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TechtalkRadio Interviews

  • Philly Ocean - Lead Vocalist with Yachtley Crew on Touring and Technology

    24 ABR. 2024 · YachtleyCrew, a musical group is a one of a kind band that offers captivating performances and great tributes to Soft Rock with the Yacht Rock Sound. The Popular Group is returning to Tucson on May 3rd 2024 at the Rialto Theater. Lead Singer Philly Ocean shares insights with Andy Taylor about the band's inception and their fortuitous encounter with manager Andy Gould, known for his work with music legends like Rob Zombie, Pantera, Guns and Roses, and Lionel Ritchie, who discovered them during a Hollywood performance. Since their formation in 2017, the band has witnessed a remarkable surge in audience size and venue popularity. Andy inquires whether any prominent figures in the Yacht Rock genre or their families have taken notice of the band's rise. Dubbed as the "Kiss of Yacht Rock," the Full Steam Ahead Tour promises an unforgettable musical experience. Philly Ocean discusses the pivotal role of technology, particularly social media, in connecting with their audience. He also reveals details about their 6 song EP, featuring an original composition. Excited about their performance in Tucson, Philly shares his fondness for the city for its people and of course Food. A Great show for T-Town. To learn more about the YachtleyCrew and their upcoming shows, visit their website at https://www.yachtleycrew.com/. @Photo Credit - John Travis
    Escuchado 10m 41s
  • Richard Neumann CEO/Co-Founder Sub2R talks with Andy Taylor

    11 MAR. 2024 · After seeing a demonstration of the Sub2R Active Green Screen on Social Media, Andy Taylor wanted to find out more about the company and spoke with the CEO and Co-Founder Richard Neumann of Sub2R. Richard shares with us the company's groundbreaking advancements in camera technology. With a journey spanning over a decade, Sub2R has emerged as a pioneer in hardware development, particularly in the realm of camera systems. Richard provided insights into their flagship product, the Studio 460 Camera System, designed to cater to the needs of both professional and streaming creators with every little attention to detail on the needs of those creating. Richard shed light on the Studio 460's versatile outputs and the inclusion of the SFP Module, a key component that facilitates seamless conversion of video formats. This flexibility ensures compatibility with a wide range of broadcasting and streaming platforms, empowering creators to deliver content in their preferred format effortless. In addition to its cutting-edge features, Richard highlighted Sub2R's commitment to user experience through the integration of advanced cooling systems within the camera. These innovations not only enhance performance but also contribute to prolonged operational reliability, addressing a common concern among content creators. Another victory for the company is its revolutionary approach to green screen technology, embodied in the Active Green Screen (AGS) System. We learn about the Lightbulb Moment Richard had in it's design and elaborated on how their team of four dedicated engineers challenged conventional thinking to streamline the green screen setup process. The result? A solution that not only simplifies the setup but also enhances portability and space efficiency. By incorporating low lighting requirements and optimizing the placement and inclusion of lights behind the screen, Sub2R has effectively redefined the possibilities of green screen environments within a compact 5x7 space. In our discussion with Richard Neumann, it is obvious Sub2R's dedication to comprehensive solutions extends beyond camera technology and the easy deployment of the AGS, the company also features camera mounts available on their website.  This approach underscores the company's mission to provide creators with the tools they need to focus on creativity and elevate their content production endeavors. As Sub2R continues to push the boundaries of camera technology, its impact on the creative landscape is poised to be nothing short of transformative. Find them at https://www.sub2r.com
    Escuchado 18m 37s
  • Kim Crawley - Author of Hacker Culture A to Z Chats with Andy Taylor

