A short daily trip down the lane of Christian History. Looking at the fascinating people and events that have shaped a universal civilisation.

Episodios & Posts
16 ABR. 2022 · Today we look at how Christians celebrate Easter all over the world and how it survived in Communist Russia
14 ABR. 2022 · We look at Good Friday and the historical evidence surrounding the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ, including the Turin Shroud and the St Helens discovery of the True Cross
3 ABR. 2022 · Saint Isidore wrote the 20 volume Etymologies, an encyclopedia that saved much knowledge from the ancient world. The Western Roman empire had collapsed and barbarian tribes had taken over much of Europe. Pope John Paul II declared Isidore patron saint of the internet for this achievement
1 ABR. 2022 · Today we look at the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem and how a group of Palestinian militants sought sanctuary there . We look at the history of this pilgrimage spot and how it shared by three monasteries. Also look at the role of the Franciscans in the Holy Land as custodians of the Holy Sites.
31 MAR. 2022 · We look at research into the historical date of the Last Supper, looking at the calendar that Jesus would have used
7 DIC. 2021 · Today we remember the death of Carl Watzinger - the German archaeologist who made historic discoveries in the important biblical sites of Jericho and Capernaum
15 OCT. 2021 · John Polkinghorne believed that science and religion provided a binocular vision of the truth. He left a prestigious post in Physics and Cambridge University to become an Anglican priest
23 AGO. 2021 · Today approximately 2000 puritans resigned their pulpits as deadline came for forced assent to the Book of Common Prayer. We look at the remarkable impact they have had in both Britain and North America
30 MAR. 2021 · The rich and varied life of John Donne, the greatest of the metaphysical poets in Elizabethan England. Born into a persecuted Catholic family he ended up as the Dean of St Pauls.
29 MAR. 2021 · Today in 1533 Thomas Cranmer was ordained Archbishop of Canterbury, historians mark this as the beginning of the Reformation in England. We look at his opportunistic rise and his downfall
A short daily trip down the lane of Christian History. Looking at the fascinating people and events that have shaped a universal civilisation.
Autor | Pearl of Great Price |
Organización | Pearl of Great Price |
Categorías | Cristianismo |
Página web | - |
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