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Soundcheck Stories

  • Redemptive Releases and New Chapters in Chaplaincy - In Conversation with Jerry Frempong

    1 MAY. 2024 · Jerry Frempong has been a volunteer member of the Soundcheck team for a number of years. He’s someone who always brings encouragement, wisdom and joy to every interaction and it’s therefore a real pleasure to sit down with him for today’s episode of Soundcheck Stories and talk through his incredible story as a DJ, pioneer and entrepreneur. We discuss his roots and formative years in London and Leeds, how travel and prayer birthed new ideas and the redemptive journey he has recently taken, following the discovery and release of his father’s musical legacy. This is also a moment to introduce him in his new role as the coordinator for Soundcheck and we hope you’ll join us in cheering him on as he begins the next chapter of his musical odyssey. https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbjVMVC1EeEFKbFdRbDl0YjRjNVF3X2l1VzU0d3xBQ3Jtc0tsY1ZhcEplckw1MHV3QzBONlZBSVIyWEl5V1BET0w3SGgzTmEzRjVNYUdfMEVPaHEzRFZJZjFhZDMyc2Y0bXZxTjZtUHQwZko0a0twVGZtc0VQNTRDSXFOQ0hkSjlFY0JLR3F2RTl0X1RCakk2bWRlMA&q=http%3A%2F%2Fsoundcloud.com%2Fjerryfrempong&v=BPBI_euH7Uk http://soundcloud.com/jerryfrempong http://youtube.com/jerryfrempong_dj https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9eq8ltOy9sw&t=0s Soundcheck is a charity that cares for the holistic wellbeing of DJ's, musicians and industry professionals through a model of chaplaincy. To find our more visit us at https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbncxb0ZIV0htdGR5eDBWaXQ0M1hkZnBQblhwUXxBQ3Jtc0trU3hOMTlxUTFjTFVDekkwUXltNXVoazJJajJVQ0M0enlBQVNoRF91VGlOTWc2cGJQamxndDVrU0dwSG9lalZnd0trNmwzckJ1RkxmQnlQU1c2RVg5bkpLeUlOZEF3SGhtYjlrNGcwNGNkYjA3QUM2MA&q=http%3A%2F%2Fsoundcheck.org.uk%2F&v=BPBI_euH7Uk or follow us at https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbDhxRnZ5ZWVwNmdTUkdaWmFDWnVsWWpSNVJtQXxBQ3Jtc0tsWld2a3dZNWQ0dVZxMmJBMW0xbVlpdEZfMDBuYUxRY3B1aTJhUEtQRHVxS1lBLW81V0JreHFHcmtYd1p5akw5bFFDVzR6R1RORGEtNWdJYjhTaHhNc1ZrcndSSXdmaVlUOWZicnJMUDFlZ04tOWEtYw&q=http%3A%2F%2Finstagram.com%2Fsoundcheckchaplaincy&v=BPBI_euH7Uk
    35m 21s
  • London to Manchester, Admin to Artist and Finding Your Voice - In Conversation with Afrodeutsche

