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Sakeliga Beleidsradar

  • [LUISTER] Skrootmetaaluitvoerbeperking en ander beleidskwessies aan einde 2022 - Beleidsradar op Pretoria FM

    7 DIC. 2022 · In hierdie episode van Beleidsradar op Pretoria FM gesels Gerhard van Onselen met omroeper James Kemp oor ’n allegaartjie van beleidskwessies aan die einde van 2022. Daar word gekyk na die onlangse regeringsbesluit om die uitvoer van skroot vir ʼn tydperk van ses maande te verbied, asook na die nuwe Wetsontwerp op Openbare Verkryging. Kan hierdie wetsontwerp as een van die eerste spykers in die doodskis van die omstrede beleid van Swart Ekonomiese Bemagtiging (SEB) gesien word? Luister en deel gerus! English: In this episode of Beleidsradar on Pretoria FM, Gerhard van Onselen talks to announcer James Kemp about a mixed bag of policy issues towards the end of 2022. The government’s recent decision to prohibit the export of scrap metal for a period of six months is looked into, as is the new Public Procurement Bill. Could this Bill be seen as one of the first nails in the coffin of the controversial Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) policy? Feel free to listen and share! Source: https://www.pretoriafm.co.za/category/webgrepe/sake20-20/ Bron: https://www.pretoriafm.co.za/category/webgrepe/sake20-20/
    Escuchado 10m 22s
  • [Sakeliga op RSG Plus] Sakeliga takel munisipale verval in die howe - vestig nuwe regspraak

    8 NOV. 2022 · Tian Alberts (regsbeampte by Sakeliga) gesels op RSG oor gebeure op regsgebied waarby Sakeliga tans betrokke is. Sakeliga voer tans verskeie hofsake en is veral betrokke by sake waar daar beoog word om munisipale hervorming te bewerkstellig. Sakeliga het byvoorbeeld in 2021 ʼn sogenaamde “spesiale betaalmeester”-hofsaak in Noordwes aanhangig gemaak. Die doel van hierdie saak is om ʼn onafhanklike ouditeursfirma as sogenaamde “spesiale meester” aan te stel om seker te maak dat alle gelde vir invorderings en heffings vir kritieke dienste soos water en elektrisiteit aan verskaffers betaal word. Sakeliga het onlangs ook die hooggeregshof in Mahikeng genader en regshulp is toegestaan in die hofaansoek oor die krisis in Lichtenburg en Coligny in die Ditsobela-munisipaliteit. Die uitspraak is deel van ʼn hofsaak waarmee Sakeliga en ander partye gemeenskappe se rol by die herstel van watervoorsiening ordelik wil versterk. Sakeliga is verder ook betrokke by ʼn saak teen Eskom. Duisende boere en ondernemings regoor die land wat hul krag direk by Eskom aankoop, word nou ook deur sogenaamde "strafkrag" getref en Sakeliga het weer toegetree om die betalende eindverbruikers van krag te beskerm. Bron: https://www.rsgplus.org/ Sakeliga tackles municipal decay in the courts – establishes new case law Tian Alberts (legal officer at Sakeliga) talks on RSG about developments in the field of law where Sakeliga is involved at present. Sakeliga currently is driving several court cases and is in particular involved in cases aimed at bringing about municipal reform. So, for example, in 2021 Sakeliga launched a so-called “special paymaster” court case in North West. The aim with this case is to appoint an independent auditing firm as so-called “special master” with a view to ensuring that all moneys for collection and levies for critical services such as water and electricity supply are paid to suppliers. Sakeliga recently also approached the high court in Mahikeng and relief was granted in the court application concerning the crisis in Lichtenburg and Coligny in the Ditsobela Municipality. The judgment forms part of a court action by means of which Sakeliga and other parties wish to enhance the role of communities in restoring water supply in an orderly manner. Sakeliga also is involved in a case against Eskom. Thousands of farmers and businesses across the country who buy their power directly from Eskom are now being hit with so-called “punish power” and Sakeliga again has intervened to protect the paying end-users of power. Source: https://www.rsgplus.org/
    Escuchado 24m 25s
  • [Beleidsradar op Pretoria FM] Belasting op invoere van aartappelskyfies benadeel verbruikers

