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The Dallas Express Podcast

  • Episode 12: Arun Agarwal Explores the Impact of a $1.1 Billion Investment Into the Future of Dallas

    24 DIC. 2023 · In this episode, Sarah sits down with Arun Agarwal, Chair of the Community Bond Task Force, to shed light on the allocation of the $1.1 billion in bond money. We’ll gain valuable insight into the decision-making process of each subcommittee as they determine the distribution of these funds. Then join us as we embark on the Hop On, Hop Off Trolley Tour of Dallas, exploring the city’s iconic and historic landmarks. Tune in for a fascinating blend of civic insights and a journey through the cultural tapestry of Dallas!
    19m 14s
  • Episode 11: Compassion in DFW: OurCalling and the Salvation Army

    11 DIC. 2023 · ‘Tis the season of compassion, and in this episode of The Dallas Express Podcast, Sarah takes us on a meaningful journey with leaders from two remarkable organizations dedicated to making a difference year-round. First, we immerse ourselves in the inspiring mission of OurCalling, a daytime outreach center for the homeless in the heart of Dallas. Then we visit the iconic Salvation Army to learn how each of us can be a part of the positive change they bring to countless lives. We end the episode at NorthPark Center to take in some of their holiday traditions, most of which give back to those in need, too.
    18m 52s
  • Episode 10 - Mark Melton

    27 NOV. 2023 · In this episode, Mark Melton proves that not all heroes wear capes as he battles illegal evictions and helps the homeless in DFW. Then Sarah heads to the Dallas Farmers Market, a gathering place for people from all walks of life and the starting point for many successful entrepreneurs in our great city.
    19m 33s
  • Episode 9 - In the Mind of Monty Bennett: Crime in Dallas & More

    14 NOV. 2023 · In this episode, we go “In the Mind of Monty” for his take on crime and its impact on the city of Dallas. Then Sarah sits down with Amber Fletcher, co-owner of Fletchers Corny Dogs, to find out about the Dallas-born brand that we all seem to love, no matter what’s going on in the world. Visit our website: https://dallasexpress.com/ Subscribe to our newsletter: https://dallasexpress.com/subscribe Download our App: https://urlgeni.us/TheDallasExpress Check out the following: - @dx.podcast - https://www.instagram.com/dx.podcast/ - @Sarah_Z_Bennett - https://www.instagram.com/sarah_z_bennett/ - @Sarah_Z_Bennett - https://twitter.com/Sarah_Z_Bennett - @dx.podcast - https://www.tiktok.com/@dx.podcast - @dallasexpresspodcast - https://www.facebook.com/dallasexpresspodcast/ - @dx_podcast - https://twitter.com/DX_podcast Listen on: * https://open.spotify.com/show/2eczo3AXZtcsoHdDcK4ydI * https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-dallas-express-podcast/id1707026300
    19m 41s
  • Episode 8 - Dallas Police Chief, Eddie Garcia

    30 OCT. 2023 · How does Police Chief Eddie Garcia plan to make Dallas the largest safe city in America? He tells us about his plans for the future of the DPD and how we can help reach those goals. Then Sarah does some self-defense training with Tom Blas, a Krav-Maga expert instructor, at his studio in Plano. Visit our website: https://dallasexpress.com/ Subscribe to our newsletter: https://dallasexpress.com/subscribe Download our App: https://urlgeni.us/TheDallasExpress Check out the following: - @dx.podcast - https://www.instagram.com/dx.podcast/ - @Sarah_Z_Bennett - https://www.instagram.com/sarah_z_bennett/ - @Sarah_Z_Bennett - https://twitter.com/Sarah_Z_Bennett - @dx.podcast - https://www.tiktok.com/@dx.podcast - @dallasexpresspodcast - https://www.facebook.com/dallasexpresspodcast/ - @dx_podcast - https://twitter.com/DX_podcast Listen on: * https://open.spotify.com/show/2eczo3AXZtcsoHdDcK4ydI * https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-dallas-express-podcast/id1707026300
    19m 58s
  • Episode 7 - Scott Beck on Dallas Politics and Development (Pt. 2)

