Prosphorka Series The Ladder is follows the Ladder of Divine Ascent by St. John Climacus. This book is assigned to be read in the Churches during the Lenten season. If...
mostra másListen as Fr. Methodius attempts to show how we can all learn from "the Ladder". He bases his teaching on a premise taught by St. Anthony Krapovitsky who said that the unique form of Christian unity that is Orthodox, is Asceticism. Fr. Methodius believes that the Laity will not be able to truly live the Chrisitian life unless they discover this truth.
Prosphorka series the Ladder
Prosphorka series the Ladder
Prosphorka Series The Ladder is follows the Ladder of Divine Ascent by St. John Climacus. This book is assigned to be read in the Churches during the Lenten season. If...
mostra másListen as Fr. Methodius attempts to show how we can all learn from "the Ladder". He bases his teaching on a premise taught by St. Anthony Krapovitsky who said that the unique form of Christian unity that is Orthodox, is Asceticism. Fr. Methodius believes that the Laity will not be able to truly live the Chrisitian life unless they discover this truth.
Autor | Priest Methodius Chwastek |
Organización | Priest Methodius Chwastek |
Categorías | Salud mental |
Página web | - | |
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