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Stream On with Jim Williams


    15 DIC. 2023 · \Cord cutters and cord nevers want a place to keep up with live TV with sports or news? Well, we have the best possible option at the best cost in the business. It doesn’t matter if you like sports, or news, or entertainment they have it all in one place at a price that will have you cutting the cord today! Check them out athttps://www.youtube.com/redirect?even... Have questions or comments? We at Stream On welcome your interaction so stay tell us what is on your mind? No problem just as on social media X @JWMediaDC Instagram: @jimwilliams200 Email- jimwilliamsmedia@gmail.com This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us athttps://www.youtube.com/redirect?even
    Escuchado 44m 16s

    26 SEP. 2023 · WHAT A WEEKEND!!! Taylor Swift is a Chiefs fan, Prime TNF ratings are outstanding, NBC gets monster numbers with Notre Dame and Ohio State. Plus streaming headlines. Cord cutters and cord nevers want a place to keep up with live TV with sports or news? Well, we have the best possible option at the best cost in the business. It doesn’t matter if you like sports, or news, or entertainment they have it all in one place at a price that will have you cutting the cord today! Check them out at https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa1VrNUtBdEZHTXVKYnNaSE1EWk1xNkluaTZSZ3xBQ3Jtc0trREJua09vVXhURTNPSDFjY0dvM1Jadm11VXdKaE92WWJHRXpGNHhEMVYxWHNhSUp0Y09tT3FKRFdxRTgxMm5pY0ZCeFdXcHJhWHZvcDc4aTQxcWZqcFFSdnZiT3lzZFhVMVFMSUtzS1l2eHgzdkp1VQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.sling.com%2F&v=QzgswkTC43Y Have questions or comments? We at Stream On welcome your interaction so stay tell us what is on your mind? No problem just as on social media Twitter @JWMediaDC Instagram: @jimwilliams200 Email- jimwilliamsmedia@gmail.com This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa0hwLTZoTEh6OFJ3cnU4U0h1NHJVcjBrQmY2QXxBQ3Jtc0tuOHdCWEx0VHg1ejJ4YjdRYVZPZnpTa1FsaUJyd3pNWEZxekFPZlZIWl9QYWNmWWZLS09GRk5DSThUaGtVLWhVTFNsMXIxSm1lY05YQTJneUNteG5xZjVrR0pvRFFXaF9adkVUNWRDVkM2U05ab01TUQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.spreaker.com%2Fshow%2F2690175..&v=QzgswkTC43Y.
    Escuchado 23m 27s
  • Stream On with Jim Williams - This weekend's "Best Bets To Stream"

    22 SEP. 2023 · Don't forget to check out the Stream On with Jim Williams podcast on Apple, Spotify, Amazon Music, iHeart Radio, Tunein and Spreaker or wherever you get your podcasts. Also, check out my friends at Locked On https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqblpVdWhER3QyTmU2aUNQWnE1bUxMTmFlbFhYZ3xBQ3Jtc0trSHpnajJOYVFheGZYU2RpODQzZlY1M0dOZGNIUnlXWEtleXNhaDZTSEVDWW5NbU1sLVV4bDlzRVVNT0thLVF4MnNzVjRkcERVaXZYRWNkZW9fTExfX1pMcmd2X0xyZmptM01tQS1haVFxSG1JV1ZaUQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Flockedonpodcasts.com%2F&v=yoNQrCh37qs 3 65 SportsYT https://www.youtube.com/@365SportsYT Cord cutters and cord nevers want a place to keep up with live TV with sports or news? Well, we have the best possible option at the best cost in the business. It doesn’t matter if you like sports, news, or entertainment they have it all in one place at a price that will have you cutting the cord today! Check them out at https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa0tkVXI0dGNhQzkzRTFUREhiUEtSczIwV1JoQXxBQ3Jtc0trNmZSZXo0LXozQVJTNU5Ga3NwTWZuRzNMQjdZdHd1RzJmaWVOSy0wanBkanQyd2Yxb1lHV0xyOWNXd3NlRjN4ME1obERBYk1lT3VfWFpWRWZtS0o5Q2wwalRoUEpudDYzZ1VhZTN4ZDNibi1mQkUtdw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.sling.com%2F&v=yoNQrCh37qs Have questions or comments? We at Stream On welcome your interaction so stay and tell us what is on your mind? No problem just as on social media Twitter @JWMediaDC Instagram: @jimwilliams200 Email- jimwilliamsmedia@gmail.com This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbmhrX2lQY3ZnOXd4V3d0ZDZTdWZmLXRLYzVLUXxBQ3Jtc0tuTVJwMkVpbHRSYmdjYmdYckVwd0EtakZ6STdIZm03MEcwZ2dRTDRuVG5iR3AxVHpaTzBmX1cxS1lMVGh6YVpQRHZqRlZwNWtJOHpCVkZmeUNYMTJIUHprbzRJQmRhUmdobjNJMmZuSTZwaENpb2VkZw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.spreaker.com%2Fshow%2F2690175..&v=yoNQrCh37qs.
    Escuchado 40m 38s
  • Stream On with Jim Williams - September 14th Edition- TNF & FOX Baseball