    11 DIC. 2023 · TechtalkRadio welcomed Cybersecurity Researcher and Author Kim Crawley to the show to discuss her latest publication, "Hacker Culture A to Z" by O'Reilly. One of Kims "Fun Books" as she has written many Technical Manuals over the years. The Hacker Culture A to Z offering is positioned as an enjoyable and accessible read, is likened to an encyclopedia of terms that sheds light on the intricacies of hacker culture. Kim delves into her motivation behind the book, expressing a curiosity to unravel the inner workings of technology and a genuine interest in the world of hacking. Contrary to the commonly held belief that the term "hacker" is synonymous with criminal activities on the web or smartphones, Kim passionately emphasizes that this is an inaccurate portrayal of the hacker mindset throughout history, even before we started using these bring shiny things that lit u and threw text and images onto a screen. Throughout the interview, Kim elaborates on how hackers have historically played a crucial role in discovering innovative ways to enhance and develop new technologies. The book, "Hacker Culture A to Z," serves as a valuable resource for readers, providing insights into a myriad of terms related to hacking, presented in an organized A to Z format. As the conversation unfolds, the host, Andy, inquires about technology which Kim's has become excited about and she shares with us on a specific piece of technology, "the Flipper Zero" and its multifunctional capabilities. We have enjoyed the Book from Kim and discussion and look forward to her next! For those seeking more information or interested in reaching out to Kim Crawley, her contact details can be found at https://www.linktr.ee/kimcrawley.
    Escuchado 16m 55s
  • Colin S. Levy Author The Legal Tech Ecosystem talks with TechtalkRadio

    10 DIC. 2023 · Author and Legal Technology Expert Colin S Levy visits the TechtalkRadio Show to discuss the week of "drama" surrounding the circumstances leading to Founder and CEO Sam Altman's departure from OpenAI. Since Airing this segment Altman has returned to Open AI with a New Board. Colin S. Levy is Renowned for his expertise in the legal aspects of technology, In our Discussion Colin delves into the contents of his recently published book, titled "The Legal Tech Ecosystem – Innovation, Advancement, and the Future of Law Practice." In this comprehensive work, he meticulously navigates the intricate landscape of regulatory challenges introduced by artificial intelligence in the contemporary workplace.Within the realm of AI, Colin underscores the imperative for organizations to comprehend the intersection of technology and legal considerations within their operational frameworks. His analysis sheds light on the dynamics and potential pitfalls that could arise when deploying technological solutions without due regard for legal implications. Andy Taylor shares a story of working Morning Drive Radio and employing Voice AI for a Contest theme, other shows within the large radio corporation were doing the same until the Corporate Attorneys issued a notice to cease any and all use of any AI solutions on the Air. Colin's discussion serves as a cautionary guide, urging companies to exercise prudence in their adoption of tech solutions. The insights fom his latest publication promise to provide answers and solutions for companies navigating the mix of technology and its legal ramifications. Colin's book serves as a timely resource for businesses seeking clarity of the combinations. Colin not only highlights potential challenges but also emphasizes the proactive understanding required by organizations. By engaging with his comprehensive examination of the legal tech ecosystem, businesses can equip themselves with the knowledge necessary to make informed decisions and mitigate legal risks associated with technological advancements. A good read with the outcome a better understanding of the ever changing world of Technology and how the legal challenges should be considered. Colin S. Levy is also one of the most widely followed legal tech voices on LinkedIn and on X Formerly Twitter. In combining Law and Tech he developed the legal industry’s first comprehensive guide to best practices for creating effective legal documents in Microsoft Word.
    Escuchado 20m 11s
  • Archived Audio - Michael Clark / Southwest Area General Manager - Microsoft Windows Server 2008

    13 NOV. 2023 · This Archived Audio from 2008 features an Interview with Michael Clark Southwest Area General Manager for Microsoft discussing Windows Server 2008
    Escuchado 9m 26s
  • The Halmark of A.I.- David Wachs of "Handwrytten" talks with Andy Taylor of TechtalkRadio

