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The Biz Boss Women´s Podcast

  • Episode 2: How To Develop An Abundant Mindset

    18 SEP. 2022 · Welcome to episode 2 of The Biz Boss Women´s Podcast, where I Natasha Vaswani, thank you for taking time out to invest in your business growth as a female entrepreneur and or coach. Let´s begin with the fundamental issue or where it all starts from. You may have terminated your job to create your dream business where you are your own boss. Or you may have simply come up with a great idea to create a product or service that can help others as well as bring in sales. However, let me tell you that you can be brainstorming endlessly, making to-do lists, completing tasks towards the development of your business, even begin earning an income from your business but then it stops there. And you wonder what is going on as you are not able to increase your sales or even attract more leads. Or you might not be able to increase your networking cycle, boost leads and convert them into sales even though you have clear goals and work towards those goals. So where are you missing out? Is there something that you are doing wrong or could improve? Let´s reflect on your thought process while you are setting your goals or working towards them. Do you have growth-inspired thoughts or limiting ones? And how do you feel when you think about your goals? Do you encounter a lot of fear or anxiety or simply believe that your goals are unattainable? Take a moment here and really reflect on your daily thoughts and feelings in your personal and professional space. It is great if you resonate with positive and inspiring thoughts and if you are shadowed by negative ones you need to have a mindset shift, from a fixed or limited mindset to a confident and growth mindset. Today I am going to walk you through these 2 mindsets and guide you on how to transcend from a fixed to a growth mindset. So a fixed mindset is very limited as it avoids challenges, ignores even constructive feedback, tends to get jealous of successful people, gives up easily and does not work on learning new skills and abilities or even improving existing ones. There is a lot of denial when one operates from a fixed mindset hence refusing to take responsibility for one´s behaviour and actions. At the opposite side of the spectrum is the growth or freedom mindset which perseveres through the failures and learns something out of them, puts in added effort to learn new skills and abilities as well as improve on existing ones, accepts criticism to work on oneself and as stated in the name itself, you grow in various areas of your personal and professional life I understand that many times out of default, we tend to work with a fixed mindset until someone brings it to our notice… Maybe by telling us, stop thinking negative always… stop blaming others for your mistakes… or why do you only see people´s success and not all the hard work behind them … or stop getting defensive about everything and learn to accept criticism in a positive way. A mindset is an habitual practice that requires close attention to as we know that our thoughts and emotions manifest our reality Now take a moment and write down a list of the most common thoughts you come across on a daily basis. If you are driving or cannot jot down anything at this moment, I suggest you do it as soon as you can as it will surely help you to reflect on your thought patterns So thoughts like, “I will never improve, I cannot learn something new, I am a failure, I hate myself, I have no strengths only weaknesses, why should I bother, why is everything always so hard, I never have sufficient time to focus on my work, I scare leads away” etc are some examples of limited thoughts coming from a fixed mindset Now let´s re-wire our brain and create a growth mindset by changing these thoughts into positive ones I will never improveTO I am a work in progress I cannot learn something newTO I am open to learning new things even if it takes some time Did you just see how easy it is to convert negative or limited thoughts to positive or growth thoughts? Whenever you feel stuck or low or anxious, write down your thoughts and then work around them to see how you can convert them towards your growth. Yes I know that at times it can be a challenge as we might get driven by our emotions so I suggest you to sit with a cool mind and possibly think from a 3rd person´s perspective of how to deal with an issue Reflect on the following statements and notice if you resonate with any of them. If you do, please take note of them: •I am either good at it, or I am not •When I am frustrated or anxious, I just give up •I do not like to be challenged, I hate confrontations •My failures define me, so when I fail I am not good •Tell me how good I am, how smart I am •I feel threatened by your success So what do you notice here? Isn´t there some insecurity hidden within these statements? There is certainly lack of self-belief and confidence when it comes to a limited mindset And from all the women I have worked with, I have noticed that insecurities and limited thoughts are something we grow up with as many times our cultural background defines what we should or shouldn´t do as women. I for instance was brough up with the concept of getting married in my early 20s and then getting a family, but I wanted to discover my own identity which was not only being a wife and mother, which is great, but also learning who Natasha is and how can she define her own success. And I am sure so many of you women can relate to this as trillions of us are inculcated with this idea. Now I want to observe how you feel when I say the following: •I can learn anything I want to •When I am stressed or frustrated, I persevere •I like challenging myself •I learn from my failures •I seek for inspiration from success-driven people Don´t you feel better? In high spirits, maybe light and a bit care-free as there seems to be less burden. How about your confidence level? Did you feel a confidence boost? Professionally, if you resonate with a growth mindset you are of course abundant financially. What many people ignore is that by cutting down on unnecessary expenses, they can save more money and invest it in some ROI plan. We all want to be financially free and enjoy our lives without worrying about how to pay our bills. What you can do is make a list of your daily expenses and remove unnecessary ones and u will realize how much money u r saving-as a penny saved is a penny earned You should also be an efficient problem-solver as any and every business comes with its challenges so learning to welcome new opportunities and accepting changes are crucial. New opportunities can be found by connecting with other like-minded people on virtual events as well as in-person ones and being active on platforms where your target audience spends a lot of time on. When you participate in empowering events you influence others with your growth mindset and inspire them to also aim for the best. There are so many online and offline communities now, where you can add value to others and guide them to create actionable results which will also boost your career. And last but not the least, I want to throw light on the pricing we offer others which instantly speaks volumes of our mindset. I have a growth mindset which is why I confidently offer my programs with different price points for my services, all being high-ticket offers for my niche market. And I offer these price points because I know how much guidance and support they provide to my clients. This is very evident while assessing my client´s business growth before they start working with me and while they work with me. Our actions should always follow our mindset, so if you are offering free products or services or low-priced ones without any CTA, think about it. You do not need to cater to the whole world, but to a certain niche and deal with their pain points while offering reasonable and expensive products or services as you provide unlimited value. To conclude, I focus on One method, IMPACT METHOD .This method has worked for over 500 women entrepreneurs so I am so excited to share all the value it can provide to you through my podcast. But I want to know about your journey so please feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn where I can provide you more valuable content for your business. Let´s call it a wrap. I look forward to sharing a lot more tips and tools with you for your business growth in the coming episodes. Till then, this is your host, Natasha Vaswani signing off!
    Escuchado 12m 7s
  • Episode 1: Are You In The Right Place?