    7 NOV. 2022 · Gerhard van Onselen (Sakeliga, operasionele bestuurder en ontleder) gesels met James Kemp op die Beleidsradar-insetsel (Sakekern, Pretoria FM) oor die onlangse herrie oor invoerbelasting op gevriesde aartappelskyfies. Van Onselen bevraagteken die sukses van hierdie invoerbelastings om plaaslike bedrywe werklik te ondersteun. Uiteindelik kom die koste van sulke belastings grotendeels op verbruikers en selfs op sekere ondernemings te lande, met nadelige gevolge. In hierdie stadium, reken Van Onselen, kan verbruikers kwalik bekostig om méér vir kos te betaal. Sakeliga reken dat plaaslike bedrywe ten beste ondersteun kan word deur weg te doen met rampspoedige regulasies, rompslomp, beurtkrag, en skadelike inmenging in die ekonomie. [English] Taxes on imports of frozen potato chips harm consumers Gerhard van Onselen (Sakeliga, operational manager and analyst) talks with James Kemp in the Beleidsradar insert (Sakekern, Pretoria FM) about the recent outcry about import duties on frozen potato chips. Van Onselen questions the success of such taxes on imports to really support local industries. The costs of such duties ultimately are borne mainly by consumers and even certain businesses, with harmful consequences. At this stage, according to Van Onselen, consumers can hardly afford paying even more for food. Sakeliga believes that local industries can best be supported by abolishing disastrous regulations, red tape, load shedding and harmful economic interference in the economy.
    Escuchado 11m 13s
  • [Beleidsradar op Pretoria FM] Dis-Chem se penarie – besighede is nie agente van die staat nie – Piet le Roux

    28 OCT. 2022 · Piet le Roux (Sakeliga se uitvoerende hoof) gesels met James Kemp op die Beleidsradar (Vrydae-aande op Sakekern Pretoria FM) oor die onlangse herrie oor ‘n interne memorandum by Dis-Chem. Die memorandum plaas ‘n moratorium op die verdere aanstelling en bevordering van wit mense in Dis-Chem. Hierdie moratorium is uit verskeie oorde verwerp. Hoewel die memorandum teruggetrek is, is dit nog nie duidelik of Dis-Chem van die beleid self gaan afstand doen nie. Die gesprek beskou die penarie waarin Dis-Chem en soortgelyke maatskappye hulself nou bevind. Le Roux wys daarop dat Dis-Chem in ‘n moeilike, maar nie onmoontlike posisie is nie. Sakeliga is wel bekommerd dat groot maatskappye te maklik en te gelate instem om agente vir die staat se skadelike beleide gemaak te word. Sakeliga meen ondernemings moet nie net gelate aanvaar om agente van skadelike staatsbeleid gemaak te word. Ondernemings moet veral nie in hul eie planne in hul teikens hul eie straf oplê nie. In die komende tyd – met sulke beleide wat strenger toegepas sal word – meen Le Roux moet ondernemings saamstaan in georganiseerde groeperings om effektief teen sulke beleide terug te druk. [English] [Beleidsradar on Pretoria FM] Dis-Chem’s predicament – businesses are not agents of the state – Piet le Roux Piet le Roux (Sakeliga's CEO) talks to James Kemp on the Beleidsradar (Friday evenings in Sakekern Pretoria FM) about the recent uproar caused by an internal memorandum of Dis-Chem. The memorandum places a moratorium on any further appointments and promotions of white people at Dis-Chem. The moratorium has been denounced from various circles. While the memorandum has been withdrawn, it is not yet clear whether Dis-Chem is going to drop the policy itself. During the conversation, the predicament Dis-Chem and similar companies find themselves in will be discussed. Le Roux points out that Dis-Chem is in a difficult but not impossible situation. Sakeliga, however, is concerned that big companies too easily and too resignedly agree to be made agents for the harmful policies of the state. Sakeliga believes businesses should not simply agree to be made agents of harmful state policy. In particular, businesses should not impose their own punishment in their own plans and targets. With such policies that are going to be applied even stricter in times to come, Le Roux says businesses should stand together in organised groupings to push back effectively against such policies.
    Escuchado 11m 16s
  • [Beleidsradar op Pretoria FM] Strenger regulering van tabak en e-sigarette – ʼn breër siening

    19 OCT. 2022 · Tabak en e-sigarette is omstrede produkte. Die gesondheidsowerhede in Suid-Afrika beoog wetgewing om sulke produkte nog strenger te reguleer. Gerhard van Onselen (Sakeliga) gesels met James Kemp oor die besluite om sodanige produkte strenger te reguleer. Van Onselen sê dat sulke regulasies sal uitloop op verskeie ongewenste faktore soos ‘n hewige sentralisering van beheer oor mense se keuses en voorkeure, en skade tot die handels- en eiendomsregte van maatskappye. Hy meen sulke regulasies moet omsigtig benader word met oorweging van belangrike opwegings. Onlangs was daar ook die ervaring dat streng regulering en ʼn verbod op sulke produkte nie werklik slaag nie, dat sulke regulasies groot koste vir belastingbetalers inhou, en dat ander skadelike newe-effekte vanuit regulasies self kan voortspruit. Stricter regulation of tobacco and e-cigarettes – a broader perspective Tobacco and e-cigarettes are controversial products. The health authorities in South Africa are envisaging legislation for even stricter regulation of such products. Gerhard van Onselen (Sakeliga) talks to James Kemp about the decision to regulate such products more strictly. Van Onselen believes that such regulations will produce several concerning consequences such as evident centralisation of control over people’s choices and preferences, and harm to property and commercial rights of companies. He says such further regulations should be approached carefully considering important trade-offs. Another consideration is the experience that strict regulation and prohibition of such products are often not successful, that regulation implies huge cost to taxpayers, and itself often leads to other harmful policy consequences.
    Escuchado 12m 5s
  • [Sakeliga op RSG Monitor] Krisis in Lichtenburg, Coligny – Sakeliga kry gunstige uitspraak in hof