    13 NOV. 2023 · In the realm of personalized communication, Handwrytten emerges as a novel hallmark of artificial intelligence (AI). This innovative platform, founded and led by David Wachs, takes handwritten notes to a new level by integrating AI and robotic technology. In a conversation with Andy Taylor of TechtalkRadio, Wachs delves into the concept and evolution behind Handwrytten, shedding light on how the fusion of AI and traditional pen-and-ink methods has reshaped the landscape of sending meaningful messages to both personal and professional connections. The art of sending handwritten notes has undergone a transformative shift from a commonplace practice to a reserved tradition, often dusted off for special occasions like holidays or birthdays. In contemporary times, the ritual has further dwindled, with individuals often resorting to mere signatures on greeting cards. Even expressions of gratitude, once conveyed through thank you notes, are on the verge of extinction. Handwrytten steps in as a remedy for our collective lack of practice, utilizing artificial intelligence as a valuable tool. Now, individuals who struggle to articulate sentiments for occasions ranging from appreciating a wedding gift to apologizing for accidental lawn damage can turn to AI for assistance. Handwrytten not only revives the sentiment behind handwritten notes but also provides a solution for those who find it challenging to compose heartfelt messages. The integration of AI and robotic technology enables the creation of personalized, traditional-style notes that bridge the gap between modern convenience and timeless sincerity. As technology continues to shape the way we communicate, Handwrytten stands as a testament to the harmonious coexistence of AI and the enduring charm of handwritten expressions. Tune in for our Discussion with David Wachs on this Arizona Business which serves Globally to maintain personal and business communications
    Escuchado 21m 38s
  • Mitch Goldstone of ScanMyPhotos Returns to the Show - Digitizing those Memories!

    12 NOV. 2023 · A recent article was put together by Journalist Michael Liedtke of the Associated Press about the service from friend of the show Mitch Goldstone of Scan My Photos. In the Article, Michael talks about getting his recently passed father’s photos digitized and the process made easier by Scan My Photos. We welcome back CEO Mitch Goldstone who shares the story of the Associated Press Article and about how Scan My Photos did the same for the Late Ed Asners family. The discussion can also serve as a reminder on the importance of getting photos, slides and even film digitized to preserve memories. Natural Disasters, Bad Storage and fading over time can damage these memories. Mitch tells us of how they do this digital perservation and the easy steps involved, and, in some cases, the Scan Fast Service can be done in One Day. This has allowed families to put together tributes for birthdays, anniversaries or sadly memorial services with photos that may have never been digitized. A Big task of trying to do this yourself, is the organizing. Scan My Photos can help collate the images. Mitch tells us how Scan My Photos can digitize about 1000 photos in five minutes with care and amazing detail in the finished results. Mitch shares how the Frame By Frame Capture for 16mm and 8mm Film is handled and the benefits. Find out more at https://www.scanmyphotos.com.
    Escuchado 16m 55s
  • Gatsby.TV Co-Founder and CEO Gatsby Frimpong talks with Andy Taylor about the Gatsby.TV App

    19 OCT. 2023 · In a world where streaming content options seem endless, Andy Taylor recently decided to explore ways to easily discover the best choices for entertainment on cable and streaminf. What Andy discovered was more than just a channel guide but a social connection to gain personal recoomendations on shows to check out, https://www.gatsby.tv One of the features Andy shares that he really liked was discovering that he was unwittingly paying for multiple streaming services that significantly overlapped with each other. In this Case it was the show Andy admits to watching, 90Day Fiancee which the Gatsby.TV App was showing available on Max AND on the Discovery Plus App both of which Andy was paying for. Andy's story struck a chord with many, highlighting a common issue that countless viewers face in today's digital age. To shed more light on this innovative app and its potential to revolutionize the streaming landscape, the podcast welcomed Gatsby Frimpong, the Co-Founder and CEO of Gatsby.TV. In this conversation with TechtalkRadio, Gatsby and Co-Founder Mike Fickle had a desire to create something different and Gatsby shared with Andy the inspiration behind creating this unique platform. He emphasized the limitations of conventional algorithms when it comes to recommending content, explaining how Gatsby.TV sets itself apart by offering a dynamic and socially interactive approach to content discovery. With the app's social features, users are not only able to receive tailored recommendations but also engage in meaningful discussions about their favorite shows and movies, all within the same platform. Andy remembers how before the wide use of the Net, if you saw a series or movie and liked it, you would share with co-workers at "The Water Cooler" the next day.Gatsby.TV and it's distinctive approach brings the essence of a watercooler discussion to the digital realm, making it a one-stop destination for those seeking personalized streaming experiences. If you're curious to explore this exciting platform for yourself, you can find Gatsby.TV at https://gatsby.tv/ The Gatsby TV App is available for both Android and iOS!
    Escuchado 17m
  • Eric Plam of Solis WiFi talks with Andy Taylor of TechtalkRadio