    14 SEP. 2023 · The Thursday edition FOX Thursday Night Baseball, Prime Thursday Night Football and plenty of news from the streaming world on today's edition. Cord cutters and cord nevers want a place to keep up with live TV with sports or news? Well, we have the best possible option at the best cost in the business. It doesn’t matter if you like sports, or news, or entertainment they have it all in one place at a price that will have you cutting the cord today! Check them out at https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa1VrNUtBdEZHTXVKYnNaSE1EWk1xNkluaTZSZ3xBQ3Jtc0trREJua09vVXhURTNPSDFjY0dvM1Jadm11VXdKaE92WWJHRXpGNHhEMVYxWHNhSUp0Y09tT3FKRFdxRTgxMm5pY0ZCeFdXcHJhWHZvcDc4aTQxcWZqcFFSdnZiT3lzZFhVMVFMSUtzS1l2eHgzdkp1VQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.sling.com%2F&v=QzgswkTC43Y Have questions or comments? We at Stream On welcome your interaction so stay tell us what is on your mind? No problem just as on social media Twitter @JWMediaDC Instagram: @jimwilliams200 Email- jimwilliamsmedia@gmail.com This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa0hwLTZoTEh6OFJ3cnU4U0h1NHJVcjBrQmY2QXxBQ3Jtc0tuOHdCWEx0VHg1ejJ4YjdRYVZPZnpTa1FsaUJyd3pNWEZxekFPZlZIWl9QYWNmWWZLS09GRk5DSThUaGtVLWhVTFNsMXIxSm1lY05YQTJneUNteG5xZjVrR0pvRFFXaF9adkVUNWRDVkM2U05ab01TUQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.spreaker.com%2Fshow%2F2690175..&v=QzgswkTC43Y.
    Escuchado 33m 19s
  • Kissinger at 100: His Complex Historical Legacy with author Alan J. Steinberg

    29 MAY. 2023 · Historian and political journalist Alan J. Steinberg joins us to discuss his essay Kissinger at 100: His Complex Historical Legacy. It is a deep dive into one of the most interesting men in the history of the United States. We link to his paper below and it is an outstanding look a very complex man. His article can be found here https://jandoli.net/2023/05/24/kissinger-at-100-his-complex-historical-legacy/
    Escuchado 32m 10s
  • STREAM ON WITH JIM WILLIAMS - The state of college sports and streaming with Andrew S. Zimbalist

