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Plastic Surgery Uncensored

  • Breast Revision Surgery: 20 Years In The Making

    19 JUN. 2024 · Getting a breast augmentation in your 20s doesn’t mean it will last forever. Life happens, you have children, gravity takes effect, and your breasts inevitably start to sag. What should you do when getting a breast revision? What are the risks the second time around? In this episode of Plastic Surgery Uncensored, Dr. Rahban discusses revisional breast surgery with his guest, Jasmine. She shares her unique experience and perspective, having done a breast revision 20 years after having done her initial breast augmentation procedure. She also talks about how her experience with her first surgery influenced her approach to choosing a surgeon for her revisional surgery. Listen in as they delve into the importance of the patient-doctor relationship, the decision-making process post-children, and the challenges of finding the right surgeon for specific needs the second time around. Have questions, suggestions or ideas? We value your feedback!  Feel free to connect on social!   Get In Touch With Dr. Rahban! 🌐 https://www.radyrahban.com/contact/ 📲 https://tel:424 Follow Dr. Rahban on Social!  http://instagram.com/drradyrahban http://facebook.com/RadyRahbanMD  https://www.tiktok.com/@radyrahbanmd
    Escuchado 43m 14s
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    Navigating The UNEXPECTED Rhinoplasty Recovery [A Patients Journey]

    12 JUN. 2024 · When considering rhinoplasty, the consultation process plays a crucial role in determining the specific goals of your surgery. It's not all about aesthetics but about functionality, too. In this episode of Plastic Surgery Uncensored, Dr. Rahban focuses on male rhinoplasty, explicitly addressing the distinctions between male and female rhinoplasty procedures, the considerations for oily or thick-skinned individuals, and how a surgeon can guide the patient on what changes are needed to achieve the desired outcome. Dr. Rahban is joined by his patient, Anthony, who shares his experience with rhinoplasty. In Anthony's case, his nose was widened to help improve his aesthetics and his breathing. Join them as they discuss this procedure's impact on Anthony's life today.  Follow Us on Social! Instagram: https://instagram.com/drradyrahban Facebook: https://facebook.com/RadyRahbanMD TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@radyrahbanmd  YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@UCSkV_mUYnwuGcjWQSaUntTA
    Escuchado 34m 29s
  • It's All About the Face and Facial Rejuvenation

