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Rocking Midlife®- the Podcast

  • Redefining Menopause

    29 OCT. 2023 · Redefining Menopause Welcome back to the Rocking Midlife Podcast! In this week's episode, I had the pleasure of sitting down with London-based Rachel Lankester. Rachel is not just a fabulous author, (whose book is on the recommended New York Times list for books about menopause) but a mentor and podcast host of Magnificent Midlife, an online hub celebrating and empowering women in their 40s and beyond. During our conversation, we discuss the negative perception about menopause held by so many in western cultures. Rachel shares how this isn't the case in other cultures and explains how we should instead embrace menopause as a natural phase of life and not an “illness” needing medical intervention. She also shares her journey through menopause, along with tips she has discovered from experience and research. It's time to alleviate the anxiety associated with menopause and ageing, and celebrate this new season of life! Tune in now to this episode of the Rocking Midlife® Podcast and hear Rachel's insights about Redefining Menopause. Check out Rache's blog and podcast and get her book HERE: https://magnificentmidlife.com/ Grab my FREE ebook "The Ultimate Midlife Side Hustle Guide" HERE: https://bit.ly/midlifesidehustleguide #Menopause #MidlifeWoman #RockingMidlifePodcast
    Escuchado 36m 23s
  • Fighting for Your Health in Midlife: How to Become Your Own Advocate

    14 OCT. 2023 · Fighting for Your Health in Midlife: How to Become Your Own Advocate Do you feel like your midlife medical concerns are being dismissed and not taken seriously? Are you tired of being told ‘it’s all in your head’? You’re not alone! Join me on this episode of the Rocking Midlife® Podcast as I interview Dr. Efrat LaMandre, founder of The Knew Method. Dr E. helps people optimize their health, prevent illness, reduce medication and feel great by getting to the root cause of their illness. During our conversation, Dr E shares her story about how she and her wife became advocates for their own health during midlife and discovered functional medicine. She then shares a few examples about how a functional medicine professional might be your best chance of getting to the bottom of any nagging health issues you've been experiencing since you've hit midlife. Tune in now to this episode of the Rocking Midlife® Podcast and hear Dr. E's insights about Fighting for Your Health in Midlife: How to Become Your Own Advocate Check out Dr. E's website, blog and podcast HERE: https://theknewmethod.com/ Grab Cat's FREE ebook "The Ultimate Midlife Side Hustle Guide" HERE: https://bit.ly/midlifesidehustleguide
    Escuchado 30m 18s
  • Feel Fabulous At Midlife: Beauty Tips of French Women

    18 SEP. 2023 · Get ready to embark on a journey to rediscover your inner and outer beauty at midlife with this week's episode of the Rocking Midlife® Podcast! In this episode, I sit down with the fabulous Karen Viesta, a life and health coach, as well as the host of the Wellegant Woman Podcast, as she unveils practical beauty secrets of French women in their midlife prime. We dive into Karen's popular blog post, "The Beauty Secrets of French Women in Midlife," exploring the timeless elegance and self-care rituals that have made French women renowned for their ageless allure. Whether you're in your midlife stride or simply curious about the French approach to beauty, this interview is a must-listen. Get ready to feel rejuvenated and inspired as we decode the keys to feeling fabulous in your 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond! Check out Karen's website, blog and free resources HERE: https://wellegantwoman.com/ Grab Cat's FREE ebook "The Ultimate Midlife Side Hustle Guide" HERE: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbklIMDlKSkJ4c2pKSUdlVUZZWVZPMVByQmlzQXxBQ3Jtc0trbjc1NnZjTk1jMjVsU1VVc2pVaGZQS3NqZExKU3QwLUxFT29MYXJqdXdESXdFVVEzNFB0RUwyMEdUNUtxTEs0b3NXU2pISXhPVzFnNkZ0QWx3UElya1ItRkV2MkduOWNzR2ZyWlNaZzdpd04zTVVCSQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2Fmidlifesidehustleguide&v=j6HvLjMLevk
    Escuchado 39m 27s
  • Midlife Reinvention - Doctor to Film-Maker