    19 OCT. 2022 · Tian Alberts (Sakeliga regsbeampte) gesels met RSG Monitor oor Sakeliga se onlangse uitspraak oor die Ditsobotla-munisipaliteit waar dienslewering en watervoorsiening inmekaargestort het. Sakeliga het die hof genader om die administrateur te verplig om nou watervoorsiening in die munisipaliteit te herstel. Die uitspraak in die hooggeregshof in Mahikeng is ’n onderdeel (Deel A) van ’n tweedeelhofsaak waarmee Sakeliga en andere die rol van gemeenskappe by die herstel van watervoorsiening ordelik wil versterk en die nasionale regering tot verantwoording wil roep. [Sakeliga on RSG Monitor] Crisis in Lichtenburg, Coligny – Sakeliga obtains favourable judgment in court Tian Alberts (Sakeliga legal officer) talks to RSG Monitor about a recent judgment on the Ditsobotla Municipality where service delivery has collapsed. Sakeliga approached the court to restore water services in the municipality. The judgment in the high court in Mahikeng forms part (Part A) of a two-part court case by means of which Sakeliga and other parties want to strengthen the role of communities in restoring water supply in an orderly manner. Sakeliga also seeks to pressure national government to account for such failings.
    Escuchado 3m 48s
  • [Beleidsradar op Pretoria FM] BEE-kode: Sakeliga teen rasgebaseerde inmenging by die onafhanklikheid van die regsberoep

    28 SEP. 2022 · Piet le Roux (Sakeliga uitvoerende hoof) gesels op die Beleidsradar-insetsel vir Sakekern (Pretoria FM) oor die voorgestelde BEE-kode vir die regspraktyk, naamlik vir prokureurs en advokate. Hierdie kode word voorgestel om ingrypende BEE-bepalings in die regsprofessie te vestig. Volgens Le Roux poog die kode om strenger rassetransformasie in die regsprofessie af te dwing en om onredelike bepalings wat selfs op verpligte arbeid neerkom, in te stel. Daarby kom die kode verder daarop neer dat dit bykans onmoontlik sal wees vir regspraktisyns om te praktiseer indien daar nie aan BEE voldoen word nie. Die kode sal 'n vertrouensverhouding veroorsaak wat die verhouding tussen praktisyns en hul kliënte sal benadeel en maak in geheel inbreuk op die nodige onafhanklikheid van die regsberoepe, meen Le Roux. Sakeliga staan die kode in geheel teë en het onlangs kommentaar daarop ingedien. __________________________ BEE code: Sakeliga opposed to racially based interference in the independence of the legal profession Piet le Roux (Sakeliga’s CEO) talks in the Beleidsradar insert for Sakekern (Pretoria FM) about the proposed BEE code for the legal profession, namely for attorneys and advocates. This code has been proposed with a view to introducing BEE provisions in the law profession. According to Le Roux the code is aimed at enforcing stricter racial transformation in the law profession and at introducing unreasonable provisions, which boil down to compulsory labour. Furthermore, the code implies that it would be virtually impossible for legal practitioners to practise their profession if they do not comply with BEE. The code will also harm the relationship of trust between practitioners and their clients, and in general the code violates the essential independence of the legal professions, Le Roux says. Sakeliga is opposed to the code in its entirety and recently submitted commentary in this regard.
    Escuchado 9m 51s
  • [Beleidsradar op Pretoria FM] Martin van Staden bekyk die wetsontwerp op onteiening – wat volg volgende?

