A hilarious and nostalgic journey through all the Judy Blume books, hosted by Jody Worthington and Alison Michael. With Scotch-fueled dramatic readings and deep dives into '70s and '80s nostalgia,...
mostra másThe Blume Saloon: A Judy Blume Book Podcast
The Blume Saloon: A Judy Blume Book Podcast
A hilarious and nostalgic journey through all the Judy Blume books, hosted by Jody Worthington and Alison Michael. With Scotch-fueled dramatic readings and deep dives into '70s and '80s nostalgia,...
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Autor | The Blume Saloon |
Organización | The Blume Saloon |
Categorías | Libros , Comedia , Cultura y sociedad |
Página web | | |
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