    27 ENE. 2023 · My guest Andrew S. Zimbalist is one of the foremost experts on the economics of college and professional sports. He is the Robert A. Woods Professor of Economics at Smith College. Andy is also serves as President of The Drake Group - an academic think tank working to better educate the U.S. Congress and higher education decision-makers about critical issues in intercollegiate athletics. The groups mission is to ensure that the promise of college athletics is realized for all stakeholders For more on The Drake Group be sure to checkout their website https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa0hrZFc5dnBYWV9wRTNnWlEyeTgzbDFlWDFZZ3xBQ3Jtc0tucjM4azJsTzRGOEt3bFRaSjZBTlBsN0ZXWmFKazFZZmp4NWZicXVTZHBTUUd5MVRaaHRNMWtTMExwekktQ1ZxVUpXNC1OVW1zbG5ab1dwQnFHRktVc3dKTlFHUnlaUjJsa2pIVVFUbDU0aWFJYndoTQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thedrakegroup.org%2F&v=uVSbsiQtuhI Also, Andy has written 28 books and you check them out at Amazon Something to read for research Do Colleges Make Money From Athletics? | BestColleges https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbDRXWW16V1ozN0hVVzB6X1h1QmtEbnk3dUM2UXxBQ3Jtc0tud3JZVHRLMElMQUpkMU5nemh5eHhiNjg2V2tqOU8xVzB1bnloVllnMThpaXc0cXAyc000MjFCcE01Q1JZZF9KaWJ1b1kxVldyVUM0NzNXbF9saDF1czdxMmU5VnUxaWdnMTVGOEhGbExjVWt5ZHI0cw&q=http%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2F3jae7W5&v=uVSbsiQtuhI Cord cutters and cord nevers want a place to keep up with live TV with sports or news? Well, we have the best possible option at the best cost in the business. It doesn’t matter if you like sports, or news, or entertainment they have it all in one place at a price that will have you cutting the cord today! Check them out at https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbFp2VWpaTjNtNV9wcXJKZV9YM3dYVHdHdUZqQXxBQ3Jtc0trZk4ybUxTc2dJTHFhR3hEemQzSHdOSHJ5cXF2cVhjSzE3bFFFUVhuMDVrMjkySzB2TFJnRzJOcVpGSHpTMlVuQ3dGNVJ4MDREeWxJdGNGSXJVaW9jNjM5RTJZWmZ0YnJkSnR0Qk5UR3RwLUszQUYwcw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.sling.com%2F&v=uVSbsiQtuhI Have questions or comments? We at Stream On welcome your interaction so stay tell us what is on your mind? No problem just as on social media Twitter @JWMediaDC Instagram: @jimwilliams200 Email- jimwilliamsmedia@gmail.com
    Escuchado 33m 40s
  • My guest is Josette Simon, who is part of an all-star cast in the Britbox original mini-series Crossfire

    19 NOV. 2022 · My guest is Josette Simon, who is part of an all-star cast in the Britbox original mini-series Crossfire. The show is about a group of friends who go on an island holiday that goes wrong when a group of revengeful gunmen takes a hotel hostage and guests are forced to make monumental life-or-death decisions with enormous consequences. An intricately woven story of trauma and resilience, guilt and betrayal, Crossfire is an edge-of-your-seat, sophisticated thriller with an emotional, intimate, and relatable core. A magnificent cast includes Keeley Hawes, Josette Simon, and Lee Ingleby and it is well worth binging. Check it out on Britbox.com. Cord cutters and cord nevers want a place to keep up with live TV with sports or news? Well, we have the best possible option at the best cost in the business. Check them out at https://www.sling.com/ It doesn’t matter if you like sports, or news, or entertainment they have it all in one place at a price that will have you cutting the cord today! Have questions or comments? We at Stream On welcome your interaction so stay tell us what is on your mind? No problem just as on social media Twitter @JWMediaDC Instagram: @jimwilliams200 Email- jimwilliamsmedia@gmail.com
    Escuchado 22m 15s
  • Our guest is Lauren Lyle star of the new Britbox Original Karen Pirie debuting this week

    22 OCT. 2022 · This week Britbox (October 25 th ) will introduce U.S. viewers to the ITV hit crime, drama series Karen Pirie and the title role is played by (Outlander), star Lauren Lyle who drew both critical praises from the media while also landing big ratings for the network. Many U.S. fans are already excited about the show because it comes from the same producers of mega hits Line of Duty and Bodyguard. So, what is the show about? DS Pirie is put in charge of reopening a murder investigation that has been the subject of a controversial true crime podcast. The case focuses on a teenage barmaid by the name of Rosie Duff who was found brutally murdered in a St. Andrew's graveyard in 1996, suspicion fell on the three male students who discovered her body. DS Pirie is driven to solve the cold case and prove her worth as top detective. Britbox can be found on all the streaming platforms Lauren Lyle on Instagram - laurenlyle7 Lauren Lyle on Twitter - @LlaurenLyle Here podcast - She's a REC- https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/shes-a-rec/id1504240641 Promotional consideration for Stream On with Jim Williams comes from Sling TV. They are far and away, the best live streaming service on the planet. Cord cutters and cord nevers want a place to keep up with live TV with sports or news? Well, we have the best possible option at the best cost in the business. Check them out at https://www.sling.com/ It doesn’t matter if you like sports, or news, or entertainment they have it all in one place at a price that will have you cutting the cord today! Have questions or comments? We at Stream On welcome your interaction so stay tell us what is on your mind? No problem just as on social media Twitter @JWMediaDC Instagram: @jimwilliams200 Email- jimwilliamsmedia@gmail.com
    Escuchado 21m 42s
  • My guest is Stefanie Hubbard the creative force behind the new film Lilly Darling – a Punk Rock Romance