    25 AGO. 2022 · Welcome to the first episode of The Biz Boss Women´s Podcast, where I Natasha Vaswani will walk you through valuable tools, insights, interviews, and abundant knowledge on how to grow your business with high-ticket offers. Before we begin, let´s check if you are in the right place so that I can serve you better. So let me know if you are a business owner, entrepreneur, or coach by commenting below. Are you sick and tired of being part of the hamster wheel by working non-stop to sell your low-ticket offers? Have you tried many small launches but only received temporary results instead of an impacting ROI? Are you worried that you are reaching your burnt-out stage and will not be able to sustain your business for too long due to the lack of consistent monthly sales? Are you open to learning and applying a strategy or whatever it takes to scale your business to 6k+ months? If your answer is YES then you are in the right place my friend. But before I begin, let me introduce myself. I am Natasha Vaswani, a business coach, speaker, and author. In the 4 years of my coaching business, I have coached 500 women entrepreneurs and coaches from all walks of life. And what I have learnt from their magnificent transformation is that each woman is unique in her abilities, skills, and creative nature. Let´s start off by defining what a business is. So a business is a system that delivers value. It’s a machine that churns out revenue and profit month after month. Today, there are trillions of female entrepreneurs and coaches delivering a certain value to their target audience. But many are stuck, I too was stuck a while ago, until I developed my signature program and a strong business model targeted to a very niche audience with a clear message. Now I know that this is a lot of information to process but do not worry as we will discuss each and every building block to your success in as much valuable detail as possible. Think about yourself for a second. Are you an entrepreneur, a coach, or an entrepreneurial coach? You must be wondering what the difference is so let me explain. A female entrepreneur is a woman who sets up a business, expecting to receive some ROI she has made while taking some risks. And a coach is an individual who takes a client from point A to point B through a transformative process. A female entrepreneurial coach is a combination of these two. A female entrepreneurial coach is a female expert who guides her clients to start, run and grow their businesses as well as growing themselves focusing on mental and emotional wellbeing. So let´s take one step at a time and warm- up a bit by discussing some tips today. I want to share with you 10 powerful tips to become a successful woman entrepreneur and/or coach, which have really helped me and my clients a lot. We all work hard towards a successful business, but we don’t always obtain financial freedom until we have learnt from our surplus mistakes. And to be honest, at times we need to make mistakes to learn valuable teachings from them. However, we would also like to invest our time, energy, emotions and of course money on productive activities which bring in sales. So according to you, which tips make you become a successful woman entrepreneur? Which steps have worked for you? Let me know in the comments below. First, successful women entrepreneurs understand the dynamics of having an abundant and growth mindset, so we have a habit of reading business development books, listening to podcasts or inspirational videos and blogs. Working on ourselves is a daily process which becomes a default system rather than a task to complete. Second, women entrepreneurs are extremely passionate and that’s why they don’t quit. They always figure out a way to solve a problem and achieve even more goals, both short-term and long term. I often suggest using the Ikigai method if one is not clear on what she is passionate about and how she can help others as well as get paid for it. The third tip is to have clear goals. I cannot emphasize enough on the importance of having clear goals. That’s what successful women entrepreneurs do. They set their big goals and then break them down into smaller goals by creating an effective strategy and working on it. Forth, successful women entrepreneurs have a valid reason which motivates them. Everyone has a different