Slay The Mic Podcast • Spotlighting public speakers around the world and discovering how they found their voice.

Slay The Mic Podcast With Jam Gamble
Slay The Mic Podcast With Jam Gamble
Jam Gamble [ #SlayerOfTheMic]Episodios & Posts
6 FEB. 2019 · Entrepreneur, co-founder of DXM Creative, Tech + Innovation dude at the Brampton Economic Development, part-time rapper, (TAKES A DEEP BREATH) and full-time Brampton man with the SLICKEST beard, shares his voice, story, and wisdom on this episode of Slay The Mic Podcast.
To connect with me further:
Twitter/IG/FB : @IamJamGamble
To connect with Astawa and see hear him drop wicked biz tips follow him on IG @a.stawa
26 DIC. 2018 · In this special episode of #SlayTheMic Podcast, I didn't speak to a public speaker. I interviewed a woman who is a proud educator and an incredible mother, with a story that she's strong enough to share.
I decided to interview Shivonne because I've watched via social media, how her life has changed over the years. For women with similar stories like Shivonne's, they may feel afraid to speak out in fear of being judged.
In my opinion, the best speakers are those without a stage, a spotlight, or even a microphone, who unapologetically share their voice to not only empower themselves, but others.
If you are a listener who has experienced trauma, please know that your voice and story matter. Please do not feel that you're not allowed to release your pain because it will make someone else look bad or even make you look weak. You have every right to release that.
I hope this episode inspired you in some way. A big thank you to Shivonne for trusting me to share a piece of her.
To connect with me further:
Twitter/IG/FB : @IamJamGamble
26 DIC. 2018 · When we think of recognizable voices in ministry, we often think of men like Joel Osteen and T.D. Jakes, and often forget women like Joyce Meyer who are paving the way and delivering sermons powerful enough to shake us to our core.
On episode 11 of #SlayTheMic Podcast, Christian speaker, author, and woman of ministry, Jessica Samantha Grant blesses us with her testimony and insight. She shares with us how she finds the strength and words to deliver her message to captivate her audience in church and beyond.
--Did you enjoy this interview as much as Jam did? Tell her! Connect with her today.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/iamjamgamble
Facebook: https://facebook.com/Iamjamgamble
Email: slaythemicprogram@gmail.com
Want to connect further with Jessica?
Follow her on Instagram : @iamshespeakstruth
Website: www.sistersinpraise.ca
14 NOV. 2018 · How does a lawyer #SlayTheMic? It’s definitely more than what you see on Law & Order! On this episode, Jam sits down with Rick Bickhram, an experienced and passionate litigator from Mississauga, Ontario. Bickrham’s practice of law includes all areas of estate, trust, capacity and guardianship litigation as well as family law litigation.
Committed to the advancement of legal knowledge, Rick is a regularly published author writing numerous articles relating to estate, trust and family law topics and is also a frequent speaker lecturing frequently before legal and professional associations, at local conferences and to law students.
In his spare time, Rick is an active member of his community involved in numerous youth related projects. Rick also hosts his own radio show, "Ask Your Lawyer, Ask Rick". Rick's radio show airs once a month on Sangeet Radio, where he frequently touches on a wide variety of legal issues affecting the community.
Enjoyed this episodes want to tell us how YOU #SlayTheMic? Share your feedback and connect with Jam!
Twitter: https://twitter.com/iamjamgamble
Facebook: https://facebook.com/Iamjamgamble
website: https://www.msjam.com
17 MAY. 2018 · Let's talk sales! Do you think you have the charisma to seal the deal? Neil definitely does.
Neil Persaud is a Digital Strategist and Business Development Wizard with more than 20+ years of integrated marketing experience. He is currently the Business Development Manager, at Candybox Marketing (an award winning, digital marketing agency located in Mississauga, ON.)
Neil helps clients across many verticals with their digital marketing campaigns and strategies.
With clients across Canada, the United States, Caribbean and Europe, Neil brings a refreshing approach towards marketing in today's online marketplace.
Listen and discover how Neil #SlaysTheMic in sales!