    5 JUN. 2024 · As we age, we want to maintain a natural, youthful look, but gravity takes hold, and the lack of elasticity causes our eyelids and eyebrows to sag. This can result in a heavy and closed appearance of the eyes. Unfortunately, nature can’t do it on its own and sometimes requires the help of a plastic surgeon. In this episode of Plastic Surgery Uncensored, Dr. Rady Rahban discusses facial rejuvenation by delving into eyelids and eyebrows and different types of brow lifts, including a limited or lateral brow lift, and explains the procedure for upper blepharoplasty. He also addresses the recovery process, duration of results, and the always important question of the risks associated with these procedures. Follow Us on Social! Instagram: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbUZCUkVJZ2xjOW1GRjdPS09RUGFMWTl4MEtHd3xBQ3Jtc0tscXEzRDBVLUpCeWE5SEl4U3MwNEtnNUFqeUVzd0lPUUUyOU9qaHVFVVBZLWhVT0pQeVpIZmtXX3ZFaTVXdzZBZ1dxVHFuYzFiS3VseS1Zcl9CcXpyUnhjQU1xM2pyRk1NOXljSlduUWhUV09pYTBNSQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Fdrradyrahban%2F&v=oAh51zgh1oI Tik Tok: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa1BQV3RBS2JWOHd1M2VjT1R3U1NDVGhTQzhBd3xBQ3Jtc0tsNkFpN1NHVmlNakx6QjBGQVFaNjBQd21kbFFENlNvUHY0blcwTkZlNUVnUXpzZVh6OXI1dktjekNjRVg2OTRrR2UyaC00ZlB2N1g3Xzh6TEYwQ3o2SUZWZFg2TnRvNUdnamJod1JFU3U1eEtkQjN0VQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.tiktok.com%2Fradyrahbanmd&v=oAh51zgh1oI Facebook: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbDdaMlNqUHRWX3JtMkN2Y1ZTNmVBdDV6bUtJUXxBQ3Jtc0tsVEludmVLTWQtckVzakQxZU5YNGVMWHB6aU0wbmc5VzNIcjktUXQ5cTl2bmlhTjFOVldrZkVyV2pJWndhZzJTZnRUWTJ0TW44eE1vOTRDUWpHRGJUUE1YcHB0c01vdkRYX1QyaWNKQXVXcVlpUnc3MA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fradyrahban&v=oAh51zgh1oI Website: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbjBIbmYtM3k1OUV1RDEtWm5GRFR4Q2p6QmRyUXxBQ3Jtc0ttMmEwQ2hINEhLVHY4NE5uRk44N3dHMGJqU1FkM2xBNVFhVzFZWTJNLXRhTmNVQmpLY21CV0Q4U2FHam9WZlhmeWdjTFBsTDBtMmZFcDNDbkFZNzE5d0FfVTBfVGdwcWh0RThtY3FpcnYxQ2hJVi11aw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.radyrahban.com%2F&v=oAh51zgh1oI RealSelf: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbDl2Zm1RNnctVm1SYnFUQnQ5OGNkZWRyeTZ0Z3xBQ3Jtc0tsMnF0MmZwV09iWl9EZW4xZVJESnQxUWRlRWlBLXFmY1VlemRfbElLLUZldFIwVGpYWGxWMUNWeVItV1N5M1hWVjZVMHh3TTN5ejRUSnNUYlZFT0k2T0tZZDJGdkxGbHpZRnhoMnJaTVdNYUdBZHpBVQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Frealself.com%2Fdr%2Frady-rahban-beverly-hills-ca&v=oAh51zgh1oI
    Escuchado 17m 28s
  • YOUR Questions Answered: From Fat Grafting and PRP to Tummy Tuck Revisions

    29 MAY. 2024 · What are some fat grafting issues to be aware of?  Is PRP an effective procedure to rejuvenate the under eyes?  What's the latest on Breast Implant Illness and textured breast implant safety? In the latest episode of "Plastic Surgery Uncensored," Dr. Rady Raban dives deep into YOUR questions, providing expert advice and knowledge on these popular topics. In this episode, Dr. Rahban and his producer Maria discuss the intricacies of fat grafting to the face, addressing issues like lumps, irregularities, and the importance of proper preparation and injection techniques. He also delves into the nuances of tummy tuck revision, lip lifts, and labial plasty, shedding light on common concerns and misconceptions. This is an episode you won't want to miss!  Listen to hear if your questions were answered!  Follow Us on Social! Instagram: www.instagram.comhttps://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbmxjdDRJeDVIY3JHbWtsWnJ2TWJkeUs1U1I5d3xBQ3Jtc0trME9SVFVxOFRoZDFTelh2amxaOXRnM1JyVllTUEtYYm5IZHpTM0dfbEVfUVNnYlJTUDllSUVaQ2FPMVlsZFZHN0stRFdkWnk5Mk9fZWRXTVlPeGgzR2ZDNUlDQTJkTTVNTjZ5ZWdpOEl3cEhhTUphYw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Fdrradyrahban%2F&v=oAh51zgh1oI Tik Tok: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa2VtN2Y5a2lIaGhZNEVheHN2YWZ4RVdpRjltUXxBQ3Jtc0trYlVpZGk0X0NiZHJPVWpQeFg0N01BbW44YUlJMEZZRWJBSjBPdzMxNTB6SmVUQXpxbUhSX2dKWm9wVzQzZXFaSTRxUlB5aHNqa2dWVV9DYU1oX3c1Sy1DSlcydURRcE5pTzNCZFE3UUlMRUxsUGVOOA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.tiktok.com%2Fradyrahbanmd&v=oAh51zgh1oI Facebook: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbUhESkM1QTZKN3BsMXBpQkpSTW5nbE8wbThqUXxBQ3Jtc0tuZU1UX0hpYV9VNjZ6UE80X2F5RXdJLXRjYWgzSkxLRy11WkVUNW9COG54ci1xU3pfcU9tNG8zVnJGVl9HaHVsMWtrUTB4aDVxR1pKTmlWRnJyUklFUGI2dDVQT0pLOWw5WVh1ajJYVFNQbkZZSFpLQQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fradyrahban&v=oAh51zgh1oI Website: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa3p0LW1uXzRiR3NPam9lNG83NjU4MVBpVk1Pd3xBQ3Jtc0tuVDlWNjF4dDNNNnA0cnpOVUw0Zi1vUENIU3JCUXVhMFh1X21vRU5ocHdlOUx2VGlUWnZSalJhNmlUMUJLeVpzUDVNMjh1bXZ0NUIyanNTcEtJbnRkU1hXNDU2bTU0UEJxTWN4eDNhMWVqRkM2ZDBVdw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.radyrahban.com%2F&v=oAh51zgh1oI RealSelf: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbjJzWlFzdnlnNjFMWWdxNTBTQUliaUxjc3o5d3xBQ3Jtc0trU05XTEVqQVNwOEJJbklVa1JmZWJUMkgtdDM2MF9XT09Ia3JHU0tUMzEzLXNtVVVkdUo1cGNjU3FCX1BuakhtM2ZBeWhWNFVvV2NDVlBzYlFqZjdWSUhDcU5yeFJBekRHYkF1b1lLdWhmRHd0NHgyOA&q=https%3A%2F%2Frealself.com%2Fdr%2Frady-rahban-beverly-hills-ca&v=oAh51zgh1oI
    Escuchado 33m 32s
  • The Ultimate Guide to Breast Implant Removal: A Patients Experience