    28 AGO. 2023 · Midlife Reinvention - Doctor to Film-Maker Are you feeling stuck in the same old routine of life? Ready for a midlife reinvention but have no idea where to start? Then look no further! Hear Ross Hewitt's inspiring story of how he made the leap from being a MD to trying his hand at film-making. His journey is both motivating and encouraging, and will perhaps give you the nudge you need to muster your courage to take the steps necessary for your own second act in life. Tune in now to this episode of the Rocking Midlife Podcast and hear Ross's story of midlife reinvention! Check out Ross's website HERE: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbFEyMDRvWGJ3djYwZjBfWVJKVW45Nl8tNW5zQXxBQ3Jtc0tuQVZVM2JVbEhna25GYmlEQW1BR0VFNkVMcndpcjRXNVdHTnNSeXRnQ3BVaEp5d3lNN1Y1ZVFMRXE4dEpUazRoUEhiMkxPZW01a2xPZExxVEpDcHdwTm5QSHpzeFFmdnFkc0RiZ3ItX0ZCbm5BZWVoWQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.kristhecat.net%2F&v=j6HvLjMLevk Grab Cat's FREE ebook "The Ultimate Midlife Side Hustle Guide" HERE: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbklIMDlKSkJ4c2pKSUdlVUZZWVZPMVByQmlzQXxBQ3Jtc0trbjc1NnZjTk1jMjVsU1VVc2pVaGZQS3NqZExKU3QwLUxFT29MYXJqdXdESXdFVVEzNFB0RUwyMEdUNUtxTEs0b3NXU2pISXhPVzFnNkZ0QWx3UElya1ItRkV2MkduOWNzR2ZyWlNaZzdpd04zTVVCSQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2Fmidlifesidehustleguide&v=j6HvLjMLevk
    Escuchado 22m 54s
  • Loving Life at 50+!

    7 AGO. 2023 · Loving Life at 50+! Have you found yourself in a bit of a slump? Maybe you're not feeling great about your looks, your life, or maybe you are simply just feeling "blah." After all, you're not a spring chicken in your twenties or thirties, so there's not much to look forward to - right? Wrong! In this episode of the Rocking Midlife® Podcast, I'm joined by a lovely lady all the way from New Jersey - Maria Sabando - who is the author of a soon-to-be-released book called "Loving Life at 50+!" Maria is a lovely, vibrant lady who has a contagious passion for life, and our conversation centered around how women can - and should - own their unique beauty. Doing so can increase your confidence, and help you choose to truly embrace this season in your life. Maria shares some practical tips about how you can look and feel your best and I know you will love her warm personality. This lady is a sweetheart! Check out Maria's website to know when her book is released HERE: https://www.officialmariasabando.com/ Grab Cat's FREE ebook: "The Ultimate Midlife Side Hustle Guide" Here: https://bit.ly/midlifesidehustleguide
    Escuchado 28m 24s
  • Nourishing your Soul through Friendships at Midlife!

    19 JUL. 2023 · Are you feeling lonely and disconnected at midlife? You don't have to stay that way! In this episode of the https://catcoluccio.com/podcast I'm joined by business partners AND best friends, Dr. Lynne and Dr. Brooke to discuss how powerful friendships are in your midlife years. During our conversation, these wonderful ladies share about the transformative power of friendships at midlife, offering valuable strategies and insights to help you overcome feelings of isolation through heartfelt, authentic connections with others. Check out Dr. Lynne & Dr. Brooke's business Life after Kids and access their free resources here: https://www.lifeafterkids.com Read more about Alison Jacobson and our interview here: https://catcoluccio.com/blog Grab Cat's FREE ebook: "The Ultimate Midlife Side Hustle Guide" Here: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbWZGUWZEQ3RTWjhDbF9uQ3NMdEVXOXQ2a2x2d3xBQ3Jtc0tsMUdXLWQzVEp5bFdrbjZ0NFhTREhjWUtDNTlKMUVVQnFGbVZvVHI2cnJOcEJjVHhqak5BNzNLa1ZEUkhZMGdtOEo5YS1MdVFSbS1qNlJGTnRkZWo1WXV6MXFYZjUzZktnaWFGSDEtajA1MTZfTEJINA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2Fmidlifesidehustleguide&v=IS6Jj1vLG8c Check out all episodes of the Rocking Midlife® Podcast here: https://.catcoluccio.com/podcast ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New Zealand-based Cat Coluccio is the Author of a number of best selling books, including "21 Hacks to ROCK your Midlife" and "Your Midlife Side Hustle." She is a qualified Educator, Personal Trainer and Life Coach, as well as the host of the Rocking Midlife® Podcast and Community. Her philosophy? "It's never too late to have a new beginning in life!" Connect with Cat: www.catcoluccio.com
    Escuchado 43m 54s
  • Managing Money at Midlife