    30 OCT. 2023 · In this special second-part series, host Sarah Zubiate Bennett continues her interview with Scott Beck, the renowned Texas real estate developer and financier. Scott shares his thoughts on various topics related to Dallas, such as the need for a strong mayoral system, the effectiveness of private and public development development, and other valuable insights. Then, stay tuned as the podcast tags along with Sarah's visit to Berkley's for some special treats and its welcoming atmosphere, and Foxtrot for more of the same, including a nice nitro coffee and clean ingredients! Visit our website: https://dallasexpress.com/ Subscribe to our newsletter: https://dallasexpress.com/subscribe Download our App: https://urlgeni.us/TheDallasExpress Check out the following: - @dx.podcast - https://www.instagram.com/dx.podcast/ - @Sarah_Z_Bennett - https://www.instagram.com/sarah_z_bennett/ - @Sarah_Z_Bennett - https://twitter.com/Sarah_Z_Bennett - @dx.podcast - https://www.tiktok.com/@dx.podcast - @dallasexpresspodcast - https://www.facebook.com/dallasexpresspodcast/ - @dx_podcast - https://twitter.com/DX_podcast Listen on: * https://open.spotify.com/show/2eczo3AXZtcsoHdDcK4ydI * https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-dallas-express-podcast/id1707026300
  • Episode 6 - Scott Beck on Midtown (Pt. 1)

    16 OCT. 2023 · In this week's episode, Sarah sits down with one of the nation's top developers and CEO and President of Beck Ventures, Scott Beck, who has helped secure billions of dollars in financing for high-profile projects located throughout the country. He is also the visionary behind one of Dallas-Fort Worth's most ambitious redevelopments at the former Valley View Mall site: the new and highly anticipated Dallas Midtown. Later in segment 3, we have the pleasure of getting a private tour of The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza led by its wonderful curator, Stephen Fagin. Join us on this episode as we look at the future of Dallas along with a peak into its rich history. Visit our website: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbDdvOGhpTnBmV2doZ1F0eU9Dc3AxSUV6ZkI5QXxBQ3Jtc0trOUZjRkF4b3RqZWwtSnA5bUo5ZkV0MmRhVHZlbDQwWVlRaHNRWlNqOFJYS2VSTDVPRDI4NExpazJGSk4waVZZVDdITFZ1aUdRSEwtWmhWLVNsYWlqUGpHZ29pZmRYTU9xcTFCa1RFbXcyaDhialNjdw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fdallasexpress.com%2F&v=P-MmYD5rou8 Subscribe to our newsletter: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbW9CSjZKODdCejBXbWIzTWtLVkFPTUM2U2Vhd3xBQ3Jtc0trN1pZc2g4bTJvV1A4WUhIampULWhqVjM0NVN5WG5EczhmRUhqd2ZlTTJCSmhiTEozRmtHMDZiR1c3V0lDeE56MXY4Mm1WWXNPemdNa2FtbWFCZnUxeHMtajBzU1VPeG15LVVwOEhRYXB0bDNfY2FFRQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fdallasexpress.com%2Fsubscribe&v=P-MmYD5rou8 Download our App: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqblgwRk1wZ09VbTZXUkVGcEU5b2FjSGg1b2I2Z3xBQ3Jtc0tuaEs5OFNqVDJaOFRtU1FXWUJ2SjdNbkZQc0xQMHRsSmR6RnhRVGcyTGlGMlJwZmhMZ0JkMTFKdVBlOHplV081ZjBOQm9SeWlaMWE5VHVORWphMVJUSDl2UGNJS1JKdzVkSzRYMW5rbFBEay16YkEybw&q=https%3A%2F%2Furlgeni.us%2FTheDallasExpress&v=P-MmYD5rou8 Check out the following: - @dx.podcast - https://www.instagram.com/dx.podcast/ - @Sarah_Z_Bennett - https://www.instagram.com/sarah_z_bennett/ - @Sarah_Z_Bennett - https://twitter.com/Sarah_Z_Bennett - @dx.podcast - https://www.tiktok.com/@dx.podcast - @dallasexpresspodcast - https://www.facebook.com/dallasexpresspodcast/ - @dx_podcast - https://twitter.com/DX_podcast Listen on: * https://open.spotify.com/show/2eczo3AXZtcsoHdDcK4ydI * https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-dallas-express-podcast/id1707026300
  • Episode 5 - Kelly Jameson