    22 MAY. 2024 · Are you considering removing your breast implants? What should you expect after breast implant removal? Join us on this episode of "Plastic Surgery Uncensored" where Dr. Rahban and his patient Brooklyn take a deep dive into the decision to remove her breast implants after many years. Dr. Rahban walks us through the process of explantation, the different options available, and the emotional and physical journey that comes with it. Brooklyn's experience shows us that choosing to remove breast implants is a personal decision that needs careful thought and planning. People choose to undergo explantation for various reasons such as symptoms of breast implant illness, or capsular contracture. For others it could be as simple as no longer wanting them anymore, which was the case for Brooklyn. Her positive experience underscores the importance of thorough research, realistic expectations, and open communication with your surgeon. Dr. Rahban's emphasis on preparation and understanding the process is crucial for a successful outcome.  Don't miss out on this compelling episode that will leave you feeling inspired and empowered. SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/@radyrahban Follow Us on Social! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drradyrahban/ Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/radyrahbanmd Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/radyrahban Website: https://www.radyrahban.com/ RealSelf: https://realself.com/dr/rady-rahban-beverly-hills-ca
    Escuchado 26m 59s
  • The Untold Truth About Nose Job Revisions

    15 MAY. 2024 · Thousands of people get a rhinoplasty and end up unhappy with the results of their initial nose surgery. The reality is, noses are one of plastic surgery's most complicated procedures, and most surgeons don't do rhinoplasty. There are even fewer who will do a revision. What do you do if you are unhappy and need a revision? Are you a realistic candidate for a revision rhinoplasty? Listen to this episode of Plastic Surgery Uncensored as Dr. Rahban takes a deep dive into this topic with a realistic breakdown of the procedure, the pitfalls, and the importance of getting multiple evaluations before making your final decision the second time around.   Instagram: @DrRadyRahban Facebook: @RadyRahbanMD TikTok: @RadyRahbanMD Website: @Radyrahban.com
    Escuchado 19m 10s
  • The Unexpected Reality After Massive Weight Loss