    5 JUL. 2023 · Are you a woman in your midlife season, feeling overwhelmed when it comes to managing money? Then join us this week on the Rocking Midlife® Podcast as we talk to Alison Jacobson – an expert in personal finance who has been through some extremely tough times and come out the other side. Learn how Alison rebuilt her life after a shattering divorce and bankruptcy, and how she helps other women realize their potential for a more fulfilling life through taking control of their finances. Get on the wait list for Alison's Confidence = Cash Course Here: https://alison-jacobson.com/confidence-cash-waiting-list/ Read more about Alison Jacobson and our interview here: https://catcoluccio.com/blog Grab Cat's FREE ebook: "The Ultimate Midlife Side Hustle Guide" Here: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbWZGUWZEQ3RTWjhDbF9uQ3NMdEVXOXQ2a2x2d3xBQ3Jtc0tsMUdXLWQzVEp5bFdrbjZ0NFhTREhjWUtDNTlKMUVVQnFGbVZvVHI2cnJOcEJjVHhqak5BNzNLa1ZEUkhZMGdtOEo5YS1MdVFSbS1qNlJGTnRkZWo1WXV6MXFYZjUzZktnaWFGSDEtajA1MTZfTEJINA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2Fmidlifesidehustleguide&v=IS6Jj1vLG8c Check out all episodes of the Rocking Midlife® Podcast here: https://.catcoluccio.com/podcast ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New Zealand-based Cat Coluccio is the Author of a number of best selling books, including "21 Hacks to ROCK your Midlife" and "Your Midlife Side Hustle." She is a qualified Educator, Personal Trainer and Life Coach, as well as the host of the Rocking Midlife® Podcast and Community. Her philosophy? "It's never too late to have a new beginning in life!" Connect with Cat: https://www.catcoluccio.com
    Escuchado 30m 50s
  • The Menopause Transition!

    26 ABR. 2023 · Menopause can feel a confusing and tumultuous time - but it doesn't need to be a negative season in a woman's life. Today's guest on the Rocking Midlife® Podcast is Dr Cari Schaefer who helps women navigate this stage of life and embrace their Menopause Transition, and she shares some practical tips you won't want to miss! Dr. Cari Schaefer, DACM is the founder of Wise Woman Emerging, a platform midwifing woman through the menopausal change. As a women’s healthcare provider, lecturer, and teacher on health and nutrition and author of the Amazon best-selling book, "The Food Solution." For over 23 years, Dr. Cari has helped thousands of people identify and remove the barriers blocking them from feeling their best. Her vision is to restore women with the empowerment of this phase of life, lost in our current culture, and help them find the optimal mental, spiritual and physical balance she knows is possible. Read more about Dr Cari and our interview here: https://catcoluccio.com/blog Check out Dr Cari's business and access her free resources here: https://sustainablehc.com/wise-women-emerging/ Check out all episodes of the Rocking Midlife® Podcast here: https://.catcoluccio.com/podcast ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Grab your FREE gift! An ebook called "5 Tips to make your midlife Rock!" You can access it here: www.rockmidlife.com ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New Zealand-based Cat Coluccio is the Author of a number of best selling books, including "21 Hacks to ROCK your Midlife" and "Your Midlife Side Hustle." She is a qualified Educator, Personal Trainer and Life Coach, as well as the host of the Rocking Midlife® Podcast and Community. Her philosophy? "It's never too late to have a new beginning in life!" Connect with Cat: https://catcoluccio.com
    Escuchado 48m 29s
  • Create A Fulfilling Life At Any Age - You Can Do It!