    9 OCT. 2023 · In this episode, Dr. Kelly Jameson talks with Sarah about how overprogramming hurts adults, their children, and more. Dr. Jameson, trained as a systems therapist, explores how thoughts and behaviors impact various life systems like family, work and self. These positive changes can create a ripple effect throughout one's life, as well as the factors parents need to be aware of for a child's educational attainment and more! The Dallas Express has also compiled the following resource guide as a road map for parents committed to better mental health for themselves and their children: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbmJQcDRXRmk4Qkw2WDJqWnVQMnJ4ZXA5a281QXxBQ3Jtc0tuU3lqeDZjX1ZtMU5ZUDB1aWM0TzFlY0txNXM0cEtwMzU4VHVoUVV0ejcyaEd1SlI5N2Q1RzJnY2I4aVY4ZDd2RXR5UGNEdHU3MkxyRDY1VDgzSkZaQ3dodmFkSkRLaG5fWXJyMkZwSENJbzJaVlV6VQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fdallasexpress.com%2Funcategorized%2Fdallas-express-podcast-resource-guide%2F&v=P-MmYD5rou8 Visit our website: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbDdvOGhpTnBmV2doZ1F0eU9Dc3AxSUV6ZkI5QXxBQ3Jtc0trOUZjRkF4b3RqZWwtSnA5bUo5ZkV0MmRhVHZlbDQwWVlRaHNRWlNqOFJYS2VSTDVPRDI4NExpazJGSk4waVZZVDdITFZ1aUdRSEwtWmhWLVNsYWlqUGpHZ29pZmRYTU9xcTFCa1RFbXcyaDhialNjdw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fdallasexpress.com%2F&v=P-MmYD5rou8 Subscribe to our newsletter: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbW9CSjZKODdCejBXbWIzTWtLVkFPTUM2U2Vhd3xBQ3Jtc0trN1pZc2g4bTJvV1A4WUhIampULWhqVjM0NVN5WG5EczhmRUhqd2ZlTTJCSmhiTEozRmtHMDZiR1c3V0lDeE56MXY4Mm1WWXNPemdNa2FtbWFCZnUxeHMtajBzU1VPeG15LVVwOEhRYXB0bDNfY2FFRQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fdallasexpress.com%2Fsubscribe&v=P-MmYD5rou8 Download our App: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqblgwRk1wZ09VbTZXUkVGcEU5b2FjSGg1b2I2Z3xBQ3Jtc0tuaEs5OFNqVDJaOFRtU1FXWUJ2SjdNbkZQc0xQMHRsSmR6RnhRVGcyTGlGMlJwZmhMZ0JkMTFKdVBlOHplV081ZjBOQm9SeWlaMWE5VHVORWphMVJUSDl2UGNJS1JKdzVkSzRYMW5rbFBEay16YkEybw&q=https%3A%2F%2Furlgeni.us%2FTheDallasExpress&v=P-MmYD5rou8 Check out the following: - @dx.podcast - https://www.instagram.com/dx.podcast/ - @Sarah_Z_Bennett - https://www.instagram.com/sarah_z_bennett/ - @Sarah_Z_Bennett - https://twitter.com/Sarah_Z_Bennett - @dx.podcast - https://www.tiktok.com/@dx.podcast - @dallasexpresspodcast - https://www.facebook.com/dallasexpresspodcast/ - @dx_podcast - https://twitter.com/DX_podcast Listen on: * https://open.spotify.com/show/2eczo3AXZtcsoHdDcK4ydI * https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-dallas-express-podcast/id1707026300
    19m 59s
  • Episode 4 - Jeff Schnick

