energy. And that's how I feel.” Nathen Fox, (4:09)   “My challenge is making time for other passions…We just had our quarterly meeting today with our team. And that was on the issues list is me protecting my time and making time for other passions. So we're making that happen.” Nathen Fox, (6:33)   “[The visionaries are] working on delegating the things that they like to do and are good at, so they can spend a hundred percent of their time in the box of things they love to do and are great at.” Nathen Fox, (9:44)   “We really were brought up to work hard and that'll take care of everything, but, that's not the case. They really got to learn to not work as hard.” Nathen Fox, (14:55) “I just believe in implementing EOS purely and making sure that companies stick to it and create that result quarter after quarter.” Nathen Fox, (39:15) Contact Will Crist
    Escuchado 41m 50s
  • Making Music Easier for Creators

    13 MAY. 2022 · Summary: On this episode of Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way, host Will Crist talked with Alex Kochetkov, the founder of Mubert, a musical platform that generates music with the power of AI. Although Mubert is Alex’s first startup, his determination and experience have helped him grow a successful startup quickly. The idea for Mubert came while Alex was on a run and became frustrated with finding the right music to accompany him. He came up with a solution, gathered a small team, and got to work making better music choices available to himself and others. Throughout the episode, Will and Alex discussed how Mubert works, the short and long term goals for the company, and obstacles that Alex and his team have encountered along the way.    Thanks for tuning in!   Shownotes: (0:50) All about Mubert (2:22) Getting Started (5:10) Obstacles in Building Mubert (9:08) 10-Year Target (12:30) Working Worldwide for Mubert (21:32) Creating and Implementing the Product Roadmap (22:53) Mubert Meetings (24:41) The Future of the Company   Links: Will Crist EOS Alex Kochetkov Mubert   Quotes: “It's super difficult to choose the tracks to run [to]...And it was so annoying for me. And I decided to create something that will help me to run and not to think about music.” Alex Kochetkov, (2:57)   “It helps people just not to think about music. So we should make the music the commodity.” Alex Kochetkov, (9:58)   “When you have the opportunity to work with your team in the evening…and to spend some time on these inspiring talks, when you talk not about your product, not about your current situation, but about the future of your product, that's the most inspiring thing.” Alex Kochetkov, (20:38) “...Mubert is the product that [content creators] can use. We have free plans, they can use Mubert to create the ideas that inspire them…which will never have these problems with copyrights…and to create something cool.” Alex Kochetkov, (27:33) Contact Will Crist
    Escuchado 31m 26s
Listen to Will Crist as he discovers how companies thrive in California.

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