    16 ABR. 2023 · Are you looking for a way to start living a more fulfilling life? Then this episode of the Rocking Midlife® Podcast will inspire you, as Gloria Carpenter shares her personal story, as well as tips about how you can create your most meaningful and joyous life - no matter your age. Learn how self-belief and understanding your true desires are the first steps on the path to a happier, more purposeful life. Tune in now and discover how to make your dreams come true! Gloria Carpenter is the best-selling author of "Power Up Your Dreams! Moving From Self-Defeat to Self Belief," a certified Dreambuilder life coach, motivational speaker and a professional singer in the New York area. She has always been driven to live a life she loves which is why she is quick to encourage others to live the life of their dreams. At 63 years old, she continues to do what she loves, and her mission is to see people happy and fulfilled doing what they love by utilizing their innate talents. * Read more about Gloria and our interview here: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbV9hbklXdHRDR0dfQXVsOUpRbWVkOTdQVlZQZ3xBQ3Jtc0tuM2dib1dqazVxSk5kcndJZWVON3gwNE1pZm8zcjFPdUlyY1JMQ3ljeHBhendKbVcxdUpRdFhsMXV5X3RwQ2JtQWR5OXlUNTdMeXY0TnFPWjI0NFN3bjFHemNzZUFrVExVWWl0YTZ4UnVlYW02UzRCSQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fcatcoluccio.com%2Fblog&v=v8L5heDdn48 * Check out Gloria Carpenter's business and access her free resources here: www.powerupyourdreams.com www.gloriacarpenter.net * Check out all episodes of the Rocking Midlife® Podcast here: https://.catcoluccio.com/podcast
    Escuchado 34m 38s
  • How Inflammation Affects The Body At Menopause (And What You Can Do About It)

    11 ABR. 2023 · Are you experiencing uncomfortable symptoms during menopause? Turns out, inflammation might be to blame. In this episode, I'm joined by Canadian nutritionist and women's health coach Annie Gaudreault, and we explore how inflammation affects the body during menopause and what you can do about it. Learn more about how to reduce inflammation and improve your health during menopause by tuning in to this episode. Annie not only explains how inflammation occurs, but gives practical tips we can implement right away to reduce its effect. As a nutritionist and health coach, Annie founded VEEV Health & Wellness to support the needs of smart and successful women, giving them the confidence to do what they want to do, with the energy that they need. An endurance athlete with 12 marathons and 3 Ironman triathlons under her belt, Annie lives what she preaches. A prior 25+ year career as a brand consultant working with executives of Fortune 500 companies gave her a solid background to serve the wellness needs of those living busy lives. She is a regular speaker to the media, corporations and lifestyle organizations on various topics of health. Read more about Annie and our interview here: https://catcoluccio.com/blog Check out Annie Gaudreault's business and access her free resources here: https://veev.ca/ Check out all episodes of the Rocking Midlife® Podcast here: https://.catcoluccio.com/podcast ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grab your FREE gift! I'm giving away an ebook called "5 Tips to make your midlife Rock!" You can access it here: www.rockmidlife.com
    Escuchado 27m 52s

The Rocking Midlife® Podcast's mission is to encourage women over 40 that life can ROCK in their next season. Hosted by Cat Coluccio, a vibrant speaker, entrepreneur, author and reinvention...

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The Rocking Midlife® Podcast's mission is to encourage women over 40 that life can ROCK in their next season. Hosted by Cat Coluccio, a vibrant speaker, entrepreneur, author and reinvention coach who resides in New Zealand, Rocking Midlife® features real, unscripted conversations with amazing midlifers from around the globe.

From menopause, to reinventing your life, to side hustles, to sex – no subject is off limits. Rocking Midlife® will inspire and motivate you to be brave, to stop procrastinating and to create the life and legacy you want!

Make sure to subscribe, leave a great review and please share so that our Midlife voices can be heard!

Here's to Rocking Midlife!
Cat x

Grab my free report, "5 Tips to make your Midlife ROCK" and subscribe to my newsletter so that you never miss an episode! www.rockmidlife.com

Let's connect!
Website: www.catcoluccio.com
FB / Insta / IN: @catcoluccio
Email: cat@catcolucico.com
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