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The Dripping Rainbow

To the Max Productions
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    The Dripping Rainbow is your place for orginal works of Gay and Lesbian Literature featuring original works from Rainbow Drip Publications.These stories are presented as a continous series and feature...

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    The Dripping Rainbow is your place for orginal works of Gay and Lesbian Literature featuring original works from Rainbow Drip Publications.These stories are presented as a continous series and feature the experiences of LBGTQ charcters either through their real life journeys or based off of them.Most of the stories here are first person as our leads open up their worlds for us to experience in their own words.

    These presentations contain graphic explicit sexual content as they are told exactly as they happened.

    Maximum Jones is proud to read these stories for our listeners as he brings his unique sex story telling skills to The Dripping Rainbow

    Rainbow Drip Publications has made it their mission to provide original works of LBGTQ Literature to the listening universe as a way to give diverse stories a chance to be told and hopefullty entertain,eduacate and bring awareness to the many different types of love that exists. Love is Love
    no matter your sexual preference.

    New shows will air the 2nd and last Saturday of the month at 9 pm CDT

    You can reach us at thedrippingrainbow@outlook.com

    Spread the love and support for all our LBGTQ family and friends and share the beautiful colors of every rainbow by simply saying i love you exactly how you are! We love you!

    For bonus content and giveaways please consider becoming a paid subscriber to The Dripping Rainbow. For only $2 you will help us out incredibly to continue our mission to produce as much new content as possible.Thanks for your consideration!
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