Enjoyed this episode? Share your feedback and connect with Jam!
Twitter: https://twitter.com/iamjamgamble
Facebook: https://facebook.com/Iamjamgamble
website: https://www.msjam.com
Want to connect with Neil?
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/persaudneil/
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/neilpersaud76/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/neil.persaud.76
Twitter - https://twitter.com/neilpersaud76
17 MAY. 2018 · *Warning* Siri decided to make a guest appearance during this interview. I'm assuming Apple wants me to interview them next?
Also....THIS INTERVIEW WAS EVERYTHING. You'll have to listen to it twice!
I help people get what they want.”
Nicknamed “the negotiator” as a child, Fotini has always channeled her energy into a passion for the power of forward thinking. Today, business executives partner with her to achieve their business goals, increase profitability and create a competitive advantage. Fotini empowers executives and their teams through her expertise in negotiation, communication and persuasion. To share her strengths with more business leaders, she is also an adjunct professor of MBA Negotiations at the Schulich School of Business at York University in Toronto where she completed her MBA in Organization Behavior.
Did you love this interview as much as Jam did? Tell her! Connect with her today.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/iamjamgamble
Facebook: https://facebook.com/Iamjamgamble
website: https://www.msjam.com
Want to learn how to negoiate like Fotini? Connect with her!
17 MAY. 2018 · Chad describes himself as a husband, father, a HUGE Jays fan, an education junkie....and a part time Ninja. I describe him as a fellow #SlayerofTheMic in education. As a Vice Principal in Guelph ON, Chad shares how his ability to effectively communicate with both his students and staff has helped improve not only the school climate, but his relationships.
Enjoyed this episode? Share your feedback and connect with Jam!
Twitter/IG/FB @IamJamGamble
website: www.msjam
Want to learn more about Chad? Connect with him via Twitter @ChadReay
3 MAY. 2018 · Mp Celina is an MP for Whitby, Ontario and currently the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of International Development et la Francophonie. Celina is also a proud Mom of 3, she's become internationally known for "Slaying The Mic" in and out of the House of Commons because simply put, she tells it as it is. Even though there are people who don't believe with her views, it still hasn't stopped her from calling out racism, discrimination, and microaggressions in our society. Jam and Celina get mad real in this episode of "Slay The Mic Podcast".
Did this interview resonate with you? Let Jam know!
Connect with her via Twitter/FB/IG @iamJamGamble and on her website www.msjam.ca
Want to connect with MP Celina? Connect with her @MPCelina !
26 ABR. 2018 · International speaker, educator, author of "The Innovator's Mindset", dog lover, and overall AWESOME guy, George Couros is undoubtedly the "Tony Robbins" of public speaking in education (according to Jam!) His candid ability to connect with students and educators around the world is admired by many and definitely a necessary skill to #SlayTheMic.
Did you enjoy this episode? Be sure to let Jam know! Connect with her via Twitter/FB @IamJamGamble.
Learn more about the Slay The Mic Program and Jam --> www.msjam.ca
Did you love George?! Make sure you're connected to him!
Twitter @Gcouros
16 ABR. 2018 · From working at Tim's to becoming a National award winning Marketer who also wrote a book in 2 weeks (YES, YOU READ THAT CORRECTLY), and an overall cool guy, Mahfuz Chowdry is definitely a speaker you want to listen to. Caffeine isn't the only thing that gives him energy, it's his desire to uplift others, promote positivity, and help businesses grow.
In this super laid back interview, Mahfuz shares his tips on how to #SlayTheMic. There's some great gems in here so make sure you have a notepad and pen to write them down!
Enjoyed this episode or learned something new? Let me know! Follow me on IG/Twitter @IamjamGamble
Want to connect with Mahfuz? Follow him at @Cmahfuz
Slay The Mic Podcast • Spotlighting public speakers around the world and discovering how they found their voice.
Autor | Jam Gamble [ #SlayerOfTheMic] |
Organización | Jam Gamble [ #SlayerOfTheMic] |
Categorías | Cultura y sociedad |
Página web | www.msjam.ca |
slaythemicprogram@gmail.com |
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