    8 MAY. 2024 · Massive weight loss is not only a physical process but a psychological process as well. What defines massive weight loss?  You've dedicated yourself to losing a substantial amount of weight but now what? In this episode of "Plastic Surgery Uncensored," Dr. Rady Rahban addresses the complex issues faced after massive weight loss, focusing on body contouring surgery. He discusses the physical changes, such as excess skin and changes in fat distribution, and the psychological readiness needed for dealing with these changes. Dr. Rahban advises on preparing for surgery, including prioritizing concerns, consulting with multiple surgeons, and understanding the financial and recovery implications. He also touches on the recovery process, potential complications, and the importance of nutrition and scar care, cautioning against multiple concurrent surgeries. Follow us on Social Media! Instagram: @drradyrahban TikTok: @radyrahbanmd Facebook: @radyrahbanmd Website: www.radyrahban.com
    Escuchado 18m 27s
  • Skin Cancer Myths Debunked: Tips to Stay Safe This Summer

    1 MAY. 2024 · Many celebrities have recently announced that they have been diagnosed with skin cancer. Among them are Hugh Jackman, who was treated for skin cancer for a second time on his nose, and Andy Cohen, who was treated for melanoma on his lips. Both cancers developed on their faces, which is an area that can be life-altering because of their careers in front of a camera. Have you thought of how you would deal with it if you developed skin cancer on your face? Contrary to what many believe, skin cancer does not just affect older people, as is the case with Jackman and Cohen, who both are in their 50s. In recent years, skin cancer has increased among millennials and adults in their 40s and 50s. What is the underlying cause for the increase? Join Dr. Rady as he delves into this subject during the month of May, skin cancer awareness month. Tune in and learn to identify the different types of skin cancers, how we get them, and how to avoid them. Instagram: @DrRadyRahban Facebook: @RadyRahbanMD TikTok: @Radyrahbanmd Website: Radyrahban.com
    Escuchado 26m 30s
  • The Holistic Approach To Plastic Surgery

    24 ABR. 2024 · What defines a holistic lifestyle? How does plastic surgery fit into the holistic mindset? In this episode of "Plastic Surgery Uncensored," Dr. Rady Rahban and his patient Sandeep explore the complexities of choosing plastic surgery from a holistic perspective. Sandeep, a mother of two and a follower of a natural lifestyle, shares her experience with abdominal plastic surgery, including her motivations, recovery, and fitness journey post-operation. They discuss societal judgments, the privilege of surgery, and the importance of self-love and partner support. The episode aims to dispel misconceptions and emphasize the holistic approach to well-being, blending physical enhancements with a commitment to health and self-care.
    Escuchado 31m 32s
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    Celebrity Molly Sims Discusses Life Beyond the Red Carpet

    17 ABR. 2024 · Although celebrities may seem to live luxurious lives, the reality is that not everything in Hollywood is as glamorous as it may seem. Is the grass truly greener on the other side? Dr Rahban invites his close friend and patient, Molly Sims, a stunning model, actress, and entrepreneur, to his show.  On this episode of Plastic Surgery Uncensored, Dr Rady and Molly candidly discuss the less glamorous aspects of the entertainment industry and reveals how she manages to juggle her demanding career, family life, and the trials of being a parent. She also gives her insights as a beauty influencer and together they discuss the latest trends in cosmetic procedures, regenerative medicine, treatments, and the pitfalls of social media within the realm of plastic surgery.  This riveting episode is one you won't want to miss! Follow us on Social! IG: @drradyrahban TikTok: @radyrahbanmd Facebook: @radyrahban YouTube: @radyrahban
    Escuchado 58m 48s

Plastic Surgery is more popular than ever before but with this increase comes inherent dangers. Beverly Hills award-winning plastic surgeon Dr. Rady Rahban is here to help us navigate through...

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Plastic Surgery is more popular than ever before but with this increase comes inherent dangers. Beverly Hills award-winning plastic surgeon Dr. Rady Rahban is here to help us navigate through the possible dangers.

As more poorly trained and unqualified doctors join the industry, with unregulated procedures becoming more mainstream, patients are making misguided and dangerous life changing choices every day. He will present topics such as; how to get to the truth behind med spas and the taboos of plastics to the questions you should ask in a live consultation. Dr. Rady is a doctor on a mission to create awareness and send a message.

Join Beverly Hills board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Rady Rahban in “Plastic Surgery: Uncensored” as he and his guests give us unfiltered and valuable information that all patients wish they knew before they went under the knife. It will definitely be an eye-opening podcast you won’t want to miss.
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