    25 ABR. 2024 · At Soundcheck, we’ve had the pleasure of working with DJ, producer and composer Afrodeutsche for a number of years and it’s a joy to welcome her onto to the Soundcheck Stories podcast for this episode. We discuss her route through the music industry; from humble beginnings in music industry administration copying Amy Winehouse demos through to performing on major stages and composing scores for orchestral commissions. We consider the journey of finding her voice and the continued development of her artistic calling through innovation, community and faith. Radio: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbHJzc0xRZUU3eUJIbjVESC1JdWI2c0NTUEdPZ3xBQ3Jtc0tsTlFSUzlGZUNlZU54VVdFNDUtQWNMUEY5Q3pnUUR4eEdvNFlic0p0SDlsNjRuOVN1bkJ2QlpRVjczSmtlNGN5M3dlQnJNTXRCNE9JQWZGeENRV1VodUVlb3hRVTA3RUxmR3JJWnlLd2NaX1FjVkxjNA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bbc.co.uk%2Fprogrammes%2Fm0011g3g&v=voVbq7jaAho Break Before Make album: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbDdfTjN6eGpROEFwRFRQd2lDTU9HWnBILXlnZ3xBQ3Jtc0tuRTRRbmpWdnhKZGVpWkUzd3FrNVdOdEduSmhab1VFaXVLb1NJcnRDX2swSVpYRVFMR21WSE1qSHBnQmRMSE1IdzA5Sm9RQ2M3cjdaOFBJY1NBOUxUUHBZYmJKYmxFZDVjdTA0NTF2dEZOMkZlNjg3cw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fopen.spotify.com%2Falbum%2F0a2nClhNObDViRqw8SMOgR%3Fsi%3D1DQGyKX4S8SmTTKW4LyULQ&v=voVbq7jaAho Soundcheck is a charity that cares for the holistic wellbeing of DJ's, musicians and industry professionals through a model of chaplaincy. To find our more visit us at https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa0lJOWVQTFpBWHlJS3BWWHlnQnQzRWZHUFI1UXxBQ3Jtc0tub0I5dXpldWVzdWlZZFpXM09NSG14TzIxdmliSUFDX01HR0dPa2ZieVNDMmlGb2dlNkdJWU9YdDduU21Ydkh4RWdORkNSM0ZUdHBuVUZBVzFRclJKZlUzeVZGNG5EMGttOWN1YmJRdzFjdTN2dmpWcw&q=http%3A%2F%2Fsoundcheck.org.uk%2F&v=voVbq7jaAho or follow us at https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbDhBS2RYSTBIVXBIcmtpNms1clkzMy1jTTg1UXxBQ3Jtc0tuelBPQm14bkZpeXE1bnpSM3B2dTVpYnY0UEpaUlYxcDFOUEpEMHpzWkliLWpBdEpzU2ZXR1dHMUhWRGVTNWFTUVB6aTFrLURwRTJJVGlwVjJBMmY5UjNPQW1nSWtrZ0QtaTBLVWI1V3RmNUNLX201MA&q=http%3A%2F%2Finstagram.com%2Fsoundcheckchaplaincy&v=voVbq7jaAho
    37m 31s
  • Mental Health and the Power of Community- In Conversation with Alex Traska

    28 MAR. 2024 · *Please be aware that this interview involves discussion around suicide and bereavement that may be triggering or upsetting.* Back in 2021, Alex Traska from MyHouseYourHouse radio got in touch with us at Soundcheck. He and his associate Jackie were organising an event called the Mentally Sound Weekender and he invited us to be one of their nominated charities. We’ll always be so grateful to him and the MyHouseYourHouse community for supporting us, encouraging us and making us part of their collective history. To that end, it was so great to speak with Alex for this episode of Soundcheck Stories and draw upon his extensive experience in music alongside a deep and honest dialogue on grief, shared loss and the power of community. Follow Alex at: https://soundcloud.com/alextraska  http://instagram.com/loosjointsdjs http://soundcloud.com/robsoulfood http://myhouseyourhouse.net Soundcheck is a charity that cares for the holistic wellbeing of DJ's, musicians and industry professionals through a model of chaplaincy. To find our more visit us at http://soundcheck.org.uk or follow us at http://instagram.com/soundcheckchaplaincy
  • Songwriting, Grief & Lives Transformed Through Music - In Conversation with Sandra Godley OBE

    29 FEB. 2024 · Welcome to Soundcheck Stories; a podcast series that unearths and explores the untold musical journeys of individuals as they traverse the music industry and share their experiences, struggles and hard earned wisdom. For this episode of Soundcheck Stories we have the pleasure of welcoming Sandra Godley OBE onto the podcast for a truly inspirational discussion. We discuss her songwriting process and how it impacted her personal journey through grief and loss alongside a frank conversation around mental and physical health and the power of music to transform lives and circumstances. http://sandragodley.org https://www.facebook.com/godleymusicandcreativearts/ https://www.instagram.com/sangodley/ Soundcheck is a charity that cares for the holistic wellbeing of DJ's, musicians and industry professionals through a model of chaplaincy. To find our more visit us at http://soundcheck.org.uk or follow us at http://instagram.com/soundcheckchaplaincy http://facebook.com/soundcheckchaplaincy
    32m 15s
  • Mental Health, Inequality & Learning to Thrive in Music - In Conversation with Angel Mel