    2 SEP. 2022 · This week my guest is a very talented young film maker and streaming video executive. We are joined by Stefanie Hubbard who has a new film out called Lilly Darling – a Punk Rock Romance. She wrote and directed the film which you can now watch on Pure Magic Pictures a wonderful streaming service that she and husband Kalani Hubbard launched less than a year ago. We talk about Lily Darling plus all the great new content coming out of their Brooklyn based studio. According to the very talented duo they created for movie lovers. Pure Magic Pictures is an independent "mom and pop movie shop" making original feel-good entertainment. We're just a few passionate indie filmmakers who are inspired by the movies that we watched growing up in the 90's. From The Goonies to Mean Girls, we take inspiration from the movies that made us. Be sure to give Pure Magic a try and watch Lily Darling plus all the creative, fun and most of indie made content. The have a free trial and you can off course watch their service on Roku, Apple TV, Amazon Fire Stick or on you smartphone, tablet or phone. Check out Lily Darling https://puremagic.pictures/lilydarling Be sure to visit Pure Magic https://www.puremagicpictures.com/ https://puremagic.pictures/ Follow them on social media IG - @puremagicpictures Also, checkout their YouTube Channel for great trailers and shorts. https://bit.ly/3cJk5Ks Promotional consideration for Stream On with Jim Williams comes from Sling TV. They are far and away, the best live streaming service on the planet. Cord cutters and cord nevers want a place to keep up with live TV with sports or news? Well, we have the best possible option at the best cost in the business. Check them out at https://www.sling.com/ It doesn’t matter if you like sports, or news, or entertainment they have it all in one place at a price that will have you cutting the cord today! Have questions or comments? We at Stream On welcome your interaction so stay tell us what is on your mind? No problem just as on social media Twitter @JWMediaDC Instagram: @jimwilliams200 Email- jimwilliamsmedia@gmail.com
    Escuchado 42m 54s
  • College football starts this weekend and Sling has it covered

    26 AGO. 2022 · My guest is the Senior Vice President of Marketing Ajinkya “Jinx” Joglekar for Sling the streaming home for college football. We talk about how Sling not only makes it easy to follow your favorite college football at home on the big screen but using a tablet or your phone you can take them with you to the game for your tailgate party. Sling boasts the most conference networks in all of college football including the ACC Network, Big 10 Network, Pac-12, SEC Network along with the Longhorn Network. But that is not all they have FS1 and ESPN family of channels, including ESPN3 which simulcasts ABC games. So, if you are a college football fan, they have you covered. But their football coverage is not limited to college they are the home of the NFL must have The Red Zone channel as well as the NFL Network and much more. Checkout their special deal for football season. https://www.sling.com/ Promotional consideration for Stream On with Jim Williams comes from Sling TV. They are far and away, the best live streaming service on the planet. Cord cutters and cord nevers want a place to keep up with live TV with sports or news? Well, we have the best possible option at the best cost in the business. Check them out at https://www.sling.com/ It doesn’t matter if you like sports, or news, or entertainment they have it all in one place at a price that will have you cutting the cord today! Have questions or comments? We at Stream On welcome your interaction so stay tell us what is on your mind? No problem just as on social media Twitter @JWMediaDC Instagram: @jimwilliams200 Email- jimwilliamsmedia@gmail.com
    Escuchado 25m 17s

Seven-time Emmy Award winner Jim Williams welcomes the top executives from your favorite networks and stars from your favorite shows to his weekly chat. We also introduce you to some...

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Seven-time Emmy Award winner Jim Williams welcomes the top executives from your favorite networks and stars from your favorite shows to his weekly chat. We also introduce you to some of the newest cutting edge streaming networks as well as some yet to be discovered stars. Don't miss a single episode of Stream On.
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