WHY or reason which drives them to further motivation, and this is one factor that should always be in action as without motivation one cannot persevere. Tip number 5 is that successful women entrepreneurs do not seek for perfection as they understand that it is a wastage of time. Now let us not confuse that with putting in our 100% in our business. What I am saying is to have realistic expectations of oneself and others as this will evade misunderstandings and too much pressure and overwhelm. Eventually everybody’s definition of perfection is different, and nobody can fit everyone´s perfectionistic list. So you would rather put in all your effort and then let go having faith in yourself, your services and the Universe. Sixth, is that we successful women entrepreneurs are leaders not followers. I am sure you can relate to your journey in school and college. Do you remember if you had any leadership skills? I can recollect that I was often the leader of the group as I have always been very focused on my goals and have liked delegating work and dividing it equally among others. However, I was not really confident in school and rather quite shy. It was not until years later than I began discovering myself and my true potential like everyone else. The seventh tip to become a successful entrepreneur is to believe in yourself. This in fact should be on your priority list as if you believe in yourself and in your services, they will sell for sure. People don´t buy a product or service, they buy a memory, a connection, an emotion. They buy the confidence that you portray as they want that confidence too. The eighth tip is that they are not afraid to take risks as they understand that it is essential to step out of one´s comfort zone for personal and professional development. Just think about it, if there is no change, if you are not creating a leap, how will you achieve something which for you might be unimaginable but will soon become a reality. Number 9 is that women entrepreneurs are not afraid to fail because failure is part of life. For me facing failures are steppingstones to success because that means that at least you are trying to change your current situation hence you are taking accountability for your actions and trying to create a life of your dreams. Lastly, tip number 10 is that we successful women entrepreneurs have various tools and a system to be consistently organized. Of course, this requires a team however if you are just starting off, you can always create to-do lists, schedule your appointments, work on automations etc. Now you have the whole checklist which you can work through and take note of Personally, these tips have been a game-changer for my business, and I have seen great results even in my clients´ businesses. I suggest you make a list of some tips that resonate with you and put them into action. You are most welcome to email them to me on caochnatashavaswani@gmail.com As we wrap it up here, let me leave you with some food for thought: Always remember that winners are not those who never fail but people who never give up! And women entrepreneurs, coaches and female entrepreneurial coaches all have a winner inside them. They just need to be discovered! Thank you for joining me during the first episode of The Biz Boss Women´s podcast This is your host, Natasha Vaswani signing off…
    Escuchado 11m 12s

Before we begin, let´s check if you are in the right place so that I can serve you better. So let me know if you are a business owner, entrepreneur,...

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Before we begin, let´s check if you are in the right place so that I can serve you better. So let me know if you are a business owner, entrepreneur, or coach by commenting below.

Are you sick and tired of being part of the hamster wheel by working non-stop to sell your low-ticket offers?

Have you tried many small launches but only received temporary results instead of an impacting ROI?

Are you worried that you are reaching your burnt-out stage and will not be able to sustain your business for too long due to the lack of consistent monthly sales?

Are you open to learning and applying a strategy or whatever it takes to scale your business to 6k+ months?

If your answer is YES then you are in the right place my friend.
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