    17 ENE. 2024 · Welcome to our new podcast series entitled 'Soundcheck Stories'. Here we aim to unearth and explore the untold musical journeys of individuals as they traverse the music industry and share their experiences, struggles and hard earned wisdom. On this episode we sit down with selector, radio host and actress Angel Mel to discuss her path into music, the challenges of imposter syndrome, the fight to thrive as a female professional in a male dominated environment and her heart for wellbeing and good mental health in the creative sector. You can find Angel Mel at: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbFN5QU1HZjhfV3pGU3RKVEJPWDNPd3pIQkF1Z3xBQ3Jtc0ttSUlxWERzckp3bEc5OXd5NHRuQVRQSzhwMGNQekFEbjhaOUtlWGhzd3hwLWVVMzlEWVV1X0toaUJFQWp3eXcxM2pveWV1RGNrbkV2OGRza3VJOEVQckxlVm4tQkZVcXU1bkF2VjJCdnhSamtTUTFzbw&q=https%3A%2F%2Flinktr.ee%2Fangelmelselector&v=9v0eC5ur78A She also broadcasts on Tuesdays, 6-8pm. on Ujima Radio: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbjFxU1ctZUhuamxub0xJaE9hQTAycmxGUTlLQXxBQ3Jtc0tsV1hnU2tZckw2TEJLX19hcUZkX2l2YzVWQkpHbEJWUmxOeWh2Y0tKa2N4VTU0d1JGa3ZkYlJNNUtTSUszV1dTTWVoRGFuWWNEZy0yT2hyQll6Ymt4TjBEYVd0Nmo5ZTVGX0JGUS1GRW5RRHVqVmN2cw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fujimaradio.com%2F&v=9v0eC5ur78A Soundcheck is a charity that cares for the holistic wellbeing of DJ's, musicians and industry professionals through a model of chaplaincy. To find out more, visit us at https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbjdKZDlZTURYTzdNSVJvTjNqRUJvdmNPZUtpQXxBQ3Jtc0trTUhnSG9mOWVINHhWUzlBRkRWR09FV05JQXdPUlp0OEc3MUQ2Q1Y4eFAtSWFaTVVhN3EtUlRvZXptR19DYVY0WUQ5YUsxQ2NwOW0ydENIemR2cmh1aTdMbmR3M29BejZXMnJMOUxwSHF4NTRSOXRWSQ&q=http%3A%2F%2Fsoundcheck.org.uk%2F&v=9v0eC5ur78A or follow us at http://instagram.com/soundcheckchaplaincy http://facebook.com/soundcheckchaplaincy
    35m 6s
  • From Busking to Stadiums and Back - In Conversation with Elliot Locke

    2 NOV. 2023 · Welcome to our new podcast series entitled 'Soundcheck Stories'. Here we aim to unearth and explore the untold musical journeys of individuals as they traverse the music industry and share their experiences, struggles and hard earned wisdom. On this episode we have MC, musician an entrepreneur Elliot Locke. Starting out as a travelling busker, Elliot ended up touring stadiums in Europe and performing alongside underground drum&bass and jungle legends before returning to Runcorn to embark upon a new adventure. We hope you enjoy! Soundcheck is a charity that cares for the holistic wellbeing of DJ's, musicians and industry professionals through a model of chaplaincy. To find out more, visit us at http://soundcheck.org.uk http://instagram.com/soundcheckchaplaincy http://facebook.com/soundcheckchaplaincy
    34m 56s
  • Life in the Mix - In conversation with DJ Dan Sterry.

    12 MAR. 2021 · Our second episode features DJ and radio host Dan Sterry. As a rising talent in the world of club and mashup, we discuss the importance of setting goals, making time for wellbeing and the need to adapt when faced with a nightlife landscape reeling from the impact of a pandemic. Featuring: Dan Sterry https://instagram.com.dan_sterry https://www.facebook.com/DanSterryLieutenant https://mixcloud.com/dan-sterry/ https://centreforceradio.com/
  • Life in the Mix - In conversation with Marcia Carr.

    9 JUL. 2020 · Our first podcast episode features the legendary DJ, promoter and radio presenter Marcia Carr. She talks openly about her struggles in the music industry with gender bias and racial prejudice, her battles and victories over mental health, her sustaining faith and the dreams she has for her musical career. Featuring: Marcia Carr https://www.facebook.com/Missmarciacarr/ https://www.mixcloud.com/Marcia_CarrtheDJ/ https://www.residentadvisor.net/dj/marciacarr https://soundcloud.com/ms-marcia Booking: https://www.djsondemand.co.uk/artist/marcia-carr/ Soundcheck: http://soundcheck.org.uk
    31m 50s

The Soundcheck initiative aims to care for DJ's and artists through a model of chaplaincy. As part of our desire to support those who work in the music industry we're...

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The Soundcheck initiative aims to care for DJ's and artists through a model of chaplaincy. As part of our desire to support those who work in the music industry we're embarking on a series of honest conversations entitled Soundcheck Stories. We want to shed light upon our guests' experiences, struggles and frustrations and ultimately discuss how they survive and thrive. We'll be confronting mental health concerns, gender and race discrimination, the importance of spirituality and faith and the artist's hopes for the future.
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