    18 OCT. 2023 · Are you in search of an improved data connectivity solution? Tune in as Eric Flam from Solis delves into a conversation with Andy Taylor of TechtalkRadio about the Solis Wireless Hotspot. This innovative device presents a compelling alternative to traditional smartphone hotspots and carrier-provided solutions. Solis boasts a widespread presence across 130+ countries, collaborating with over 200 carriers, rendering it the perfect option for globetrotters. It offers both redundancy and heightened security. During the conversation, Eric provides insights into the device's speed, user-friendliness, power options, and availability. The Solis Wireless Hotspot is designed to deliver impressive speeds, ensuring that you can stay connected wherever you go. Whether you're a frequent traveler or simply seeking a more reliable connectivity solution, Solis has you covered. They have fine-tuned the device for effortless operation and offer various power options to suit your needs. While it can be nice to connect to a Companies "Free" Wireless, there are security risks associated. Tune in and Eric tells us about those and how Simo's Solis can help keep you and the family safe in connecting. To find out more about the Solis Wireless Hotspot and explore the advantages it brings to the table, visit their website at https://soliswifi.co/. With Solis, you can redefine the way you stay connected in a fast-paced, digitally connected world, without compromising on security or convenience.
    Escuchado 11m 37s
  • "Netgear: Safeguarding Connections and Empowering Internet Security in the Digital Age"

    28 JUN. 2023 · In light of June being Internet Security Month, the conversation between Andy Taylor and Shalini Sengupta, the Senior Product Line Manager at Netgear, highlights the importance of Internet security and the solutions offered by Netgear modems and routers. Shalini emphasizes the increasing number of connected devices in homes, which averages at 46, and how this has heightened the need for robust threat protection. With the proliferation of smart devices, ensuring a secure online environment has become crucial for both consumers and businesses. Shalini shares valuable safety tips for families navigating the online world. She highlights the significance of having a secure network to safeguard personal information and sensitive data from cyber threats. By using Netgear's products, families can establish a strong defense against potential attacks, protecting their devices and personal information from unauthorized access. Andy raises the issue of upgrading older equipment to keep up with changing technology and security standards. Shalini explains how Netgear offers excellent solutions for upgrades and newer equipment that not only enhance security but also improve home bandwidth. Netgear's routers and modems are designed to support the latest security protocols and provide regular firmware updates to address any emerging threats. They also discuss the convenience and ease of deploying mesh systems, particularly for larger homes. Netgear's mesh systems ensure seamless connectivity throughout the house, eliminating dead zones and providing a secure network. Additionally, Shalini highlights the benefits of owning your own equipment rather than renting it from your internet provider. By owning their equipment, users have more control over their network security and can customize settings to meet their specific needs. For travelers or those in need of a reliable hotspot, Shalini introduces the Nighthawk M6 Pro, a versatile solution that ensures a secure connection without relying on unknown networks. This portable hotspot offers advanced security features and allows users to create a private network wherever they go, protecting their data from potential threats. Shalini also sheds light on Netgear's Armor Service, which provides enhanced and up-to-date protection for their products. Netgear Armor provides real-time security updates, vulnerability assessments, and advanced parental controls to help users stay safe online. With Netgear's comprehensive range of solutions, individuals and businesses can strengthen their Internet security and enjoy a safer and more reliable online experience.
    Escuchado 17m 27s
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