    9 OCT. 2023 · In this episode, Jeff Schnick, CEO of The Dallas Express, and Sarah discuss the effects of crime on individuals, communities, and the city. Later we show a softer side of Dallas. In Segment 3, Sarah and Bettina venture out to The Crow Museum of Asian Art and Lover's Seafood Market for some fun on the town! Enjoy! Visit our website: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbHpldkFvZXZYSmpBaFpyY1VnSUg0OERiNXh3d3xBQ3Jtc0ttTzlKZUM5aEotQzhpN1hETzNWelhRd0NSUHdTWVVtNHktRmtqOHlWNzB3YnU3dFZhM1RzSnkyWDBxajVTeGhwV2dtTWVNUk1zenBwRjNxVmdzUXNXNE1PX2wwMnpnZ1MwR0RJb0tONWM5YzJDaWp6MA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fdallasexpress.com%2F&v=qtKEwjlmK2I Subscribe to our newsletter: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbDRoN0VULW9QQUdqMWlKWVpCbGV6NXRwTHZCZ3xBQ3Jtc0tsQnZISUVSd2xtMDZDR21kOTI0X0pWd2FEVGMtU0V4UUkzUjBUMmpQSE1Vc09xeUhKNHdoQjRSS3drNTJVTVVWb1JnS1lvNVFnUXN6bjJMMHgtR3lEaHdZMmUwMS1PN05LRENWd3psZUstVDUwdGdEOA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fdallasexpress.com%2Fsubscribe&v=qtKEwjlmK2I Download our App: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbnVQSXZBYkxLSkhCazdScE9hYkZxY1E0Rmw1d3xBQ3Jtc0trbUEzMDhsY1hnaEpUcjdfTnFrX3I2OXltTVN5VjFnb21xVzJ5RC04STk3RXlDeXYxOTEzNmcxelhscGtGeUhSd3FLS1FDdVpmeDVoZ0xtM3ZvM0pLTkNsZ3hIdm0tdDRXLXNDZTQtVWw4RTMzVHhORQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Furlgeni.us%2FTheDallasExpress&v=qtKEwjlmK2I Check out the following: - @dx.podcast - https://www.instagram.com/dx.podcast/ - @Sarah_Z_Bennett - https://www.instagram.com/sarah_z_bennett/ - @Sarah_Z_Bennett - https://twitter.com/Sarah_Z_Bennett - @dx.podcast - https://www.tiktok.com/@dx.podcast - @dallasexpresspodcast - https://www.facebook.com/dallasexpresspodcast/ - @dx_podcast - https://twitter.com/DX_podcast Listen on: * https://open.spotify.com/show/2eczo3AXZtcsoHdDcK4ydI * https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-dallas-express-podcast/id1707026300
  • Episode #3 - Candy Evans

    25 SEP. 2023 · On this episode of The Dallas Express Podcast, Sarah interviews Candy Evans, a Dallas Real Estate Icon. In this interview, Sarah & Candy discuss the recent developments in building permits in Dallas as well as the impact taxes have on the city. In Segment 3, Sarah visits Skinique Med Spa in Plano where she receives a professional treatment from Natasha Rockett, the only woman Sarah trusts with something like this. Candy Evans: https://candysdirt.com/author/candace/ Skinique Med Spa: https://www.skiniquemedspa.com/ Visit our website: https://dallasexpress.com/ Subscribe to our newsletter: https://dallasexpress.com/subscribe Download our App: https://urlgeni.us/TheDallasExpress Check out the following: - @dx.podcast - https://www.instagram.com/dx.podcast/ - @Sarah_Z_Bennett - https://www.instagram.com/sarah_z_bennett/ - @Sarah_Z_Bennett - https://twitter.com/Sarah_Z_Bennett - @dx.podcast - https://www.tiktok.com/@dx.podcast - @dallasexpresspodcast - https://www.facebook.com/dallasexpresspodcast/ - @dx_podcast - https://twitter.com/DX_podcast Listen on: * https://open.spotify.com/show/2eczo3AXZtcsoHdDcK4ydI * https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-dallas-express-podcast/id1707026300

Get ready to redefine your Dallas experience with The Dallas Express Podcast featuring Sarah Zubiate Bennett, presented by The Dallas Express. Engage with us every week as we strive to...

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Get ready to redefine your Dallas experience with The Dallas Express Podcast featuring Sarah Zubiate Bennett, presented by The Dallas Express. Engage with us every week as we strive to make Dallas the crown jewel of America. Our dynamic host, Sarah Zubiate Bennett, takes you behind the scenes of the city's growth, diving deep into thought-provoking discussions with lawmakers, community leaders, and the changemakers tasked with tackling the complex challenges of our times. Moreover, we're putting the spotlight on the movers and shakers of Dallas - the ambitious entrepreneurs, vibrant local businesses, and inspiring individuals who truly bring our city to life. Join us on this exciting journey, and together, let's make Dallas shine brighter!
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