    16 SEP. 2022 · [Scroll down for English] Martin van Staden (regsgenoot by Sakeliga) gesels op die Beleidsradar-insetsel (Pretoria FM) oor die wetsontwerp op onteiening. Hy gee sy mening oor die wetsontwerp in die lig van die voorgestelde grondwetwysiging wat nie geslaag het nie. Van Staden benadruk die belang van sterk eiendomsreg en wys op die kortsigtigheid van ’n aanslag op eiendomsreg. Daar is verskeie maniere hoe swak eiendomsreg skade vir belegging en sake veroorsaak. Die wetsontwerp, meen Van Staden, skep sekerheid oor swak beleid wat die ekonomie sal belemmer. Die wetsontwerp bied ’n wesenlike gevaar vir privaatbesit en Van Staden verduidelik die proses wat volg. Sakeliga hou die saak dop en sal op verskillende vlakke toetree om sekerheid oor eiendomsreg te verseker. Martin van Staden takes a look at the Expropriation Bill – what next? Martin van Staden (Legal Fellow at Sakeliga) discusses the Expropriation Bill on the Beleidsradar insert (Pretoria FM). He provides his views on the Bill in light of the proposed constitutional amendment that did not succeed. Van Staden emphasises the importance of strong private property rights and highlights the short-sightedness of undermining ownership. There are several ways in which weak property rights result in harm to investment and business. According to Van Staden, the Bill creates certainty for poor policy that will harm the economy. The Bill embodies a substantial threat to private ownership, and Van Staden explains the legislative process currently underway. Sakeliga is monitoring the situation and will intervene at several levels to ensure certainty about private property rights.
    Escuchado 10m 26s
  • [Beleidsradar op Pretoria FM] Kan die Mededingingskommissie armoede oplos?

    7 SEP. 2022 · [Scroll down for English] In hierdie episode van Beleidsradar (op Pretoria FM, Sakekern) gesels Gerhard van Onselen (Strateeg by Sakeliga) met omroeper James Kemp oor die Mededingingskommissie, monopolieë en ongelykheid. Dit volg op die standpunte van minister Ebrahim Patel in September 2022 oor monopolieë in Suid-Afrika. Die Mededingingskommissie beoog om al hoe meer ingrypend op tree, maar is hierdie optrede die manier om probleme soos armoede en ongesonde ongelykheid op te los? Van Onselen bespreek Sakeliga se benadering tot vrae oor monopolieë en ongelykheid. Sakeliga glo op die ou einde is sterk en florerende sakegemeenskappe die beste manier om armoede en soortgelyke probleme op te los. Can the Competition Commission solve poverty? In this episode of Beleidsradar (on Pretoria FM), Gerhard van Onselen (strategist at Sakeliga) talks to announcer James Kemp about the Competition Commission, monopolies and inequality. This follows the points of view expressed by Minister Ebrahim Patel in September 2022 regarding monopolies in South Africa. The Competition Commission intends acting ever more drastically, but is this the way to solve problems such as poverty and harmful inequality? Van Onselen discusses Sakeliga’s approach to issues regarding monopolies and inequality. Ultimately, Sakeliga believes strong and thriving business communities are the best way to solve poverty and similar problems.
    Escuchado 11m 13s
  • [Beleidsradar op Pretoria FM] Wetsontwerp op betreding bekyk – noodsaak vir sterk eiendomsreg beklemtoon

    30 AGO. 2022 · Tian Alberts (regs- en skakelbeampte by Sakeliga) gesels met James Kemp op die Beleidsradar-insetsel (Pretoria FM). Die gesprek bekyk die nuwe wetsontwerp op betreding (onwettige toegang tot persele) wat onlangs vir kommentaar gepubliseer is. Hierdie wetsontwerp was onlangs prominent in die nuus en die sosiale media. Alberts gee meer inligting oor die wetsontwerp en weerlê ’n aantal wanopvattings. Wat egter vir Sakeliga belangrik is, is dat eiendomsreg beskerm moet word. Die wetsontwerp behou die statutêre misdryf van betreding en toon in daardie opsig niks ongewoons nie. Elemente soos die rol van die SAPD soos bepaal in die wetsontwerp, word egter bevraagteken. Die publiek word aangeraai om die wetsontwerp te ondersoek en kommentaar daarop in te dien. ____________________________________ New Trespassing Bill – the need for strong ownership rights is emphasised Tian Alberts (legal and liaison officer at Sakeliga) talks to James Kemp in the Beleidsradar insert (Pretoria FM). The insert takes a look at the new Unlawful Entry on Premises Bill that was recently published for comment. This Bill has been prominent in the news and on social media. Alberts gives more information on the Bill and refutes a number of misconceptions. What is important to Sakeliga, however, is that right of ownership must be protected. The Bill retains the statutory offence of trespassing and it contains nothing unusual this regard. However, elements such as the role of the SAPS as stipulated in the Bill are being questioned. The public are advised to study the Bill and submit their comments on it.
    Escuchado 6m 55s
Die Beleidsradar is Sakeliga se podsending oor beleid en hoe dit jou en jou besigheid raak.
Autor Sakeliga
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